人教版go for it 八年级下册英语期末重难题型专项突破课件:短文填空ppt课件.ppt

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人教版go for it 八年级下册英语期末重难题型专项突破课件:短文填空ppt课件.ppt_第1页
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1、期末重难题型专项突破期末重难题型专项突破 短文填空短文填空 A A 根据短文内容及所给提示根据短文内容及所给提示, ,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。 Im John.Im in Grade Eight 1.aIm John.Im in Grade Eight 1.a Rocky Mountain High School. Rocky Mountain High School. Every 2.MEvery 2.M ,I go to the Buddy Club.In the club,older students ,I go to the Buddy Cl

2、ub.In the club,older students help new students learn more about the school.My friend Sam is in the help new students learn more about the school.My friend Sam is in the 3.3. (ten) grade.He often listens 4.(ten) grade.He often listens 4. (careful) to my (careful) to my problems.He always offers 5.pr

3、oblems.He always offers 5. (I) some help.He is a hero in my (I) some help.He is a hero in my heart.heart. t t ondayonday tenthtenth carefullycarefully meme We have different 6.We have different 6. (class) every day.On Friday afternoon, (class) every day.On Friday afternoon, our school ends 7.our sch

4、ool ends 7. (early) than usual.My friends 8.(early) than usual.My friends 8. I I often go to the Science Club together.Twice 9.often go to the Science Club together.Twice 9. week,we writeweek,we write robot programmes after school.We love making things,so we practice hardrobot programmes after schoo

5、l.We love making things,so we practice hard each time.Our team 10.each time.Our team 10. (win) two competitions last term.We were (win) two competitions last term.We were very happy.very happy. classesclasses earlierearlier andand a/every a/every wonwon B B 阅读下面材料阅读下面材料, ,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每

6、在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每 空空1 1个单词。个单词。 Dream House in California is not a house for only one or two Dream House in California is not a house for only one or two children. Itchildren. Its a house for many 1.s a house for many 1. (kid).It(kid).Its a family.Its a family.Its the s the future.future.

7、Imagine 2.Imagine 2. (live) in a hospital for many years because of (live) in a hospital for many years because of illness.Imagine that one stays in a cold street 3.illness.Imagine that one stays in a cold street 3. ( (连词连词)there )there is no other place to stay. These children need help.4.is no oth

8、er place to stay. These children need help.4. ( (代词代词) ) need Dream House.need Dream House. kidskids livingliving becausebecause TheyThey Many years ago,a little girl named Collin Rose 5.Many years ago,a little girl named Collin Rose 5. (decide) (decide) that when she grew up,she would offer a warm

9、home 6.that when she grew up,she would offer a warm home 6. ( (介词介词) those ) those sick and homeless children.When she grew up,sick and homeless children.When she grew up, she became 7.she became 7. ( (冠词冠词) ) nurse and made her dream come true.In November 2003,Collin Rose set nurse and made her dre

10、am come true.In November 2003,Collin Rose set up Dream House.up Dream House. Collins efforts have 8.Collins efforts have 8. (encourage) many people to (encourage) many people to help sick and homeless children.help sick and homeless children. “Every child should have a happy childhood.We may help ma

11、ke “Every child should have a happy childhood.We may help make these childrens lives 9.these childrens lives 9. (good) than before.Your small help (good) than before.Your small help may 10.may 10. (great) change their lives.No help is too small.” Collin (great) change their lives.No help is too smal

12、l.” Collin Rose said.Rose said. decideddecided toto a a encouragedencouraged betterbetter greatlygreatly C C 阅读下面材料阅读下面材料, ,在空白处填入适当的内容在空白处填入适当的内容( (1 1个单词个单词) )或括号内单词的正确或括号内单词的正确 形式形式。 Knowing about different table manners is kind of useful,for you Knowing about different table manners is kind of u

13、seful,for you may travel to some other countries.may travel to some other countries. In India,always wash your 1.In India,always wash your 1. (hand) before and after eating. (hand) before and after eating. You should eat with your right hand.You cant waste food.You must You should eat with your righ

14、t hand.You cant waste food.You must finish 2.finish 2. (eat) everything on your plate.Do not leave the (eat) everything on your plate.Do not leave the table 3.table 3. all guests have finished eating or your host all guests have finished eating or your host asks you for help.asks you for help. hands

15、hands eatingeating until/unlessuntil/unless In Japan,before you start a meal,wait for your host to tell you In Japan,before you start a meal,wait for your host to tell you three times 4.three times 4. (begin) eating.5.(begin) eating.5. (young) (young) person at the table should pour drinks for the e

16、ldest one first,then person at the table should pour drinks for the eldest one first,then the other diners.Never pass food 6.the other diners.Never pass food 6. one pair of chopsticks to one pair of chopsticks to another. When 7.another. When 7. (woman) pass food with chopsticks from a dish (woman)

17、pass food with chopsticks from a dish to their mouths,they should put their hands under the food,but men to their mouths,they should put their hands under the food,but men should not.8.should not.8. you are eating hot noodles,you can make an eating noise. you are eating hot noodles,you can make an e

18、ating noise. The Japanese believe that this noise can make the food more delicious.The Japanese believe that this noise can make the food more delicious. In Pakistan,you do not begin to have meals until 9.In Pakistan,you do not begin to have meals until 9. eldest eldest member of the family sits dow

19、n at the table.Always eat 10.member of the family sits down at the table.Always eat 10. (quiet) (quiet) enough so that no one else can hear you.Always make bread into pieces enough so that no one else can hear you.Always make bread into pieces before eating it,and use only your right hand.before eat

20、ing it,and use only your right hand. to begin to begin The youngestThe youngest fromfrom womenwomen When/WhileWhen/While thethe quietlyquietly D D 选择方框中的单词完成短文。选择方框中的单词完成短文。 if,keep,their,left,angry,help,use,on,everything,howif,keep,their,left,angry,help,use,on,everything,how MyMy parentsparents kno

21、wknow littlelittle aboutabout highhigh- -techtech productsproducts ( (高科技产品高科技产品) ). .Computers,Computers, mobilemobile phonesphones ( (手机手机),iPads,iWatches),iPads,iWatches.TheyThey cantcant 1 1. . anyany ofof them!them! EveryEvery timetime ImIm homehome forfor a a holiday,myholiday,my parentsparent

22、s askask meme howhow toto taketake a a photophoto onon theirtheir mobilemobile phonesphones againagain andand againagain. .TheyThey 2 2. . forgettingforgetting oror gettinggetting itit wrong!wrong! TheseThese daysdays mymy mommom isis busybusy withwith herher FacebookFacebook. .InIn mymy opinion,par

23、entsopinion,parents shouldshould notnot havehave FacebookFacebook 3 3. . theythey cantcant useuse it,andit,and shouldshould nevernever bebe “friends”“friends” withwith 4 4. . children!Mychildren!My mommom onlyonly hashas 1111 “friends”“friends”twotwo ofof themthem areare mymy sistersister andand me!

24、Andme!And sheshe likeslikes toto commentcomment ( (评论评论) ) onon 5 5. . wewe do!Thisdo!This makesmakes meme crazycrazy ( (发疯的发疯的)!I)!I cantcant standstand it!it! useuse keepkeep ifif theirtheir everythingeverything When I arrived home for Christmas last year,my mom gave me a When I arrived home for C

25、hristmas last year,my mom gave me a piecepiece of paper.6.of paper.6. it,she wrote the things she wanted to learn before it,she wrote the things she wanted to learn before I I 7.7. .No.1 was “How do I create a folder (.No.1 was “How do I create a folder (文件夹文件夹) on my computer?”) on my computer?” so

26、mething I learned at primary school!something I learned at primary school! Sometimes I get 8.Sometimes I get 8. when my mom asks me (for the hundredth when my mom asks me (for the hundredth time) 9.time) 9. to do something on her computer.But I try to stay to do something on her computer.But I try t

27、o stay patient (patient (耐心的耐心的) and help her.Now she has started to ask my sister ) and help her.Now she has started to ask my sister forfor 10.10. too,so she isnt always asking me!too,so she isnt always asking me! OnOn leftleft angryangry howhow helphelp E E 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。 John a

28、nd James were best friends.They used to 1.John and James were best friends.They used to 1. (fight)for (fight)for many reasons,but they still are good friends.many reasons,but they still are good friends. One day,they reached a desert (One day,they reached a desert (沙漠沙漠) but they had only a little )

29、 but they had only a little water.John told James 2.water.John told James 2. (save) water for later use.However, (save) water for later use.However, James wanted to drink the water as he was very thirsty (James wanted to drink the water as he was very thirsty (渴的渴的).John hit ).John hit James.James 3

30、.James.James 3. (write) on the sand (write) on the sand (沙子沙子),),“My best friend hit me!My best friend hit me!” And they walked on without 4.And they walked on without 4. (talk).(talk). fightfight to saveto save wrotewrote talkingtalking They 5.They 5. (final) reached a river.James was so happy and

31、had (final) reached a river.James was so happy and had a lot of fun in the water.But he was a bit 6.a lot of fun in the water.But he was a bit 6. (care) and (care) and began to drown (began to drown (溺水溺水).John ran to him and saved him.James thanked John ).John ran to him and saved him.James thanked

32、 John and wrote something on the rock (and wrote something on the rock (岩石岩石).It was “My best friend saved my ).It was “My best friend saved my life!”life!” John asked,“Why were you 7.John asked,“Why were you 7. (write) all these here?” (write) all these here?” James replied,“You hit me,and I wrote

33、that on the sand.When the James replied,“You hit me,and I wrote that on the sand.When the wind 8.wind 8. (come),it will blow that away.Just now you saved me,and I (come),it will blow that away.Just now you saved me,and I wrote that on the rock,so it will 9.wrote that on the rock,so it will 9. (keep)

34、forever!” (keep)forever!” We should forget about the bad things between 10.We should forget about the bad things between 10. (friend) (friend) and remember the good ones.and remember the good ones. finallyfinally carelesscareless writingwriting comescomes keepkeep friendsfriends F F 从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短

35、文从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短文, ,使短文完整、通顺。使短文完整、通顺。 mostly,take,homeland,abroad,live,appear,search,someday,die,poemsmostly,take,homeland,abroad,live,appear,search,someday,die,poems Do you have any family members or friends who live 1.Do you have any family members or friends who live 1. ? Now ? Now many people

36、come to China to look for the roots of their families. They many people come to China to look for the roots of their families. They 2.2. come from the United States,Canada,England and Germany. come from the United States,Canada,England and Germany. Mrs.Sun is a Chinese woman,and she 3.Mrs.Sun is a C

37、hinese woman,and she 3. abroad for fifty years. abroad for fifty years. Her father is a Chinese farmer.He 4.Her father is a Chinese farmer.He 4. when Mrs.Sun was only seven when Mrs.Sun was only seven years old.She 5.years old.She 5. by her uncle to America and has lived abroad by her uncle to Ameri

38、ca and has lived abroad ever since.ever since. abroadabroad mostlymostly has livedhas lived dieddied was takenwas taken She is a famous singer now in America.Every time she 6.She is a famous singer now in America.Every time she 6. inin public,thousands of her fans never miss the chance to see her.Sh

39、e is public,thousands of her fans never miss the chance to see her.She is also a poet and a lot of people are deeply moved by her 7.also a poet and a lot of people are deeply moved by her 7. .She .She often says she is in 8.often says she is in 8. of her ancestorsroots.She has never of her ancestors

40、roots.She has never forgotten her 9.forgotten her 9. .She hopes that she will be able to go back to .She hopes that she will be able to go back to her hometown 10.her hometown 10. ,and she will go to her fathers grave.,and she will go to her fathers grave. appearsappears poemspoems searchsearch home

41、landhomeland somedaysomeday G G (2018(2018日照日照) ) 阅读下面的短文阅读下面的短文, ,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式( (每空每空 不多于三个单词不多于三个单词) )。 When doing Christmas shopping,Joy came across(When doing Christmas shopping,Joy came across(偶遇偶遇) Nick,the least) Nick,the least popular student in school because

42、 he wore strange clothes and had a popular student in school because he wore strange clothes and had a face only a mother could love.face only a mother could love. After dinner,JoyAfter dinner,Joys family went 1.s family went 1. church for the Christmas Evechurch for the Christmas Eve service.A man

43、with Bible(service.A man with Bible(圣经圣经)read a story about Jesus,who came 2.)read a story about Jesus,who came 2. (help) people on Earth.Joy(help) people on Earth.Joys thoughts kept turning back s thoughts kept turning back to Nick.It must be terrible to be lonely on Christmas Day with his to Nick.

44、It must be terrible to be lonely on Christmas Day with his parents dead.3.parents dead.3. (tear) started to run down her cheeks but she (tear) started to run down her cheeks but she brushed them away.brushed them away. toto to helpto help TearsTears That night,while everyone else 4.That night,while

45、everyone else 4. (sleep) like a (sleep) like a baby,Joy was thinking ways to help Nick.As soon as she heard her baby,Joy was thinking ways to help Nick.As soon as she heard her parents get up,she 5.parents get up,she 5. (quick) jumped out of bed.She told 6.(quick) jumped out of bed.She told 6. about

46、 Nick.Then she asked,“Shall we invite him over today?” about Nick.Then she asked,“Shall we invite him over today?” “Sure,” said her mother,who was always happy 7.“Sure,” said her mother,who was always happy 7. guests came. guests came. Her father smiled.Her father smiled. When Joy called Nick two ho

47、urs later,he was deeply 8.When Joy called Nick two hours later,he was deeply 8. . . (move).He joined them for dinner.To Joys surprise,she enjoyed 9.(move).He joined them for dinner.To Joys surprise,she enjoyed 9. (spend) time with him.Joy came to understand sharing (spend) time with him.Joy came to

48、understand sharing Christmas cheer is the 10.Christmas cheer is the 10. (great) joy to Nick,even to the (great) joy to Nick,even to the whole world.whole world. was sleepingwas sleeping quicklyquickly themthem whenwhen movedmoved greatestgreatest spendingspending H H (2018(2018滨州无棣期末滨州无棣期末) ) 用括号内所给

49、动词的适当形式填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空, ,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 I was walking around in a big store,when I saw a shop assistant I was walking around in a big store,when I saw a shop assistant 1.1. (talk) to a boy of 5 or 6 years old.The assistant said,(talk) to a boy of 5 or 6 years old.The assistant said,

50、“Im sorry,but you dont have enough money 2.“Im sorry,but you dont have enough money 2. (buy) this (buy) this doll.” Then the little boy turned to me and asked,“Uncle,are you doll.” Then the little boy turned to me and asked,“Uncle,are you sure I dont have enough money?” sure I dont have enough money


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