人教版go for it 八年级下册英语期末复习ppt课件(001).ppt

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1、八年级英语下册期末复习课件 一、主要语法点:一、主要语法点: 二二、易混淆词组、易混淆词组 三、交际用语三、交际用语 1.系表结构 定义:系动词是表示主语“是什么”或定义:系动词是表示主语“是什么”或 “怎么样”的词。本身有词义,但不能单“怎么样”的词。本身有词义,但不能单 独做谓语,须后接表语构成“系表结构”独做谓语,须后接表语构成“系表结构” 来说明主语的状况、性质、特征。来说明主语的状况、性质、特征。 常见的系动词有:常见的系动词有: 1.be, 2. become, get, turn, grow,go,keep seem 3.look, feel, sound, taste, sme

2、ll, 等。等。 1.These oranges taste _and sell _ A. good ,well B. well ,good C. good ,good D. well ,well 2.The food can go _soon in summer. A.badly B.bad C.good D.well A B 2.状语从句状语从句 (1)原因状语从句表示主句所发生的原因或理由。原因状语从句表示主句所发生的原因或理由。 通常用通常用becausebecause,asas,sincesince和和forfor引导。引导。 (2)时间状语从句,要注意时态一致。一般情况时间状语从句

3、,要注意时态一致。一般情况 下,主句是下,主句是一般将来时一般将来时/含情态动词含情态动词/祈使句祈使句,从,从 句用句用一般现在时一般现在时。主句是。主句是过去时态过去时态,从句也要相,从句也要相 应用应用过去时态过去时态。连接词有:。连接词有:when,while,as, before,after,since,till,until等。等。 “notuntil”直到”直到才才 as soon as 一一就就 He didnt come back _he finished all the work. A.when B. after C.until D.before 即即 主将从现主将从现 C

4、(3)条件状语从句由条件状语从句由if,unless(除非),(除非), in case(万一),(万一),as long as(只要)等(只要)等 词引导。词引导。 条件状语从句同时间状语从句一样,谓语条件状语从句同时间状语从句一样,谓语 动词常用一般现在时表示将来。(动词常用一般现在时表示将来。(易考点:易考点: 主将从现)主将从现) If it _ ,I wont go to the beach this Sunday. A.will rain B. is raining C.rains D. is rain C (4)结果状语从句表示主句的动作所引起的结果,可以用结果状语从句表示主句的

5、动作所引起的结果,可以用 sothat, suchthat,.so that.等引导。等引导。 1.在在sothat结构中,结构中,so是副词,与形容词或副词连用,结构是副词,与形容词或副词连用,结构 是是so+adj/adv +that从句从句。 2.在在suchthat结果中,结果中,such是形容词,后面跟可数或不可是形容词,后面跟可数或不可 数名词。结构是:数名词。结构是: such+a(n)(+adj.)+单数名词单数名词+that从句从句 such(+adj)+复数可数名词复数可数名词/不可数名词不可数名词+that从句从句 当名词前有当名词前有many,much,few,litt

6、le等表示数量多少的词修等表示数量多少的词修 饰时,饰时,用用so,不用,不用such。-即即so many/much/few/little+n 当单数名词前有形容词时,即可用当单数名词前有形容词时,即可用so,也可用,也可用such,但不定,但不定 冠词的位置却不同冠词的位置却不同.-即即so+adj+a/an+n 或或 such+a/an+adj+n eg:This is such an important meeting that you should attend.= This is so important a meeting that you should attend. 3.so

7、 that既可以引导目的状语从句既可以引导目的状语从句(为的是,以便于)为的是,以便于) 也可以引导结果状语从句(因此)。也可以引导结果状语从句(因此)。 (5)让步状语从句让步状语从句 even even though though 1.He was _ tired _ he fell asleep soon. A.too to B. so that C.such that 2.Rose is _ a good girl _ everyone likes her. B C 3. 3. 使役动词的用法使役动词的用法 (1) (1) 概念:“使役”就是叫别人去做事情的意思。概念:“使役”就是叫别

8、人去做事情的意思。 (2) (2) 使役动词使役动词make和和let的用法:的用法: make +sb/sth+v.n.adj. -He made us laugh in class yesterday. -The song makes me happy. -We agree to make him monitor. let +sb+v. He let me drink the water. Exercise 那个男孩把那个婴儿弄哭了。那个男孩把那个婴儿弄哭了。 The boy _ the baby _. made cry 4 4、动词不定式:、动词不定式: 由“由“to+v(to+v(原原

9、) )”构成。在句中可以作主语、宾语、”构成。在句中可以作主语、宾语、 宾语补足语、定语、表语和状语等多种成分。宾语补足语、定语、表语和状语等多种成分。 其否定形式是其否定形式是not to donot to do 与与whatwhat,whowho,whosewhose,whenwhen,wherewhere, howhow等等 疑问词连用,作宾语、宾语补足语、主语等。如:疑问词连用,作宾语、宾语补足语、主语等。如: I donI dont know what to do nextt know what to do next(宾语)(宾语) 一感:一感:feel feel 二听:二听: he

10、ar, listen to hear, listen to 三让:三让:let, let, make , havemake , have 四看:四看:see, look at, watch, noticesee, look at, watch, notice 半半 帮助帮助helphelp 可接可接不带不带to to 的不定式的不定式做宾语补足语做宾语补足语 (强调过程)(强调过程) 注意:注意:hearhear,see, watch,noticesee, watch,notice后也可以接后也可以接动词动词 inging形式作宾语补足语,强调动作在进行。形式作宾语补足语,强调动作在进行。 1

11、.Our teacher told us_any noise in class. A.dont make B.not make C.to not make D.not to make 2._ is important for us to learn Enlish. A.It B. That C.He 3. He wants to know what he should do next. (同义句同义句) He wants to know _ _ _ next. D A what to do 5.宾语从句:宾语从句: 1)定义定义:一个句子在另一个主句中作宾语。一个句子在另一个主句中作宾语。 2

12、.引导词引导词:1).由连词由连词that引导的宾语从句,引导的宾语从句,that可可 以省略。以省略。 2).由由if/whether引导,意为“是否”,“是不是”。引导,意为“是否”,“是不是”。 语序用陈述语序语序用陈述语序(主语主语+谓语谓语)。连接词不能省略。连接词不能省略。 whether和和if引导宾从时通常可以互换。但以下情况,引导宾从时通常可以互换。但以下情况, whether不可以换成不可以换成if。 whether之后紧跟之后紧跟or not时。时。 whether引导主语从句位于句首时。引导主语从句位于句首时。eg: Whether they will go by ai

13、r or by train hasnt decided. whether用在带有用在带有to的动词不定式前。的动词不定式前。 eg: Please tell us wheather to go or stay. -放介词之后放介词之后.e.g we are talking about whether we will take him there. 3).疑问词疑问词what ,how,when引导引导 3.语序语序: 陈述句语序陈述句语序 时态时态 :1.主句使用现在时时,从句根据需要选主句使用现在时时,从句根据需要选 择时态。择时态。 2.主句用过去时,从句要用过去时态的某种形主句用过去时,

14、从句要用过去时态的某种形 式。式。 3.如果宾语从句陈述的是客观真理,事实等,如果宾语从句陈述的是客观真理,事实等, 其时态不受上述限制,用一般现在时态。其时态不受上述限制,用一般现在时态。 eg: The teacher told me the earth is round. 老师告诉过我,地球是圆的。老师告诉过我,地球是圆的。 否定前移否定前移 I dont think that she will raise a lot of money. ( ) 1.I dont know if it _ tomorrow.If it_,Ill go hiking. A .will rain,rains

15、 B .rains ,wont rain C. will rain ,doesnt rain D. rains,doesnt rain ( )2. He asked me_ . A.if she will come B. how many books I want to have C.They would help us do it D. what happened to me C D 注意:当从句的原句为以下句子以及注意:当从句的原句为以下句子以及what, who作主语时,语序不变:作主语时,语序不变: Whats wrong? Whats the matter? Whats happen

16、ing? What happeneed? Which is the way to.? eg:I dont know whats the matter. Can you tell me who is over there? 6 6、形容词的同级比较、形容词的同级比较: 1.A+be+as+形容词原级形容词原级+as+B (A与与B一样一样.) eg: This classroom is as large as that one. 2.否定:否定:A+be+not+as/so+形容词原级形容词原级+as+B “A不如不如B那么那么” (A不如不如B.) eg: Helen is not as/ s

17、o thin as her sister. -表示倍数,如“一半表示倍数,如“一半/两倍两倍/三倍三倍” half/ twice/ three times+asas eg: You are not half as clever as you think you are. 你还没有你自认为的一半聪明。你还没有你自认为的一半聪明。 7 7、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 1.A+谓语谓语+比较级比较级+than+B “A做某事比做某事比B更更” eg: His brother worked harder than him. 2.比较级比较级+and+比较级比较级 “越来

18、越“越来越” eg: He got worse and worse, so he didnt go to work. 3.the+比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级 “越“越,越,越” eg: The harder you work, the more you get. 4.比较级前可用比较级前可用much ,a lot ,a little ,a bit, even still,far 等词等词 来修饰。来修饰。 e.g Her apple is much bigger than mine 5.比较级应在同类事物中进行比较级应在同类事物中进行. e.g My English is bette

19、r than kangkangs. 6. less +adj/adv原级原级-该该adj/adv须为由须为由 more构成比较级的词构成比较级的词,可以与可以与not as/so.as. 进行互换进行互换. e.g The math problem is less important than that one. 7.adj最高级前应加最高级前应加the,adv最高级前的最高级前的the则省则省 略略. 8.of the two, 应用应用the +比较级比较级 9. of/in的区别的区别. one of theone of the+ +最高级最高级+ +名词复数名词复数 最高级+of (i

20、n) Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers last century. Of all the movie stars, I think Zhang Ziyi is the best. 1. The bread is _ than these cakes A. very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious 2. Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting A. far B. farther

21、C. farthest D. quite far 3. When they met in the hotel . They talked and laughed _ A. happily B. happy C. happier D. happiest C C A 8.感叹句 : what+(a/an)+形容词形容词+名词名词+主语主语+谓语谓语! what + adj + 复名复名/不可名不可名+主语主语+谓语谓语! How +形容词形容词+主语主语+谓语谓语! _ bad weather it is today! _ ugly dog it is ! 二、易混词辨析 1、ed形容词与形容词与

22、ing形容词的区别:如,形容词的区别:如, interested与与interesting surprised 与与 surprising等等ed形容词表示“感到形容词表示“感到的”,的”, 主语是人。主语是人。ing形容词表示“令人形容词表示“令人的”,的”, 主语为物。主语为物。 2、because+从句从句/because of+短语短语 instead 一般放在句子后面一般放在句子后面/instead of +被代被代 替的部分,位于句中替的部分,位于句中 eg: If you are busy, you can come another day instead. eg: I went

23、 there by bus instead of on foot. 3、experience 解释成经历时,可数。解释成经历时,可数。 解释成经验时,不可数。解释成经验时,不可数。 exercise 解释成练习时,解释成练习时, 可数。解释成可数。解释成 锻炼时,不可数。锻炼时,不可数。 4、think over 仔细考虑,慎重考虑仔细考虑,慎重考虑 think about 想,考虑想,考虑 think of 想起,认为想起,认为 eg: What do you _ the film? 5、noisy嘈杂的,喧闹的,是嘈杂的,喧闹的,是noise的形容的形容 词。词。 noise 嘈杂声,令人

24、不愉快的声音,说话声。嘈杂声,令人不愉快的声音,说话声。 noisily adv. voice 人说话或唱歌的声音,嗓音。人说话或唱歌的声音,嗓音。 sound 指可以听到的任何声音。指可以听到的任何声音。 eg: He has a good _. He opened the door without a _. Dont make so much _ 6、at the end of “在在最后最后/尽头”尽头” in the end =at last 最后最后 7、look for(有目的)寻找,强调动作。(有目的)寻找,强调动作。 find 找到,发现,强调结果。找到,发现,强调结果。 fi

25、nd out 多指通过调查询问之后,弄明白。多指通过调查询问之后,弄明白。 8.cost 主语是物。 -sth+ cost+ sb +some money spend 主语是人。 - sb+ spendon sth / sb spendin doing sth -pay 主语是人。pay some money for sth take 常表示花费时间。 It takes sb some time to do sth 练习:花费练习:花费 1.How much does your coat _ ? 2.He _ twenty yuan on the dictionary. 3.She _ ten

26、 yuan for the book. 4.It _ them ten years to built the pyramid. 5.The pen _ me five yuan. 6.He _ five years studying English . 9、be strict in sth 在在方面要求严格方面要求严格 be strict with sb 对对要求严格要求严格 10、be used to (doing)sth习惯,适应习惯,适应 used to do sth 过去过去 常常做某事常常做某事 11、in the +方位词方位词+of 在某一范围内在某一范围内 on 用于相互接壤且

27、互不管辖的两个地方。用于相互接壤且互不管辖的两个地方。 to 用于互不接壤且互不管辖的两个地方。用于互不接壤且互不管辖的两个地方。 12. lonely 孤独,寂寞孤独,寂寞/alone 单独一个单独一个 He lives_, but he doesnt feel _. 13. 复合形容词复合形容词-只当定语只当定语,后接名词后接名词. a ten-year-old boy /an eight-year-old girl a one-year-old baby /a five-meter-long snake 有时没有形容词有时没有形容词 400-meter race two day visi

28、t e.g I want to ask for a _(两天的两天的) leave. I want to ask for _ leave. 14.through 内部穿过(内部穿过(door, gate, forest, desert, city) across 表面穿表面穿 过(过(street, road, river) 15. win 后面通常跟比赛、竞赛、名次或后面通常跟比赛、竞赛、名次或 战争,表“获胜”战争,表“获胜”beat 后面通常跟人,表后面通常跟人,表 “战胜”“战胜” e.g.: He won the first in the match. 他在比赛中获得了第一名。他在比

29、赛中获得了第一名。 At last, he beat everyone. 最后最后 他击败了每个人。他击败了每个人。 16.make sb./sth. successful 使使成功成功 Wish sb success 祝某人成功祝某人成功 17.in order to +v. so that /in order that+从句从句 18. Would you mind if?表示请求允许或?表示请求允许或 客气地请人做事。客气地请人做事。 Would you mind +doing?用来客气地提出?用来客气地提出 请求,请求, 否定式否定式Would you mind +not+doing?

30、 (3)Would you mind sb/sbs doing.? 回答回答 允许:允许:Of course not. / Not at all. 不允许:不允许:Yes, youd better not. 19. remember to do记得要做某事(事情记得要做某事(事情 还没有做)还没有做) 否定式:否定式:remember not to do sth. remember doing 记得做过某事(事情记得做过某事(事情 已经做过已经做过 20. too much “太多”太多” 后跟不可数名词也后跟不可数名词也 可修饰动词。可修饰动词。 much too “太太.”后跟形容词或副词

31、。后跟形容词或副词。 too many “太多”太多” 后跟可数名词的复数。后跟可数名词的复数。 20.fill with“用“用装满”装满”,fill用作动用作动 词,词, be filled with等于等于be full of意为“充满,意为“充满, 装满”装满” 21. be made of +原材料(能看出)原材料(能看出) “由“由制成”制成” The book is made of paper. be made from+原材料(看不出)“由原材料(看不出)“由 制成”制成”Paper is made from wood. be made in +地点“在地点“在生产”生产” T

32、he TV is made in Shanghai. be made up of./be made into. /be made by. 22. -put on +服装“穿”(强调动作)服装“穿”(强调动作) 如:如: Jane is putting on a coat. -wear+服装服装 “穿着”(强调状态)“穿着”(强调状态) 如:如: Tom wears a T-shirt today. -be dressed in+服装服装 “穿着”(强调状态“穿着”(强调状态, 可同可同wear互换)互换) -dress in+服装服装 “穿着”(强调状态,可同“穿着”(强调状态,可同 wear

33、互换)互换) -dress+sb/oneself “给“给穿衣”穿衣” 如如: The mother is dressing he baby. -in+颜色(颜色(+服装)“穿服装)“穿颜色的衣服”颜色的衣服” 如:如: She is in a red dress. -have on +衣衣-表状态表状态, 无进行时无进行时. 23.hard “艰苦的、努力地“(即可做形容“艰苦的、努力地“(即可做形容 词也可作副词)词也可作副词)-He works hard. hardly“几乎不”“几乎不” He can hardly speak Japanese ,_ he ? 24. except “

34、除“除.之外”(除之外”(除之外没有之外没有), 常与常与but互换互换,后可接动词不定式后可接动词不定式,但但but前有前有 实义动词实义动词do时时,后接后接v(原原). We all went except Tom.(除了(除了Tom没去没去 外我们都去了。只有外我们都去了。只有Tom没去没去) besides“除“除之外”(之外”( 除除之外还有)之外还有)We all went besides Tom.(除了(除了Tom去了之外,去了之外, 我们都去了。不仅我们都去了。不仅Tom去了,我们也去了)去了,我们也去了) 主谓一致主谓一致 25. not onlybut also“不但“不

35、但而且而且” eitheror“要么“要么要么要么.”“或者”“或者或者或者” there be 有有 当连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人当连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人 称要考虑称要考虑就近原则就近原则 , 如:如:Not only her parents but also Jane likes the Tang costumes. 26. as well as “除“除之外还之外还”except ,with 就远原则就远原则-即看前面即看前面. 如:如:Tom as well as his parents works in London 27. there be 句型的将

36、来时句型的将来时 There will be = there is going to be 下周天在这里将会下周天在这里将会有有一场时装表演。一场时装表演。 There is going to be a fashion show here next Sunday. 明天在我们学校的操场上将会明天在我们学校的操场上将会有有一场篮球赛。一场篮球赛。 There is going to be a basketball game on our school playground tomorrow. 29.到达到达 arrive in at = get to =reach arrive get reac

37、h there 30. must be-肯定推测;肯定推测;cant be-否定否定 推测推测 31. Its +adj.+ for sb. + to do eg:Its important for me to study well. Its +adj. + of sb. + to do eg: Its nice of you to help me. 注:若注:若adj.用来修饰人的性格、品质,则用用来修饰人的性格、品质,则用of, 若若adj.用来修饰用来修饰to do,则用则用for。 32.die(v.)dead(adj.)-death(n.)-dying 33. give a surp

38、rise to sb. 给某人一个惊喜给某人一个惊喜 to ones surprise令某人惊喜的是令某人惊喜的是 be surprised at 对对感到惊奇感到惊奇 34.in年,月,年,月, 季节季节 on 日日 at 时时 on rainy days在下雨天里在下雨天里 on the morning of March 3rd on a cold evening 35.advice advise 36. as well, too ,either, also 37.在马路的两边在马路的两边 on both sides of the road on either side of the ro

39、ad on each side of the road 38.another,other ,the other ,others,the others 39. good enough / enough money 派生与合成词或相关的单词。派生与合成词或相关的单词。 polite, impolite, politely; possible, impossible, possibly; advantage, disadvantage; popular, unpopular; happy, unhappy; fair, unfair; satisfy, satisfied,; worry, worr

40、ied; luck, lucky, unlucky, luckily, unluckily; sleep, sleepy, asleep, sleeper; decide decision; sad, sadly, sadness; care, careful, carefully, careless, carelessly; advice, advise; success, successful, successfully, succeed; Asia,Asian ; safe, safely, save, safety; begin, beginning; east eastern ; c

41、ook, cooker; dangerous, in danger; choose, choice; suit, suitable; invite, invitation; 交际用语:交际用语:1. 购物(购物(Shopping) 1.What can I do for you ? /May I help you ? /Can I help you ? 2.What color/size/kind do you want ?= What color /size /kind would you like ? 3.What about this one ? What do you think of

42、 it ? 4.What is it made of ? 5.May I try it/them on ? 6.It looks nice on you. 7.How much is it/ are they ? 8.Oh, Thats very cheap/dear. (Thats too much/expensive/Well, Ill take it.) 2. 就餐(就餐((Having meals) This way, please. Heres a table for two. May I have the menu? May I take your order ? -Anythin

43、g else ? -No, thats all. Could I order the meal by phone ? What would you like to drink ? May I have the bill ? Heres your change. Thanks for coming. 3.看病 1.Whats wrong( with you)?Whats the matter (with you)?whats the trouble(with you )? 2. Is there anything wrong with you ?= Anything wrong? 3. How

44、long have you been like this? 你像这样多久了?你像这样多久了? 4. How are you feeling today? 你今天你今天 感觉如何?感觉如何? 5. Have you taken your temperature ? Do you have a fever ? 6.How often should I take the pills ? 这药多长时间吃一次?这药多长时间吃一次? 7.Nothing serious.没有什么大问题。没有什么大问题。 8I hope you will get well soon. 我希我希 望你快点好起来。望你快点好起来

45、。 9Dont worry. Take it easy .别紧张别紧张 别着急。别着急。 4.打电话 我可以跟我可以跟.讲话么?讲话么? 1)Could / May / Can I speak to , please? 2).Id like to speak to 3).Who is that this ?who is speaking?你是谁你是谁 呀?呀?This is . 4)Is that (speaking) ?你是你是? 如果是本人接电话可以说:如果是本人接电话可以说:Yes ,speaking 。 5).Hold the line ,please . 别挂断别挂断 Hold on, please/ Wait a moment ,please ./ Just a moment, please.请等一会儿请等一会儿 6. MayCan I take a message(for you) 我可我可 以帮你传话吗以帮你传话吗


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