湘少版四年级下册-Unit 4 Can you write in English -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:f0030).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Can you write in English _ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:f0030)
    • Unit4 Can you write in English.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案f0030.docx--点击预览


unit 4 Can you write in English? Period 1 sing jump high boat throw far river the moon mountain lake the sun run fast Can you run fast? Yes, I can. Can you read this book? No, I cant 你能阅读这本书吗? * Lets Guess I can dance.我会跳舞。 Can you dance?Yes, I can. 是的,我会 。 No, I cant. 不,我不会。 你会跳舞吗? * Lets Guess I can sing. 我会唱歌 Can you sing?你会唱歌吗 ? Yes, I can. No, I cant. * Lets Guess I can draw.我会画画 。 Can you draw?你会画画吗? Yes, I can. No, I cant. * Lets Guess I can paint.我会涂色。 Can you paint? Yes, I can. No, I cant. * Lets Guess I can write in English. Can you write in English? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Read and see which is missing? * Dance, dance, can you dance? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Sing, sing, can you sing? No no no, no, I cant. Draw, draw, can you draw? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Paint, paint, can you paint? No no no, no, I cant. Lets chant * Hello,Hello, ImIm a a robot.Canrobot.Can youyou helphelp meme toto answeranswer thethe questions?questions? 根据笑脸和哭 脸提示回答Yes, I can./No, I cant.(要 模仿我的声音哦) CanCan youyou read?read? CanCan youyou sing?sing? CanCan youyou drawdraw? ? CanCan youyou swimswim? ? CanCan youyou dance?dance? CanCan youyou write?write? * 我会问我会问 Dino,can you ____, ? dance draw sing read write paint * 特长调查会:特长调查会: 问一问你的同学有什么特长? 例:A: CanCan youyou _____? (做动作) B:Yes,Yes, I I cancan./ No,No, I I cantcant. B:CanCan youyou _____? (做动作) A:Yes,Yes, I I can.can./ No,No, I I cant.cant. HomeworkHomework 一、 抄写、熟读B部分的单词。 二、把C部分的句子教给家人。 三、预习A部分内容。 我们一起来 看看谁是今 天的大赢家 Unit 4 Can you write in English? 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: Unit4 PartB PartC 教学目标教学目标 能听懂、会说、认读 read, write, sing, dance, draw, paint 等单 词; 2. 能用“Can you .?”询问他人能否做某事,并会用“Yes, I can. / No, I cant.”对问题进行回答; 3. 能通过对个人情况的交流了解他人信息。 教学重点教学重点: 能听懂、会说、认读 read, write, sing, dance, draw, paint 等单词; 能运用本单元句型对别人的能力进行简单提问。 教学难点教学难点: 1. write 的发音。w 不发音,要提醒学生注意这一语音现象 2. draw 的发音。/dr/的发音,要引导学生观察口形模仿。 3. cant 的发音,不要和 can 弄混淆。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候。 2.T: Today , I want to divide you to 3 groups. Youre sun group. Youre moon group. And youre star group. Who did good job, who will rise high. The highest is the winner. 3. Listen to a song “Yes, I can.” 会唱的同学可以一起唱。 4.火眼金睛:看屏幕上出现的单词或短语快速的说出来。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. 出示运动会的图片介绍:Our school had a sports meeting.Every athlets got good results. I want to ask you a quesion: Can you run fast?(做 动作)指名同学问。S1: Yes, I can. 教读 Yes, I can. 2. 出示一本日语书问:Can you read this book? 问同学们知道 read 的 意思吗?生:阅读、看书。教读:read, read , I can read. T:Who can do the action and read. 抽生表演读单词或句子。那 Can you read this book? 什么意思呢?生:你能阅读这本书吗?指名学生问:Can you read this book? 帮助学生回答:No, I cant. 教读否定回答。T:传递这 本书并且做问答练习。 3. T: Today ,were going to learn Unit4 Can you write in English?板 书课题。 4. T:今天,我给大家带来了一群好朋友,他们来自熊出没, Look , whos he? Ss: 熊二。T: Can you guess, what can Xionger do? Lets check. 学熊二的声音说:I can dance. Dance , whats meaning?跳 舞。教读 Dance,dance,dance, I can dance. Dance,dance 蹦恰恰。 T:Who can do the action and read.谁能做动作并且读单词。指名问: I can dance. Can you dance? S1: Yes , I can. 5. T: Now ,whos he?(出示毛毛的图片)Ss: Hes Maomao. T: Guess, what can Maomao do? 学生猜测。然后揭晓答案。Lets listen to Maomao. Maomao 说: I can sing. “ sing” whats meaning?唱歌。 教读 sing, sing, sing, I can sing. Sing, sing ,哆来咪。做唱歌的动作再教读。 让学生来做动作再读。T: Can you sing? 指名问。S1: Yes, I can. /No, I cant. T: Work in pairs.同桌之间互相来问答。 6. 用同样的方式教学 draw,write, paint. 7. 复习这些动词 read,dance, sing,draw,write, paint. T:I read one time, you read three times. 谁来当小老师教读一下。I say you do 我说你做, I do you say. 我做你说。 8. T:下面,看谁反应最快,看那个单词不见了,快速的说出来。 9. PartC T: Watch the video and read. 翻译这些句子,并教读,再让学生朗读。 10. 为了让学生掌握肯定回答和否定回答,我设计了一个机器人,让 机器人和同学们来交流,学生们会更加感兴趣。机器人说: Hello , I am a robot.Can you help me to answer the questions?根据笑脸和哭脸 提示回答 Yes, I can./No, I cant.(要模仿我的声音哦) 11. 我会问:根据提示你会问小恐龙,他会做什么吗?利用单词 read,dance, sing,draw,write, paint. 板书上句型: Dino, can you ______? 12. 创设情境:设计一场特长调查会 问一问你的同学有什么特长? 例:A: Can you _____?(做动作) B:Yes, I can./ No, I cant. B:Can you _____?(做动作) A:Yes, I can./ No, I cant. Step 3consolidation 1、评出今天的大赢家,给予掌声鼓励。 2、布置作业:(1)抄写、熟读 B 部分的单词。 (2) 把 C 部分的句子教给家人。 (3)预习 A 部分内容。
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