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1、人教八下短语填空专练 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式注意使用适当的形式 1.He lost his life _the car accident.(因为) 2.If we dont save water,we will _it soon.(用尽) 3.Its important to _our temper.(控制) 4.What will you do _? (在困境中) 5.Although he lost his right arm,he still _climbing mountains.(坚持) 6.Many young people _

2、 (习惯于冒险)like Aron. because ofbecause of run out ofrun out of be in control ofbe in control of in a difficult situationin a difficult situation kept onkept on are used to taking risksare used to taking risks Unit1 用下列所给短语的适当形式填空。 lie down, to my surprise, in the same way, get into trouble, sound like

3、, have a fever 1. Its not good for you to sit for long _. 2. It_Jim has a very sore throat. 3. Thats too bad. You should_and have a rest. 4. -Whats the matter with Li Lin? -He _. 5. He often helps others and he isnt afraid to _. 6. _,the students all passed the exam. Practice in the same way sound l

4、ike lie down has a fever get into trouble To my surprised Unit1 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 1. 你应该离开电脑休息一下了。 You_ _ _away from the computer. 2. 如果你明天还发高烧,就去看医生吧。 If you still_ _ _ _tomorrow, then _ _a doctor. 3. -我的脖子很疼。 -我认为你一动不动地坐在一个地方时间太久了。 -I have a very_ _. -I think you sat in the same way

5、 for too long_ _. 4.我认为你不需要量体温。 I dont think you need to_ _ _. should take breaks have a high fever go to sore neck without moving take your temperature Unit1 1.Can you give us a reason to _the school trip? 2.Please _me_when you arrive in Wuhan. 3.Jack is _the math papers in the classroom. 4.We shou

6、ld _some ways to sovle the problems. 5.Lets go to _those poor children ,shall we? 6.My brother could ride a bike _six 7.Work hard,and your dream will_some day. 8.I believe you will succeed if you dont_. 9.She decided to _for a volunteer after-school reading program. call up/come ture/give up/hand ou

7、t/come up with/put off/at the age of/try out/care for/give up put off call up handing out come up with care for at the age of come ture give up try out Unit2 Finish the sentences. 1. Ill help_ (把城市公园打扫干净). 2. We can t _ (推迟所有计划). 3. Id like to _ (鼓舞生病的孩了). 4. Were going to_ (建立一家 food bank) to help

8、hungry people. 5. You could _ (分发食物) at a food bank. clean up the city park. put off all the plans. cheer up the sick children. set up a food bank. give out Exercises Unit2 1. Tom _ his father. They are both tall. A. looks after B. looks up C. takes after D. takes down 2. What are you packing so man

9、y books for, Grandma? Ill _ to the kids in West China. give them up B. give them away C. give them off D. give them in 3. On my visit to Australia, I feel Australians are similar _ us in many ways. A. with B. in C. to D. at4. My bicycle is broken. Can you _? A. fix up it B. fix it up C. fix one up D

10、. fix them up C B C Practice B Unit2 5. Yesterday I used up all the salt to cook dumplings. I need to buy some now. (选出与画线部分意思相同或相选出与画线部分意思相同或相 近的选项)近的选项) A. ate up B. run out of C. ran of D. ran out of 6.Lucky makes a big difference _ my life. A. with B. for C. on D. to 7.The Internet makes _ possi

11、ble for everyone to get education anywhere and anytime. A. it B. this C. that D. them. 8-Whats the news about? -People near the lake didnt allow them to _ a factory so as not to pollute the water. A. look up B. put up C. take up D. set up D D A D Unit2 1. -Could I use your computer, Jim? -Sorry, Im

12、going to _now. A. work on it B. work it on C. work out it D. work it o ut 2. My sister is never angry _ me. A. to B. in C. with D. for 3.There are some books in the box. Could you please _ _? A. take it out B. take them out C. take out it D. take out them 0 4. Father likes _ newspapers after meals.

13、A. look out B. look through C. look at D. look over A C B B Practice Unit3 throw down,help out,in surprise,all the time, come over 根据句意选用方框中的词组的适当形式填空。 1Would you like to_ to my house next week? Yes,Id love to. 2Gina_ her bag and turned on the TV. 3James kept watching TV _and never rested yesterday.

14、 4The girl looked at her mother _and asked “When did you come back?” 5. Tom gave me some advice and it_ me _ come over threw down all the time in surprise helped out Unit3 1.你没有必要现在离开这里。你没有必要现在离开这里。 Theres _ _for you _ _here now. 2.什么时候动身取决于天气条件。什么时候动身取决于天气条件。 When to start _ _ the weather condition

15、s. 3.他记下地址以便不忘了它他记下地址以便不忘了它. He wrote down the address _ _ _ _ forget it. 4.听他讲话就是浪费时间。听他讲话就是浪费时间。 Its _ _ _ _ to listen to him. 5.我们应该尽自己的职责保护环境。我们应该尽自己的职责保护环境。 We should _ _ _ _ protecting the environment. no need to leave depends on in order not to 完成下列句子完成下列句子 a waste of time do our part in Unit

16、3 1.他的父母不允许他晚上去看电影。 His parents dont _ him _ to the movies at night. 2.虽然我跟她解释了规则,但她还是没有理解。 Although I _ the rules _ her, she didnt understand. 3.父母总是为他们的孩子担心。 Parents are always _ their children. 4. 高中毕业后迈克就参加工作了而没有上大学。 After high school Mike got a job instead of _ (go) to university. 5. 周末你能来帮助我们真

17、好。 Its very kind of you to offer _ (help) us on the weekend. 根据汉语意思完成句子。 allow to go explained to worried about going to help Unit4 1.萨莉是我最好的朋友,我们经常互帮互学. Sally is my best friend.We often help _ _with schoolwork. 2. 你必须把第二部分删去。 You have to _ _ the second part. 3. 你的新房子和旧房子比起来怎么样? How does your new ho

18、use _ _ your old house? 4. 布朗先生总是为他人着想。 Mr. Brown is always _ _ others. 5. 依我看,数学和语文一样重要。 _ _ _, math is as important as Chinese. 6. 你应该和你妈妈说对不起。 You should _ _ _ your mom. 7.旅馆为客人提供擦鞋服务。 The hotel _ a shoe-cleaning service _ guests. 根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。 each other cut out compare with In my opini

19、on think about say sorry to provides for Unit4 根据句意及所给汉语提示根据句意及所给汉语提示, ,写出句中所缺短语。写出句中所缺短语。 1. If I _ _ (睡着), please wake me up. 2. After a while, the wind started to _ _ (逐渐变弱). 3. Can I come and _ _ _ (看一看) at your new house? 4. _ _ (起初) I was nervous, but I soon started to relax. 5. _ _ (确保) the d

20、oor is closed when you go out. 6. He _ _(想吃) ice-cream, so he will go to the supermarket this afternoon. fall asleep die down At first Make sure have a look feels like Exercises Unit5 1. 说实话, 我忘了上周那天是你的生日。 _ _ _ _, I forgot it was your birthday last week. 2.为什么人们都沉默着? Why were all the people _ _ ? 3

21、.工人们在拆掉那老房子, 以便建一幢新房。 Workers _ _ _ the old house in order to build a new one. 4. 他们在解答这个复杂的数学问题上有困难。 They _ _ _ working out the difficult math problem. 5. 历史上有许多著名的战争。 There are many famous battles _ _. 6.我正往学校走时突然下雨了。 Itrained suddenly when I was_ _ _ to school. were taking down 根据汉语意思完成句子。 To tel

22、l the truth in silence have trouble in in history making my way Unit5 根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空。 1His new book didnt _ until August. 2Tell me how to _ the water _ ice. 3When did your parents _? 4As soon as we arrived in Xian,we _ it. 5The boy was _ young _ he couldnt look after himself. 6. _,there was a kin

23、g called Emperor Yan. so.that,once upon a time,turn.into, fall in love with,get married, come out turn into get married fell in love with so that Once upon a time come out Exercises Unit6 7He listened to music _ watching TV. 8Peter _ the rubbish and cleaned up the room. 9He was _ the program. 10I th

24、ink the US will help us in the future. I dont _ you. 11Dont _ hope. I think your dream will come true. 12My little sister _ ride at the age of four. 13.When I met James _,I gave him a small gift. give up,agree with,instead of,take away, work on,for the first time, be able to instead of took away wor

25、king on agree with give up was able to for the first time Unit6 1. -Could I use your computer, Jim? -Sorry, Im going to _now. A. work on it B. work it on C. work out it D. work it o ut 2. My sister is never angry _ me. A. to B. in C. with D. for 3.There are some books in the box. Could you please _

26、_? A. take it out B. take them out C. take out it D. take out them 0 4. Father likes _ newspapers after meals. A. look out B. look through C. look at D. look over A C B B Practice Unit6 throw down,help out,in surprise,all the time, come over 根据句意选用方框中的词组的适当形式填空。 1Would you like to_ to my house next

27、week? Yes,Id love to. 2Gina_ her bag and turned on the TV. 3James kept watching TV _and never rested yesterday. 4The girl looked at her mother _and asked “When did you come back?” 5. Tom gave me some advice and it_ me _ come over threw down all the time in surprise helped out Unit6 完成下列句子完成下列句子 1.Sa

28、lly has a great spirit and she never gives up _(work) hard. 2.JunkoTabei was the first one _(get) to the top of the mountain. 3. We should try our best to _ _ _.(实现梦想) =We should try our best to _ our dream_ _. 4.在危险面前,你应该保持冷静。 You should keep calm _ _ _ _danger. 5.据我所知,没有其他人造的物体和这个一样大。 _ _ _I know,

29、 there are no other man-made objects _ _ _ this . 6.中国是世界上最古老的国家之一。它比美国古老得多。 China is_ _ _ _ _in the world. working to get achieve our dreams make come true in the face of As far as as big as one of the oldest countries Unit7 1. 1. 婴儿出生时不会走路。婴儿出生时不会走路。 A baby cant walk _ _.A baby cant walk _ _. 2. 2

30、. 一只熊猫能活多少年?一只熊猫能活多少年? How many years can a panda _ _ _?How many years can a panda _ _ _? 3.3.上周的这个时候,学生们正在为英语考试做准备上周的这个时候,学生们正在为英语考试做准备。 The students were_ _ the English exam this The students were_ _ the English exam this time last week. time last week. 4.4.我现在是一名成年人了,我能照顾好我自己我现在是一名成年人了,我能照顾好我自己。

31、I am an adult. Now I can_ _ _ myself. I am an adult. Now I can_ _ _ myself. 5.5.王老师昨天派我去他办公室帮他拿东西王老师昨天派我去他办公室帮他拿东西。 Mr. Wang _ me_his office to fetch his things Mr. Wang _ me_his office to fetch his things yesterday. yesterday. 6.6.我们应该停止把垃圾倒入海里我们应该停止把垃圾倒入海里。 We should stop _ rubbish _ the sea. We s

32、hould stop _ rubbish _ the sea. 7.7.这个男人比那个男孩重这个男人比那个男孩重三三倍倍。 The man weighs _ _ _ than that boy. The man weighs _ _ _ than that boy. 8. 8. 过去洪灾过后许多人死于疾病。过去洪灾过后许多人死于疾病。 In the past, many people _ _a disease after In the past, many people _ _a disease after the flood went by.the flood went by. at bir

33、th live up to preparing for take care of sent to putting into three times more died from/of Fill in the blanks. Unit7 1. 快些,否则我们不能按时赶到火车站了。 _ _, or we cannot get to the railway station on time. 2. 他们正等着吉姆来这。 They are _ _ Jim to come here. 3. 我还能为你做点别的事吗? Can I do _ _ for you? 4. 爱迪生在火车上卖报纸为生。 Adison

34、 _ _ _ by selling newspapers on the train. 5. 他几乎在事故中失去生命。 He nearly _ _ _ in the accident. Hurry up waiting for anything else made a living lost his life Unit8 Complete the sentences Complete the sentences 1.学生们正在教室里互相交谈。 Students are talking with _ _in the classroom. 2.当今一些学生选择去国外留学深造。 Today some

35、students choose to _ _ for further education. 3.科学家们已经做了一些有关于睡眠的研究。 The scientists have already _ some _ on sleep. Practice one another go abroad done research Unit8 1.We all _ _(了解) the inventions that lead to color movies. 2.Lets find _ _(有趣的事)to do this afternoon. 3.Reading aloud is _ _ _ _(好方法)

36、learn English. 4. _ _ _ she has finished the work in a short time. 5.I can hardly believe that mobile phones are developing _ _ _ _ _.(如此之快) 6. Have you ever _ _ Disneyland? Its unbelievable that heard of learned about something interesting a good way to in such a rapid way Complete the sentences Co

37、mplete the sentences Unit9 .5. 1. 四分之三的影院满了。 2.人们厌倦了城市想要亲近大自然。 3.我想去一个讲英语的国家度假。 4.我们学校一年四季看起来都很漂亮。 5.一方面他很有勇气,但另一方面他考虑事情不够 仔细。 6.她在学语言方面有困难。 根据汉语意思完成下列句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子 Three _ (quarter) of the theater was full. They have some problems _ languages. People become tired of the city and want to _ _ _ natu

38、re. I want to go on vacation in an _ _ . Our garden looks beautiful _ _ _. _ _ _ _, he has great courage. But _ _ _ _, he doesnt think carefully. quarters be close to English-speaking country all year round On the one hand on the other hand learning Unit9 1._(说实在的),I dont like the way you speak to m

39、e. 2. My mother often told me _(帮助 那些需要帮助的人). 3. Ive grown up, so I _ need it _(不再 需要它了). 4. I arrived _(两三分钟) early. 5. _(察看一下)the prices at our new store! 完成下列句子完成下列句子 to help people in need a couple of minutes Check out dont anymore To be honest Unit10 根据提示完成句子。根据提示完成句子。 1. 尽管在下雨,他还是出去了。尽管在下雨,他还是

40、出去了。 He went out _. 2. 花园里万紫千红。花园里万紫千红。 The garden _ colorful flowers. 3. 这是多年来最冷的秋天之一。这是多年来最冷的秋天之一。 Its been _ for years. 4. 安全的问题怎么办安全的问题怎么办? _ the question of security? 5.我们输了,然而我们已尽了最大的力量。我们输了,然而我们已尽了最大的力量。 We lost the game _ we tried our best. 6. 他出生于二十世纪八十年代。他出生于二十世纪八十年代。 He was born _. 7.他把他们

41、按年龄分成三组。他把他们按年龄分成三组。 He divided them into three groups _ age. even though it was raining is full of one of the coldest autumns What about even though in the 1980s/1980s according to Unit10 8.我们总是把红色看作希望和好运的象征。我们总是把红色看作希望和好运的象征。 We always _ red _ the symbol of hope and good luck. 9. 我妈妈不会让我去超市的。我妈妈不会让我去超市的。 My mother wouldnt _ the supermarket. 10. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。 This film is _ that one (is). 11. 修理你的汽车至少要修理你的汽车至少要100英镑。英镑。 Repairing your car will cost _ 100. let me go to as interesting as at least regard as Unit10


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