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Lesson 12 Unit3 Lets live a low-carbon life北京课改版-六年级英语下册Why do we need a low-carbon life?T:Please read this passage,and then tell me what it is aboutS:Its about energy There are many kinds of energy,including light,heat,electricity and sound.One kind energy can also change into another.Solar energy Heat from the sun warms the air,land,and sea.Plants use the energy insunlight to make their own food.We can use solar panels to change sunlight into electricity.Motion energy When things move very fast such as the wind,they generate(产生)a lot of energy.A wind turbine has blades.The blades turn in the wind to drive a generator(发电机)to make electricity.Fuel energy Fuels are rich in energy.Coal,oil and gas are fuels.We burn them to make light and heat.Fuels come from the remains of dead plants and animals.Lesson12Can you read?How many kinds of energy does it talk about?What are they?Three.They are Solar energy,Motion energy and Fuel energy.fuelParagraph 1 Types of energy 能源类型Paragraph 2 Solar energy 太阳能Paragraph 3 Motion energy 运动能 Paragraph 4 Fuel energy 燃料能源 Task 1Read and answer.1.Where can people get energy?They can get energy from sun,wind,air,sea,coal,oil,gas and so on.2.How can we change sunlight into electricity?We can use solar panels to change sunlight into electricity.3.What is motion energy?It is kinetic energy.4.Where do fuels come from?They come from the remains of dead plants and animals.Task 2Read,think,and match.fuel energymotion energysolar energyWhen we cook meals.When we drive a car.When we switched on the light.many kinds of energy 多种能源 change into another 转换到另一个 make their own food 做他们自己食物 solar panels 太阳能板 move very fast 转动很快 generate a lot of energy 产生大量能源 drive a generator 驱动发电机 make electricity 发电A wind turbine has blades.风力涡轮机有叶片。The blades turn in the wind to drive a generator to make electricity.风力发电机的叶片转动发电。Fuels are rich in energy.燃料是丰富的能源。Fuels come from the remains of dead plants and animals燃料来自死去的植物和动物的残留物。读一读,译一译,注意语音语调。根据情景,请提出保护环境劝导。Dont ride on the grass.Dont feed the animals in the zoo.Please turn off the water.Dont litter,please.短语:many kinds of energy,change into,solar panels,make their own food,move very fast,generate a lot of energy,drive a generator make electricity句子:A wind turbine has blades.The blades turn in the wind to drive a generator to make electricity.Fuels are rich in energy.Fuels come from the remains of dead plants and animals.SummaryHomework 看图写出环保劝导4 32 1 本单元学习低碳环保这样一个话题,那么什么是低碳环保呢?所谓低碳环保,就是“低碳环保生活”(low-carbon life),就是指要尽力减少生活作息时所耗用的能量,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放量,以减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化。低碳环保生活主要是从节电、节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节。单元相关背景知识:大家很容易想到也很容易做到的几种低碳生活习惯:1.每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具,干净卫生,自然滋 润;不但如此,淘米水也可以用来浇花、洗头,还可以用 来做免费的护肤品。2.用过的面膜纸也不要扔掉,用它来擦首饰、擦家具的表面 或者擦皮带,不仅擦得亮还能留下面膜纸的香气。3.喝茶剩下的渣晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助 改善睡眠。4.出门购物,自己带环保袋,无论是免费或者收费的塑料袋 都减少使用。5.出门自带喝水杯,减少使用一次性杯子。6.多用永久性的筷子、饭盒,尽量避免使用一次性的餐具。7.养成随手关闭电器电源的习惯,避免浪费用电。8.尽量少使用冰箱、空调,热时可用电扇或扇子。9.每天使用传统的发条闹钟,取代电子闹钟。10.一旦不用电灯、空调,随手关掉;手机一旦充电完成,立即拔掉充电插头。11.选择晾晒衣物,避免使用滚筒式干衣机;在附近公园等 适合跑步的、空气清新的地方慢跑,取代在跑步机上的 45分钟锻炼,等等。同学们,让我们一起努力吧! 【精品】【精品】Unit 3 Lets live a low-carbon life(教案)(教案)Lesson 12北京课改版北京课改版-六年级英语下册六年级英语下册 【教学目标】1通过本课科普小短文的阅读,让学生了解生活中的各种能源资源。2培养学生在阅读过程中,根据图片能推测句意,根据上下文能猜测词意的能力。3增加环保知识,提倡低碳生活。【教学重难点】1教学重点:短文内容的理解。2教学难点:根据图片推测或根据上下文猜测词意。【教学方法】合作学习法,问题导学法。【教学准备】教学课件,与课文主题相关的图片。【教学过程】一、Pre-reading 读前活动出示 PPT2,以“Why do we need a low-carbon life?为题互动交流,列举生活中可以进行环保的行为。二、While-reading 读中活动1整体阅读,理解大意。(1)教者出示问题“Please read this passage,and then tell me what it is about”让学生先阅读一遍科普小短文。学生通过阅读短文得出结论:“Its about energy”(出示 PPT3)(2)出示 PPT4,听录音。然后出示 PPT5,教师提出问题“How many kinds of energy does it talk about?What are they?学生独立阅读,做出回答。小组讨论,发表观点,明确答案。其中单词 fuel 比较难读正确,教师进行示范和指导(出示 PPT6)。(3)Read in groups小组阅读概括段落大意提高学生阅读能力,关注小标题,关注 topic sentence(出示 PPT7)。(4)Task l Read and answer(出示 PPT8)首先学生自主阅读文后问题,教者帮助学生理解问题。然后让学生独立阅读短文,在文章中画出答案。最后小组讨论,组织语言回答问题。(5)Task 2 Read,think,and match.(出示 PPT9)观察图片,明确题目要求。学生根据自己阅读时找出的答案,做出正确选择。教师运用实物展台引导学生自主分享答案,既要说出选择的答案,又要提供在文章中找到的依据。(6)Task 3 Find out things in life that use fuel energy(出示 PPT10)通过阅读师生共同明确题目要求。然后小组讨论,要求人人参与,说出一样生活中自己熟悉的物品,并简单地说出依据,全班进行分享。三、Post-reading 读后活动1读后反思,交流所得小组讨论自己阅读这篇科普文章的所得,例如学到的新词汇等。出示 PPT11,在全班进行分享,引导同学在原文找到相应的段落或者词句,并一起读一读,注意语音语调(出示PPT12)。2实际应用,展示介绍(1)请学生尝试借助板书,梳理本课内容。(2)请学生自主选择,尝试描述一种能源的概念及使用,并举例说明生活中的具体用处。(3)教师提供情景(出示 PPT13-16),请学生提出保护环境的劝导。五、Summary(出示 PPT17)通过阅读本课科普小短文,了解生活中各种各样的能源资源。在阅读活动中,培养学生根据图片推测句意,根据上下文猜测词意的能力。进一步增加环保知识,提高低碳生活的能力。看图写出环保劝导。【板书设计】Unit 3 What are you looking for?Lesson 12 many kinds of energy 多种能量 change into another 转换到另一个 make their own food 做他们自己食物 solar panels 太阳能板 move very fast 转动很快 generate a lot of energy 产生大量能源 drive a generator 驱动发电机 make electricity 发电 单元相关背景知识(出示 PPT19-21)本单元学习低碳环保这样一个话题,那么什么是低碳环保呢?所谓低碳环保,就是“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),就是指要尽力减少生活作息时所耗用的能量,从而减低碳,环保特别是二氧化碳的排放量,以减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化。低碳环保生活主要是从节电、节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节。下面介绍几种大家很容易想到也很容易做到的低碳生活习惯。1每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具,干净卫生,自然滋润;不但如此,淘米水也可以用来浇花、洗头,还可以用来做免费的护肤品。2用过的面膜纸也不要扔掉,用它来擦首饰、擦家具的表面或者擦皮带,不仅擦得亮还能留下面膜纸的香气。3喝茶剩下的渣晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助改善睡眠。4出门购物,自己带环保袋,无论是免费或者收费的塑料袋都减少使用。5出门自带喝水杯,减少使用一次性杯子。6多用永久性的筷子、饭盒,尽量避免使用一次性的餐具。7养成随手关闭电器电源的习惯,避免浪费用电。8尽量少使用冰箱、空调,热时可用电扇或扇子。9每天使用传统的发条闹钟,取代电子闹钟。10一旦不用电灯、空调,随手关掉;手机一旦充电完成,立即拔掉充电插头。11选择晾晒衣物,避免使用滚筒式干衣机;在附近公园等适合跑步的、空气清新的地方慢跑,取代在跑步机上的 45 分钟锻炼,等等。【精品】【精品】Unit 3 Lets live a low-carbon life(试题及解析试题及解析)Lesson 12北京课改版北京课改版-六年级英语下册六年级英语下册 一、英汉对对碰。types of energy 运动能solar energy 太阳能 Motion energy 能源类型Fuel energy 做他们自己食物change into 把变成 make their own food 燃料能源【答案】types of energy 运动能solar energy 太阳能 Motion energy 能源类型Fuel energy 做他们自己食物change into 把变成 make their own food 燃料能源 二、用所给词的正确形式填空1.We can use solar panels to(change)sunlight into electricity.2.It(be)motion energy.3.They come from the remains of dead (plants)and (animals).1.change2.is3.plants,animals【解析】1.我们能用太阳能板把阳光变成电能。介词 to 后面应用动词原形。2.他是动能。主语单数第三人称,系动词用 is。3.他们来自死去的植物和动物的残留物。指事物的某一类用名词复数形式。三、我会译1.A wind turbine has blades.2.The blades turn in the wind to drive a generator to make electricity.3.Fuels are rich in energy.4.Fuels come from the remains of dead plants and animals【答案】1.风力涡轮机有叶片。2.风力发电机的叶片转动发电。3.燃料是丰富的能源。4.燃料来自死去的植物和动物的残留物。四、连词成句。1.can Where people energy get?2.we How can change into sunlight electricity?3.motion What is energy?4.Where fuels do come from?【答案】1.Where can people get energy?2.How can we change sunlight into electricity?3.What is motion energy?4.Where do fuels come from?【解析】1.人们从哪里得到能源?2.我们是如何把阳光变成电能的?3.动力能源是什么?4.燃料来自哪里?五、阅读回答问题Tom and Mike are good friends.And they are good students,too.Toms English is betterthan Mikes.But Mikes maths is better than Toms.They always help each other.Tom has two similar schoolbags.He gives a schoolbag to Mike.Mike has two sweaters but their colours are different.Mike gives one to Tom.1.Who are good friends?_2.Whose maths is better?_3.Who hastwo sweaters?_4.Is Toms English better than Mikes?【答案】1.Tom and Mike are good friends.2.Mikes maths is better.3.Mike has two sweaters.
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