北京版六下UNIT TWO CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT HER -Lesson 8-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)(编号:d093b).zip

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Why Are People of Different Colours?Why Are People of Different Colours? 北京课改版北京课改版 六年级下六年级下 第第1212册册 How many basic How many basic races? races? whitewhitewhitewhite yellow brown b blacklack Why Why Are Are PeoplePeople of of DifferentDifferent Colours?Colours? Why Are People of Different Colours?Why Are People of Different Colours? Free Talk. Free Talk. Lets read and No. the Paragraph. Lets read and No. the Paragraph. 1 2 3 Whats the main idea? Whats the main idea? A.All skin colours come from melanin. A.All skin colours come from melanin. C.We have the same skin colour as C.We have the same skin colour as our parents. our parents. B.Melanin protect skin from the sun. B.Melanin protect skin from the sun. Underline: _______ Underline: _______ Silent reading. Silent reading. Why are people of different colours? Why are people of different colours? Underline: _______ Underline: _______ All skin colours come from All skin colours come from melaninmelanin. . Why do we need melanin? Why do we need melanin? Underline: _______ Underline: _______ epidermisepidermisskinskin People with People with more melaninmore melanin are dark are darkerer than those with than those with less melaninless melanin are are lightlighterer. . more melaninmore melanin darkdarkerer less melanin less melanin lightlighterer D.B.C.A. Our body make melanin toOur body make melanin to protect protect our our skin skin from from the sunthe sun . protect protect us us from from the sunthe sun 1 2 3 sunskin color hot area colder countries more moredarker lesslesslighter melanin Jenny and Sue are both American. They were born in America. Jennys parents were born in Africa. Sues parents were born in Russia. Which is Jenny? Which is Sue? Why? JennyJennySueSueoror 1 2 3 What will you find after you remove the bandage several days later? Why? What colour are the most people in Northern Europe? What about Africa? Europe Africa Asia America Oceania Homework. Homework. 1. Tell others why people of different colors. 2. Do some research about racist and racism.六年级下册六年级下册 Unit2Unit2 Lesson 8 Why Are People of Different Colours? 一、教学内容:一、教学内容: 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1. 能读懂短文,理解人的肤色与黑色素多少有关。 2. 能通过阅读逐步形成根据上下文猜测、提取关键信息并归纳概括等能力。 3. 了解世界上有不同肤色的人种、能简单说出其形成原因和聚集地区等感兴趣 的信息,形成对信息调研和探究的能力。 三、教学重、难点:三、教学重、难点: 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 能读懂短文,理解人的肤色与黑色素多少有关,并能用语言表达其因果 关系。 2. 形成针对长难语句文章的一些阅读策略。 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 形成针对长难语句文章的一些阅读策略。 2. 用语言有逻辑的表达出人的肤色和人种形成的相关信息,形成综合语言 运用能力。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1. Before Reading 活动活动 1 .Talking about famous persons.3m T: Guess “Who are they? ”Do they have the same color of their faces? 活动目的:培养自信心,了解各色人种的和谐生活的情境,初步了解地球上有 不同种类的各色人种。 活动活动 2. Free talk - Basic Race Information. 3m 1)T: How many people are there on the earth? Ss: There are 7.5 billion people till 2017. 2) T: How many basic races among these people? Ss: 3/4 races. T: What are they? Ss: white, yellow, black, and brown. 活动目的:引导学生世界人口和人种,了解常见的人种分类。 活动活动 3 Free talk. Why are people of different colors? S1: Because of the pigments. S2: Some people likes to tan more than others. S3: Our genetics. S4: Tough ones, I guess I have to do some research. S5: Upbringing, where you live where you are from. S6: Some people just enjoy being in the sun more than others. So their skin are darker. S7: No clue. S8: That I dont know the answer too. S9: You talk me the answer. 活动目的:聚焦阅读主题,引导学生思考肤色形成的原因,培养批判性思维能 力。 Step 2. While-reading 活动活动 4. Paragraph Reading. 1) Read and No. the paragraph T: How many Paragraphs? S: There are 3 paragraphs. 2) Read and underline the answer with double lines. Silently reading 5m and then talk in pairs 2m Which Paragraph are they from? A. All skin colours come from melanin. B. Melanin protect skin from the sun. C. We have the same skin colour as our parents. D. In cold area,there are more sunshine, people have more melanin,they are darker. E.If you have a bandage around your finger, it will block the sun. That part will have less melanin. F.When the sun hits you, melanin will give you a tan. 3) Sounding and watch the picture: me.la.nin 4) Then what is Melanin? What is it like? Lets watch the pictures. 2m 活动目的:聚焦文本主题句,了解皮肤颜色形成的关键因素是 melanin 黑色素, 并了解欧洲人文本的第一句是主题句的写作习惯。 活动活动 5. Know more about melanin 1) T: Now we know skin colors come from melanin. Why do we need melanin? Lets listen and read Paragraph 1 in 1 minute and find out. S: Our body makes melanin to protect our skin from the sun. T: Because too much sun can make us have skin illness or skin cancer. 2) Watch the cartoon of making melanin. 2m T: Lets watch,in the epidermis, how does the melanocytes make melanin. 3) So our skin make more or less melanin, and also make our skin darker and lighter. 活动目的:通过单线批画,培养阅读技巧,通过观看视频,理解 melanin 的制 作过程,理解深浅肤色形成的原因。 活动活动 6 理解理解 Darker and lighter skin 和和 protect from . 1) T: Look at the ABCD kids: Which 2 have lighter skin and which 2 have lighter skin. Why? S: AB have lighter skin. Because they have less melanin. CD have darker skin. Because they have more melanin. 2) T: Melanin can protect us from sun. What else can ? S: For example, the umbrella/ the hat/the sun glasses/ the sun cream can protect us from sun. 活动目的:通过看图和看动画,理解 melanin 和其作用后,通过 4 个小孩对比 表达和保护皮肤免受太阳照射的物品的表达练习,检验文段理解和组织语言表 达。 活动活动 7 Paragraph 2 Reading. T: Now we know melanin makes our skin darker or lighter. Lets read paragraph 2 and find out how? 1) Can you divide them into two parts? 2) Lets read and find out in hot area and in colder countries how does the sun , the melanin and our skin change. S: hot areas are near the equator. Colder countries are near the north pole. S: in hot areas, we have more sun, then we have more melanin, at last our skin are darker. In colder countries, we have less sun, then we have less melanin, at last our skin are lighter. T: So we know the places are different, the sunshine are different, the melanin are less and more, thats why we have different races. 3) But look at Jenny and Sue, they are from the same America. But their skin colors are different. Which is Jenny? Which is Sue? S: Lets read and talk in pairs why? 活动目的:通过观看地球仪了解赤道和北极附近阳 光的多少,造成黑色素的多少,导致皮肤颜色的深浅。 通过判断 Jenny and Sue 了解遗传对肤色的影响。 活动活动 8 Paragraph 3 Reading. 1) T: Now lets listen to an experiment ,which one do you think it is? 2) T: read it ad underline why? 3) T: What is tan? Is it The dark part ? 活动目的:通过观看试验,理解绷带可以阻隔黑色素的 形成,阳光照射皮肤后 会形成黑色斑。 Step 3 After-reading. 活动 9 Watch the cartoon and talk in groups 1) Watch the cartoon and understand 2) Read the whole passage and thing about the questions. 3) Talk in group. What do you know about the races? Which country do they live in? Ss: On earth, there are 7.5 billion people in 2017. Concasion, Mogoloid, Negroid & Australiod, 54% , 37%, 8.5%, 0.5% . 活动目的:关注整体文本,通过动画和阅读再次理解文 本;通过讨论和资料补充,关注和思考不同人种居住的区域的不同,补充关于 人口总数、比例和居住国家的信息。 Step 4 Homework. 1. Tell others why people of different colors. 2. Do some research about racist and racism. 五、板书设计五、板书设计 Unit 2 Lesson 8 Why are people of different colours? melanin sun gene
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