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1、六年级英语期中学业质量监测 2020.11 基础 附加 友情提醒:同学们,请仔细审题,认真作答! 第一卷第一卷选择题选择题(共 65 分) 一、一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。 (每空(每空 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分)分) () 1. A. mountainB. mouthC. houseD. tree () 2. A. wasB. wereC. areD. where () 3. A. hardB. halfC. handD. had () 4. A. cleverB. elevenC. sevenD. made () 5. A. lik

2、edB. lookedC. livedD. year () 6.A.hungryB. happenC. happyD. hurry () 7.A.eatingB. meetingC. gettingD. fishing () 8. A. work hard B.think hardC. study hardD. learn hard () 9. A. turn left B.turn intoC. turn greenD. get warm () 10. A. watched cartoons B. watched a film C. watched a matchD. watched a g

3、ame 二、听录音,选择正确的应答,听两遍。二、听录音,选择正确的应答,听两遍。 (每空(每空 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) () 11.A. Yes, I did.B. I went to the park.C. They made clothes. ( ) 12.A.I picked some flowers. B. I did my homework.C. I was at home. () 13.A. It was great fun.B. Yes, it was.C. Thank you. ( ) 14.A. Yes, she is.B. She lived in Shan

4、ghai.C. He lived in Beijing. () 15. A. New clothes, please.B. I wore a blue T-shirt.C. Theyre beautiful. 三、根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案,听两遍。三、根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案,听两遍。 (每空(每空 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) () 16. A. Yes, it is.B. No, it wasnt.C. No, it isnt. () 17. A. He took photos.B. He did housework.C. He flew kites. ()

5、18. A.No, its windy.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, it is. () 19. A. Jims.B. Marys.C. Su Hais. () 20. A. Some bears and giraffes.B. Monkeys and pandas. C. Bears, tigers, monkeys and parrots. 四、根据听到的短文内容,判断下面内容的正误,正确的写“四、根据听到的短文内容,判断下面内容的正误,正确的写“T T” ,不正确的写,不正确的写 “F F” ,听三遍。,听三遍。 (每空(每空 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) ()

6、 21. We went to the park on Sunday. () 22. We went there by bus. () 23. There isnt a lake in the zoo. () 24. We watched monkeys in the zoo. () 25. We left the zoo at three thirty. 1 五、单项选择。五、单项选择。( (每空每空 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分分) ) () 26. it often rainy? Yes, of course. And ityesterday. A. Does; rainedB.

7、Is; rainedC. Was; rains () 27. My mother went, but my father. A. fishing; doesntB. swimming; isntC. shopping; didnt () 28. My brother _ his homework. So his teacher Miss Li was very angry. A. didB. didnt doC. didnt () 29. What are you?I cant_ my camera. A. looking at; findB. looking for; findC. find

8、ing; look for () 30. Helenan emailher e-friend last week. A .wrote; fromB .wrote; toC .writes; for () 31. Mike_ at school yesterday. A. isntB. wasntC. didnt () 32. Mr Green was very, and the football match was so. A. excited; excitingB. exciting; excitedC. exciting; exciting () 33.- Where _ you just

9、 now? - I _ in the playground. A. was; wereB. was; wasC. were; was () 34. Look at the _ cowboy. A. Americans B. AmericanC. Americans () 35. Each girl in the club _ a song. A. singsB. singC. sang 六、根据句意,从方框中选择适当的答句,填写序号。六、根据句意,从方框中选择适当的答句,填写序号。 (每空(每空 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) () 36. How was your holiday?

10、A. My family visited it. () 37. Who visited the Tianan men Square? B. No, there werent. () 38. Were there any people in the cinema? C. It was windy. D. We went to Beijing.() 39. How was the weather? E. It was wonderful. () 40. Where did you go for the summer holiday? 七、选择方框内的内容完成对话。七、选择方框内的内容完成对话。 (

11、每空(每空 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) Lily:Good morning.41 A. What did you see there? David: I went to a farm with my friends. B. Where did you go last weekend? Lily: Sounds great.42 C. Did you pick apples? David: By car. D. How did you go there? Lily: Is it far?43 E. How long did it take to get there? David: A

12、bout half an hour. Lily:44David: We saw a lot of animal and fruit trees. Lily :45David: Yes, we did. 八、完形填空。八、完形填空。( (每空每空 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分分) ) One day, Miss Rabbit _46_ out for food. She found a big pumpkin in the field. “_47_ big it is! Ill carry it home. But the pumpkin is too _48_. _49_can I 2

13、do?” The rabbit was sitting on the road. Just_50_, Mr Panda came over on his bike. He said, “Lets _ _51_ the pumpkin on the bike and take it to your home.” “No, thanks.” said the rabbit. Miss Rabbit looked _52_ the wheels of the bike and had a good idea. She_53_ the pumpkin over and rolled it as a w

14、heel worked. It was much easier and soon she _54_to her house. How clever the rabbit _55_! () 46. A. goes () 47. A. How () 48. A. light () 49. A. What B. went B. What B. heavy B. Where C. came C. What a C. small C. How () 50. A. thenB. whenC. once () 51. A. gaveB. putC. brought () 52. A. atB. afterC

15、. out () 53. A. putB. tookC. turned () 54. A. reachedB. gotC. arrived () 55. A.isB. wasC. were 九、阅读理解。九、阅读理解。( (每空每空 1 1 分,分,1010 分分) ) A.A.阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的写“阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的写“T T” ,不相符的写“,不相符的写“ F F” 。 (5 5分)分) Easter and Christmas are two major (主要的) Christian (基督教的) festivals. But Eas

16、ter is not as big a festival as Christmas. It starts usually in late March or early April and the Easter holiday is Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Its quite a long holiday for everybody. The main (主要的) symbol (象征物) of Easter is the Easter egg. Children like Easter eggs because they are made of

17、 chocolate. Easter is also a time for families to get together like Christmas. Many people see Easter as a nice long holiday and they have a good time with their families and friends. () 56. Easter is as big a festival as Christmas. () 57.People begin to celebrate Easter in late March or early April

18、 . () 58.Easter eggs are real eggs. () 59.From the passage, we can know that the Easter holiday has five days. () 60.People love Easter because its a long holiday. B.B. 阅读短文,选出正确的答案。阅读短文,选出正确的答案。 (5 5分)分) A well-dressed man went into a restaurant one day. He asked for a lot of nice dishes. At that t

19、ime, a boy came in and sat down beside the man. The man gave him a hamburger. Then he told the boy that he wanted to buy some drinks and then left ( 离 开).Excuse me, your father didnt pay (付钱) for his meal and your hamburger,the waitress (服务员) said. Father? Youre wrong. I dont know him at all. I saw

20、him in the street. He says that he will give me a hamburger if I come here at half past twelve. () 61. _went into a restaurant one day. 3 A. A well-dressed manB. A boyC. A well-dressed man and a boy () 62. The man asked for_. A. a lot of drinksB. a lot of hamburgersC. a lot of nice food () 63. The m

21、an gave_. A. a hamburger to the boy B. some drinks to the boy C. the boy some money () 64. The boy came_. A. at eleven forty-fiveB. at twelve thirtyC. at twelve oclock. ()65. The waitress thought_. A. the boy was the mans son. B. the man was the boys uncle. C. The man couldnt pay for the meal. 第二卷第二

22、卷 非选择题非选择题 ( (共共 3535 分)分) 十十. . 按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。( (每空每空 1 1 分,共分,共 2020 分分) ) A) 根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子,使句子意思完整、语法正确。(5(5 分分) ) 66. Yesterday I(带来)some noodles for lunch. 67. There are many(博物馆)in Nanjing. 68. _(愚蠢的) people always think they are clever. 69. I read _(报纸) in the living room yesterday. 70. Pl

23、ease say the next _(句子). B) 根据意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5(5 分分) ) 71. Miss Li(stop) and all of us looked at her. 72. You should drive carefully. Its(fog) outside. 73. I_(give) presents to my little brother on Childrens Day last year. 74. Listen! They are(sing) in the music room. 75. My brother(catch) some

24、 butterflies in the park last Saturday. C) 按要求改写句子(每空一词) 。(10(10 分分) ) 76. I watched a film last Sunday. (改成一般疑问句) _ you _ a film last Sunday ? 77. They visited their friends last week.(改为否定句) They _ their friends last week. 78. Mike could read picture books at six years old.(对划线部分提问) Mikeat six yea

25、rs old? 79. My holiday was great fun. (对划线部分提问) was your holiday? 80. I came back home at half past four. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you come back home ? D) 翻译句子(每空一词) 。(10(10 分分) ) 4 81. 二十分钟之前李老师在学校里。 Miss Li _at school twenty minutes _. 82. 我紧紧抓住风筝,但它还是飞走了。 I heldthe kite, but it stillaway. 83. 电影很有趣,我想要再看一次。

26、 The film is very _ and I want to watch it _. 84. 看!这个男孩正向他的朋友们展示他的玩具小汽车。 Look! The boy is _ his toy car _ his friends. 85. 这是一个魔法的花园。花朵在晚上可以变成美丽的仙女。 This is a magic garden. The flowers can _ _ beautiful fairies at night. 十一十一. . 书面表达。书面表达。( (共共 5 5 分分) ) 请以 Last weekend 为题,介绍你如何度过上周末。 注意:1.不少于 5 句话

27、。2.不要写成对话形式。3.语句通顺、拼写正确、 书写规范。 5 附加题(共附加题(共 2020 分)分) 一、选择正确答案。一、选择正确答案。 (6 6 分)分) () 1. Which of the flowing stories was not written by the Grimm Brothers? A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. The little MermaidD. Sleeping Beauty ()2. Which is the city flower of Nanjing? A. Red roseB. LotusC. JasmineD. Plu

28、m blossom ()3. Light Year is related to_. A. energyB. speedC. distanceD. intensity ()4. China is located on the _ coast of the Pacific Ocean. A. westB. eastC. southD. north ()5. The designer of Chinese national flag is _. A. Mao ZedongB. Zhou EnlaiC. Zeng LiansongD. Liang Sicheng ()6. Which country

29、is Big Ben in? A. the USB. the UKC. ChinaD. Japan 二、根据问题写出正确的答案。二、根据问题写出正确的答案。 (4 4 分)分) The Chinese have the Four Great Inventions. What are they? 三、在横线上填入适当的单词,使短文意思通顺,首字母已经给出。三、在横线上填入适当的单词,使短文意思通顺,首字母已经给出。 (1010 分)分) Everyone has his own (自己的) hero. Many students like sports stars like

30、C Ronaldo and Li Na. And many students like popular stars. B_11_ my hero is different. He is one of my c_12_. We are in the s_13_class. His name is Allan. Allan is not cool. He is s_14_ and small. But he has a strong mind ( 内心). He comes f_15_Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. And he l_16_ with his foster

31、parents (养父母). Allan is good at all his l_17_. He is always No.1 in G_18_ 7. He plays basketball and football w_19_, too. He likes to help others. At home, he helps his foster parents a l_20_. All the teachers and students say Allan is a hero. Do you think so? 11.B_12.c_13.s_14.s_15.f_ 16.l_17.l_18.

32、G_19.w_20.l_ 恭喜你,已经完成整张试卷,不要忘记认真检查哦! 6 二、二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。 1. There are many trees on the mountain. 2. The students were on the playground. 3. He thinks hard, but he cant do it. 4. The little boy is very clever. He can make a model plane. 5. We lived in a small town ten years ag

33、o. 6. He didnt have lunch today. He is very hungry now. 7. Do you like eating fish? No, I dont. 8. Please think hard, and youll know how to make it. 9. The trees turn green. How beautiful! 10. I watched a match after dinner. 二、听录音,选择正确的应答,听两遍。二、听录音,选择正确的应答,听两遍。 11. Where did you go last Sunday? 12.

34、Where were you yesterday? 13. How was your holiday? 14. Where did your sister live? 15. What did you wear? 三、根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案,听两遍。三、根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案,听两遍。 16. A: Bobby, where is my parrot? B:Is it on your bed? A:It was there this morning. But now it isnt there. Q: Is the toy parrot on the bed? 17.

35、A: We took some photos in the park last weekend. What about you ,Nancy? B: I flew kites with David. Q: What did David do last weekend? 18. A: Its time for school, bye Mum. B: Take this raincoat with you, its raining. Q: Is it a fine day today? 19. A: You look so sad, Jim, Whats the matter? B: I lost

36、 Su Hais kite. Can you help me find it, Mary? A: OK. Q: Whose kite are they talking about? 20. A: What can you see in the park, Helen? B: I can see some bears and tigers. Thats so interesting. How about you, Jack? A: I can see a lot of monkeys and parrots. Q: Whats in the park? 四、根据听到的短文内容,判断下面内容的正误

37、,正确的写“四、根据听到的短文内容,判断下面内容的正误,正确的写“ T T” ,不正确的写,不正确的写 “F F” ,听三遍。,听三遍。 It was Sunday yesterday. All of us went to school early, but we had no lessons. Our teachers took us to the zoo. We took buses there. We got there at nine thirty. There are many trees, some hills, and a big lake in the zoo. The flo

38、wers are very beautiful. There were many people there, too. We watched monkeys. Some of them played on the hills. Some had oranges, apples and bananas. We had a good time with them. We left the zoo at half past three in the afternoon. 7 六年级期中监测参考答案 1-10:ABAACAABCC 11-15: BCABB16-20: CCBCC21-25: FTFT

39、T 26-35: BCBBBBACBA 36-40: EABCD41-45: BDEAC 46-55: BABCABACBB 56-60: FTFFT61-65: CCABA 66-70: brought; museums; Foolish; newspapers; sentence 71-75: stopped; foggy; gave; singing; caught 76-80: Did, watch; didnt visit; What could do; How; When did 81-85: was, ago; onto, flew; interesting, again; showing, to; turn into 附加题: 1-6: CDCACB 7-10: compass; gunpowder; papermaking; printing 11-15:But; classmates; same; short; from; 16-20: lives; lessons; Grade; well; lot 8


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