新(2019新教材) 人教版必修第二册 Unit1 Cultural Heritage SectionⅠ 课件.ppt

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1、UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE 语篇类型语篇类型 1. 1. 记叙文记叙文:FROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS;:FROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS; 2. 2. 新闻报道新闻报道; ; 3. 3. 其他类型其他类型: :视频、音频、图片等视频、音频、图片等 语言知识语言知识 语音语音 辅音连缀辅音连缀: :词首连缀和词尾连缀词首连缀和词尾连缀 主题主题 词汇词汇 文化遗产文化遗产:heritage:heritage templetemple relicrelic mountmount archaeologistarchaeologist

2、pyramidpyramid dragondragon cavecave tradition tradition Aswan DamAswan Dam the Nilethe Nile EgyptEgypt Egyptian Egyptian 文化遗产描述文化遗产描述:creative:creative formerformer historichistoric lossloss issueissue disappeardisappear worthwhileworthwhile qualityquality likelylikely within overseaswithin oversea

3、s entranceentrance exitexit sheetsheet mirrormirror roofroof throughoutthroughout qualityquality all over the worldall over the world comparison contrastcomparison contrast 文化遗产保护文化遗产保护:preserve:preserve promotepromote protestprotest committeecommittee establishestablish limitlimit contributioncontr

4、ibution departmentdepartment conductconduct prevent from prevent from donate to donate to attemptattempt make suremake sure paradeparade keep balancekeep balance fundfund investigateinvestigate professionalprofessional processprocess take part intake part in give way togive way to lead tolead to mak

5、e a proposalmake a proposal turn toturn to further identifyfurther identify 历史文化的传承历史文化的传承:document:document downloaddownload digitaldigital imageimage opinionopinion quotequote paraphraseparaphrase foreverforever 语法语法 限制性定语从句限制性定语从句(3)(3) 语言知识语言知识 语篇语篇 1. 1. 新闻报道的常见文体结构、标题特征和语言特点新闻报道的常见文体结构、标题特征和语言

6、特点; ; 2. 2. 描述事件发展过程的叙事记叙文的文体特征及语言特点描述事件发展过程的叙事记叙文的文体特征及语言特点 语用 如何开始一个话题如何开始一个话题:I beg your pardon, but :I beg your pardon, but Forgive me for asking, but Forgive me for asking, but Excuse me, but what is ?Excuse me, but what is ? Excuse me. Could you please tell me about ?Excuse me. Could you pleas

7、e tell me about ? Do/Did you know ?Do/Did you know ? I see that you are I see that you are 文化知识文化知识 通过对中外文化遗产的了解通过对中外文化遗产的了解, ,增强对文化遗产的保护意识增强对文化遗产的保护意识, ,并积极参与其中并积极参与其中 语言技能语言技能 1. 1. 在听的过程中根据上下文猜测词义在听的过程中根据上下文猜测词义; ; 2. 2. 根据所读内容根据所读内容, ,制作“时间线”制作“时间线”, ,理解事物发展的过程及事件之间的相互联系理解事物发展的过程及事件之间的相互联系; ; 3.

8、 3. 通过观看图片、视频通过观看图片、视频, ,能够理解非文字资源所传达的意义能够理解非文字资源所传达的意义; ; 4. 4. 能够自然得体地启动交谈或讨论能够自然得体地启动交谈或讨论; ; 5. 5. 能够写简单的新闻报道能够写简单的新闻报道 学习策略学习策略 1. 1. 掌握通过上下文语境猜测词义的方法掌握通过上下文语境猜测词义的方法; ; 2. 2. 通过制作“时间线”理解不同事件之间的联系通过制作“时间线”理解不同事件之间的联系; ; 3. 3. 通过本单元对历史文化遗产的介绍和描述通过本单元对历史文化遗产的介绍和描述, ,掌握有关历史文化遗产保护方面的新掌握有关历史文化遗产保护方面

9、的新 闻报道的写作方法和技巧等闻报道的写作方法和技巧等 Section Listening and Speaking 在括号里写出黑体单词在句中的含义 1. If you preserve ( ) a situation or condition, you make sure that it remains as it is, and does not change. 2. I happened to meet my former ( ) English teacher this morning, who taught me English 12 years ago. 3. He is a c

10、reative ( ) boy. He made many model planes that you would never imagine. 4. If people promote ( ) something, they help or encourage it to happen, increase, or spread. 5. An application ( ) for something such as a job or membership of an organisation is a formal written request for it. 6. A countrys

11、heritage ( ) is all the qualities, traditions, or features of life that have continued over many years and have been passed on from one generation to another. 7. He mounted ( ) his horse and rode away. 8. A clue ( ) to a problem or mystery is something that helps you to find the answer to it. 答案答案:

12、1. 1. 维护维护; ;维持维持 2. 2. 以前的以前的 3. 3. 有创造力的有创造力的 4. 4. 促进促进 5. 5. 申请申请 6. 6. 遗产遗产 7. 7. 骑上骑上 8. 8. 线索线索 Pre-listening: Look and say. Look at the pictures on Page 2 and answer the following questions. 1. Describe what you have seen in Picture 1. _ _ 2. Can you guess where they are from Picture 1? Why?

13、 _ _ 3. According to the two pictures, what are they probably talking about? _ 答案答案: 1. Two boys are taking pictures of the rock carving at Mount Tai and taking notes while the other two girls are sitting on the ground, searching for some information on the Internet. 2. They are at Mount Tai. Becaus

14、e “Wuyueduzun” is one of the most outstanding historical sites on Mount Tai. 3. They are probably talking about something that is related to the protection of cultural heritage. While-listening: Listen and write. 1. Listen to the conversation and finish Exercises 2, 3 and 5 of the textbook. 2. Liste

15、n again and fill in the blanks. An interview about a youth project Who A and students What A brief introduction of an youth project; they choose Mount Tai to carry out the project; Something about the they are making. reporter two international Why app Post-listening: Speak and play. 1. (应用实践)Prepar

16、e one news report according to the above conversation and then present it to your partner. 2. (迁移创新)Fill in the blanks according to the situation and role-play with your partner. Tom: Hi, Peter. I signed up for a class about cultural heritage protection next term. And the professor is well known for

17、 protecting cultural monuments. Peter: _? What exactly does that mean Tom: It means that she tries to prevent monuments from being destroyed. Peter: I cannot imagine who would want to destroy a part of someones culture. ? Tom: Unfortunately, there is lots of destruction of cultural monuments. My pro

18、fessor also helps restore damaged monuments. I think shes pretty famous around the world for this. Peter: . Tom: You said it. Its really a cool job! Peter: . Is there a lot of destruction of cultural monuments I think that would be a really cool job I am wondering if I can try doing that Tom: Im so

19、glad you said that! My professor has asked for volunteers to help her with a restoration project next term. And I signed us both up. Peter: . Tom: You are welcome. Pronunciation: Listen and repeat. 1. Read the following words. Try to find the characteristics(特点) of consonant clusters. Thanks very mu

20、ch/Thanks a lot 词首连缀:school black close flat friend bright dress free 词尾连缀:books asked sings tests fields stopped seemed 辅音连缀是指在同一意群内(通常为一个单词内),有两个或两 个以上的_音素结合在一起的一种语音现象。 朗读时,任何两个辅音间都不能加上_。如:把friend 一词的音标/frend/误读成/frend/。出现辅音连缀情况时,正确的 方法是第一个音(或第一、第二个音)要读得轻而短,很快过渡到 第二个音(或第三个音)上去。 辅音辅音 元音音素元音音素 2. Re

21、ad the following words carefully, and then divide them into two groups. called spring missed gifts pretends block flow hosts French songs trouble snake quite 第一组(词首连缀): _ _ 第二组(词尾连缀): _ _ spring, pretends, block, flow, French, trouble, snake, quite called, missed, gifts, pretends, hosts, song s 根据上下

22、文猜测词义 技巧1:听力过程中如果遇到生词,应该对生词所在句的内容进行整体理解。“从 整体理解到局部推测”是猜测生词词义的一个重要途径。 技巧2:若生词后面出现诸如同位语、定语从句等,它们起着修饰、解释说明的作 用,这对理解生词词义起着至关重要的作用,而文中出现的or、that is (to say)、 namely、 similarly、 in other words等连词、副词或短语也很重要。 技巧3:如果文中出现了举例的情况,可以对所举的例子进行适当归纳,从而猜出该 生词的含义。 文化遗产保护包括物质文化遗产保护和非物质文化遗 产保护。文化遗产蕴含着一个民族特有的精神价值、思维方 式、想象力,体现着该民族的生命力和创造力,是人们智慧的 结晶,也是人类文明的瑰宝。保护文化遗产是连接民族情感 的纽带,也是维护世界文化多样性和创造性,促进人类共同发 展的前提。 辅音连缀的发音特点 (1)两个辅音之间不能停顿,几乎同时发音; (2)两个辅音中间不能加入元音音素; (3)前面的辅音要读得轻一些、短一些; (4)/sp/、/spr/、/sk/、/skr/、/st/、/str/等中的/p/、/k/、/t/等清 辅音在这些辅音连缀中呈现浊化,读成对应的浊辅音/b/、/g/、 /d/。


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