湘少版四年级下册-Unit 9 How much is it -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:701d2).zip

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    • A.swf
    • A部分的动画视频.mp3
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    • Unit 9 How much is it Period1.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案701d2.doc--点击预览
    • 门铃的声效.mp3


Unit 9 How much is it? Period 1 is wase are were do did say said like liked see saw visit visited Read aloud! (大声读大声读) Go went visit visited go went say said are were see saw is was do did Read aloud! (大声读大声读) like liked are were is was go went visit visited see saw like liked do did 19 15 17 16 20 30 21 22 33 40 45 60 56 50 64 70 77 101 88 80 100 99 90 34 68 10 1214 13 11 9 7 5 1 2 Its oneone yuan.yuan. yuanyuan( (人民币人民币) )元元 完全形式:完全形式:it is Its two yuan. Its yuan.yuan. It is yuan.yuan. 或或 schoolbag ( school + ) = schoolbagbag knife(小刀小刀) crayon(蜡笔蜡笔) brush(画笔,刷子画笔,刷子) br fish bus )( ush brush brown book note笔记本笔记本 ball(球球) toy car(玩具车玩具车) ball notebook knife brush crayon toy car 规则:小组合作读规则:小组合作读 单词,再玩游戏。单词,再玩游戏。 老师问老师问:What is this? Magic eyes (火眼金睛)(火眼金睛) Rules(规则规则): 快速闪现图片,学生快速说出单快速闪现图片,学生快速说出单 词,看谁反应最快。词,看谁反应最快。 学生答:学生答:It is . crayon ball brush knife toy car notebook I want a schoolbag , How much is it? Its fifteen yuan. 1.Peter wants a notebook.( ) 2.Peter likes the red one.( ) x x Lets listen and say Assistant: Can I help you? B: I want a schoolbag , please. Assistant: Do you like this one? B: No , I like the green one. Assistant: Here you are. B: Thank you.How much is it? Assistant: Its fifty-six yuan. A:Can I help you? B:I want A:How much is it B:Its Homework: 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Copy the words. Where was he? Last week, Mr White was in China. Last week, Mr White was in China. He went to four cities. He was in Beijing on Monday and Tuesday. He visited the Great Wall. He was in Hangzhou on Wednesday. He saw a beautiful lake, the West Lake. He was happy. And on Thursday,Mr White went to Guangzhou. The food there was very nice. He liked it very much. The last city was Kunming. The weather in Kunming was sunny and warm. And people were kind to him. Mr White said,“I love the cities and I love China!”1 湘少版四下湘少版四下 Unit 9 How much is it? Period 1 教学目标教学目标 一、语言目标 1.词汇:能听懂,会说会读 want。 2. 句型: 能用“Can I help you?“询问顾客需要,能用 “How much is it? Its.yuan.”来谈论物品价格。 二、运用目标 1、能听懂、会说课文 A 部分的对话并表演对话。 2、能够简单描述要购买的物品并询问价格。 三、情感目标 通过角色互换的方式,让学生学会礼貌待人。 教学重难点教学重难点 重点:能听懂、会说、会读新单词 want,并在情境中灵活运用句型 “How much is it? Its.yuan.” 难点: 1. one 在本课中是用来指代上文中提到的物品,而不是数量“一” 。 2. 物品价格的听和读。 教学准备教学准备 句式卡片、商品实物、价格牌、代金券、ppt 等。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up/Revision 2 Game: Lets PK (数字大对决) 老师说出数字,学生说下一个数字。 T: 1,3,6,11,20,24,37,54,65,99 (设计意图:通过“数字大对决”这个环节旨在复习表示数字的单 词,为新授物品价格打下基础。快速说出数字,也可集中学生的注 意力,调动其学习积极性。) 2.Brain Storm T:Now, lets see a picture. Look, this is my shop. Everybody, welcome to my shop! Well, You know, my shop is on a big sale now. I have many coupons. If you answer my question bravely and loudly, Ill give you coupons, later, you can use these coupons to go shopping in my shop, OK? (设计意图:通过文具店的情境设定自然过渡到本节课主题 shopping。围绕主题,奖励机制设为奖代金券,调动学生参与课堂 积极性。) Step 2 Presentation 1. Review the new words. Look! I have so many things here. Lets see what I have. T: Whats this? Ss: Its a knife. (设计意图:通过实物展示快速学习 B 部分单词,为接下来的购 物游戏做准备。) 3 2. Learn the new sentences. ppt 出示图片(Peter 在商店购物) T:Look!Who is he? Ss: Peter. T: Yes, Peter. He is shopping in my shop now. Do you know what he want? 师出示单词 want,并带读。 T;OK, let me ask. Can I help you, Peter? Hmmm? No answer. OK, let me ask loudly. What do you want, Peter? Oh, no answer again! Maybe my voice isnt loud enough, now can you help me to ask him? Ss:Can I help you, Peter? PPT 出示 Peter 的回答。 T:Oh,Peter wants a schoolbag. T: Now, boys and girls, look at all the things here, can you tell me, what do you want? 逐个让学生回答,操练句型。 T:Now, lets do a chant. Boys and girls, show me your hands, please. First, listen to me carefully. PPT 出示 chant 边打节奏,边朗读。 Crayon, crayon, I want a crayon. T: Now, can you read it? 生朗读完后,再 PPT 出示 , , I want a . 4 并呈现三幅商品的图片,让学生自主完成 chant。 Pairwork: 请三对同桌站起来 chant. T:Look! Here are two schoolbags, a red one and a green one, which one does Peter like? Let me ask.(手指红色书包)Do you like this one, Peter? PPT 出示回答 3. Text Learning 1)Listen and repeat. 听录音,模仿跟读, 提醒学生,朗读 Can I help you?时,面带微笑, 并作出鞠躬的动作。 2)Lets reorder 根据课文将打乱的课文句子重新排序。 3)Lets act 男女生分角色朗读课文对话。 Step 3 Practice Game:Go shopping! T: Boys and girls, show me your coupons! Do you want to buy something in my shop?(请同学上台示范购物) (师生示范对话) T:Hello,boy!Nice to meet you! S1:Nice to meet you! T:Can I help you? . 5 (设计意图:师生合作表演。教师示范对话为接下来学生的自由购 物打好基础。 ) Step 4: Consolidation Game:Little Boss(小小老板) T:Now Im a little tired, who wants to be the little boss? 学生示范表演。 Step 5:Homework step 6 : Summary T: Are you happy today? Ss: Yes! T: Boys and girls, remember, money is not the most important, be happy is the most important !
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