(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Unit 1 Review-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:d0290).zip

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Lets sing a song! 教学目标 掌握的词汇: farm farmer pig cow sheep cat dog duck fish bird horse in on under box animal 掌握句型及表达法: 1. 询问某物是什么的句型及答语 Whats this? Its 2. 询问是不是某样东西的句型及答语 Is this ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 3.询问某人/某物是否会做某事的句型及 答语 Can +主语+动词原形+其他? Yes, 主语 +can. / No, 主语 +cant. 4.询问某物在哪儿的句型及答语 Where is ? Its +介词短语+其他。 能力目标 1.能够熟练掌握本单元所学有关动物的单 词。 2.能够熟练掌握本单元所学重点句型,并 能在实际情景中运用。 听听 说说 写写 演演 读读 The first pass : Listen 第一关:听第一关:听 What s this ? Its a chicken. What s this ? Its a cow. What s this ? Its a duck. What s this ? Its a pig. Is this a ? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. dog ListenListen andand circle.circle. 听听 说说 写写 演演 读读 The second pass : speak 第二关第二关: : 说说 Is this a ? (Yes, it is . / No, it isn t .) Can you ? (swim、fly、run、 jump 、 sing 、dance) Yes, I can./ No, I cant. Fish can swim. What animals can swim? 听听 说说 写写 演演 读读 The third pass : read 第三关:读第三关:读 sheepfishbird horserabbit Swim, swim Fish can swim. Fly, fly Birds can fly. Run, run Horses can run. Jump, jump Rabbits can jump. Im a fish. I can swim. Can you swim? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Im a sheep. I can walk. Can you walk? Danny : Whats this? Li Ming : Its a _____. Danny : Can a cow fly? Li Ming : No, it cant. A bird can fly. Danny : Is this a chicken? Li Ming:Yes,it is. Danny :Can a chicken swim? Li Ming: No. A duck can swim. Lets read Where is the cat? The cat is on the box. Where is the dog ? The dog is in the box. Where is the rabbit? The rabbit is under the box. 听听 说说 写写 演演 读读 The fourth pass : act 第四关:演第四关:演 Can I Help You ? 听听 说说 写写 演演 读读 The fifth pass : write 第五关:写第五关:写 duck cowhorsedogbird sheepfishcatpigchicken 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Is this a____? Yes, it is. Can it ____? Yes ,it can. . Word list: under duck No on swim Yes Is this a cow ? ____, it is. Can it fly? ____ ,it cant. Were is the cat? Its ____the box. Where is the rabbit? Its ______ the box. duck swim Yes No on under 听听 说说 写写 演演 读读 Homework Draw your favourite animals and talk about them in your groups. 一、给图片写单词一、给图片写单词 A._____B._______C.______D.______E._____ 当堂检测 二、选择 C. Yes, it can. 1. Can you sing a song? _________. A. No, it cant. B. Yes, I can. ( B ) ( )2. Is this a chicken? A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. No, I cant. (C ) _________. 3. Can a sheep fly? _________. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, it can.C. No, it cant. B 单选单选:a. Rabbits can _____. A. jumping B. jump C. jumps b. Can you dance? No, I___. A. can .B cant C. do c. _____can fly. A. Fish B. Birds C Pigs B B B sistersister brotherbrother busbus driverdriver youngyoung talltall shortshort workerworker studentstudent mothermother oldold swimswim horsehorse flyfly underunder rabbitrabbitduckduck onon sheepsheep runrun 2 2 pigpig in in dancedance fishfish jumpjump 1 1 3 3 LookLook andand pick.pick. Share(分享): Animals are our friends! (动物是我们的朋友) Love the animals ! (关爱动物) Love our home! (珍爱我们的家园) Can You? 回答Can you? 有几种? 回答Can you? 有两种 肯定回答 Yes, I can. 否定回答 No, I cant. horse A: Is this/ it a ______? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. rabbit bird fish rabbitfishbirdhorse Guessing Game1 Again,please! 一 教学内容: 冀教版小学英语三年级下册第一单元 Again,please! 1.知识目标: 、能听、说、读、写有关农场动物的单词。 、能够熟练运用本单元重点句型: Is this a ? (Yes, it is . No, it isnt.) Can it ? (Yes, it can. No, it cant.) What animals can ? can . 2.技能目标:能够运用所学知识来表演本单元的故事,能在实际 生活中进行交际。 3.情感目标:通过学习,增强学生保护动物的意识。 二教学重难点: 教学重点:对知识目标的正确理解识记。 教学难点:学生能够准确、灵活的运用本单元所学知识。 三教学准备: 多媒体课件 2 四Teaching Steps: Step1:warm-up 1.Let us sing a song. T:Hello,boys and girls. Ss:Hello,Miss Wang. T:Let us sing a song,ok? Ss:Ok! (设计意图:利用学生熟悉的歌曲开始本课的教学,创设轻松的教 学氛围。 ) 2.Free talk: T:Which animal can you see in this song ? Ss:Dog. T:Do you like a dog ? Do you like this animal ? Ss:Yes./ / No. T:Next,I will introduce more animals to you ! Do you want to know ? Now, lets have a race . Ss:Ok. 3 (设计意图:教师接着刚唱完的歌曲进入师生间的亲切问候,建立 了轻松、和谐、民主的课堂氛围,同时也能使学生自然的进入到英 语学习状态。) Step2:presentation Are you ready ? 1、the first pass: listen (听) .T:Listen,what animal is this?(课件出示) Ss:It is a .(chicken / / cow ) T:what is this?(课件出示) Ss:It is a .(duck / / pig ) T:(继续播放幻灯片问)Is this a duck ? Ss:No, it isnt. T:Is this a dog ? Ss: Yes, it is . T:Is this a ? ( cat / / sheep ) Ss: Yes, it is ./ / No, it isnt. (设计意图:通过多媒体呈现声音,给学生以直接的听觉感受, 激发学生的学习兴趣,与此同时幻灯片呈现单词并认读。) 4 .T:Listen and circle . 2、the second pass: speak(说) Show some pictures and talk with your partners . What animals can fly? can . Can a ? (Yes, it can. / / No, it cant .) Can you ? (“开火车”游戏 ) (设计意图:通过“开火车”游戏练习句型,考察学生对句型的朗读 与运用,同时又提高了每位学生的课堂注意力。) 3、the third pass: read(读) Story time: Can I Help You ? 1 Read the story by yourselves . 2 Listen the story . 3 T: Read this story together . 4 Role reading. (设计意图:将教材中的故事融合成游戏的环节,设计不同的方式 来让学生读,降低难度逐步完成,训练学生的朗读能力,为下面的 表演环节做好准备。) Step3:practice 5 4、the fourth pass: act(演) I will give you 3 minutes to practice .( group work ) (设计意图:通过小组合作的学习方式,由组长统一安排小组的表 演形式并展示,力求每个学生参与,达到学以致用的目的。 ) 5、the fifth pass: write(写) 1.Look, read and write.(Fill in the blanks.) 2.Find and write. (设计意图:这一环节的设计,综合检测学生的学习情况, 。) 6、Sum - up: We know, animals are our friends.So I have a dream .Lets work together to protect animals. 7、Homework: Please make a piece of hand-copied newspaper (手抄报)about animals. Design of blackboard: Again,please! 6 animals on the farm duck cow dog bird horse sheep chicken pig cat fish 五Teaching reflection:
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