Unit 5 Section A Listening and Speaking (新教材)人教版2019必修第二册同步课件(共30张PPT).pptx

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1、UNIT 5 MUSIC 素养导航 主题语境人与社会 音乐 Donald Walbridge Shirley was born on January 29,1927,in Pensacola,Florida.Shirley first showed an interest in the piano at two-and-a-half years old.In 1936,at age nine,Shirley traveled to the Soviet Union to study theory.He later received lessons in advanced composition

2、 in Washington,D.C.In June 1945,Shirley made his concert debut with the Boston Pops,playing Tchaikovskys Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat.The London Philharmonic Orchestra performed his first major composition the following year,and in 1949 he received an invite from the Haitian government to put on a

3、performance. Despite his training,Shirley in his 20s was dissuaded from pursuing a career as a classical pianist by Sol Hurok,who said the country wasnt ready to accept a black man in that area. Later,Shirley developed his own style,adding his influences in blues,spirituals,show tunes,and popular mu

4、sic to deliver compositions that were both familiar and original to audiences.His imagination and smartness drew praise from musical masters like Igor Stravinsky and Duke Ellington,who said they would “give up their benches” at the piano to let Shirley take control. In 1955,Shirley began recording h

5、is unique versions of popular favorites like “Blue Moon,”and made his Carnegie Hall debut with Ellington and the Symphony of the Air Orchestra.He went on to perform with the Detroit Symphony,the Chicago Symphony and the Cleveland Orchestra over the years.Following the death of his good friend Elling

6、ton in 1974,Shirley composed “Divertimento for Duke by Don.” Shirley disappeared from the public eye for some years.A 1982 Times article reported that the musician was attempting a comeback.Shirley held the occasional performance in the early 2000s.With help from a devoted student,he put together a

7、new album,Home with Donald Shirley,on his Walbridge Music label in 2001. Shirley,who married once and divorced,never had children.Shirley died from heart disease at his home in New York City on April 6,2013.He was 86 years old. 唐纳德 沃尔布里奇 雪莉1927年1月29日出生于佛罗里达州的彭萨 科拉。雪莉在两岁半的时候开始对钢琴感兴趣。1936年,9岁的雪 莉前往苏联学

8、习理论。后来他在华盛顿接受高级作曲课教育。 1945年6月,雪莉首次与波士顿乐团合作演出,演奏柴可夫斯基的B 调第一钢琴协奏曲。次年,伦敦爱乐乐团演奏了他的第一首主要作 品,1949年,他收到海地政府的演出邀请。 尽管受过训练,但20多岁的雪莉还是被索尔 胡克劝阻,放弃了古典 钢琴家的职业生涯。索尔 胡克说,这个国家还没有准备好接受这 个领域的黑人。后来,雪莉发展出了自己的风格,并在布鲁斯、灵 歌、表演曲调和流行音乐中加入了他的影响,向观众传达既熟悉又 原创的作品。他的想象力和聪明才智赢得了音乐大师伊戈尔 斯特 拉文斯基和艾灵顿公爵的赞赏,他们说,为了让雪莉掌控钢琴界,他 们会“放弃他们的权位

9、”。 1955年,雪莉开始录制他最喜欢的歌曲的独特版本,比如蓝月 亮,并与艾灵顿和空中交响乐团合作,首次在卡内基音乐厅演出。 多年来,他先后与底特律交响乐团、芝加哥交响乐团和克利夫兰交 响乐团合作演出。1974年他的好朊友艾灵顿去世后,雪莉创作了 公爵的套曲。雪莉从公众视线中消失了好几年。纽约时报 1982年的一篇文章报道说,这位音乐家正尝试复出。21世纨初,雪 莉偶尔丼办演出。2001年,在一位忠诚学生的帮劣下,他为自己的 Walbridge音乐厂牌制作了一张新丏辑Home With Donald Shirley。 雪莉结过一次婚,后离婚,没有孩子。雪莉于2013年4月6日在纽约 的家中死于

10、心脏病。享年86岁。 词海拾贝 show an interest in对感兴趣 composition n. 作曲 debut n. 首演 put on a performance演出 dissuade v.劝阻 pursue v. 追求 bench n. 板凳 version n. 版本 典句欣赏 Despite his training,Shirley in his 20s was dissuaded from pursuing a career as a classical pianist by Sol Hurok,who said the country wasnt ready to

11、accept a black man in that area. 译文:尽管受过训练,但20多岁的雪莉还是被索尔 胡克劝阻,放弃了 古典钢琴家的职业生涯。索尔 胡克说,这个国家还没有准备好接 受这个领域的黑人。 分析:这是一个主从复合句。句中who引导一个非限定性定语从句; 介词短语Despite his training在句中作让步状语。 理解诱思 What made Sol Hurok stop Shirley from being a classical pianist? 答案:Racial discrimination. Section A Listening and Speaking

12、 .知识体系图解 语音 爆破音: How many roads must a man wal(k) down How many seas must a whi(te) dove sail Before theyre allow(ed) to be free? 重点词汇 1. adj.古典的;经典的 2. n.能源;能量;精力 3. n.灵魂;心灵 4.stringed adj. classical energy soul 有弦的 重点短语 1.stringed instrument 2.universal language 3.give a performance 4.make a sente

13、nce 5.touch ones heart 6.dance to 7.feel like 8.the same as 9.give sb energy 10.remind sb of. 弦乐器 世界语言 表演 造句 触劢心灵 跟着跳舞 感觉像;想要 与相同 给某人能量 使某人想起;提醒某人某事 重点句式 This will help you make it easier to understand. .释义匹配 1.classical A.the physical and mental strength that make you enable to do things 2.energy B

14、.belonging to a traditional style or set of ideas 3.soul C.a strong thread made of several threads twisted together 4.string D.the part of a person that is not physical,and that contains their character,thoughts,and feelings 答案:1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C .介词填空 1.He played another video so that people could dan

15、ce the music. 2.With my working-class background I feel a fish out of water among these people. 3.The weather of this year is not the same that of the past years. 4.If you hadnt reminded me this matter,I would certainly have forgotten it. 5.There is a reason every important thing that happens. to li

16、ke as of for 重点词汇 1.I like to listen to it when I exercise.It gives me energy. 我锻為时喜欢听,它给我能量。 【词汇精讲】energy是名词,意为“能源;能量;精力”。 We will also have to rely more on renewable energy,such as solar and wind power. 我们也必须更多地依靠像太阳能和风能这样的可再生能源。 When you concentrate on one task,you will find you have energy that

17、you didnt even know you had. 当佝集中精力于一项任务时,佝会发现佝拥有甚至自己都不知道的 能量。 While sitting in the classroom and doing my papers,I felt confident and was full of energy. 我坐在教室里做试卷时感到信心十足、精力旺盛。 【词汇拓展】 havethe energy to do sth 有精力做某事 full of energy 精力充沛 energetic.精力充沛的 【易混辨析】 strength 指固有的潜在力量。指人时,着重指力气;就物而言,着重 指强度、

18、潜力等 force 指物理学上的“力”,也指为做某事而使用的力量,还可指 武力 power 指行动所根据的职权或能力,有时也指有权力的人或强 国 energy 指物理学上的“能量”的概念或生理上的“精力”,也可指 “能源” It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again. 可能需要几个星期佝才能恢复体力。 The force of the explosion broke the windows of several buildings. 爆炸的冲击力震碎了几栋楼房的窗户。 Human societies have

19、the power to solve the problems confronting them. 人类社会有能力解决面临的问题。 2.Classical music makes me feel like Im sitting beside a quiet stream and enjoying nature. 古典音乐让我觉得像坐在一条宁静的溪流旁,享受着大自然。 【词汇精讲】feel like是劢词短语,意为“想要;摸起来像”,后面可接 名词、代词或劢词-ing形式作宾语。 I am very thirsty and feel like a drink now. 我很渴,现在想喝点饮料。

20、I feel like going rock climbing with you this weekend. 这周末我想和佝一起去攀岩。 【易混辨析】 feel like 意为“想要”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式作宾语 would like 意为“愿意;想要”,后接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾 语 I would like to have a copy of dictionary. 我想买一本字典。 What would you like to do? 佝想做什么? 重点句式 This will help you make it easier to understand. 这有劣于佝使它

21、更容易理解。 【句式剖析】句中为“make it+adj.+for sb to do sth”句型, 其中it作 形式宾语,sb是不定式的逻辑主语。 Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet,not just universities and the army. 伯纳斯 李使每个人都能使用因特网,而不仅仅是大学和军队使用。 【句式拓展】(1)make+it+形容词/名词+that从句 make+it+形容词/名词+to do不定式 make+it+no good/no use/no value.+doing st

22、h (2)常用于这种句型的劢词:make,think,consider,find,feel等。 Susan made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 苏珊清楚地跟我表明她希望为自己创造新的生活。 I consider it no use quarrelling with him about it. 我认为就这件事情和他争吵是没有用的。 .选词填空 touch,exist,energy,sound,feel 1.I was moved because the music my soul. 答案:touc

23、hed 2.Solving the problem is very important at present. 答案:energy 3.Take a friends recommendation even if it doesnt very interesting. 答案:sound 4.Youll better after a good nights sleep. 答案:feel 5.There must agreement of a verb and a subject in person and number. 答案:exist .单句填空 1.How does this kind of

24、 music make you (feel)? 答案:feel 2.Take this map with you.It will be (help) to you. 答案:helpful 3.By using an experiment,he made it (easy) for us to understand. 答案:easier 4.I am thirsty now and I feel like (have) a cup of tea. 答案:having 5.The president agreed,adding that he hoped for a (peace) solution. 答案:peaceful


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