北师大版(三起)六年级下册Unit 7 Vacation-Lesson 1 Mochy's trip.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:608e3).zip

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I went to. I went there. I . I went there with.课题名称:六年级下册课题名称:六年级下册 Unit Seven Vacation Lesson one Enjoy the story 1.教学时间:40 分钟 2.授课人数:30 人 3.课时:1 课时 4.课型:新授课 5.授课班级:六(10)班 6.课题出处:北师大版本六年级下册(2001) 1.课程标准的要求 课程标准中的二级目标规定在听方面,学生要能认读所学词语, 听懂简单的话语或者录音材料。读懂简单的对话或者故事。本课时是一节 故事课,课程标准要求能够理解,听懂,正确朗读所学故事,会运用重点 句型进行对话和重述。 2.本单元在本册书中的地位 本单元为六年级下册第 7 单元:本单元的学习主要内容是一般过去时。 在六年级上册中学生已经学习了部分一般过去时。Unit 7 Vacation 在本事 基本情况说明基本情况说明 教材分析教材分析 大教材中起着承上启下的作用。 3.具体内容分析 本单元主要围绕 Mocky 的旅行做了展开。 本课时,Mocky 旅行回来,他的朋友 Ann 和 Ken 询问了有关于他旅 行的情况。本课时通过呈现了十幅图画讲述了故事。 从教材文本来分析,重点句型是:(1)How was your trip?It was wonderful. (2)Where did you go ? I went to London.(3)Did you go there by plane ? Yes, I did. (4)Who did you with? I went there with uncle Boocky. (5) Did you take any photos?Yes. 1.本次上课学为官渡中心学校六年级的学生,基于总体情况分析,学 生英语能力程度中等。 2.六年级的学生,经过三四五年级的学习,英语能力有了一定的发展, 具有一定的听、说、读、写的能力。 3.知识及句型分析:how,what,where,who 特殊疑问词对学生来说并不 陌生,理解难度适中。 学生及学情分析学生及学情分析 教学目标教学目标 知识与技能知识与技能 1. 经本课时的学习,学生能理解故事内容,能够按意群正确朗读故事。 2. 经本课时的学习,学生能理解 first plane,go with,take photos 的 含义。 3. 经本课时的学习,学生初步感知 How was your weekend?,Where did you go? How did you go? What did you do? Did you .句型来询问别人假 期的活动。 4. 经本课时的学习,学生能初步了解在阅读中捕捉关键词,寻找答案 的阅读方式。 5. 经本课时的学习,学生能够根据思维导图重述故事。 学习策略学习策略 1. 在课堂上能够积极与他人合作,共同的完成学习任务。 2. 在课堂学习中,能够积极的思考,而不仅仅是跟着教师的思维。 3. 在本节课中能够善于记住要点,重点。 4. 能够举一反三。 情感态度情感态度 通过幻灯片教学,活跃课堂气氛,吸引学生注意,培养好学上进的 情感。 创设情境,诱导学生积极思考与讨论,激发学习动机,培养学生兴趣, 并培养学生成功的喜悦。 文化意识文化意识 通过本单元的学习,能够乐于接触异国风景。 1.语法:一般过去时的特殊疑问句及回答。 2.句型:(1)How was your trip?It was wonderful. (2)Where did you go ? I went to London.(3)Did you go there by plane ? Yes, I did. (4)Who did you with? I went there with uncle Boocky.(5)Did you take any photos? 教学难点教学难点 1. 知识点的教学 本节课的教学是一节新授课,在故事中让学生感受特殊疑问句与一般 过去时的结合,及其答句。但是本节课感受的句型较多,在有限的时间内 让学生感知所有重点句型有一定难度。 2.让学生在故事后,运用第一人称重述故事,并可以写一篇约五句话 的作文。 教学准备教学准备 教学重点教学重点 1.学生准备 学生只需准备教材和文具。 2.教师准备 教学媒体及课件、板书卡纸、作业单、心理准备。 1、热身、导入新课热身、导入新课 (1)Teacher say hello to students. (2)Watch and answer teachers question :Teacher play a video about summer vacation and let students answer the question. (3)Teacher say something about her vacation ,teacher play a video of London . (4)Teacher ask students how do do they like London. (5)Teacher say we are going to learn a lesson about vacation and trip. 三、授新课三、授新课 (一)Pre-reading 1.What do you want to know about this story? 2. Whats the story about? 教学过程教学过程 3.Who is in the story ? (2)While-reading 1. Read and finish the blanks (1)Whats the title or topic? (2)Whats happened at beginning of the story? (3)Whats the end of the story? 2. Finish the blanket (1) Whats the topic? (2) What happened in the begging and Whats the end of this story? 3. Read and find and circle the worksheet (1)How was your trip ? (2)Where did you go ? (3)How did you go? (4)Who did you go with ? 4. Read the story (3)Post -reading 1. Retell the story 2. Try to be a reporter -interview your desk-mate 3. Lets cut, stick and write. Teacher prepare four worksheets which are related to “wh” question and have a lot of picture . Let the students cut the picture , stick to the worksheet and write their trips based on the pictures. (四)Summary Teacher make a summary how to ask about others vacation. 板书板书 1. Share your last holiday with your classmates or your friends。 2.Write a composition named“My winter holiday. (一)教学成功之处(一)教学成功之处 1.两次运用视频,让学生在听、看、说中结合。首先让学生感知假期, 导入主题。最后在读完故事之后让学生观看有关伦敦的视频,让学生了解 伦敦,进而对于伦敦表达自己的喜好。 2.紧紧的围绕读这一话题,让学生自己阅读,体现了故事读为中心的思 想。 (二)教学不足之处:(二)教学不足之处: 本节课感知的句型比较多,在有限的时间范围内没有有效的练习 作业布置作业布置 教学反思教学反思 每一个关键句型。 (三)教师表现反思(三)教师表现反思 录课过程中心情紧张,偶尔出现口语卡顿和口语错误。 (四)学生表现反思(四)学生表现反思 1.学生在课堂上表现活跃,积极回答问题。 2.根据学生反映情况,学生基本掌握重点句型。学校:官渡区官渡中心学校 Unit 7 Vacation 授课教师:施应娥 年级:六年级(下册) 学科:英语 版本:北师大版(2001) Lesson one Enjoy the story Unit 7 Vacation Lesson one Enjoy the story I had a very happy winter vavation . I had a wonderful trip. I went to London. What places do you see? How do you like ? What places do you see? London Brige the Brtisth Museum Hyde park big ben How do you like London? It is. clean big beautiful Do you want to go to London? lets free talk How was your winter vacation? It was. Pre reading Task 1 story trip What do you know about this story? lets read and find out 12 While Reading Task 1 Whats the story about ? read very fast and find the answers . lets read and find out 13 While Reading Task 1 Its about Moockys trip While Reading Task 2 topic begining end read and find what happens in the story Mockys trip Mocky , Ann and Kenn are talking about Mockys trip. Ann and Kenn got a gift from Mocky. While Reading Task 3 read circle and finish the mind map While Reading Task 4 read and circle I visited , and . London Brige Hyde park the Brtisth Museum 22 While reading Task 5 Try to read Post reading Task 1 retell the stoies Post reading Task 2 Try to be a reporter A: Hello. Where did you go over/in/during _____ ? B: I went to _____. A: How did you go there? B: We went there by ____. A: What did you do there? B: I ___________________________. A: Sounds great! Word bank Time: Labour Day holiday, summer holiday,winter holiday,May day Places: Shenzhen , Beijing , London , New York Transportation: by plane, by train, by subway Activities: rode a horse, went swimming, ate fresh food, May day the UK plane rode a horse lets interviw Post reading Task 2 2. Where did you go? 3. How did you go there? 1. How was your weekend? 4. What did you do ? lets Write Task 3 Summary: How was your weekend? Where did you go? How did you go there? What did you do? 1.Share your last holiday with your classmates or yourfriends 2.Ask your classmates or your friends about their vacation. 录制时间:2019年5月30日 录制单位:云南师范大学世纪金源小学
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