湘少版四年级下册-Unit 5 Peter is writing.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:30f21).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Peter is writing._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:30f21)
    • chant音乐.mp3
    • the more we get together.mp3
    • Unit 5 Peter is writing 希沃课件.enbx
    • Unit 5 Peter is writing.pptx--点击预览
    • 作业单.docx--点击预览
    • 切菜声.mp3
    • 吃东西声.wav
    • 喝水声.wav
    • 教案30f21.docx--点击预览
    • 课文MP3.mp3
    • 课文动画.wmv


Can you chant?Can you chant? Read, read, can you read? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Dance, dance, can you dance? No, no, no, I cant. Write, write, can you write? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Paint, paint, can you paint? No, no, no, I cant. Draw, draw, can you draw? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Sing, sing, can you sing? Yes, yes, yes, I can. 通过一系列课堂活动,学生能听懂、认读、 会说表示“活动”的新单词cook(cooking), eat(eating), drink(drinking), play(playing), watch(watching), sleep(sleeping). 2.学生能听懂、会说Part A部分的内容。 3. 通过自主学习、小组活动等方式,学生能 用“Sb is V-ing.”描述他人正在进行的活动。 4.培养学生细心观察的习惯。 学习目标学习目标 write She is writing. read He is reading. What is she doing?(她正在做什么?) cook She is cooking. What is he doing?(他正在做什么?) eat He is eating. What is he doing?(他正在做什么?) drink He is drinking. What is he doing?(他正在做什么?) play He is playing. What is she doing?(他正在做什么?) watch She is watching. What is he doing?(他正在做什么?) He is sleeping. sleep Lets chant!Lets chant! Doing, doing, what are they doing? Writing, writing, she is writing. Reading, reading, he is reading. Cooking, cooking, she is cooking. Eating, eating, he is eating. Drinking, drinking, he is drinking. Playing, playing, he is playing. Watching, watching, she is watching. Sleeping, sleeping, he is sleeping. Please help us homePlease help us home Hello, boys and girls, we are word babies, we are lost in the forest. Can you help us home? (单词宝宝们在森林里迷路了,你能帮助单 词宝宝们回家吗?) What are they doing? They are sleeping. What is he doing? He is drinking. What is she doing? She is singing. Talk about the pictures. What are they doing? They are .(他们正在.) He/She is .(他/她正在.) Work in group, say and act one by one. Use the sentence Sb. is doing sth. (以小组为单位,采用接龙的形式用 “Sb. is doing sth.”句型向后面的同学说 前一个人正在做的动作,然后自己再做 一个动作。每组最后一名同学到讲台 前告诉老师上一名同学正在做的动作。) Chain Chain GameGame (接龙游戏) Peters mum playing Peters sister writing Peter cooking The dog sleeping The cat reading Listen and match. What are they doing? Peters mum playing Peters sister writing Peter cooking The dog sleeping The cat reading Listen and match. What are they doing? Peters mum playing Peters sister writing Peter cooking The dog sleeping The cat reading Listen and match. What are they doing? 1. Dongdong reading. A. am B. is 2. What are they ? A. doing B. do 3. Peter is . A. writeing B. writing Choose A or B. B A B Its a sunny day. The animals are in the garden. Look! The bear is cooking. The bird is . The cat . . . They are very happy. Talk about the picture in group. What do you learn this lesson? (谈一谈你的收获。) Review and Summarize We are happy together.We are happy together.We are happy together.We are happy together. The more we get together,The more we get together,The more we get together,The more we get together, The happier well be.The happier well be.The happier well be.The happier well be. The more we get together Together, together The more we get together The happier well be For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we get together The happier well be Draw a picture of your family and talk about what they are doing. (画一张家人活动图并说一说他们 正在做什么。)Unit 5 Peter is writing Period 1Unit 5 Peter is writing Part A&B 学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生大概处在十岁左右,这个阶段的儿童注意力不稳 定、不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激 的事物所吸引,所以他们对课件里的动画和能发声的教具感兴趣。 他们的有意记记逐渐占据主导地位,思维发展开始从具体形象思维 向抽象逻辑思维过渡,但是他们的抽象逻辑思维在很大程度上仍然 是直接与感性经验相联系的。通过一年多的英语学习,学生已有良 好的学习习惯,对英语有了浓厚的兴趣,并初步具备自主学习和小 组合作的意识和能力。 本课的话题为“活动(activity) ” ,学生对这个与实际生活相关 的话题很感兴趣。学生学习过一些关于动作的单词,如 jump, run, swim, write, read, draw, paint, dance, sing 等, 这些都为本课将要学习 的话题奠定了基础。 教学目标教学目标 通过一系列课堂活动,全体学生能听懂、认读、会说表示“活动” 的新单词 cook(cooking), eat(eating), drink(drinking), play(playing), watch(watching), sleep(sleeping). 2.全体学生能听懂、会说 Part A 部分的内容。 3. 通过自主学习、小组活动等方式,90%的学生能用“Sb is V-ing.” 描述他人正在进行的活动。 4.培养学生细心观察的习惯。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 重点:重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词,并能用“Sb. is V-ing.”描述他人 正在进行的活动。 难点:难点:现在进行时中动词词形的变化,以及-ing 与动词原形词尾的 连续。 教学法教学法 交际法、游戏教学法、情境教学法、合作学习法。 教学准备教学准备 单词卡片,PPT 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Preparation Teachers activities 1. Greet the class. 2. Lets chant. T: Boys and girls, can you chant? Lets chant together. T&Ss: Read, read, can you read? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Dance, dance, can you dance? No, no, no, I cant. Write, write, can you write? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Paint, paint, can you paint? No, no, no, I cant. Draw, draw, can you draw? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Sing, sing, can you sing? Yes, yes, yes, I can. Students activities 1. Greet the teacher. 2. Chant together. 设计意图 师生互相问候、一起诵读节奏明快的 chant,创造轻松的课堂氛围, 使学生快速进入学习状态。 Step 2 Presentation Teachers activities Show the learning objectives to students. 通过一系列课堂活动,学生能听懂、认读、会说表示“活动”的 新单词 cook(cooking), eat(eating), drink(drinking), play(playing), watch(watching), sleep(sleeping). 2.学生能听懂、会说 Part A 部分的内容。 。 3. 通过自主学习、小组活动等方式,学生能用“Sb is V-ing.”描述 他人正在进行的活动。 4.培养学生细心观察的习惯。 Students activities Look through the learning objectives. 设计意图 展示课堂学习目标,使学生明确自己的学习任务,增强目标意识。 Step 3 Practice Teachers activities 1. Free talk. T: Ask a student, “Hello, good morning. How are you? Can you write?” S: Yes, I can. T: Good. Thank you. Show a picture and say, “She can write, too. Look, She is writing now.” Write down the word “writing” and read. 2. New words. (1)Show pictures and learn the words reading, cooking, eating, drinking, playing, watching, sleeping. (2)Lets Chant. Doing, doing, what are they doing? Writing, writing, she is writing. Reading, reading, he is reading. Cooking, cooking, she is cooking. Eating, eating, he is eating. Drinking, drinking, he is drinking. Playing, playing, he is playing. Watching, watching, she is watching. Sleeping, sleeping, he is sleeping. (3) Game timePlease help us home. Many word babies are lost in the forest, they need help home. 3.Sentences. (1) Pair workWhat are they doing? Students ask and answer in pairs. (2) Group workChain game. Students say and act one by one, use the sentence “Sb. Is doing sth.” Students activities 1. Free talk. 2. Learn the new words by reading and playing word games. 3. Learn the new sentences through pair work and group work. 设计意图 通过自主学习、小组合作等方式,使学生熟悉、听懂、会说本课的 关键词汇和句型。 Step 4 Production Teachers activities 1. Have students listen and match. What are they doing? Peters mum playing Peters sister writing Peter cooking The dog sleeping The cat reading 2. Have students listen and read after the video. 3.Have students choose A or B. (1) Dongdong reading. A. am B. is (2)What are they ? A. doing B. do (3)Peter is . A. writeing B. writing Students activities 1. Listen and match. 2. Listen and read. 3. Choose A or B. 设计意图 通过一系列的听说活动,让学生充分感知、反复练习目标语言,为 语言输出做准备。 Step 5 Progress Teachers activities 1. Have students talk about the picture in group. Finish the article. 2. Consolidation. Let students talk about what they learnt this lesson. Listen and sing a song The more we get together. 3. Assign homework. Have students draw a picture of your family and talk about what they are doing. Students activities 1. Talk about the pictures in group. Finish the article. 2. Review and summarize what we learnt this lesson. 3. Listen and sing a song The more we get together. 4. Homework. Draw a picture of family and talk about what they are doing. 设计意图 通过描述所给图片、完成家庭作业等多种方式,巩固学习内容。 Blackboard Design Unit 5 Peter is writing Part A&B cook-cooking write-writingread-reading eat-eating drink-drinkingplay-playing He is drinking. She is singing. watch-watchingsleep-sleeping
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