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Unit 10 测试题 一、单项填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1.Peter, honest boy, bought useful dictionary in the store yesterday. A. a; aB. an; an C. a; anD. an; a 2.Which dress will you take, Sandy? I cant choose the three dresses. I like them all. A. between B. behind C. among D. inside 3.How can I get any information about the 2022 Winter Olympic Games? Why not for it on the Internet? A. fight B. search C. prepare D. wait 4.Our teachers have been with us for nearly three years we came to junior high school. We should thank them for what they have done for us. A. untilB. before C. sinceD. when 5.Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the post office? Look out of the window of our shop. Can you see it? It is just our shop. A. opposite B. above C. below D. along 6.Will you keep these old toys? Of course. They hold the sweetest about my childhood. A. gold B. silence C. researchD. memory 7.Jack hasnt taken his piano lessons for a long time. He is considering his piano course and spending more time on his study. A. to dropB. to throw C. droppingD. throwing 8.Mr. Wang the students his own children. A. regard; asB. regards; to C. regards; asD. regard; to 9.What a nice camera! How long you it, Karen? For just one week. A. will; buy B. have; had C. are; having D. did; buy 10.My uncle hasnt been back to our hometown for years. . He must miss his family very much. A. Its a shameB. No way C. Good jobD. No problem 二、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) It was a Sunday afternoon. A girl was unhappy. She complained to her father about her hard life. There were so many problems! One problem wasnt solved but 11 came. She wanted to give up. Her father smiled and took his daughter into the 12. He filled three 13 with water. And he put some carrots in the first one. In the second one, he put some eggs. Coffee was put in the third one. Then he boiled them. The girl watched her father. Her father just waited 14 saying a word. The girl wondered 15 her father was doing that for. About 20 minutes later, her father 16 the carrots and put them into a bowl. The eggs were put on a plate and the coffee was poured into a cup. Turning back to his daughter 17. Dad asked, What do you see? Carrots, eggs and coffee, she answered. Her father told her to close her eyes and let her touch the carrots. She did and felt the carrots were soft. After that he asked his daughter to take the eggs and feel them. The eggs were hard. At last, her father asked her to taste the coffee. Whats the meaning, Dad? He explained that 18 of the things had met with the same unlucky experience the boiling water, but the three things had 19 results. The strong and hard carrots became soft and weak after they were put into the boiling water. The eggs became hard after being cooked. The coffee was very special and it 20 the water. Which one will you choose to be, a carrot, an egg or coffee? Thats up to you to decide, said her father. 11.A. the otherB. anotherC. other D. others 12.A. kitchenB. dining room C. hotelD. bedroom 13.A. bowlsB. platesC. pots D. cups 14.A. withB. withoutC. of D. for 15.A. whatB. whyC. how D. where 16.A. took placeB. took offC. took after D. took out 17.A. usuallyB. exactlyC. latelyD. slowly 18.A. everyB. neitherC. eachD. none 19.A. differentB. difficultC. sameD. similar 20.A. dividedB. discoveredC. changedD. invented 三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A Nowadays there are many people going from villages or small towns to big cities to realize their dreams, but there are also people doing the opposite. Janet Lincoln moved to St. Louis five years ago. Heres what she said: I used to live in a small town called Bertrand. I grew up there. After I graduated (毕业) from high school, I worked in a supermarket. There were about 800 people in my town, and I knew most of them. Most of them knew me, too. At the age of 21, I got a chance (机会) and moved to St. Louis. I love it. I dont know as many people now as I used to, but thats OK. I live in an apartment and have a few good friends. There are a lot of fun things to do in the big city. Troy Henson has the opposite experience. He, his wife and their two children moved from St. Louis to Bloomfield three years ago. Heres what Troy said: Both Darla and I grew up in St. Louis. We met at college and got married. Then the kids came along and life got difficult. We didnt know any of our neighbors. We both had good jobs, and we were always very busy. But it seemed there was never enough money. That all changed when we moved to Bloomfield. We dont make as much money as we used to, but we dont have as many expenses (开支) as we did and we are relaxed. Its good. 21.Where did Janet grow up? A. A big city.B. A small town. C. A small village.D. A big village. 22.What can we learn about Janet? A. She lives with her family now. B. She moved to St. Louis at the age of 21. C. She has a lot of good friends in St. Louis. D. She moved to St. Louis to get a better education. 23.How many people are there in Troys family? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 24.According to Troy, living in Bloomfield is . A. boring B. interesting C. tiring D. relaxing 25.In which part of a newspaper can we find this passage? A. Life. B. Health. C. Travel. D. Education. B China has changed a lot since Chinas Reform and Opening-up(改革开放). Lets have a look at the changes. 1978-1988: New Look In a 1978 Japanese documentary(纪录片) Chinas New Look, there was a scene showing Chinese peoples life back then. In front of an old-fashioned TV set, some Shanghainese gathered around to watch a TV show. In 1981, only one out of every 170 city families in China had a colour TV. 1988-1998: In October 1990, the first McDonalds on the Chinese mainland opened for business in Shenzhen. It quickly became the hottest tourist spot(旅游景点). Many Chinese customers waited in line and shouted to the shop assistant(售货员), I want 10 Big Macs,recalled a waiter at McDonalds at that time. 1998-2008: Here Comes WTO For many Chinese, the year 2001 was very unforgettable. It marked the start of a new millennium(一千年) and led to a whole new era(时代) as China joined the World Trade Organization(WTO). From 2001 to 2017, Chinas average(平均的) growth of the imports(进口) of goods and services was more than twice the worlds average. 2008-2018:New Beginning Shanghai, a city of long-time business culture, is always a step ahead in Chinas foreign trade. With the successful hosting of Chinas first import expo(展览会) in November 2018, the city went on to develop Chinas import business. The expo will be remembered as a new beginning for Chinas import history. 26.Which picture shows the scene of Chinas New Look? A. B. C. D. 27.Which of the following can be put in ? A. Never Forget Old Times B. New Way of Living C. All Over the World D. West Meets East 28.How did Chinese people feel when the first McDonalds appeared in China? A. Interested.B. Unhappy. C. Strange.D. Worried. 29.What can we learn after China joined the WTO? A. Chinese people began to travel abroad. B. China grew very fast in its imports. C. China became more and more popular. D. Foreigners bought a lot of products from China. 30.When and where was Chinas first import expo held? A. In Shanghai, in November, 2001. B. In Shenzhen, in November, 2001. C. In Shanghai, in November, 2018. D. In Shenzhen, in November, 2018. C Mick Polly, an owner of a toy store, lives with his teenage daughter Carolina in Kentucky. He is known as the Bike Man. Over the past five years, Mick has built hundreds of bikes for needy kids. One day in 2011, a 13-year-old boy with a broken bike walked by Micks house. I was working in my garage(车库), and he asked if I could fix it, says Mick, now 53. The boys bike had a broken wheel. Mick sent a post(帖子)on Weibo, asking his friends if they had the needed part. One friend saw the post and gave away two used bikes. Mick took parts from each to build a new set of wheels for the boy. Soon after, Mick repaired a bike for the boys brother and fixed one for his sister. Word spread, and during the year, he had fixed up lots of bikes for local kids whose parents were not able to afford new ones. People are throwing away bikes day and night, says Mick. Mick puts the bikes and bike parts in his garage. I take off the good tires or the handlebars or the seats and use them, he says. Up to now, the Bike Man has repaired hundreds of bikes and given away nearly 700 newly repaired bikes. Theyre free, but the kids must agree to two things:They have to learn how to put waste things to good use and they have to try their best to study in school. If a kids grades are low, Mick requires a teachers note saying that Youre doing your best. Mick also hopes the bikes will get kids off the sofa. When I was growing up, we all rode our bikes, he says. Hopefully these kids can get some exercise. 31.Why is Mick known as the Bike Man? A. Because hes good at riding a bike. B. Because his bikes sell well. C. Because his daughter likes bikes. D. Because hes built bikes for needy kids. 32.In order to find the needed part, Mick . A. sent a post on Weibo B. called his friends for help C. searched his garage D. went to many bike shops 33.The underlined word ones refers to (指代). A. wheelsB. bikes C. seatsD. garages 34.By repairing and giving away bikes, Mick expects the kids to. have a rest in the sofastudy hardrecycle waste thingsget high marksexercise more learn to repair bikes A. B. C. D. 35.Which can be the best title for the passage? A. Mick Pollys Garage B. New Bikes and a Heart C. A Successful Businessman D. Health from Riding Bikes 四、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) In the past, people used words to express their ideas and feelings. Now people have a new way to share their life with their friends on WeChat Moments (微信朋友圈). To make WeChat Moments, people can use pictures, sounds, videos and their words to express what they want to say. Some people dont write anything. They share what they are eating, drinking, listening to, buying and fun time by sharing pictures. Someone says that WeChat Moments are like personal TV stations. People dont have to spend money putting them on the Internet, so it is easy for people to make them and watch them on their phones. Only friends of the users can watch their WeChat Moments. WeChat businessmen even put the advertisements of their products(产品)on the WeChat Moments for their friends to choose and buy. WeChat Moments are becoming more popular among people. When we post(发布)something on it, we must be sure that the information should be healthy for people to read and watch. 根据短文内容回答下列问题(不超过 6 个词) 36.What did people use to express their ideas and feelings in the past? 37.What can people use to make WeChat Moments? 38.What are WeChat Moments like? 39.Who can watch the users WeChat Moments? 40.What do WeChat businessmen put on the WeChat Moments? 五、根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) A better town for teenagers I believe there are many things that we can do to make life in our town a lot better for teenagers. First of all, I think more bike lanes should be built. 41(现今),a lot of teenagers in my town ride a bike everywhere, 42 its very dangerous because there is a lot of traffic. If there are more bike lanes in the future, it will be much 43(safe) for us. 44, I believe that we need more places for teenagers to go to. 45 my opinion, teenagers wont cause problems in the street if there are more places for us to go to. So we need more 46 (club)and other places where we can meet. Thirdly, teenagers here need more sports facilities. There 47(be)places to play ball games so far like tennis and basketball, but what about other sports, 48(像) skating and rollerblading? Finally, Im sure well make the town better 49 we dont drop litter. If we all do something 50(help) now, our town will be much better for everyone in the future. 六、从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Holly: Hey, Luke. 51 Luke: Pretty good. You know I moved into a new house. Holly: Really? 52 Luke: A week ago. Holly: Wheres your new house? Luke: 53 Holly: Thats a good place. 54 Luke: Yes. Its expensive but nice. All my family like it. Holly: Congratulations! I guess youll have a house-warming party, right? Luke: Of course. 55 Will you come then? Holly: Cool. I cant wait to see your new house. A. When was it? B. Its on Red Tree Street. C. Hows it going with you? D. Its next Monday, the 17th. E. Did you spend a lot of money? 七、书面表达(25 分) 在你六岁生日时,父母送给你一只泰迪熊玩具(a teddy bear),你非常喜欢它,所以一直保存到 现在。请你根据以下提示及要求,简单介绍这件珍贵的礼物。 1. What is it like? 2. How did you get it? 3. How long have you had it? 4. Why do you like it? 要求: 1.必须包括所有内容要点,行文连贯、表达清楚、书写规范; 2.80 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 My favorite thing from childhood is a teddy bear. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 答案 题号1561011151620 答案DCBCA DCCBA BACBADDCAC 题号2125263031355155 答案BBBDA ADABC DABABCABED 四、任务型阅读 36.Words/People used words. 37.Pictures, sounds, videos and their words. 38.Personal TV stations. 39.Only friends of the users. 40.The advertisements of their products. 五、根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词 41.Nowadays42.but43.safer44.Secondly 45.In 46.clubs47.have been48.like 49.if50.to help/helpful 七、书面表达 【范文赏读】 My favorite thing from childhood is a teddy bear. It is a brown soft toy and wears a red T-shirt. I got it from my parents on my sixth birthday. Ive owned it for eight years. I love the teddy bear because it has brought me great joy. When I was little, I played with my teddy bear every day. It was a good listener and I often told it about my favorite books and my dreams. Ill keep the teddy bear forever because it reminds me of my happy childhood whenever I see it.Unit 1Unit 10 一、单项填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1.Is there amusement park near here? Yes. Everyone can have good time there. A. a; theB. an; an C. an; aD. the; the 2.The earth is the only home for us, so green hills and clean water are true . A. community B. discovery C. relationD. treasure 3.Trust . You can do much better than you think. A. myselfB. herself C. yourself D. himself 4.These new types of energy cost very little and will never . A. look out B. come out C. run out D. stay out 5.Dogs run through soccer games at the park. Its dangerous! A. shouldB. shouldnt C. needD. neednt 6.TikTok has been popular young people in recent years. A. betweenB. among C. ofD. for 7.You look tired. Whats wrong with you? I stayed up late last night. I my speech from eight oclock to midnight. A. practiced B. am practicing C. was practicingD. has practiced 8. ,volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves. A. To my surprise B. To be honest C. In order to D. Be similar to 9.Is your WeChat account(账户) safe? Yes, even my father cant use it I tell him the password. A. whenB. unless C. whileD. if 10.The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the worlds cross-sea bridge, won another international prize in December, 2018. A. longB. longer C. longestD. the longest 11.You cant how beautiful the lake is before you see it
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