北师大版(三起)三年级下册Unit 8 Vegetables-lesson 1 They're tomatoes-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)(编号:a1523).zip

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    • Unit4 At the farm教学课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 小组合作背景音乐.mp3
    • 教案a1523.doc--点击预览
    • 测试题.doc--点击预览
    • 蔬菜歌曲视频.mp4


Part A Lets learn Unit 4 At the farm Today, Mike, John and Sarah are at a farm. Lets go and have a look,OK? (火眼金睛)Whats at the farm? carrot carrots tomato tomatoes tomatoes The potatoes are big. greenreen beansbeans Look at the green beans. Theyre so long! Vegetable baby Hello, Im vegetable baby. I have a _______nose(鼻鼻). I have _____eyes(眼)(眼). I have a ____mouth(口)(口) . I have _______ears(耳)(耳) . I have ____hair(头发)(头发). carrot onions green beans potatoes tomatoes -What are these? -They are carrots. 这些这些 Guess: What are these? They are . Lets make a chant What are these? What are these? Potatoes , potatoes. They are potatoes. . 1 2 3 小组对话,其中一人为农场主,其他为游客,小组对话,其中一人为农场主,其他为游客, 编对话。可参考以下:编对话。可参考以下: G:Welcome to our farm! V:What are these? G: They are. V: Look at the . They are so long/big. G: Have fun! / Have a good time!( 玩得玩得 开心开心!)UnitUnit 4At4At thethe farmPartAfarmPartA LetsLets learn&learn& LetsLets chantchant 教学设计教学设计 1、Warming up Free talk (一)问候:Hello!Everyboby! -Hello! Miss Shang! (二)(1)师问:Whats the weather like today? -Its. (2)师问:What time is it? (拿出钟表)-It s.oclock.师说 Its time for 生说:English class.师: Ok.Are you ready? 生:Yes. (三)Lets enjoy a song.Ok? 师放关于蔬菜类英语歌曲视频,师生齐拍手唱。 2、Presentation (1)师带草帽,做动作。问:Guess,whats my job? 生答:Farmer.师说:Yes.Im a farmer.I work at the farm.进入本单元主题。并教读 at the farm。 (2)分大组:Group1: you have farm1 Group2: you have farm2 (3)师放幻灯片:Today,Mike、Sarah and John are at a farm.Lets go and have a look. Ok? 火眼金睛 :Whats at the farm?生答:pig dog appl 出现 rabbit.教读 rabbit。问生:Do you know what does the rabbit like to eat?课件呈现一个胡萝卜。 But how to say in English?师拿单词卡教读单词 Carrot.课件再次呈现三个胡萝卜, carrot? No,carrots.加 s。教读 carrots.此时,教师把单词卡贴 在黑板上,同时拿出胡萝卜图片贴在黑板上。教读 one carrot,but three carrots。 (四)师放幻灯片:Guess,which vegetable?Its green and red。生答:西红柿。Yes.呈现一个西红柿,教 读单词 tomato.注意这个单词的发音。呈现几个西红柿,教 读 tomatoes,讲解词尾加 es 的规则。同样在黑板上贴西红 柿图片和单词卡。 (五)幻灯片呈现单词 tomato,注意看字母 t 变成 p,m 变成 t,组成全新单词 potato,教读单词 potato,呈 现几个土豆,是 potatoes,强调规则。同样在黑板上贴土豆 图片和单词卡。教读句型:The potatoes are big. (六)幻灯片呈现一筐豆角,教读单词 green beans。 同样在黑板上贴豆角图片和单词卡。教读句子:Look at the green beans.Theyre so long! (七)师拿出一个胡萝卜问:Whats this? 生答: Its a carrot.师拿出几个胡萝卜,问:What are these?师教读句子 What are these?-They are carrots. 对比 Whats this? -Its a carrot.并作板书,将句子 写在黑板上,同样的方法依次问西红柿、马铃薯和豆角。 都写在黑板上,并贴图片。 3、Consolidation (1)Vegetable baby Hello,Im vegetable baby. I have a _______nose. I have _____eyes. I have a ____mouth. I have _______ears. I have ____hair. (二)Guess:-What are these? -They are . (三)Lets make a chant. What are these? What are these? Potatoes , potatoes. They are potatoes. . (4)Farm open day!(农场开放日) 小组对话,其中一人为农场主,其他为游客,编对话。可 参考以下: G:Welcome to our farm! V:What are these? G: They are. V: Look at the . They are so long/big. G: Have fun! / Have a good time!(玩得开心!) 4、Conclusion tag (一)Lets chant I like tomatoes. I like potatoes. Carrots I will try. I Love to eat green beans. But onions make me cry. (2)Vegetables are good for us. Lets eat more vegetables! Ok? (5)板书设计 Unit 4 At the farm carrots What are these? Tomatoes carrots Potatoes They are tomatoes green beans potatoes green beans1 Unit 4 At the farm 一、写出所给单词的复数形式。 carrot apple potato this tomato 二、选择最佳答案。 (30 分) ( )1、I like _______ . A. potatoes B. potato C. potatos ( ) 2、Look___ the green beans. A. in B. at C. on ( )3、___are these? Theyre carrots. A. Who B. What C. Where ( )4、What are these? - .A. Its a pear. B. They are pears. ( )5、What is this? - . A. Its a ruler. B. They are eggs. 三、选择正确的答语。 ( )1、Are these tomatoes? A、They are sheep. ( )2、How many books do you have? B、No, they arent. ( )3、Whats the weather like? C、I have five. ( )4、What are these? D、Its rainy. ( )5、How many dogs are there? E、There are 11. 四、读一读,选出不属于同一类的一项。 ( ) 1、A. tomatoes B. potatoes C. horse ( ) 2、 A. onion B. sheep C. goat ( ) 3、A. these B. those C. garden ( ) 4、 A. hens B. carrots C. green beans ( ) 5、 A. small B. big C. green 五、给下列各图找到相应的单词。 2 1、tomato 2、potato 3、hen 4、goat 5、onion 6、cow 7、carrot 8、horse 六、根据所给的图片书面回答所提的问题(答案需要完整)、根据所给的图片书面回答所提的问题(答案需要完整) 。 1.What are these ? 2.Are they potatoes? 3.How many apples are there? 4. What can you see ? 5.How many carrots do you have
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