2021春人教版英语八年级下册Unit 1 What’s the matter sectionB3a-Self Check课件.zip

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R八年级下册八年级下册 Section B 3aSelf Check Unit 1 Whats the matter? New words nursen.护士护士 Review Health and first aid Health problems and injuries Advice and treatment Health problems and injuries feel sick/ bad/ terrible have a sore throat/ back. have a fever/ cough/ heart problem/ cold/ nosebleed. have an accident fall down cut ones knees hurt ones back hurt/ cut himself/ herself. get hit (on the head) (by.) get sunburned lie down and rest drink some hot tea with honey see a dentist and get an X-ray take ones temperature take some medicine put some medicine on it take breaks away from. go to a doctor go to (the) hospital take . to the hospital get some sleep/ rest put a bandage on it run it under the water put ones head down Advice and treatment 3a Imagine you are the school nurse and a student just had an accident or a health problem. Make notes about what he/she should and shouldnt do. Accident or health problem He/She should He/She shouldnt have a sore backlie down and restdo sports have a toothachesee a dentist have a sore throatdrink some hot tea Write a conversation between the nurse and the student using the notes in 3a. Use the questions and phrases below to help you. 3b Whats the matter?/ What happened?/ Are you OK? No, I dont feel well./ I feel/ I have a / Should I ? You should / You shouldnt fell down/ got hit by / cut myself / hurt my 话题:健康和事故话题:健康和事故 发生什么事故发生什么事故 什么健康问题什么健康问题 描述症状描述症状 提出建议和劝告提出建议和劝告 养成良好的饮食和生活习惯养成良好的饮食和生活习惯 单元作文单元作文 要要求求:能能熟熟练练地地用用英英语语表表达达人人体体部部位位, 掌握描述人体不适的句型,掌握描述人体不适的句型, 并能提出正确的建议。并能提出正确的建议。 教材中出现的相关句型:教材中出现的相关句型: She has a very sore throat now.现在她喉咙非常痛。现在她喉咙非常痛。 I have a toothache/headache/stomachache/fever/cold. 我牙痛我牙痛/头痛头痛/胃痛胃痛/发烧发烧/感冒。感冒。 I cant move my neck.我不能转动我的脖子。我不能转动我的脖子。 I cut myself.我割到我自己了。我割到我自己了。 I got hit by a car.我被一辆小汽车撞了。我被一辆小汽车撞了。 I dont feel well.我感觉不舒服。我感觉不舒服。 事故事故 健康问题健康问题 You should lie down and rest.你你应应该该躺躺下下来来休休息息。 You should drink some hot tea with honey. 你应该喝一些加有蜂蜜的热茶。你应该喝一些加有蜂蜜的热茶。 You should see a dentist and get an Xray. 你应当去看牙医,并照你应当去看牙医,并照X光。光。 建议或劝告建议或劝告 You should take your temperature. 你应当量一下你的体温。你应当量一下你的体温。 You should put some medicine on it. 你应当在上面涂一些药。你应当在上面涂一些药。 You need to take breaks away from the computer. 你需要远离电脑,休息一下。你需要远离电脑,休息一下。 You shouldnt eat so much next time. 你下次不要吃太多了。你下次不要吃太多了。 其他句型拓展:其他句型拓展: I fell down from the bike. 我从自行车上摔了下来。我从自行车上摔了下来。 If you have a cold, you should. 如果你感冒了,你应当如果你感冒了,你应当 He hurt himself in P.E. class. 他在体育课上伤着他自己了。他在体育课上伤着他自己了。 Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports. 当我们做运动时,事故或疾病有时会发生。当我们做运动时,事故或疾病有时会发生。 请以请以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇短文。为题写一篇短文。 从良好的生活习惯、适当的体育锻炼以及健康的从良好的生活习惯、适当的体育锻炼以及健康的 饮食习惯等方面提出良好的建议。饮食习惯等方面提出良好的建议。 要求:要求:1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯; 2.不得使用真实的地名、校名和姓名等;不得使用真实的地名、校名和姓名等; 3.词数:词数:80左右。左右。 文章的开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。文章的开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。 How to Keep Healthy Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Here are three main ways to keep healthy. Firstly, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet. We shouldnt eat too much junk food. It is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables every day. Whats more, we should have meals regularly. Secondly, we shouldnt stay up too late. Getting enough sleep is also necessary. Finally, it is important to take regular exercise, such as swimming, jogging and so on. In a word, we should develop a good habit of keeping healthy. In this way, we can enjoy a happy life. Self Check 1 Write different health problems next to the body parts. Then write more health problems you know of. Head: _____________________ Back: _____________________ Throat: ___________________ Tooth: ____________________ Stomach: __________________ Other problems: ____________ Head: ______________________________ Back: ______________________________ Throat: ____________________________ Tooth: _____________________________ Stomach: __________________________ Other problems: _____________________ have a headache/get hit on the head have a sore back/hurt ones back have a sore throat have a toothache have a stomachache have a fever/have a nosebleed/cut oneself 2 Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation. ___ I hurt myself playing soccer. I have a sore leg. ___ What should I do? ___ I think you should see a doctor and get an Xray. ___ OK, thanks. Ill do that now. ___ Whats the matter? ___ Oh, that doesnt sound good. 2 3 5 6 1 4 3. Write advice for these people. 1) Problem: Alan cut himself. Advice:______________________________________ 2) Problem: Cindy has a headache. Advice:__________________________ 3) Problem: My cousins have bad colds. Advice:________________________________ 4) Problem: Jack hurt his back playing volleyball. Advice:________________________________ Go to a doctor. Go to the hospital and get an Xray. Put some medicine and put a bandage on it. Lie down and rest. 课堂小结 本单元以本单元以“健康与急救健康与急救”为话题,围绕这一话为话题,围绕这一话 题谈论生活中存在的健康问题或意外事件,并能题谈论生活中存在的健康问题或意外事件,并能 给出合理建议。写作时,学生应该学会用给出合理建议。写作时,学生应该学会用have +a /an疾病疾病”来描述健康问题,用来描述健康问题,用should或或 shouldnt来提建议。来提建议。 1. have a cold/fever/stomachache/headache/ sore throat 感冒感冒/发烧发烧/胃痛胃痛/头痛头痛/喉咙痛喉咙痛 2. lie down 躺下躺下 3. go to a doctor 看医生看医生 4. hurt/cut oneself 伤到伤到/割伤自己割伤自己 5. fall down 摔倒;跌倒摔倒;跌倒 6. take breaks 休息休息 7. by oneself 独自;单独独自;单独 8. take risks 冒险冒险 词汇储备词汇储备 句型荟萃句型荟萃 1. We should/shouldnt . 我们应该我们应该/不应该不应该 2. If you have a/ an., you should. 如果你患了如果你患了,你应该,你应该 3. You had better. 你最好你最好 4. Its important/necessary for us to . 对于我们来说很重要对于我们来说很重要/有必要。有必要。 一、根据句意及首字母一、根据句意及首字母, ,填入适当的单词。填入适当的单词。 1.Whatsthe m______ withyou? 2.Your face looks a bit red, maybe you have a f____. 3.Heusuallygoestoschoolonf_______. 4.Ihaveat________,soIwanttoseeadentist. matter fever foot toothache Exercis e 5. When you have a stomachache, please l__ down and r___. 6. I get o__ at the next station. 7. He h____ his knee, he should put a bandage on it. 7. Aron almost lost his life because of a_______. 9. Their water r___ out. lie rest off hurt accident ran 二、排序二、排序, ,组成符合逻辑的对话。组成符合逻辑的对话。 ____ Isitanythingserious? ____Myheadhurts.Ifeelterrible. ____Pleasesitdown.Letmehavealookatyou. ____Whatswrongwithyou,youngman? ____No,nothingserious.Takethismedicine,and you canbebettersoon. 4 2 3 1 5
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