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We went to the Botanical Museum with them. What do you know about the plant? ThereThere areare fivefive partsparts of of a a plant.plant. TheyThey are_____,are_____, _____,_____, _____,_____, ____,____, and_____.and_____. Flowers _____. Little seeds _____. Leaves _____. The steam _____. The roots _____. EachEach partpart of of a a plantplant hashas a a differentdifferent job.job. FlowersFlowers _____________._____________. ________________________ growgrow upup to to be be plants.plants. LeavesLeaves makemake food_______________food_______________ . . TheThe stemstem carriescarries foodfood andand waterwater to_________.to_________. TheThe rootsroots __________________________ in in thethe ground.ground. makemake seedsseeds LittleLittle seedsseeds forfor thethe plantplant leavesleaves holdhold thethe plantplant ? everything on the earth need sunlight, Everythin g air, and water. nothing Without sunlight, air and water can live on the earth _________________ _. How do plants make food? How do plants make food? Leaves are like little factories. Water enters leaf Carbon dioxide enters leaf through stomata Sugar Green leaves are like____________. They make food for_________. They need the___________ _________to make food. little factories their treesunlight, air, and water Lets read Where else do you want to go? Plants in our life Things Plants Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 chipspotatoe s stems Find out some things are made of / made from plants. What do we need to make it? Which part of a plant is it? A wonderful trip! Homework: Make a poster about plants. Find more things are made of / made from plants.教学基本信息 课题 Unit 2 What do flowers do? Lesson 7 学科 英语学段: 高段年级 五年级 相关 领域 会话教学 教材 北京版小学英语 是否已实施 是 指导思想与理论依据 在社会主义核心价值观指导下英语学科提出培养学生语言能力、思维品质、文化意识和学习能力的核 心素养。本节课通过让学生主动质疑,从而培养学生的思维品质。英语课程标准指出注重语言学习的 过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用 语言。因此,在本课教学设计中,我创设贴近学生生活的情境,让学生在情境中感知、理解、内化和运用 语言。 在本课教学中,学生通过回忆复习、预测、提问、讨论、小组活动、观看视频等一系列活动,了解并 学习植物生长过程所需的条件和植物是如何进行“光合作用”的。 教学背景分析 教材分析: 本册书Unit2和Unit3两个单元都是围绕“植物”这个话题展开。 Unit2主要学习植物各部分名称、各部分作用和植物生长所需条件。在前两个课时学生已经学习了解了植物 各部分名称和各部分的作用,本节课是第二单元的第三课时,学生将进一步学习了解植物生长过程所需的 条件和植物是如何进行“光合作用”的。Unit3学生会进一步学习了解植物各部分作用和种子传播的方式。 本单元的学习为Unit3的学习提供了知识储备和语言上的支持。 学情分析: 本节课的授课对象是五年级1班的30名学生,学生的整体英语水平中等偏上,大多数学生善于模仿, 喜欢表达。在前2课时的学习中学生已经会用英文表达植物各部分名称,知道了植物各部分的作用。本节课 中植物的“光合作用”学生用英语理解起来较难,没有相关的知识储备,而且文章中提到“叶子像个工厂 ”,学生难理解。 教学目标(内容框架) 教学过程(文字描述) 一、复习导入,利用绘本形式复习Lesson 5和Lesson 6两课时的内容,起到承上启下的作用。 T: In Unit 2 we talked about the plant. We went to the Botanical Museum with Baobao and Sara. What do you know about the plant? (1) names of the parts 一名学生说植物各部分名称 看图齐说植物各部分名称There are five parts of a plant. They are_____, _____, _____, ____, and_____. (2) jobs of the parts 5名学生分别说植物各部分作用 齐认读:Each part of a plant has a different job. Flowers _____________. ____________ grow up to be plants. Leaves make food_______________. The stem carries food and water to_________. The roots _____________in the ground. 【设计意图:复习前两课时所学内容,并把Lesson 8 Now I can read中第二段总结Lesson 6的内容整合到一起】 T: What more do you want to know about the plant? S1: How do flowers make seeds? S2: How do leaves make food? 教学要求:教学要求: 1.能听懂、理解并运用“What do leaves need to make food? They need.”来表达植物生长所需要的条件。 2 . 能听懂、指认并理解话题词汇和词组sunlight, air, water, factories,photosynthesis, make food, for themselves, on their own。 3 . 能够听懂、理解对话内容,并能正确、流利朗读对话。 4. 通过观看“光合作用”的视频,让学生进一步了解植物的生长条件和如何制造养料。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能听懂、理解并运用“What do leaves need to make food? They need.”来表达植物生长所需要的条件。 2.能够听懂、理解对话内容。 教学难点:教学难点: 能够让学生进一步了解光合作用和植物自给自足的供给方式。 课前准备:课前准备: 教学课件、光合作用视频,单词卡片、植物图片。 S3: How do steams carry food and water to leaves? 【设计意图:培养学生质疑的能力,尽可能的给学生留出足够的时间和空间去思考和探究, 把学习的主动权还给学生,培养学生的思维品质。】 二、学习对话 1. 初步学习、理解对话,学生带着问题看课件 Lets watch cartoon, what is it about? (看课件,无字幕) 学生说出听到的内容:What do leaves need to make food? Is he right? Lets watch cartoon again. (再次看课件,有字幕) 教师出示句型:What do leaves need to make food? 学生回答:They need sunlight, air, and water. 【设计意图:学生通过观看对话视频,初步感知对话,对对话文本有一个整体的把握。】 2深入学习,突破难点,理解句意 T: Look, on the earth only plants need sunlight, air, and water? What else need them? Ss: animals and people T: oh, everything on the earth need sunlight, air, and water. 学生认读句子:Everything on the earth need sunlight, air, and water. T: But without sunlight, air, and water, what will happen? Ss: people will die. Ss: animals will die. 学生认读句子:Without sunlight, air, and water, nothing can live on the earth. T: Sara says? 学生认读句子:Nothing on the earth can live without the sun. T: Does Baobao think so? Baobao says? Ss: You are right. T: Baobao also thinks ? Ss: 再次认读句子 【设计意图:通过PPT的动态演示,帮助学生理解Everything on the earth need sunlight, air, and water. 对比without them what will happen? 学生能自然说出Nothing on the earth can live without the sun. 突破句子难点】 3. 进一步深入学习,了解光合作用,突破难点 T: With sunlight, air, and water leaves make food. Do you know how do plants make food? (1) 学生说说了解的内容 (2) 打开书,自己阅读picture 2, find out in the group. 培养阅读能力和小组合作能力 T: You can underline the keywords. Or underline the words you dont know. (3) 学生回答问题 Ss: Plants make food by their own leaves. Ss: Plants make food for themselves. Ss: Leaves are like little factories. T: Leaves are like little factories. (4) How do leaves make food? What is the food? 观看“光合作用”的视频 学生用中文说说什么是“光合作用” 再看一遍视频,教师解说,帮助学生进一步理解“光合作用” (5) 小结 : Now I can read中第一段后半部分 Green leaves are like____________. They make food for_________. They need the___________ _________to make food. 【设计意图:通过观看视频和教师适当的中文解说,让学生直观了解了植物生长过程中所需 条件和制造养料的过程,渗透了科学知识,与学科进行了合理整合,突破了教学难点,培养 了学生了解大自然、热爱大自然的情感】 4. Read the dialogue 不同形式朗读课文 (1) Listen and repeat (2) Read on your own (3) Read in role Teacher: the guide Boys: Baobao Girls: Sara 三、拓展延伸,实际应用,贴近生活 T: In the Botanical Museum we have learned a lot about the plant. But when you go to the museum only go to visit? Where else do you want to go? Ss: I want to the restaurant. Ss: I want to the bathroom. Ss: I want to buy gifts. T: You want to the gift shop buy some gifts for yourself, for your parents. T: Now lets go to the gift shop! T: Wow, there are many things. What are these? Ss: fruits and juice Ss: chips and some bread Ss: tea T: these are crafts. T: What do you want to buy for yourself, for your parents? Ss: I want to buy some tea. T: What do you know : What do we need to make it? Lets find out “Plants in our life ” 学生填表格:Plants in our life Plants in our life Things PlantsParts Chips Tomatoes Steams (1) Find out some things are made of / made from plants. (2) What do we need to make it? (3) Which part of a plant is it? T: 教师示范 Ss: 小组交流、填表 Ss: 2组学生上前汇报 【设计意图:拓展应用,和生活实际相联系,加深对句型结构的理解和运用。Which part of a plant is it? 是下一单元要讨论的话题,并为下一单元的学习做好铺垫】 四、Homework: Make a poster about plants. Find more things are made of / made from plants. 五、板书设计 Unit 2 Lesson 7 What do leaves need to make food? They need sunlight, air, and water. 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500字数) 1. 本教学设计紧紧围绕着本单元的话题“植物”展开,让学生在探究英语语言的同时也 让学生上了一堂生动形象而特别的自然科学课,使得学生在特定的英语语境中进一步关注植 物生长过程中所需条件,就自然科学知识进行进一步的了解与探究。而学生在学习了英语知 识之外,对科学及自然知识又进行了巩固,培养学生了解大自然、热爱大自然的情感。 2. 教师在授课时有意提出一些开放性的问题,如:What more do you want to know about the plant? 让学生自己去探索,在提问中培养了学生的质疑能力,培养了学生的思维品质。尽可能的给 学生留出足够的时间和空间去思考和探究,把学习的主动权真正还给了学生。 3. 本课的课堂评价始终紧扣着本课的话题,让学生回答问题后能够得到植物的叶、花和 果实,最后拼成一株完整的植物,在学生产生积极兴趣的同时通过自己动手贴所获得的奖励 , 从而深入的了解了植物的构造,完美的进行了学科的整合统一。 4. 本节课通过图片、动画、视频等直观手段帮助学生了解了植物生长过程所需的条件及 方式方法,使学生在既习得英语知识的基础上初步了解植物的相关知识,从而体现新课程标 准提出的工具性与人文性的双重属性。 plants names of the parts jobs of the parts Making food photosynthesis for themselvesby their own