(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 4 Food and Restaurants-Lesson 22 How Much Is It -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f07a3).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Food and Restaurants_Lesson 22 How Much Is It _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:f07a3)
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    • Lesson 22 How much is it 练习题.docx--点击预览
    • 教案f07a3.docx--点击预览


Lesson 22 How Much Is It ? 冀教版三年级下册英语 能够运用句型: -How much is it? -yuan. -Ill take,please. 来完成买东西的对话。 ¥2¥5 ¥10 donut hot dog hamburger ? A:How much is/for one/a B: yuan. A: Ill take , please! Thanks! B: Youre welcome. Lets act! A:Good morning! /Good afternoon! /Hello! /Hi! B:Good morning! /Good afternoon! /Hello! /Hi! A:What would you like? B: I would like How much is / for? A:yuan. B:Ill take, please. Thanks! A: Youre welcome. Lets do it! 一.读问句,选答句。 ( )1.How much for one donut? ( ) 2.Thank you! ( ) 3.What would you like? ( ) 4.Would you like some tea? ( ) 5.How many donuts? A. Sixteen. B. Four yuan. C. Id like bread. D. Youre welcome. E. Yes,please. B D C E A 二.读句子,选单词 1.Id like a _____. 2.How _____ for a hot dog? 3. Ill ____ three. 4.-How much is it? -Its ______ yuan. much, donut, take, sixteen donut much take sixteen Lets sing! Homework: 把今天学的对话表演给爸爸妈妈看。一 根据句意,选择合适的单词或短语填空。 take are welcome is How much 1. - ________ are the books? - Ten yuan. 2. Ill _____ take three apples. 3. How much ____ the meat? 4. How much ____ the oranges? 5. Youre _____. 二.读问句,选答句。 ( ) 1.How much for one donut? ( ) 2.Thank you! ( ) 3.What would you like? ( ) 4.Would you like some tea? ( ) 5.How many donuts? A. Sixteen. B. Four yuan. C. Id like bread. D. Youre welcome. E. Yes,please.Lesson22: How much is it? 教材分析:本课是冀教版小学英语三年级下册的第四单元的第四课。本 课以学生掌握的数字以及单数和复数的知识为基础,以购物为故事主线安排 了课文的内容,课文承接了第三课的数字学习,更有利于学生表达购物的花 费,安排非常合理。学生能通过课文掌握购物的简单用语,使英语交际能力 有所提高。 学情分析:学生在学习本课时,首先掌握了一些数字的说法,这对于理 解和表达钱数很有帮助,而且学生对英语中单数和复数有一定的了解,在 “购物”时,便于理解物品的数量。在本课中,学生要了解一些购物的简单 知识,例如:要买多少东西,要付多少钱等。 教学目标 1、知识 听懂会说并会灵活运用 How much is it? How much for one ____? _______ yuan. Ill take _______, please. Thank you. 2、能力 (1)能够听懂会说本课会话,做到学以致用。 (2)通过创设情境,使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的 口语表达能力。 3、情感 懂得在购买商品时应该使用的文明礼貌用语,做到讲文明懂礼貌。 教学重点、难点 听懂会说 How much is it? How much for one ____? _______yuan. Ill take _______, please. Thank you.及正确使用。 教具、学具 1、教具 (1)有关课文里出现的 hot dog donut 实物,托盘。 (2)有关课文的课件。 (3)录音机。 (4)挂图 2、学具 服装(售货员用的帽子、围裙) 教学过程 1、复习以前学过的句型及单词。 教师用托盘端着 donut hot dog 走到同学面前 T: Would you like Hot dog or donut? S1: Hot dog, please. T: Oh, here you are.(递给一名同学) S2: Thanks. T: Youre welcome. 2、新授 (1)让学生头戴售货员帽子,腰围着围裙与教师展开对话: 教师走到同学面前问: T: How much for one donut? Ss: One yuan. T: Oh, one yuan.(琢磨一下) Ill take twelve, please. (掏钱并递给同学,接过托盘)Thanks, Id like two donuts. 教师板书: How much for one _______? Ill take ______, please. 教师领读几遍。 (2)同学二人用 How much for one _______? Ill take ______, please.展开对话。 S1: How much for one hot dog? S2: Five yuan. S1: Ill take five, please. S2: How much is it? S1:Two yuan. S2: Ill take six, please. (3)听录音,同学看书跟读。 (4) Lets do it!做练习巩固。 (5) Lets sing. “Do you know the donut man?” Class Closing Say“Goodbye!”to the students. 五、板书设计 Lesson 22: How much is it? How much is it? How much for one _______? Ill take ______, please. 课后反思:本课我通过买东西这个情境贯穿整个课堂,用多媒体课件 “带”学生们去超市,从而实现“买东西”的活动。整节课的设计层次清晰, 活动丰富,从简单的机械操练到情境操练的过渡恰到好处,梯度分明。通过 小组情境对话练习,学生仿佛置身其中,充分调动了学生的积极性,语言运 用也很到位,取得了良好的教学效果。
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