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1、八下八下 Unit 4.课文默写课文默写 八下八下 unit4 基础知识巩固基础知识巩固 重 点 单 词 1. 允许,准许 v. 允许某人做某事 允许某人不做某事 被允许做某事 2. 错误的,不正确的 adj. 怎么了? 3. 猜测,估计 v. 我觉得 4. 交易 n. 处理 v. 重要的事,大事 处理,解决 如何解决? 5. 年长的 adj. 年老的人 6. 相反,替代 adv. 代替,而不是 7. 任何,无论何东西 pron. 无论是谁 无论何时 无论何地 无论如何 8. 紧张不安的,焦虑的 adj. (近义词)担心的 对不安的 9. 主动提出,自愿给予 v. 主动做某事 主动给某人某物

2、主动把某物给某人 10. 第二次,其次 adv. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. 抄袭,复印 v. 一本 n. 打印(近义词)v. 抄作业 12. 归还,回,归 v. 把某物还给某人 (近义短语) 回到某地 (近义短语) 作为回报 13. (不)再,再也(不) 再也不 14. 成员,会员 n. 家人 15. 意见,看法 依某人看来 16. 技巧,技艺 n. 17. 典型的 adj. 18. 足球 (英) , 橄榄球 (美) 英式足球(美) 19. 继续,持续 v. 继续做某事 继续做 20. 疯狂的 a

3、dj. 对痴迷 21. 推,督促 v. 督促某人做某事 把孩子逼得太紧 (反义词)拉 22. 造成,引起 v.原因 n. 造成很大压力 导致某人做某事 .的原因 (关联词)因为 pron. 23. 也许,大概,可能 adv. 近义词 (3 个) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 词 汇 扩 展 1. Relation n. 关系,联系 _ 之间的关系 _(近义词)n.关系 _ 与关系好 _(v.)把联系起来 _(adj.) 相关的 _ 与有关 11. compete V 竞争,比赛 _ 和竞争 _(n

4、.) 比赛 _(n.) 参赛者 _(adj.) 竞争性的 2. cloud 3. communi cate 4. argue 5. proper 6. explain 7. clear 8. Pressure 9. quick 10. Compare N 云 _(adj.) 多云的 v. 交流,沟通 _ 和交流 _(n.) 交流,沟通 v. 争吵,争论 _(n.) 争论,义论文 _ 与争论 Adj. 恰当的,合适的 _(adv.) 正确地, 适当地 _ 做某事事恰当的 _ 适当的交流 V 解释,说明 _(n.)解释,说明 _ 向某人解释某事 _ 向某人解释如何 做某事 Adj. 清晰的,清楚的

5、,明亮的 _(adv.)清楚地,明白地 _ 使某事清晰易懂 n.压力 _(v.) 按压 _ 给某人压力 _ 在压力下 _(近义词)n.精神压力 Adj. 快速的,快捷的 _(adv.) 快速地 _(近义词)快的 _ 晚饭吃地快 v. 对比,比较 _(过去式) _(过去分词) _(现在分词) _把 A 与 B 对比 _ 把 A 比作 B 12. develop 13. usual 14. good v. 发展,发育,成长 _(n.) 发展,发育 _(adj.) 发展中的 _(adj.) 发达的 _孩子的发展 _ 培养好习惯 _ 培养独立性 _ 发展中国家 _ 发达国家 Adj. 通常的,寻常的

6、_(反义词)adj. 不寻常的 _(adv.) 通常地 _ 像往常一样 _(近义词)共同的, 常见的 _(近义词)正常的, 标准的 _(近义词)平凡的 Adj. 好的 _(adv.)好地 (adj:健康的) _ (比较级)更好的 _ (最高级)最好的 _ (n.)货物 _ (n.)好,善; 上帝,天那 _ 擅长 =_ _ 更擅长 _ 对有益 _ 对好 _ 善处理. (关系) _ 谢天谢地 _ 我的天那 _(n.) 对比,比较 词 组 动词词组动词词组 浏览,快速查看 解决,算出,制定 和睦相处 删除 对比,比较 依看 和某人打架 谈论某事 和某人交谈 发现某人做某事 向道歉 笼罩在上方 介意某

7、人做某事 把某物遗落在某处 独自消磨时光 和某人闲逛 做运动 睡眠不足 互相帮忙提高成绩 取得更好的成绩 用互联网 上课外辅导班 对发表看法 把孩子逼得太紧 造成很多压力 找不同点和相似点 进入好大学 同意某人 匆匆吃晚饭 总是做某事, 一直做某事 调小,拒绝 拒绝做某事 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 名词短语名词短语 重要的事情 家庭成员 来自学校的很多压力 空闲时间的活动 考试技巧 典型的美国家庭 足球训练 孩子的发展 一个成功人士 怀特一家人 形容词短语形容词短语 擅长做某事 对有益 对友好

8、 对担忧的,紧张的 害怕某事 不敢做某事 对某人不开心 生某人的气 介词短语介词短语 用电话,在通话 从小开始 连词连词 以便于 直到 直到才 尽管,虽然但是 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 写 作 金 句 谈论问题 1Whats wrong?/Whats the matter with you?Im really tired because I studied until midnight last night. 提供建议 2What should he do?He should talk to his friend so th

9、at he can say hes sorry. 3Maybe you could go to his house.I guess I could,but I dont want to surprise him. 4. 昨天我发现我妹妹在翻我东西。 I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. 5. 尽管他做的不对,但是也没什么了不起的。 Although he is wrong, it is not a big deal. 6. 他应该跟朋友聊聊,以便他可以说声抱歉。 He should talk to his friends

10、so that he can say he is sorry. 语 法 聚 焦 1. “Why dont you?”句型=why not do sth? 提建议的句型及答语 Why dont you do sth?=why not do sth? What /how about doing sth? Lets do sth. You should(not) do sth. Youd better (not)do sth. Would you like to do sth? You could do sth. Shall we do sth? 肯定回答: Good idea./Thats a g

11、ood idea. Ok./ All right./Great. Yes,please./Id love to./Id like to. No problem. (That) sounds great. I agree with you. 否定回答: I dont think so. Id love to, but I have to That sounds boring. Im afraid Sorry, I cant./sorry, but 2.连词(until,so that 和 although) 1. He didnt go to bed _ he finished his home

12、work last night . 2. I will do my homework now, _ I dont have to do it tonight. 3. _ they are poor they are happy. 4. I sometimes stay in bed_ lunchtime. 5. _ the sun was shining it wasnt that warm. 6. dont wait_you feel thirsty 7. Say it loudly_ we can hear you clearly. 8. You never know_ you try s

13、omething. Unit 4 原文巩固原文巩固 单词拼写 1. R_ between my parents have become difficult. 2. They f_a lot, and I really dont like it. 3. Its the only c_ they have. 4. When they argue, its like a big, black cloud h_over our home. 5. Also, my e_brother is not very nice to me. 6. He always r_ to let me watch my f

14、avorite TV show. 7. I_ he watches whatever he wants until late at night. 8. I dont think this is f_. 9. At home I always feel lonely and n_. 10. Its not easy being your age, and its n_to have these feelings. 11. Why dont you talk about these f_with your family? 12. If your parents are having problem

15、s, you should o_ to help. 13. Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for p_ communication. 14. Secondly, why dont you sit down and c_ with your brother? 15. You should e_ that you dont mind him watching TV all the time. 16. H_, he should let you watch your favorite

16、 show. 17. I hope youll feel better about yourself in f_. 18. Many of them are learning exam s_ so that they can get into a good high school。 19. Others are practicing sports so that they can c_ and win. 20. The Taylors are a t_ American family. 21. I take one of my two boys to basketball p_ and my

17、daughter to football training. 22. Then I have to take my other son to piano l_. 23. Maybe I could cut out a few of their a_。 24. I really want them to be s_. 25. However, the t_ children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m. 26. They have a q_dinner, and then its time for homework. 27. Linda Miller,

18、a mother of three, knows all about such s_. 28. “In some families, competition starts very young and c_ until the kids get older,” 29. she says. “Mothers s_ their small kids to all kinds of classes. 30. And they are always c_ them with other children. 31. Its crazy. I dont think thats f_. 32. People

19、 shouldnt p_ their kids so hard.” 33. Doctors say too much p_ is not good for a childs development. 34. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can c_ a lot of stress for children. 35. “Kids should have time to r_ and think for themselves, too. 36. Although its n_to want successful children, its e

20、ven more important to have happy children.” 语法填空 Dear Mr. Hunt, My problem is I cant get _ with my family. Relations _ my parents have become difficult. They fight a lot, and I really dont like it. Its the only communication they have. I dont know _ I should say anything to them about this. When the

21、y argue, its like a big, black cloud _ (hang)over our home. Also, my elder brother is not very nice _ me. He always refuses _(let )me watch my favorite TV show. Instead he watches _ he wants until late at night. I dont think this is fair. At home I always feel lonely and nervous. Is that normal? Wha

22、t can I do? Sad and Thirteen Dear Sad and Thirteen, Its not easy _(be) your age, and its normal to have these _ (feel) . Why dont you talk about these feelings _ your family? If your parents are having problems, you should offer_ (help) . Maybe you could do more jobs around the house _ _ they have m

23、ore time for proper _ (communicate). Secondly, why dont you sit down and communicate _ your brother? You should explain that you dont mind him _(watch) TV all the time. However, he should let you watch your favorite show. I hope youll feel better about _(you) in future. Robert Hunt P30 2b Maybe You

24、Should Learn to Relax! These days, Chinese children are sometimes _(busy) on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many after-school classes. Many of them are learning exam skills_ _ they can get into a good high school and later a good university. _(Other) are practicing sports so tha

25、t they can compete and win. _, this doesnt only happen in China. _ Taylors are a typical American family. Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very busy.” On most days after school,” Cathy says, “I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football _(train). Then I have t

26、o take my other son to piano lessons. Maybe I could cut _ a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are important for my childrens future. I really want them to be successful. ” However, the_( tire) children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner, and then its t

27、ime for homework. Linda Miller, a mother of three, _(know) all about such stress. “In some families, _(compete) starts very young and continues _the kids get older,” she says. “Mothers send their small kids _all kinds of classes. And they are always comparing them_ other children. Its crazy. I dont

28、think thats fair. Why dont they just _(let )their kids be kids? People shouldnt push their kids so hard.” Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs _(develop). Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should have time to relax and think for

29、 _(they), too. _ its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.” Unit 4 核心词汇攻关核心词汇攻关 真题 1. She was so n_ about her first speech that she couldnt sleep. 2. The company o_ the young man a job, but he didnt take it. 3. After you argue with your parents you must

30、c_ with them and explain why you did that. 4. If the sky is c_, theres no rain or cloud and you can see very far. 5. Researchers say temperature in North Africa will c_ rising this summer. 6. Many students are under great p_ because of too much homework nowadays. 7. It is important to share o_ with

31、others in study. 8. Help yourself. You can eat w_ you like. 9. 语法填空 1. Their parents dont allow them _ (swim) in the river because its really dangerous. 2. Students cant get into _ fight with each other at school. 3. Miss Wang is good _ English, but she is not good _ kids. 4. These days people like

32、to communicate with their friends _ the phone. 5. I found Jimmy _(sweep) the floor when I got into the classroom this morning. 6. Look _ the passage quickly and answer my question. 7. Tom is independent and lives alone, so he can look _ himself. 8. The little girl lost her toy, and she was looking _

33、 it everywhere. 9. I think writing letters to your friends is romantic and I always look forward to _(receive) letters. 10. If I dont win, it is not _ big deal. 1. Dont worry. Things will work _ out. 2. It is important for us to get _ with our neighbors. 3. The problem is _ he is not old enough to t

34、ake care of himself. 4. I am not sure _ he can come up with a good idea to solve the problem. 5. I am so worried because relations _ my parents become worse and worse 6. The boy argued _ his mother about his homework. 7. I didnt get enough sleep last night, because there were a group of birds _(hang

35、) over my home. 8. I have an elder brother who is always nice _ me. 9. The dinner hall provided food _ students. 10. Would you mind _(open) the door? 11. Dont forget to return my keys _ me. 重点解析 1. 辨析 Common,ordinary,usual,normal,general,popular,universal common 共同的,常见的(不稀奇的) Have sth in common有共同点

36、Common sense 常识 Ordinary 一般的,平凡的(无特别之处的) Ordinary people 普通人 Usual 经常的,常做的,通常的 As usual 通常 Normal 正常的,标准的,正规的 Normal life General 总的,一般而言的,大多如此的(语气比 common 强) In general 总而言之 Popular 受欢迎的,流行的 Be popular with 受欢迎 Universal 普遍的,宇宙的,广泛的,全世界的 Universal education 普及教育 _ usual, I take the subway to attend

37、 school. Its a u_ truth that failure is the mother of success. I have a lot _ common with my friends. Dont worry. You have no fever and your temperature is n_. It is necessary for students to learn c_ sense. _ general, it is important for us to take actions to protect our environment. My parents are

38、 just o_ workers who work hard and are friendly to others. We should help those homeless and disabled people who cant lead a n_ life. 2. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. Allow sb (not) to do sth Allow doing sth Be allowed to do sth Look! Teht dont allow _(park)here. So lets find another place. The little girl was crying because her mother didnt allow her _ (eat) the ice-cream. Hurry up! Pnce the concert starts, nobody will_( allow) to enter the concert hall. 3. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. Instead 反而,代替 副词,放句首:Instead, +主谓 放句末:主谓+instead I


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