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1、【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 2012 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(福建卷) 英语答案解析 第 卷 第一部分 听力 第一节 1.【答案】 C 【 解析 】原文: Text 1 M: Excuse me, madam. W: Yes? M: How long can I keep the book? W: For one month. Please make sure you return the book before its due. 2.【答案】 A 【 解析 】原文: Text 2 M: Hurry up, Jenny! Its already 7. Well be late for t

2、he film! W: Dont worry, dear. We still have 20 minutes, and it takes us only 15 minutes to get there. Well be there just in time. 3.【答案】 B 【 解析 】原文: Text 3 M: I heard on the radio that itll be sunny during the holiday weekend. Maybe we can take a trip to Boston W: That sounds great! Ill call Jane to

3、 see if shed like to join us. 4.【答案】 C 【 解析 】原文: Text 4 W: Its nearly 8. If you want to catch the 9 oclock train, youd better go now. M: Dont worry. Ill drive to the station. W: In that case, let me go with you, and you drop me off at the city center. Ill go to the open market. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 5.【答案】

4、A 【 解析 】原文: Text 5 W: Im sorry the cake is late. Well do better next time, I promise M: Well, Im sorry, too. Youll have to take it back. The birthday party is over, and we dont need the cake anymore. 第二 节 6.【答案】 C 【 解析 】原文: Text 6 W: Oh, its broken! Jack is not going to be happy when he sees this. I

5、ts his favorite CD. Hell tell Mum. M: Please, Cathy, can I borrow ten dollars? Ill buy him a new one, and Ill clean up your room. 7.【答案】 B 【 解析 】原文: Text 7 W: How did you like the dishes, sir? M: Delicious! Everything was excellent here. Thank you. W: Do you want some coffee? Tea, sir? M: No, thanks

6、. Im fine. Ill just have the bill, please. How much is your service charge? W: 15 percent. And its included in your bill. Thank you very much, sir. We look forward to seeing you again. M: Sure. Goodnight! 8.【答案】 B 【 解析 】原文: Text 8 W: Can I help you? M: Yes, my daughter bought this camera here for my

7、 wifes birthday, but it doesnt work, so Id like to change it for another one . W: I see. Let me have a lookwell , well be happy to change it for you, but Im afraid we dont have another pink one. M: Oh? What will I do then? W: Would you like to choose a different color? We do have this camera in blac

8、k and orange. M: My wife doesnt like either of those colors. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 W: If you want, we can order another camera just like this one . There wouldnt be any extra charge for it. M: That sounds fine. Would you please go ahead and do that? W: Wed be very happy to. But itll take at least a week, ma

9、ybe ten days . Well call you when it comes in. M: Thank you very much. W: Youre welcome. 9.【答案】 C 【 解析 】原文: Text 9 W: Hi, Joe . Many people in our department are leaving for Thanksgiving. What are you going to do? M: I think Ill just stay at home. I may see some friends and watch a few DVDs, and I p

10、robably would go to the Ottawa car show . What about you, Ariel? Whats your plan? W: Im going to do some traveling with my family. M: Oh? Where to? W: Toronto. And on our way, were going to visit my aunt Betty in Kingston. M: Thats exciting! How long do you plan to stay? W: Two days. I have a get-to

11、gether party with my college friends on the 10th in Toronto. Oh, Im afraid Ive got to go now. My husband is waiting for me, and well have to pick up Daniel from school. Have a nice holiday, Joe. M: Thank you. You, too! 10.【答案】 C 11.【答案】 A 12.【答案】 B 13.【答案】 B 14.【答案】 A 15.【答案】 C 16.【答案】 B 17.【答案】 A 1

12、8.【答案】 A 19.【答案】 C 20.【答案】 A 【 解析 】原文: Text 10 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 W: Where can you look if you want to know how tall the tallest person in the world is? Or who the oldest person in the world is? Theres only one place where youll find all this information, and thats in the Guinness Book of Records. This m

13、orning, we have someone from the Guinness Company that produced that famous book, Thomas Manning. Welcome to the program, Thomas! M: Thanks, Sue. Its a pleasure to be here. W: Perhaps you could start by telling us where the idea for the book came from. M: Well, it was first suggested in the early 19

14、50s. Sir Hugh Beaver, the managing director of Guinness, was out shooting birds with some friends. A bird flew away so quickly that no one was able to shoot it. Sir Hugh wondered whether this bird was the fastest bird in Europe. And if it wasnt the fastest, he wondered what was. W: So, I suppose he

15、went to the nearest library to look for the information, and he couldnt find it? M: Yes, thats exactly what happened. And this made Sir Hugh think there must be other people in the same situation who wanted this kind of information. He thought that, like himself, people would be interested in findin

16、g facts about records to satisfy their curiosity. W: So, the idea for a book of records was born! And when did the first book come out? M: A few years later, in 1955. So, to answer your first question, the tallest person in the world is 231.7 centimeters tall, and the oldest person is Jeanne L Calme

17、nt, who was born in February 1875. W: There are also some rather strange records, arent here, Thomas? M: Yes, thats right. Did you know, Sue, that the shortest time it has taken. 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项 填空 21.【答案】 D 【解析】根据题中的语境,特别是答语的后半部分 “ If time permits” ,可知 “ 看情况决定 ” 选择故选择 A项 “ It depends” ,表示同意,其它选项

18、不合题意 。 本题比较容易 。 【考点】交际用语 征求意见或看法 22.【答案】 C 【解析】 something like that 意为 “ 大致如此,差不多这样 ” , something 在本句中是表示不确定的描述或数量, “ 大致,左右 ” 的意思。比如: She called at something after ten oclock。她 10 点多钟来过电话。 It tastes something like melon。 这吃起来有点像甜瓜。 They pay six pounds an hour。 Something like that。 他们按每小时六英镑付费。大致如此。

19、【考点】不定代词用法 23.【答案】 C 【解析】本句难点是把定语从句分割出 来放在句首就很明了了,把句子转换成 is shown in the report, the 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 air quality in the city has improved over the past two months。就能直接看到非限制性定语从句引导词放句首指的是下文所提到的一句话用 as 引导 “ 正如在 所写的那样 ” 。 【考点】定语从句的引导词 24.【答案】 B 【解析】首先根据时间状语 this morning 知道是发生过的事情,去除 A、 C 两项,然后过去完成时的使用前提是

20、有动作的先后顺序,然而本句指的是 “ 今天早晨我 正把从网上下载的阅读材料分类时电脑坏的。 ” 指的是过去正在进行的动作用过去进行时, B 项正确。 【考点】时态的用法 25.【答案】 A 【解析】根据后半句的进一步解释 “ So it is my best choice”“ 这是我最好的选择 ” 可知本空指的的是 “ 英语是我的强项 ” , strength 意为 “ 优势,强项 ” 与 weakness 是反义词。 【考点】名词辨析 26.【答案】 D 【解析】 句意为 :为了所有公民 的 利益,中国一直在推进 公立医院 的改革 。 选 D for the benefit of 为 了 ?

21、的 利益。 27.【答案】 B 【解析】根据句意:无论是官员还是公共汽车司机,都应该平等的被尊敬,所以选择 B 项 equally“ 平等地,公平地 ” ; especially“ 尤其地 ” ; naturally“ 自然地 ” ; normally“ 正常地 ” ,只有 B 项符合题意。 【考点】副词辨析 28.【答案】 C 【解析】 prevent sb from doing sth“ 阻止某人做某事 ” ,本句中的 fishing boats 和 attack 是被动关系,所以选择 C 项,句意:中国最近加紧黄岩岛的水域控制来阻止中国渔船在中国南海被袭击。 【考点】固定词组搭配 29.【答案 】 A 【解析】根据后半句 so that you can keep yourself energetic 可知上半句应该是建议对方要多留出时间进行运动, set aside“ 留出,拨出 ” ; take up“ 占据,从事 “ ; put away“ 收拾好 ” give out“ 发出,分发 ” ,根据句意只能选择 A 项。 【考点】动词短语辨析 30.【答案】 B 【解析】根据句意可知 “ 除非有来自欧洲联盟的更多的经济


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