北京版五下UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY -Lesson 24-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:6019f).docx

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1、北京版小学英语教材北京版小学英语教材 (五年级下册)(五年级下册) Lesson 24 Travel For the Weekend 一、教学内容:一、教学内容: 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1、能正确理解、朗读对话内容 2、能听懂、理解并运用功能句型“Why dont you take the to ? Its . I enjoy travelling by .”谈论出行方式,并简单说 出理由: Its faster./Its easier./Its more comfortable./ 3、能听懂并正确认读单词 bullet train, faster, more comfortable

2、, easier 等。 4、能学会根据实际情况为自己选择合适的出行方式 三、教学重、难点:三、教学重、难点: 教学重点:教学重点: 1、听懂、理解并朗读对话 2、听懂、理解并运用功能句型“Why dont you take the to ? Its . I enjoy travelling by .”谈论出行方式,并简单说 出理由: Its faster./Its easier./Its more comfortable./ 教学难点:教学难点: 在情境中理解并运用语言,谈论出行方式及理由,并根据实际情况为自 己选择合适的出行方式。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step1. Step1. 复习预

3、热,回顾复习预热,回顾 LinglingLingling 的假期旅行计划的假期旅行计划 T: Lets go on talking about “travel plan”. In lesson 23 we have known Linglings travel plan for the summer vacation. Can you recall that? Talk Linglings travel plan to your partners. 学生看着活动单上的框架图互相说一说 LINGLING 的假期出行计划 学生汇报 Step2. Step2. 课文学习,了解课文学习,了解 Sara

4、Sara 的周末出行计划的周末出行计划 1.1.带着问题观看动画,初步感知对话内容带着问题观看动画,初步感知对话内容 T: We are going to talk about another travel plan this time. Look at the picture. Who has a travel plan? Are they going away for the summer vacation? Lets watch and listen. (1)学生观看无字幕动画,了解对话内容 (2)回忆对话,出示课题 T: Who is going away? S: Sara is. T

5、: Is she going away for the summer vacation? S: No, shes going away for the weekend. T: So Sara has a travel plan for the weekend. 教师出示标题 Travel Plan for the weekend (3)学生根据板书及课件提示,试着说一说自己听到的内容 T: What do you know about Saras travel plan? 2.2.默读对话,补全信息默读对话,补全信息 T: Read the dialogues by yourselves. C

6、omplete Saras travel plan and talk to your partners. (1)学生默读对话,完善思维导图 (2)组内交流 (3)小组汇报 3.3.学习重点词句学习重点词句 (1 1)认识)认识 bullet trainbullet train 教师出示地铁、 火车与高铁的图片, 学生看图选一选哪一个是 bullet train T: Here are three pictures. Which one is the bullet train? 教师展示介绍高铁内外环境,引导学生初步了解京沪高铁 T: A bullet train runs faster tha

7、n a train. This is our bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai. The inside of it is clean and bright. The seats are more comfortable. People can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way to Shanghai. (2 2)理解)理解 SaraSara 选择高铁的原因选择高铁的原因 T: Why doesnt Sara take the plane to Shanghai? S: Sara enjoys travelin

8、g by train. T: Where do you get the answer? 学生读出对话中的原句,教师出示句子 (3 3)观察、比较高铁与飞机时刻表,理解)观察、比较高铁与飞机时刻表,理解 fasterfaster T: Look at the timetables of the bullet train and the plane. How long does it take frome Beijing to Shanghai by a bullet train? How long does it take by a plane? Which is faster? 学生分别观察观

9、察高铁与飞机的时刻表, 在比较二者运行所用时间与速度的过 程中理解 faster,朗读 MIKE 与 SARA 的对话 4.4.描述描述 SaraSara 的出行计划的出行计划 T: We have known Saras travel plan. Try to retell her plan. 学生练习看板书复述 Sara 的出行计划 5.5.猜一猜猜一猜 SARASARA 在上海的活动在上海的活动 教师与学生对话,说一说 SARA 可能会去游览的著名景点,和在这些景点中的 活动,并向学生展示相关图片 T: Where will Sara go? What will she do there

10、? S1: Maybe she will go to the Disneyland. She can play in the park. T: Maybe she will go to the City God Temple of Shanghai. What will she do there? Maybe she will go to the Bund and the Oriental Pearl Tower. What will she do? 6.6.认读、操练对话认读、操练对话 (1)跟读对话 (2)小组练习 (3)展示表演 小组分角色朗读 复述故事 Step3.Step3.操练拓展

11、操练拓展, ,选择自己的出行方式选择自己的出行方式 1.1.讨论老师的出行方式讨论老师的出行方式 (1)(1)猜一猜教师的出行方式猜一猜教师的出行方式 T: I went to Shanghai with my family several years ago. Can you guess how did I go? 学生猜测教师的出行方式 (2)(2)观察图片问一问观察图片问一问 T: Look at my ticket. Do you have any questions? 学生观察火车票图片,与教师对话 S1: Why dont you take the plane/ to Shangh

12、ai? T: Because taking a train is much cheaper. I can sleep in the train. Its more comfortable. And when the plane flied, I felt scared. So I enjoy traveling by train. 2.2.制定自己的出行计划制定自己的出行计划 T: Lets imagine! If you have two days and theres no school and no homework, where do you want to go? How will you go? Talk to your friends or make a plan on your own. (1)学生与好友商议或自己设想,制定出行计划 (2)小组或个人展示 板书设计板书设计


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