北师大版(三起)六年级下册Unit 7 Vacation-Lesson 6 Round up.-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:300c7).zip

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Rules around us的教学设计 马跑泉崖湾小学 邵海霞 一、教学背景 1. 本课执教对象是六年级的学生,他们普遍具有较强的好奇心 和求知欲。因此在课堂上应注重师生互动、生生互动,以多样化的 教学形式来吸引学生的兴趣和注意力。 2. 本单元的标题叫“Rules round us”。通过对 rules 的学习, 了解一些通用规则的标志的含义,学会用“We must do .”, “We mustnt do .”和 “Dont do ”来阐述规则,并了解 不同规则的英文表述,从而学会能够自己制定一些简单的规则。这 个话题句型贴近日常生活,有一定的实用性。本课是该单元的第一 课时,因此,重点在于对这两个句型的操练。 3.教学内容中,新授词汇和句型的结构相对简单,因此教学的 重点应该立足于句型的操练以及如何应用到生活中,以现实生活为 语境,实现语言知识的整合和应用。 二教学的设计主线 在英语教学中,学生因其内容枯燥对于自然科学的学习缺乏应 有的兴趣,因此本课设计中,适当采用情境教学法,利用多媒体课 件,把学生的学习活动带到真实的生活环境中。从个人练习到小组 练习,争取让每个学生都能够开口说英语。 学习目标: 知识目标 1、Identify the places which have certain rules. 2、Learning to use the sentence structures “we must do ”, “we mustnt do ” and “Dont do ” 3、Learning to use the phrases: run across the road, leave rubbish, pick the flowers, listen to our teacher and so on. 能力目标 1、To develop students ability of speaking by learning how to express “we must do ”, “we mustnt do ” and “Dont do ”. 2、To have the students identify the meanings of various signs around us and know how to express different rules for different places. 情感态度价值观 To have the students know much more about the rules around us so that they can obey the rules better. 学习重难点 重点: 1、Using modals “must” / “must not”to express prohibitions. 2、To use the useful phrases correctly. 难点: Using modals “must” / “must not”to express prohibitions. 学习用具: 录音机、磁带、文字幻灯片 学习过程 一、Warming up Hello!Boys and girls!How are you today? Play a game:do as what I say.(Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Wave your hands! Sit down! Clap your hands!) 二、Pre-task 1.通过动作 Xu引出 Dont talk loudly! 2.看看哪些地方有规则,播放一些场景。(In the classroom、In the library、In the park、On the road) 3.通过图片学习 Dont enter、Dont turn left 等。 T:What does this sign mean? S:Dont (引导出 We must not) T:Where can we find it? S:We can find it 三、Practice 1.听 rules,说出相应图片的方位。 A.in the park B.on the road C.in the library D.in the classroom 2.做动作,猜相应的 rules。 教师做,学生猜,或者学生来做,由其他学生自己猜。 3.抽图片,说出相应的规则。 4.对子练习 一个学生拿图片提问:What does this mean?Where can we find it?,另一个学生回答:DontWe must not,We can find it 四、Post-task 看图填空。 五、Homework 自己动手制作一张规则卡片。 板书设计 Rules round us? 1.What does this sign mean? Play ball games DontWe must not walk on the grass Talk loudly Turn leftenter 2.Where can we find it? We can find it(in the park、on the road、in the library、in the classroom)
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