闽教版三年级下册Unit 5 Parts of the Body-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:c052e).zip

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Unit 5 Parts of the body Part B Sing a song. Follow me 闯一闯 今天我们的一个新朋友来了,大家 快来闯关找到我们的新朋友吧! 通关秘诀:正确读出单词和chant, 则通过该关卡。 eye (eyes) ear(ears) face nose mouth Touch chant Face, face, touch my face. Eyes, eyes, touch my eyes. Nose, nose, touch my nose. Mouth, mouth, touch my mouth. Ears, ears, touch my ears. 闯关二 : Unit 5 Parts of the body Part B Hello,Im Winnie. Nice to meet you! Q1:What did Winnie find? 维尼发现了什么? apple A. B. honey Listen and watch. apple A. B. honey Q1: What did Winnie find?(维尼发现了什么?) honey Its sweet.I like it. Q2: What happened next? 接下来发生了什么事呢? 一天,维尼在森林里发现了一大罐甜甜的蜂蜜. Winnie受伤了,请按受伤的顺序排 列下列身体部位。 AB CD 1. 2. 3. 4. D B C A foo t head hand & arm leg Poor Winnie! 可怜的维尼!可怜的维尼! Where was Winnie hurt first? 维尼最先伤到了哪? He hurt his hand and arm first. hand an and hand a hand two hands /dz/ 小贴士: 与英美人打交道: 1.年少者等年长者先握手。 2.男士等女士先握手。 3.客人等主人先握手。 Shake hands with your deskmate. (和同桌握握手。) arm card ar /a:/ arm then an arm two arms head h /h/ ea /e/ d /d/ hand head 快速说出屏幕上的单词2遍, 并轻轻拍打该部位 headhead d d d handhand hand眼疾嘴快 leg footballfoot foot a foot two feet head arm hand leg foot 请快速说出出现的单词! 为了吃蜂蜜,维尼受伤了,一群特殊的 朋友们来看望他,你们能找出他们特殊的地 方吗? My special part is _____. arm (我特殊的部位是) My special part is _______. hand (我特殊的部位是) (我特殊的部位是) My special part is _______. head My special part is_______. leg (我特殊的部位是) (我特殊的部位是) My special part is _______. foot Lets chant. Hand , hand, its my hand. Arm , arm , its my arm. Head , head , its my head. Leg , leg , its my leg. Foot , foot , its my foot. Listen and imitate. Homework 1.Listen, repeat Unit5 PartB 2.Activity Book Unit5 PartB. 3.Retell the story.(和伙伴一起表演故事)(选做) Complete the story. (完成故事。) Game: I say you do. My 四个小组各选一个代 表到讲台前,根据指令做 动作,做错的就被淘汰出 局,留到最后的为获胜者 其余同学手交握于背后。 。 Lets chant. 1.Listen and number. My and my My . My . My . 根据课文内容,填上正确 的身体部位的单词。 Ican writeIcan write 我会写。我会写。 . We should pay attention to the safety rules and protect ourselves. 我们要注意安全,保护好自己。 Parts of the body are important for us. SummarySummary 1.今天我学到了新的身体部位: head arm hand leg foot 2. 我会用学到的知识描述身体部 位。My head. My arm. My hand. My leg . My foot . Homework: 1.Listen, repeat Unit5 PartB.(听读课文3遍) 2.Activity Book Unit5 PartB.(完成新启航P26 ) 3.Retell the story and act it out.(和伙伴一起表 演故事) Which group is the winner ?Which group is the winner ? 哪一组胜出哪一组胜出 ? Goodbye!UnitUnit 5 5 PartsParts ofof thethe bodybody PartPart A A 2018-20192018-2019学年第二学期学年第二学期 TeachingTeaching aims:aims: (1 1)Learn the words:hand arm head leg foot feet。Learn the sentences:My .学习字母u在开音节中的读音。 (2 2)能认读和正确书写hand arm head leg foot feet等身体部位单词, 能听懂句子My .并做出反应。 (3 3)TalkingTalking aboutabout partsparts ofof thethe body.body. (4 4)鼓励学生喜欢并积极参加英语活动,激发他们学习兴趣和热情,提高 学习的积极性和主动性。乐于接触异国文化,明白在日常生活中,中国人和英 美人对体态语的理解差异。 我们全身都是宝,要注意保护好自己,注意安全,别让身体受到伤害。 TeachingTeaching importantimportant pointpoint andand difficultdifficult point.point. 1、教学重点:单词:hand arm head leg foot feet等以及句型:My . 的熟练掌握。 2、教学难点:单词 hand 和 head 的发音及区别。foot 的复数形式 feet。 TeachingTeaching aids:aids: CD-ROM PPT cards TeachingTeaching steps:steps: Step1.Step1. WarmingWarming upup 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song and do the action. Follow me. (意图:这是一首欢快的歌 曲,简练的歌词,不仅帮助学生迅速地进入英语学习状态,而且接近了师生 间的距离,营造了轻松愉快的教学氛围。通过歌曲让生开启今天学习的热情。 ) 3. 说明小组评价机制。 Before the class,I will divide whole class into two groups and PK,The winner will get a present. (意图:让学生知道,今天要小组比赛, 哪组获胜,可以得到礼物,激发学生学习兴趣。) Step2.Review 1. Review the words:face,eye,nose,mouth,ear. 2. T: 今天我们的一个新朋友来了,大家快来闯关,只要能正确读出单词和 chant,就可能找到我们的新朋友了,Are you ready? 3. Review the words:face,eye,nose,mouth,ear(PPT) 4. Review the sentence. Touch chant. Face, face, touch my face. Eyes, eyes, touch my eyes. Nose, nose, touch my nose. Mouth, mouth, touch my mouth. Ears, ears, touch my ears.(意图:通过闯关的形式增加游戏的 趣味性,激发学生学习兴趣。) Step3.Show the title. Today we are going to learn Unit5 Parts of the body Part B.师板书 课题 Step4.Presentation. 1. Teach the words: honey 1) Teach honey T:Look,our new friend is coming,Lets guess,Who is he? Ss:He is Winnie. Winnie:Hello,Nice to meet you. Ss:Hello,Nice to meet you,too.(意图:和 Winnie 打招呼,激发学生学习 英语的兴趣。) 2) Watch the video,What did Winnie find? 2. Play the CD-ROM,Listen and choose.(意图:让学生带着问题听课文,培 养学生听力及注意力。 ) 3) Teach: honey Its sweet,I like it. 让学生有感情地朗读。 4) What happened to Winnie? Watch the video again,按维尼受伤的顺序给 图片标号。(意图:让学生整体感知课文内容。) Where was Winnie hurt first? First he hurt his arm and my hand. 3. Learn words and the text. 1)Show the sentence,learn the words:hand arm Teach: a hand ,two hands,my hands(全班,小组读,拍手读) 板书 hand Teach arm ,an arm , arms.(全班,小组读,挥手读) 板书 arm 2) 小贴士。与英美人打交道: 年少者等年长者先握手。男士等女士先握手。 客人等主人先握手。 3)学生和同桌握手。 T:Then,Where was Winnie hurt? 3) Teach: My head(全班,小组读,摇头晃脑读) 4) 区别 hand head Play a game 眼疾手快 5) Teach: my leg 让学生摸自己的腿读单词。举卡片读。 6) Teach: foot,feet 让学生指着自己的脚读,并区别单复数。 (通过全班读,小组读,摇头晃脑读,挥手读,拍手读等灵活多样的形式,激 发学生学习英语的兴趣。学生能较好掌握单词。) 4. 操练单词 1)齐读单词。 2)为了吃到蜂蜜,维尼受伤了,一群特殊的朋友来看他,你能找出他们特殊的 地方吗? My special part is ___.My special part is ___.My special part is ___. My special part is ___.My special part is ___. (意图:通过一群特殊的朋友的身体部位来复习单词,学生兴趣浓厚,能很好 地巩固单词。) 5. Lets act. My head. My arm.My hand .My leg. My foot. 6. Lets chant. Hand , hand, its my hand. Arm , arm , its my arm. Head , head , its my head. Leg , leg , its my leg. 7. Foot , foot , its my foot. (意图:通过 Lets act.Lets chant. 复习巩固本课句型。学生兴趣浓厚。) Listen and imitate.Read with your feeling.(意图:通过最直接的方式让 生领悟所学知识的意思,用肢体语言学习,形象直观,学生易于理解。让学生 模仿课文的语音语调读,理解课文内容。 ) Step5.Consolidation 1. Complete the story. 2. 我是小小配音员。(意图:通过完成故事和给课语文配音巩固课语文内容。 ) 3. Game: I say you do. My____. 四个小组各选一个代表到讲台前,根据指令做动作,做错的就被淘汰出局, 留到最后的为获胜者其余同学手交握于背后。 (意图:通过这个游戏巩固新单词和句型,给表现好的组加分,学生积极 性高,课堂气氛活跃。 ) 4.Chant.Clap your hands. 4. Listen and number. 5. I can write.My____.My____.My____.My____.My____. (意图:通过 Chant,听音标号,我会写等形式巩固。真正做到听说读写。) 6. 情感教育。 7. Parts of the body are important for us. We should play attention to the safety rules and protect ourselves. (意图:通过出示各个身体部位的作用及学生摔倒的图片,让学生明白我 们身体各个部位都是宝,要注意安全,照顾好自己的身体。) Step6. Summary What have you learned today? (意图:总结今天的知识点,我们学习了有关身体部位的单词,能根据指令作动 作,并根据板书让学生再次巩固所学内容。) Step7.Homework 1.Listen, repeat Unit5 PartB.(听读课文 3 遍) 2.Activity Book Unit5 PartB.(完成新启航 P26) 3.Retell the story and act it out.(和伙伴一起表演故事) (意图:作业的布置上,给学生留有自主的空间,让学生回去巩固所学内容,听 录音,读课文,完成练习并表演故事。) Blackboard design: Unit5 PartsParts ofof thethe bodybody PartB My.
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