闽教版五年级下册-Unit 1 Winter Vacation-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e1be8).zip

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UnitUnit 1 1 WinterWinter VacationVacation PartPart B B FreeFree TalkTalk wentwent 1.1. PleasePlease saysay it it loudly!loudly!请大声读请大声读 出来。出来。 gogo toto AustraliaAustralia gogo toto thethe UKUK gogo toto BeijingBeijing 2.Say2.Say thethe pastpast form.form.请说出过去式。请说出过去式。 visitvisit thethe GreatGreat WallWall visitvisit thethe museummuseum visitvisite e d d gogo swimmingswimming gogo skatingskating playplay chesschess playplay footballfootball playplay thethe violinviolin playplaye e d d is is atat home/home/ is is in in ChinaChina is is in in AustraliaAustralia waswas watchwatch a a filmfilm watchwatch TVTV watchwatch eded dodo homeworkhomeworkdiddid timetime lineline before now werwer e e areare atat homehome areare in in ChinaChina PlayPlay a a game:game: SharpSharp eyeseyes HowHow waswas thethe weather?weather? winterwinter vacationvacation visitedvisited thethe GreatGreat WallWall It It waswas wonderfulwonderful. . WereWere youyou in in China?China? wentwent swimmingswimming waswas atat homehome playedplayed chesschess wentwent toto AustraliaAustralia wentwent skatingskating It It waswas hot.Ithot.It waswas summer.summer. watchedwatched TVTV whowhere What HowHow waswas youryour winterwinter vacation,.?vacation,.? Beijingvisited the Great Wall Australia had Christmas Day and New Years Day Wang Tao Yang Ming Listen and think Who Where Wang Tao ? Yang Ming ? WhereWhere diddid gogo in in winterwinter vacation?vacation? Listen and think Listen and think Who Where Wang Tao ? Yang Ming ? went to Taiwan was at home withwith hishis parentsparents . . InIn winterwinter vacation.vacation. hishis hometownhometown Listen and follow,then answer 1.1. WhatWhat diddid WangWang TaoTao dodo ? ? 2.What2.What diddid YangYang MingMing do?do? HowHow waswas s s winterwinter vacation?vacation? Who Where WhatWhat Wang Tao Taiwan Yang Ming at home tooktook a a boatboat tourtour ofof SunSun MoonMoon Lake.Lake. playedplayed chesschess withwith hishis father.father. (take(take的过去式的过去式 ) ) visited Sun Moon Lake by boat/. 1.Where1.Where diddid gogo ? ? 2.2. WhatWhat diddid dodo ? ? Read and imitate. G:G: Hi,Hi, boysboys andand girlsgirls . . G:G: HowHow waswas youryour winterwinter vacation?vacation? G:G: Is Is it it youryour hometownhometown? G:G: HowHow aboutabout you,you, YangYang Ming?Ming? G:G: WhoWho waswas thethe winner?winner? Ss:Ss: Hi,Hi, MissMiss GaoGao . . W:W: I I wentwent toto TaiwanTaiwan withwith mymy parentsparents. . W:W: Yes,Yes, it it is.is. I I tooktook a a boatboat tourtour ofof SunSun MoonMoon LakLake.e. Y:Y: I I playedplayed chesschess withwith mymy father.father. Y:Y: VeryVery oftenoften mymy daddad waswas thethe winner.winner. 1.Read together. 2.Read in roles. W ho wh ere weat her what 1. 2. 3. 4. A:A: HowHow waswas youryour winterwinter vacation,vacation, ? ? B:B: ItsIts . . I I wentwent . . I I . . Ms HuangDalian warm sunny wentwent toto seesee mymy sonson visitedvisited hishis schoolschool playedplayed in in a a parkpark ateate thethe seafoodseafood 5. InIn winterwinter vacationvacation I I wentwent toto DalianDalian byby plane.plane. I I wentwent toto seesee mymy sonson. . I I visitedvisited hishis schoolschool . . TheThe weatherweather wasntwasnt cold.cold. WeWe playedplayed in in a a park.park. WeWe ateate thethe seafoodseafood. . I I hadhad a a goodgood time.time. TheThe triptrip waswas great.great. MyMy WinterWinter VacationVacation wentwent toto DalianDalian byby planeplane playedplayed in in a a parkpark ateate thethe seafoodseafood wentwent toto seesee mymy sonson visitedvisited hishis schoolschool MyMy VacationVacation In vacation I went to . The weather was . I . I . . I had a good time. It was wonderful. ( Tip:Tip: weather:weather: hot/warmhot/warm coldcold coolcool /sunny/sunny windywindy cloudycloudy rainyrainy snowysnowy 交通工具交通工具:byby carcar ( (busbus bikebike traintrain planeplane shipship boat)boat) onon footfoot actiactivitiesvities活动活动: : 1.go1.go backback toto mymy hometownhometown 2.2. helphelp mommom cleanclean thethe househouse 3.see3.see friendsfriends . . 4.4. bebe atat homehome 5.do5.do homeworkhomework 6.watch6.watch TVTV 7.7. readread booksbooks 8.play8.play onon thethe computercomputer 9.9. climbclimb thethe hill.hill. 10.play10.play football)/basketball/football)/basketball/ pingpongpingpong 11.visit11.visit . . Enjoy our colorful vacation. Enjoy our happy life. TodaysTodays HomeworkHomework 1.1. ListenListen andand followfollow . . 2.2. SaySay somethingsomething aboutabout youryour hometownhometown . . * is is mymy hometown.hometown. It It is is . . . . 3.3. TellTell othersothers youryour winterwinter oror summersummer vacation.vacation.教学设计 二、教学内容分析 前一课 Part A 中学生已学的内容包括:How was your winter vacation? It was wonderful. I visited./I went to.本节课 PartB 为巩固综合语言运用的任务部分, 即通过问句:How was your winter vacation? 更加深入地表达在寒假生活中的活 动。 三、学情分析 本节课的教学对象是小学五年级学生,他们经过二年多的英语学习,已经具 备一定的听、说、读、写英语的能力,有一定的英语知识储备,且具备逻辑思维 能力。 在学习本课时内容之前,学生已初步掌握有关活动的动词短语,如:visit the Great Wall/ Big Ben,play football/basketball,watch TV,play the violin, do homework,see friends/flowers,go boating,go to the fair,等等与自身活动及节 日相关的一些活动。 并初步了解一般过去时的表达方式和如何讲述过去发生的 事情,及需要用到的 was, were, went, visited , did , watched, played 。本课时前 学生学习了 How was your winter vacation?的句型,为本课时的学习奠定了良好 的基础。 四、教学目标 (一)语言能力 1.能使用动词的过去式描述过去发生的事情。 2.能用英语说一说、写一写自己的家乡。 3.能用英语介绍自己与家人或朋友的寒假生活。 (二)文化意识 了解台湾的一些著名的风景名胜,表达对自己的家乡和祖国的绿水青山的热 爱之情。 (三)学习能力 1. 能意识到在真实生活中运用动词的过式描述过去发生的事情。 2. 能意识到用英语介绍自己及他人的寒假生活。 五、教学重点、难点 教学重点:运用英语询问并描述自己寒假生活情况。 教学难点:能准确使用动词的过去式描述过去发生的事情。 六、教学设计理念 本课时教学过程基于交际语言教学基本原则和任务教学理念设计,采用任务 教学程序实施教学,实现基于真实任务的整合学习。 本课时任务是在学习对话了解 Wang Tao 的寒假情况下,利用问题的形式让 学生理解对话,再用短文形式复述介绍王涛的寒假生活。进而过渡到完成用英 语介绍自已在寒假时的一些活动。 七、教学过程 Teaching Procedures StepsActivitiesIntentions (5min) Warm-up Step 1 1. Free talk 2. Teacher plays a game with students. 3. Review Part A with students: Where is Peter from? Where is he now? Where was he in winter vacation? How was the weather there? What did he do? How was his winter vacation? To arouse students interest and review words in past tense theyve learned. And to get students familiar with “wh-” or “How” words. (5min) Preview Step 2 1. Teacher shows Wang Taos photo and have students guess how his winter vacation was ,where he went, what he did in winter vacation. Students think with the above questions. 2. Present the topic Winter Vacation. To familiarize students with the topic winter vacation and the activities. (12min) Presentation Step 3 1. Listen and answer questions about Wang Taos and Wang Taos winter vacation. 2. Look and guess what Wang Tao did over the holiday. 3. Listen to the dialogue and imitate. To teach the dialog and train skills of listening, reading and retelling. (10min) Consolidation Step 4 1. First make an example about Teacher. 2. Teamwork: Ask and write: How was my winter vacation? Where did I go? What did I do? 1. Make a report: My Winter Vacation. Let students talk about their own holidays and share with others. Encourage them to make a report in public. (3min) Moral Education & Summary Step 5 1.Teacher shows some pictures about places of interested and some activities in winter vacation. 2.T makes an assessment and end the class. Moral Education: Enjoy your colorful vacation. Enjoy your happy life. Homew ork Assign the homework . Do homework by different levels. 八、任务单 Task 1: How was your winter vacation? I Task2: Tip: 1. winter My Winter Vacation In winter vacation I went to . _____ _ ______________________________ We had a good time . It was wonderful. 2. hot/warm cold cool /sunny windy cloudy rainy snowy 3. car bus bike train plane ship boat 4. go-went play-played visit-visited eat-ate see-saw do -did take-took watch-watched 九、板书设计 Unit 1Winter Vacation Part B How was your winter vacation? It was wonderful. I _____ went(go) to Taiwan. took(take) a boat tour of 十、教学反思: 1.主题情境,贯穿始终 对话交际离不开情境,课堂情境的设计应是基于教材,围绕教学主题设计 一系列的情境,它是课堂发展的主线。在本教学设计中,本人围绕如何渡过寒 假为主题,让学生共同完成理解对话。再对两个人物的寒假生活做个整体复述, 进行过渡讲述自身的假日生活。整节课通过创设真实的情境,让学生在真情实 境中接触、理解并运用语言,教学过程环环相扣,过渡自然流畅,学生达到运 用语言自如交际的目的。 2.任务教学,层层递进 基于真实任务的整合学习,把学生的知识学习、技能发展、能力提升、素 养发展等整合到一个主题下的真实任务情境中,以让学生在此情境中展开达成 真实任务成果的相应活动,从而获得学习发展。任务型教学关键是任务驱动。 本节课围在活动中面向全体学生,从学生的角度出发,由易到难、层层深入, 从而形成一个完整的任务,使学生在真实语言交际中运用所学的语言,提升学 生“听说读写看”五个方面的技能。 3.学生主体,关注个体 在教学中,坚持以学生为本,面向全体学生。为此,本人在设计围绕任务 学生展开自主学习与探究的过程,提出了若干问题,比如:Who Where What How 等问句的提出是激发和驱动学生完成课时任务而自主探究意义的问题。在 设计任务时充分关注个体,考虑学生水平层次而设计的活动。由于所设计的教 学活动均围绕学生的个人真实生活而开展,为学生预留了个体的自主空间,例 如:让学生 make a report, 让学生切实把自己的寒假生活中活动进行列出整理, 既培养学生自主学习的能力,又充分满足不同学生的需求,使不同层次的学生 都能积极参与,主动探究。 不足之处在于:学生们毕竟是刚接触动词的过去式用法,在运用中说错或 写错都是在情理之中,另外学生才学了三年英语,在拓展中运用上自己的真实 活动情况,还不能用英文自如地说出,对真正的表达或书写会有限制。
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