(三起)冀教版三下-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:202ac).doc

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(三起)冀教版三下-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:202ac).doc_第1页
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1、课题 Lesson4 Horses and Rabbits 设计思路、依据说明 一.设计多种活动激发学生的学习兴趣,营造愉快欢乐的学习气氛,使学生保持积 极的情感体验。 二.机械性操练和有意义的语言活动相结合,强调语言活动的真实性和趣味性,培 养学生的语言运用能力。 教学背景分析 教学内容分析: 本节课的词汇不多,四会词:horse, animal, yes, no. 另两个是三会词:rabbit and jump.句型较之上一课有点难度,一个是 What animals can _? _ can _. 另一个是容易与上课混淆的:Can a_ _? Yes, it can. / No, it

2、cant.此句 采用了第三人称 it 来叙述,所以句型的练习中要通过有趣味、有情境的活动,并能正 确运用。 学生情况分析: 三年级学生活泼好动,善于模仿,乐于参与活动,喜欢积极表现自我。教学设计直 观形象,符合学生的年龄特点。课堂上应该运用实体物、多媒体形象直观地调动学生学 习的积极性,引导学生以游戏活动形式积极参与到课堂教学中来,让学生在轻松、愉快 的氛围中学习英语、喜欢英语。 教学目标分析 知识与技能目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:horse, animals, yes, no. 2. 能认读、理解并使用下列句式进行对话或情景表演: What animals can _? _

3、can _. Can a_ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 学习策略目标: 通过游戏、chant、小组合作等活动使学生积极运用语言,学会与他人交流合作。 情感态度目标: 动物是我们的朋友,人类要爱护动物的情感教育。 教学重点、难点分析 教学重点: 1 要求学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写 horse, animals, yes, no. 2 能够运用句型进行对话或情景表演:What animals can _? _ can _. Can a_ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 教学难点: 能够熟练运用以上特殊疑问句与一般疑问句句型进行交际

4、交流。 5.教学过程 Step1:Greeting and chant Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. How are you?OK.Now lets chant.Show me your hands.Thank you,sit down please. Today if you do a good job,you can get a toy or a headwear as a reward.Please come on.OK? (The design intent of this part is to reduce stude

5、nts learning pressure, improve students interest, and make students integrate into English learning atmosphere easily and happily.) Step 2 New Concepts 1. Presentation Free talk:Look!There are so many animals.Whats this? Is it a _?What color is it?Today we have a new friend here.Look,whats this?(手拿玩

6、具“马” ) Yes,its a horse.Horse,horse.(train practice)It has four legs,two eyes,two ears and a tail.(描述并粘贴马的图片)Look at the picture.How many horses are there? Lets count.One,two,three.There are eight horses.Its a horse.They are many horses. Then learn the word “rabbit”like the same way. Lets do an exerc

7、ise about guessing game.Lets do it. 2. Practice Ducks can _.Birds can _.Fish can _.But what can the horses and rabbits do? Look at the screen. Horses can run.Rabbits can jump.Please stand up.Run,run,run.Jump,jump,jump.Fly. (做动作练习新授的动作和已学的动作) Very good.Sit down please.What animals can fly/jump/run.Wh

8、at else animals can fly/jump/run. OK,Lets play a game.Please look at me.Put on the headwear,do the actions or imitate the sounds of the animals,come to the middle and say “Im a _._s can _.”Then make a motion to the other side.Who wants to be a horse/fish/pig.?Come on.Dont be shy.Be bold. Very good!C

9、ongratulations for them.Thank you. Step 3 Demonstrate 1.Pre-reading Now Li Ming and Danny are talking about the animals.Please listen and answer. 2.First reading This time,please listen and imitate.(跟读录音,培养正确的语音、语调、语感) 3.Practice Teacher-Students:Can a horse run?Can it fly?What animals can fly? (手拿鸟

10、玩具练习对话)Can a bird fly?Can it swim?What animals can swim? Group Work:Please practice the dialogue in your group of four.(手指黑板对话) Using the animals,One asks,the other students answer.Then the second one asks,the others answer.Then the third.(PPT 出示汉语提示)Which group has less than two animals,please hand

11、s up to show me.Which group wants to be here to have a show? Step 4 Emotion education. Lets look at a short video.The animals are very lovely.They are our friends.We should love animals.Follow me:We love animals.(做动作,对学生渗透爱护动物 的情感教育) Step 5:Summary What have we learned today?Look at the blackboard.P

12、lease read together. Step 6:Class closing. Class is over.Thank you.Goodbye. 板书 Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits Can a horse run? horse Yes, it can. Can it fly? rabbit No, it cant. What animals can fly? Birds can fly. 教学反思: 本课单词为 rabbit,horse,animal,yes,no. 单词简单,学生们比较感兴趣。在教 学中我减少了单词练习的时间,学生们也能熟练掌握。在教学单词时从

13、字母拼读规则入 手,引导学生完成知识的学习。 对话教学: 本课重点句为 Can a _? Yes, it can. No, it cant.What animals can _? 学生很容易理解问句,能反应出用 Yes 和 No 回答,但在对肯定和 否定完整回答上有一定难度。把本课重点放在两个答句的教学上很枯燥,难度也很大。 Chant 教学后猜谜游戏,引入句子的学习,先重点讲授动物们会做什么,用戴头饰表演, 扮演小老师的活动进行问答,学生积极性很好。 教学中的不足 (1)没有加强小组之间的竞争意识、合作意识,应当在课堂中培养优化小组之间 的评价机制。 (2)课堂内容要再精简,让学生应该说的更多一些。活动游戏中,更应该让学生 应用语言更多一些,更加有效。 (3)尽管他们刚涉及英语,但我觉得应该每节课坚持用英语进行教学,做到课堂 英语化 总之,课堂是教师和学生共同的课堂,今后,我一定会勇于探索,进一步培养学生 的自主学习能力,使我们的课堂进一步高效率、高效益、高效果。


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