湘少版四年级下册-Unit 3 What can you see -ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:20044).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 What can you see _ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:20044)
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UnitUnit 3 3 WhatWhat cancan youyou see?(AB)see?(AB) What can you see? I can see I see, I see, I see, A lion in the zoo. I see, I see, I see, A baby tiger, too. I see, I see, I see, A great big kangaroo. I see, I see, I see, I see them in the zoo. What can you see? What can you see? I can see a lion. I can see a baby tiger. I can see a kangaroo. the sun I can see the sun in the blue sky. the moon sun太阳,moon月亮都是世界上独一无二的事物, 所以在它们前面要加the。 What can you see? I can see the sun. I can see the moon. sea see(同音词)sea What can you see? I can see a sea. boat What can you see? I can see a boat. mountain What can you see? I can see mountains. s lake What can you see? I can see a lake. river What can you see? I can see a river. Fill. 2. lake 1.rivermountainsea boat 3.mountainlakeseamountainsea river boat lake sea boatlake boat mountain Fill.Fill. 2. 3 1. Listen and answer 1. What can Dongdong see? 2. What can Lingling see? 3. What can Peter see? 4. What can Mingming see? Listen and answer 1. What can Dongdong see? 2. What can Lingling see? 3. What can Peter see? 4. What can Mingming see? He can see a river ,a lake and a boat. What can you see? I can see a river. I can see a lake and a boat. Listen and answer 1. What can Dongdong see? 2. What can Lingling see? 3. What can Peter see? 4. What can Mingming see? He can see a river ,a lake and a boat. She can see white clouds and the blue sky. I can see white clouds and the blue sky. Listen and answer 1. What can Dongdong see? 2. What can Lingling see? 3. What can Peter see? 4. What can Mingming see? He can see a river ,a lake and a boat. She can see white clouds and the blue sky. He can see mountains. I can see mountains. What can you see,Peter? Listen and answer 1. What can Dongdong see? 2. What can Lingling see? 3. What can Peter see? 4. What can Mingming see? He can see a river ,a lake and a boat. She can see white clouds and the blue sky. He can see mountains. He can see a cake. I can see a cake. What can you see, Mingming? What can you see? I can see a boat. Magic eyes What can you see? I can see a river. What can you see? I can see the sun. What can you see? I can see a cloud. What can you see? I can see a sea. What can you see? I can see a mountain. Lets play. boat sea the sun the moon cloud mountain river lake start What can you see? I can see Summary. 学会单词学会单词 the sun the moon star cloud sea boat lake river mountain 重点句型:重点句型:What can you see? I can see 1. I can see____. A.the sun B.star C.the moon 2. I can see____. A.the sun B.stars C.the moon 3. I can see a ____. A.lake B.river C.mountain Exercises. Look,look ,what can you see? I can see a bird in a tree. I can see a monkey drinking tea. I can see a tiger watching TV. Lets have fun HomeworkHomework 2. Visit a zoo and a park with parents, then talk about what you can see. 1. Copy the new words and read the part AUnit3Unit3 WhatWhat cancan youyou see?see? (The first period) 一、一、 教学目标:教学目标: 语言目标 1、词汇: 能听懂、会说、会读新单词 sun, moon, star, cloud, lake, sea, boat, river, mountain, sky。 2、句型: 能用“What can you see?”和“ I can see.” 向他人询问所看到的景物。 情感目标 1、能说出自然景物的英文名。 2、能向他人询问并介绍所看到的自然景物。 3、通过学习本课激发学生学习英语的兴趣,能观察身边事物并发现生活中的 美。 二、二、 教学重点:教学重点: 1、能用所学句型 What can you see? 提问别人看到了什么,并能用 I can see 描述自己所看到的东西。 三、教学难点: 1 1、mountain 的发音。/tn/发音较难,要引导学生观察口形,仔细听,模仿读。 四、教学准备:四、教学准备: 1、课件,贴纸。 五、教学过程:教学过程: StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup 1、Greetings. 2、Chant. I see ,I see ,I see. 教师播放四年级上册 Unit3 Lets Have Fun,让学生仔 细观看,齐读,之后回答老师的问题 What can you see?播放歌曲以后,教师提 问 What can you see?相机引出课题,引导学生用 I can see.回答。 S1:I can see a lion. S2:I can see a baby tiger. S3:I can see a kangaroo. (设计意图:节奏感强,朗朗上口的 chant 既活跃课堂气氛,同时从学生已知 的知识出发,帮助学生复习了旧知,为新知的学习做好铺垫。 ) StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1、 New words (1)教师在黑板上画简笔,提问 What can you see?请学生回答。 S1:I can see a tree. S2:I can see a circle. 然后在“圆”上做加工,画成一个太阳,教学词汇 the sun。由此引入词汇 教学。 (设计意图:画树是平时教学中的评价机制,学生用智慧装饰他们自己的智慧 树,提高学生的学习积极性,培养学生竞争与合作的意识,从而提高学生的课 堂参与度, ) (2)PPT 出示一幅有太阳和蓝天的图,老师提问学生想看到什么?PPT 展示太 阳,蓝天图片,提问:What can you see ?然后齐读单词 the sun .学生用不 同的方式读单词,师引导说句型:What can you see ? I can see the sun . I can see the sun in the blue sky . (3)PPT 出示下一张图片(蓝色夜空上有月亮、白云、星星),学生观察图片, 引导学生学习 the moon 、cloud 、star 和运用句型,重复 the moon ,说明 当某事物是独一无二地存在时,一般使用定冠词 the,比如:the sun ,the moon . (4)PPT 出示图片,学生观察图片,同法教授其他几个新单词(sea、 boat、 lake、 river、 mountain)并引导学生说句型 What can you see ? I can see ,并采用不同的方式读单词和句型。 (设计意图:以蓝天为主线,先学天空中看到的物体的单词,再逐一呈现天空 下的物和景,边学词汇边操练句型,真正实现英语教学的词不离句,句不离情 境。 ) (5)出示单词和图片,学生齐读单词,看图读单词,猜被隐藏的单词和图片, 让学生操练,记忆单词。 (设计意图:通过看单词和图片来复习,达到对单词音形义的掌握,让学生猜 被隐藏的单词来检查学生对单词的掌握情况) 2、 Teach Part A (1) 设计情景,Our friends are travelling ,now listen to the tape and answer.PPT 展示问题。 a、What can Dongdong see ? b、What can Lingling see ? c、What can Peter see? d、What can Mingming see ? (2)Listen and answer 播放课文相关动画,学生带着问题、带着目的观看 动画,听对话,初步感知课文内容。 (3)Listen and repeat 引导学生逐一解决问题,通过多种形式让学生开口 说。比如:谈谈动画主人翁看见了什么,自己看见了什么?然后跟录音读,跟 教师读等等。 (4)Read and act 全班齐读课文后引导学生分角色表演对话。 (设计意图:先观看动画听录音再了解对话中的情节,然后跟读、齐读、表 演,使学生循序渐进的熟悉课文,进一步理解对话内容,从而体验英语会话的 乐趣。 ) StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 1. MagicMagic EyesEyes 课件快速出示图片,学生说出所看到的景物。 T:What can you see ? Ss:I can see (设计意图:一闪而过的图片能瞬间吸引学生的注意力,提高学生的参与积极 性,更能考察学生对新词汇和句型的掌握情况, ) StepStep 4 4 SummarySummary 总结本课所学知识,考察学生的掌握情况。 (设计意图:梳理全文,使学生对本课知识有更系统的记忆) StepStep 5 5 ExercisesExercises 根据图片提示完成练习。 StepStep 6 6 Lets have fun 观看动画,获取动画中的信息,感受英语的趣味性,激发学生学习英语的兴 趣。 (设计意图:首尾呼应,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,能发现生活中的英语, 并把所学英语知识灵活运用到生活中。 ) StepStep 7 7 HomeworkHomework 1. Copy the new words and read the part A 2. Visit a zoo and a park with parents, then talk about what you can see.(通过布置开放性的作业,既能让学生能综合运用本课所学新单词和 新句型,又寓教于乐,提高了学生的学习兴趣。 ) 板书设计: UnitUnit 3 3 WhatWhat cancan youyou seesee ? ? A: What can you see ? B: I can see
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