北师大版(三起)六年级下册Unit 7 Vacation-Lesson 3 Have fun.-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:10adf).zip

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Chen Jie Sarah Miss White Wu Yifan Who is not here Who is not here Who is not here Who is not here Who is not here Who is not here 神秘人物是谁? 猜一猜! Mike Sarah Miss White 怀特小姐 Hello! Hi! Hello, Im Miss White. Hi! Im Sarah. Hello! Im Wu Y Yifan. Hello! Im Mike. 大家好!我是迈克。大家好!我是迈克。 Hello, Im _______. Hi, Im _________. Hello, Im __________. Chen Jie Miss White Sarah Hello, Im Miss White. Hello! Im Wu Y Yifan. Hi! Im Sarah. Hello, Im John.John Hello, Im Miss White. Hi, Im Mike. Goodbye ! Bye! 跟朋友说再见。跟朋友说再见。 Goodbye! Bye! 跟朋友打招呼跟朋友打招呼: Hello!Hi! 向朋友介绍自己:向朋友介绍自己: Im 选择正确的答案: 1.当别人跟你打招呼时,你应该回答: ( )A. Goodbye. B. Hello! 2.当进行自我解我介绍时,你应该说: ( )A. Im Mike. B. Hello! 3.当你的朋友跟你说再见时,你应该回答: ( )A. Hello! B. Goodbye! A B B S1: Hello, Im _________. S2: Hi, Im ___________. S1: Goodbye! S2: Bye! Have a try! 试一试试一试 bag I have a bag. a bag a ruler I have a ruler. ruler a pencil I have a pencil. pencil an I have an eraser. eraser eraser crayon a crayon I have a crayon. a bag a ruler an eraser a pencil a crayon I have ______. I have a .Me too! Me too! Me too! Me too! I have a . I have an . I have a .1 - Unit 1 Hello 教学设计书 一、一、Teaching aims: 1. Language skills (语言技能目标) : 学生能在课件(动画、声音)提示下看懂关于 Asking ones names 的小故事; 学生能根据动画和声音模仿 Asking ones names 小故事的对话; 学生能根据图片情景猜测简单的询问名字的对话内容; 学生能在教师的指导下用英语表演所学的故事内容; 部分学生能认读 Whats your name? Im/ My names 能与大家一起演唱 My names Gogo. 2. Language knowledge(语言知识目标): 学习运用 Whats your name? Im/ My names 谈论名字; 学会唱 My names Gogo。 3.3. Attitudes to learning(情感态度目标): 让学生体会到英语学习的乐趣; 培养学生敢于开口,不怕出错的良好习惯。 4. Learning strategies(学习策略目标): 学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流; 通过活动和竞赛,让学生学会与同伴合作,共同完成学习任务。 二、二、Teaching key points: 1、能运用 Whats your name? Im/ My names 谈论名字。 三、三、Teaching different points: 1、综合运用 Hello!/Hi! Whats your name? Im/ My names 四、四、Teaching aids: 1. CAI. 2.Headwears. 3.Name cards. - 2 - 五、五、Instructional strategies(教学策略):(教学策略): 本课使用整体教学法、故事教学法、任务型教学法、歌谣教学法等手段,丰富教 学形式,使学生乐于参与到活动中。对于一年级学生,课堂纪律调控是最头痛的,这 节课合理、科学地利用比赛牢牢把握学生的行为动向,更好地调动了学生的学习积极 性。教学中能紧扣重点、合理分散难点,由浅入深,层层递进,能较好地培养学生学 习英语的兴趣与信心。 六、六、Flow-chart: 七、七、Teaching procedures: Presentation Warming- up& Revision Sing a song. Say “Hello” to our new friends. Learn “Whats your name? Im” from Story One. Show the learning objectives. Learn “Whats your name? My names” from Story Two. Use P4 “Lets talk” to practice. Use P4 “Lets talk” to practice. Practice Extension Summary &Homework A new song: My names Gogo. Make a new song from the above. Meet new friends. Use the structures. English names for Ss. - 3 - Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1. Greetings. 1 【Purpose:Try to say “Hello!” and “Hi!” with the students. Lets Ss know how to greet sb.】 2. Sing the song on P5. 1 【Purpose:To cheer up the students. And to review “Im ”.】 3. Say “Hello” to our new friends. 2 Way: When Ss hear “Hi/Hello, Im (Mocky).” They put up their hands to answer: Hello, (Mocky). 【Purpose:To be familiar with Mocky, Uncle Booky, Ann and Ken. And to review greeting sb.】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the learning objectives. 1 【Purpose:To show the learning objectives at the beginning can make Ss know the main contents of this lesson. And it can help to activate students knowledge(激活学生的已有知识). Use Lanmao to say the objectives can arouse students interest better.】 2. Learn “Whats your name? Im” from Story One. 6 (1)Watch the story twice. (2) Read after it. Use little chant to practice “Whats your name?”. Little chant: Whats your name? Whats your name? Clap hands when saying the chant. Whats your name? (After reading “Whats your name?” and “Im .”, write them on the blackboard.) - 4 - (3) Guess and say: What are they talking? (4) Read together. (5) Read in roles in pairs. 【Purpose:Students learn this new language pattern from listening, imitating and reading. And “Whats your name?” is a little difficult to say well. So a little chant can make it easier and better. 】 3. Use P4 “Lets talk” to practice. 4 (1) Look and guess: What are they talking? (2) Read after the computer. (3) Read in roles in groups. (4) Ask some pairs to act out the story. 【Purpose:Its a lesson in Grade One, but we cant just read and imitate from the teacher and the CAI. We should give Ss chances to practice our language structures. Use “Lets talk” is a very good way. It makes Ss familiar with the materials in our book. So that it can cultivate a good sense of self-confidence to learn English.】 4. Learn “Whats your name? My names” from Story Two. 6 (1) Lead in: Lanmao tells us theres another way to ask ones name. (2)Watch the story. - 5 - (3) Read after it. Use little chant to practice “My names ”. Little chant: My name, my name, My names Puppy. My name, my name, Clap hands when saying the chant. My names Teddy. (After reading “My names”, write them on the blackboard.) (4) Guess and say: What are they talking? (5) Read together. (6) Read in roles in pairs. 【Purpose:Students learn this new language pattern from listening, imitating and reading, too. The little chant can make the new pattern “My names ” easier, better and Ss maybe happier to learn it. And the reason I choose the same situation is that too much new things in a short story is not so good, especially in Grade One. The same situation but saying different words can make them understand it well. 】 5. Use P4 “Lets talk” to practice. 4 (1) Look and guess: What are they talking? (2) Read after the computer. (3) Read in roles in groups. (4) Act out the story. - 6 - 【Purpose:Using the materials in our book can cultivate a good sense of self-confidence to learn English. Because when Ss open their book, they will find that they can read it. And using the same situation is also better to understand the other way of asking ones name. 】 Step 3 Practice 1. A new song: My names Gogo. 2 (1) Lead in: “Good acting. Ill give you a song as a reward. Lets listen.” (2) Listen and learn the song “My names Gogo”. (3) Sing the song. 【Purpose:Students like songs. It can around Ss interest. Also this song makes a new situation of asking ones name. So Ss can practice the new patterns well here. The reason I choose this song is that some Ss know Gogo and like Gogo. Also, the words in this song just suit for the new patterns. 】 2. Make a new song from the above. 1.5 (1) Lead in: “Gogo flies and flies(上面的歌曲 Gogo 正在飞), he meets Mocky. What will they say?” (2) Listen and sing the song. - 7 - 【Purpose:Its a new dialogue and a new situation. It can help Ss grasp the different points when singing the song.】 Step 4 Extension. 1. Use the structures: Whats your name? Im / My names 2.5 (1) Lead in: “Gogo wants to know you.” (2) Ask and answer with the students(Wearing Gogos headgear). (3) Pair work. 【Purpose:To develop Ss abilities of using the new language structures.】 2. English names for Ss. 4 (1) Gogo leads in: “Well done! Youd better have English names.” (2) Talk about rules. (PPT 21) (3) Use NAME CARDS to play. The one answers “My names” best can get the English name. 【Purpose:Some good students can get an English name in this game. They will like it very much, because its a reward. They will proud of the English name that they have. And I think the other students will like to have an English name, too. Also we can practice our new language structures here.】 3. Meet new friends. 2 【Purpose:让学生综合运用 Hello!/ Hi! Whats your name?认识新同学,培养学生的语 言综合运用能力。 】 Step 5 Summary 1. Summarize briefly of what we learned this lesson, then read it. 1 【Purpose:Say so much before. Its better to give a briefly summarize. This can make Ss clear of the main contents of this lesson. 】 2. Give the result of our match. 1 【Purpose: “Well beginning is half done.” And I think a good ending can make a better beginning. Here, a few words can cultivate students interest in learning English in future days.】 Step 6 Homework - 8 - 1. Use “Whats your name?” to meet new friends. 1 【Purpose:This homework makes Ss talk about ones name in the class or outside the class. It gives Ss chance to greet sb. or make new friends with others. 】 八、八、Blackboard writing:(板书设计)(板书设计) 九、教学检测安排:九、教学检测安排: 1、在教学的各个环节及时反馈学习情况; 2、通过课间与学生的谈话(英语)了解学生的掌握情况; 3、利用早读课、课前复习检测学习情况,及时查漏补缺。 十、相关练习:十、相关练习: - 9 - 十一、教学反思:十一、教学反思: 本节课我以第一课时的 chant 作为热身活动,既可以把学生上课的积极性先调动起 来,又可以复习到第一课时的指令动作 stand up 和 sit down。再利用猜一猜引出角色 Ann 和 Ken,然后在第一课时的基础上,练习 Hello, Im这个句型。我觉得今节课的 成功之处有: 1课堂设计巧妙,寓教于乐,充分调动和保持学生的学习兴趣,让学生在自觉或 不自觉的状态下多开口练。本课时所创设的语言情境和让学生进行角色扮演是基于语 - 10 - 言运用为目的,借助多媒体教学,创设易懂的英语学习情境,理解不同情境所表达的 信息和语言材料,激发学生想表达的欲望,并在随后的角色扮演中锻炼他们运用语言 的能力,使整个教学源于生活,又用于生活,使学生学有所用,感受学习英语的快乐, 体验成功的喜悦。 2在小学英语教学中,教师准确、适当、自然协调地运用体态语,能有效地帮助 组织教学。所以,在本节课中,我用了大量的体态语。 3教学各环节清楚紧凑,过渡自然。 不足之处: 1我觉得在最后拓展的时候有些学生不是很清楚老师的指令。 2课堂到最后的时候时间把握得不够准确。
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