湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 5 When's your birthay -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a10fd).zip

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  • 湘少2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 When's your birthay _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:a10fd)
    • 12个月份Let's sing.mp4
    • Let's chant.pptx--点击预览
    • Part A.mp4
    • Part C.mp4
    • Sing a birthday song.mp4
    • Unit5 When's your birthday.pptx--点击预览
    • 信息技术课堂练习展示1.jpg--点击预览
    • 信息技术课堂练习展示2.jpg--点击预览
    • 信息技术课堂练习展示3.jpg--点击预览
    • 学案.doc--点击预览
    • 学生视频.mp4
    • 教案a10fd.docx--点击预览
    • 月份歌The Months Chant.mp4


空白演示 在此输入您的封面副标题Class Rules: Lets sing : Happy birthday to you ! January February March May June April Lets say September October November December July August Listen and read:twelve months of a year 月月 年年 Lets play a game duck 1: January. duck 2 : February. duck 3: March. duck 4: April. duck 5 : May. duck 6: . the first (1st) the second (2nd) the third (3rd) the fourth (4th) the fifth (5th) the sixth (6th) Lets count the seventh (7th) the eighth (8th) the ninth (9th) the tenth (10th) the eleventh (11th) the twelfth (12th) Lets play a game duck 1 : first duck 2 : second duck 3 : third duck 4 : fourth duck 5 : fifth duck 6 : sixth duck 7 : seventh duck 8 : . Lets chant January , February,first and second March, April, third and fourth May, June , fifth and sixth July , August , seventh and eighth September, October, ninth and tenth November, December, eleventh and twelfth My birthday is in August. in+月份月份 Its on the fourth of August. on+表示表示日期的序数词日期的序数词 an birthday introduction A: Whens your birthday ? B: My birthday is in +月份月份. Its on the +表日期的序数词表日期的序数词 of +月份月份. 1、Pair work 2、Show time Write and say A: Whens your birthday ? B: My birthday is in +月份月份. Its on the +表日期的序数词表日期的序数词 of +月份月份. name name birthdaybirthday inin., ononthe.of.the.of. . my birthdaymy birthday P21:(1) Listen and say (2) Act the dialogue P22: (1) Listen and say (2) Act the dialogue Summary 1、 twelve months of a year 2、 A: Whens your birthday ? B: My birthday is in +月份月份. Its on the +表日期的序数词表日期的序数词 of +月份月份. Homework 1、 Read and write :twelve months 2、Write and say : whose birthday whose birthday date:date:( (日期) ) inin.,ononthe.of.the.of. my birthdaymy birthday my fathers birthdaymy fathers birthday my mothers birthday my mothers birthday Enjoy a song Bye -bye !Write and say A: Whens your birthday ? B: My birthday is in +月份. Its on the +表日期的序数词 of +月份. key words: 1、 months : January / February / March/ April / May / June / July/ August / September / October/ November / December 2、dates: first/1st; second/2nd ; third/3rd; fourth /4th; fifth /5th; sixth/6th; seventh/7th; eighth/8th; ninth/9th; tenth/10th; eleventh/11th; twelfth/12th ; thirteenth/13th; fourteenth/14th; fifteenth/15th ; sixteenth/16th; seventeenth/17th; eighteenth/18th, nineteenth/19th; twentieth/20th; twenty-first/21st; twenty-second/22nd; twenty-third/23rd; twenty-fourth/24th; twenty-fifth/25th; twenty-sixth/26th; twenty-seventh/27th; twenty- eighth/28th; twenty-ninth/29th; thirtieth/30th, thirty-first 31st nameBirthday ( in., on the.of.) my birthdayUnit 5 Whens your birthday ? (湘少版教材五年级下册湘少版教材五年级下册) Part A,Part B ,part C 教学设计教学设计 一、 Teaching aims : 1、 Language ability: (1) Twelve months of a year,pay attention to students pronunciation (2) A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on .; Its on the.of. 2、 learning ability : Let students can communicate in a real language context 3、 Thinking quality: Ask students to express their birthdays in English . 4、 Culture character : Teach students to remember their parents birthdays. 2、Important points: (1) Twelve months of a year,pay attention to students pronunciation (2) A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is in .; Its on the .of . 3、Difficult points: The pronunciation of twelve months 四、 Teaching aids:PPT, word cards; video 五、 Teaching steps: 教学步骤 设计意图 Step 1: Warming up 运用多媒体播放音乐进行课前热身 活动,提醒学生集中注意力进入课 堂学习,消除学生的紧张情绪,为 本节课教学创造积极的心理状态; 同时也起到了复习旧知识的作用, 又很自然地衔接了本节课的内容, 即:旧知引新知。 Step2: presentation (1) 用学生学过的节日名称导入一年十 二个月的英语单词,节日画面清晰 自然,学生容易接受 (2) 注意学生的发音 (3) 游戏操练单词,加深学生对新授 单词的印象 (4) 新授内容层层递进,但有条不紊 (5) 游戏教学巩固序数词 (6) Lets chant 将月份和表日期的序数 词完美地结合起来 Step 3 Practice (1) 教师通过创设生活化的教学情境引 出句型,降低了句型学习的难度, 学生有话说,也乐于表达。 (2) 在写作之前把课前录制的微视频展 现给孩子们,让孩子们心里有底, 微视频的录制让学生一边看一边有 独立思考的空间,也让老师“解放” 了双手,不要在黑板上板书,课堂 上节约了很多时间。 (3) 运用多媒体播放动画视频,让学生 看视频跟读课文录音,在听录音的 同时要求学生模仿视频中的语音语 调。动画视频符合小学生的心理特 点和年龄特点,集图像和声音于一 体,学生爱听,也容易接受;动画 视频中的情景交际,让学生身临其 境,将复杂的语言对话简单化,减 轻了老师的教学负担,使学生变得 乐学、好学。 Step4 让学生知道自己这节课需要掌握什 么 Step 5 告知学生家庭作业 Step 6 利用多媒体播放轻音乐,学生齐唱 twelve months of a year,音乐响 起,多媒体的音乐播放渲染了课堂 气氛,有利于孩子的身心健康发展, 同时通过唱歌的方式不知不觉地掌 握了一年十二个月的正确发音,将 课堂推向了高潮。 附:板书设计:附:板书设计: UnitUnit 4 4 WhensWhens ourour birthdaybirthday A:WhensA:Whens your birthday? B: My birthday is in .; Its on .of. 单词卡片: January February March April May June July August September October November December
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