(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Unit 1 Review-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a035c).doc

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(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Unit 1 Review-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a035c).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Again, PleaseUnit 1 Again, Please! 教学背景分析 1教学内容分析 本课是复习课。学生已经掌握了有关农场动物的单词,学会用 Whats this? Its a _.对动物进行名称问答。 运用 Is it a _? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Can _ fly/swim?Yes, it can. /No, it cant. 等进行日常交流。可通过游戏 和活动,创设真实的语言情景,来调动学生的积极 性,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打下基础。 2学习者分析 教学对象为三年级学生,学生已学习了本单元的单词和句型,有了一定

2、基础。 他们活泼好动,好奇心强,乐于表达,口语表达较为灵活,而且喜欢表演,乐于展 示自我。本课通过一些游戏活动,使其掌握所学,并灵活运用。 教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标 学生能听、 说、 读、 写本单元重点单词 farm, farmer, cow, pig, horse, sheep, bird,fish,chicken,cat,duck,dog,yes,no。熟练运用句型 Whats this? Its a _. Is it a _? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Can _ fly/swim?Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 2. 情感态度目标

3、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口。积极参与各种学习活动,在 小组活动中与其他同学积极配合。 3. 学习策略目标 课堂活动中,注意倾听,积极思考,积极运用所学的英语进行表达和交流。 教学准备 多媒体,卡片,小贴画 教学过程 step 1 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yang。 T:How are you? Ss:Fine ,thank you. And you? T: I am fine. hanks. Are you happy today? Yes. Im happy. T: Im happy, to

4、o. 课前师生简单的问候,使学生快速融入到英语学习中。 2. Sing a song: Old MacDonald on a farm. T: Today, well review unit ne: Animals on the Farm. First, lets sing a song, OK? Sing the song and do the actions. Ss: OK! 师生一起唱歌,并做动作,通过动作、声音,多角度复习了动物类单词。 并为下面的提问做铺垫。 Revision(3 min.) Review he animal words. 1. Ask some questions.

5、 T: Good job. What animals can you see on the farm? Ss: I can see a cat/dog A duck/pig.is on the farm. T: Can a duck swim? Can a dog fly? S:Yes , it can. S:No , cant. T: Lets match the words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter. Answer the questions. Match the words and pictures. 由图片引出本

6、课重点,学生看图片回顾重点词汇,通过音、形、义巩固单 词,并结合句子综合掌握。 Practice (3 min) 2. T: Great! You know many words! Now lets practice. Find and write. Find the animals and write the words. 此练习巩固对词形和词义的掌握。 3.Revision( 5 min) Make a dialogue. 3. Look and make a dialogue. T: Look at this picture. Whats this ? Ss: Its a cow. T:

7、 Can it fly? Ss: No, it cant. T: Now lets make a dialogue. Ss: Do pair work. Make a dialogue and describe the picture. 课件呈现课本图片,通过对话练习,再次复习巩固本单元的重点句型。为 下面的游戏环节做铺垫。 Practice (10 min) 4. Guessing game T: Lets play a guessing game. Ss: Is it a _? Can it fly.? 游戏可以吸引学生的注意力,活动中运用句型提高了学生的口语表达能力。 5. Listen

8、 and circle. T: You did a good job. Lets do this: listen and circle. Ss: Do the exercise. T: What animals can fly? Can a duck fly? Ss: Birds can fly. Yes, it can. 此练习锻炼学生的听力。自然引入到下一环节的句型综合运用中。 6. Make a survey. T: How about other animals? Ask your partner in your group. Then finish the survey. Ss: F

9、inish the chart in their groups and show their work. 小组活动提高学生的合作能力。给孩子们互相学习的机会,并能练习对话。 Revision (2 min) Review in on under 7. T: Now show me your hands. Put your hands oninunder your headdeskchair. T: Lets chant. Say the chant. chant 节奏欢快,朗朗上口。动作的融入更有利于学生牢记介词的用法。 8. T: Now lets practice! Do this: Lo

10、ok, read and write. Choose and write the words. 单词放到句子中练习,提升学生综合运用词汇的能力。 4 Practice (8 min.) 9. Group work T: This is a picture of my favourite animal. The dog is my favourite animal. It is white. It can run and jump. It can say “Woof! Woof!” Draw and talk about your favourite animals in your group.

11、 Draw their favourite animals groups and show them in their works. 学生在任务的驱动下进行小组合作,提升学生综合运用知识的能力。小组 中,能力稍弱的孩子在带动和帮助下也有所进步。 Class closing (2 min.) T: Animals are our friends. Do you love them? I want you to make a poster in your group. Ss: Yes. We love the animals. 作业的设计是对所学知识的巩固和拓展,将所学知识很好地运用到实际生 活中。


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