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1、1 人教版人教版八年级下八年级下册册英语英语 U Unit1nit1- -6 6 期中期中综合复习综合复习卷卷(三(三) 一、一、单项选择单项选择。 ( ) 1. It is _ ancient town, with thick walls and tall trees all around. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. ? I have a headache and I dont feel like eating anything. A. How are you? B. What can I do for you C. Whats the matter with

2、 you D. How do you like it ( )3. _ our surprise, the twin sisters went to Peking University at the same times last year. A. With B. 1n C. To D.By ( )4. Now, some robots are _ to do the same things _ people A. enough smart; as B. enough smart; for C. smart enough; as D. smart enough; with ( )5. Bill

3、cant buy any new books because he has _ his money. Aran out Bsold out Crun out of Drun out ( )6. What do you usually have for breakfast? I used to _ dumplings,but these days Im used to _ bread and milk. A. eat;have B. eating; having C. eating;have D. eat;having ( )7. The strange man lives _ in a(n)_

4、 island. Nobody knows what he does. Aalone;alone Blonely;lonely Clonely;alone Dalone;lonely ( )8. How long may I _ your bike? For a week. But you mustnt _ it to others. Aborrow;lend Bkeep;lend Clend;borrow Dkeep;borrow ( )9. Why didnt Jane come with you ? She went to visit a(n) _ friend this morning

5、. A. bad B . sick C . ill D . sore ( )10. What should we do then ? _of us knows Spanish. I think we have to ask a third person for help. A .Both B Neither C .None D. Either 2 ( )11. I cant fall _ at night ,doctor . May I take a _ pill before going to bed? It may help .But dont have too much . A asle

6、ep sleepy B sleepy sleeping C sleeping sleep D asleep sleeping ( )12. Dale,please remind me _ the windows after school. Ato closing Bclosing Cclose Dto close ( ) 13. The little girl _ her seat to the old man on the crowded bus. What a kind girl! Aborrowed Bbrought Coffered Dtook ( ) 14. The children

7、 arent allowed _ in the river. Its dangerous. Aswim Bswims Cto swim Dswimming ( )15. Since you dont like noodles,lets have dumplings _ noodles. OK. Ainstead Binstead of Cbecause Dbecause of ( )16. I called you several times this morning,but you didnt _. Astay up Blook up Cpick up Dtake up ( )17. Whi

8、ch dress do you like best, madam? Sorry , I dont know _ now. A . to buy which one B. buy which one C. which one to buy D. which I should buy it. ( )18. I my homework when Jeff came last night. A. do B. was doing C. am doing D. have done ( )19. What happened to Paul? -He was crossing the street a car

9、 hit him from behind. A .while B. when C .until D .because ( ) 20. Its time to watch a cartoon. _. How about Beauty and the Beast? A. Im afraid not B. Thats the problem C. Good idea D. Never mind 二二、完形填空、完形填空。 Mark lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would

10、 1 soon. They sent for a doctor. Two days 2 the doctor came and looked over the sick man. 3 asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen 4 paper in the village, because no one could write. 3 The doctor 5 up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote

11、the name of the medicine on the 6 of the house. “ Get this medicine for him,” he said, “ and he will soon get 7 .” Marks family and friends did not know 8 to do. They could not read the strange words. Then a young man 9 an idea. He took off the door of the house , put it on his carriage(四轮马车) and dr

12、ove to the nearest 10 . He bought the medicine there , and Mark was soon well again. ( )21. A. wake B .cry C. move D. die ( )22. A. late B. later C. ago D. before ( )23. A. The sick man B. Mark C .The doctor D. The farmer ( )24. A. and B .or C. then D. also ( )25. A. picked B .held C. made D. looked

13、 ( )26. A .wall B .window C .ground D. door ( 27. A. well B .worse C.better D. good ( )28. A. when B. what C. where D. which ( )29.A .thought B. hit C .caught D. had ( )30. A. shop B. farm C hospital D. village 三、三、阅读理解阅读理解。 A Do you know how to protect animals in danger? Here is some advice for stu

14、dents. Send a letter to the environment protecting centre and show how you feel about the fact that animals are becoming extinct quickly. Use facts to write what you have found. For example, pandas, blue whales and tigers are disappearing quickly these days. And help the officers make the strong rul

15、es to save the animals. Draw pictures of the endangered animals and make a poster. Put up this poster somewhere at school or somewhere people can see it easily. Add a text to the poster to make it clear why you care about the animals in danger. It will let people know that protecting the animals is

16、necessary to achieve the continuity (连续性) of social development and protect ourselves. It may encourage people to do something to protect the animals. Stop buying things that come from endangered animals. When you travel, be careful about what you buy. If the presents are from endangered animals or

17、endangered trees from forests that the animals live on, dont buy them. Watch your food. Before eating meals, you should see if you will break a food chain (食物链). If you see somebody do something bad for the food chain, stop him at once. Its worth doing our best to protect animals because to protect

18、animals is to protect the future of the people in the world. ( )1. What do the underlined words “becoming extinct” mean? A. Growing. B. Moving. C. Dying out. D. Developing. ( )2. Why should you add a text to the poster? 4 A. To make the poster look more beautiful than before. B. To let others know w

19、hy we care about the endangered animals. C. To teach people how to save the animals in danger. D. To make it easier to put up this poster somewhere at school. ( )3. what should you do with some presents from endangered animals? A. We should make the salesman stop selling them. B. We should go to the

20、 forest to see the animals. C. We should go to the forest to plant more trees. D. We should stop buying these kinds of things. ( )4. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The passage gives us four pieces of advice. B. We can put up the poster anywhere. C. The poster may encourage people to protect

21、the animals. D. The last piece of advice is about how to protect the food chain. ( )5. The passage mainly tells us _. A. How to make the Earth cleaner and more beautiful B. how to draw pictures and make a poster quickly C. some advice on protecting the animals in danger D. its very necessary to prot

22、ect the animals in danger B An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money. When she heard her daddy say to her te

23、arful mother, Only a miracle(奇迹) can save him now, the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully. She hurried to a drugstore(药店) with the money in her hand. what do you want? asked the salesman. Its for my little brother. The girl answered, H

24、es really sick and I want to buy a miracle. Pardon? said the salesman. My brother Andrew has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost? We dont sell a miracle here, child. I m sorry. the salesman said with a smile. A well-dre

25、ssed man heard it and asked, What kind of miracle does your brother need? I dont know, she answered with her eyes full of tears; He s really sick and mum says he needs an operation(手术). But my daddy cant pay for it, so I have brought all my money. How much do you have? asked the man. $ 1.11, but I c

26、an try and get some more. she answered. Well, what a luck, smiled the man, $ 1. 11, the price of a miracle for little brother. He took up the girl s hand and said, Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Lets see if I have the kind of miracle you need. 5 That wel

27、l-dressed man was Dr. Canton Armstrong, a famous doctor. The operation was successful and it wasnt long before Andrew was home again. How much did the miracle cost? ( )1. What was the trouble in the little girls family? A. Her brother was seriously ill. B. They had no money. C. Nothing could save he

28、r brother. D. Both A and B. ( )2. In the eye of the little girl, a miracle might be . A. something interesting B. something cheap C. some wonderful medicine D. some healthy food ( )3. The little girl said again and again I can try and get some more money. That shows _. A. she had still kept some mon

29、ey B. she hoped not to be refused C. there was no need to worry about money D. she thought money was easy to get ( )4. What made the miracle happen? A. The girls love for her brother. B. The girls money. C. The medicine from the drugstore. D. Nobody can tell. ( )5. From the passage we can infer(推断)

30、that _. A. the doctor didnt ask for any pay B. a miracle is sure to happen if you keep on C. the little girl is lovely but not so clever D. Andrew was in fact not so sick as they had thought C Jenny and Henry were born on the same day and they look the same. Their father is a taxi driver and he is b

31、usy all the time. He goes out early in the morning . but comes back when his children are sleeping in bed. He makes a lot of money but he doesnt talk with them about their study. The two children study in the same class.Jenny works hard at her lessons, but her brother likes nothing but playing. He i

32、s not good at writing compositions (作文). One day Mrs. Cook told her class to write a composition My Mother. After supper Jenny wrote one in her exercise book and then went to help her mother to do some housework. But Henry went to play football. When night fell, he came back to watch TV until the TV

33、 play was over. And he took off his clothes and went to bed, he remembered the composition and had to go to the sitting-room again. But he didnt-know how to write it. He thought hard and at last he found a way. He found Jennys schoolbag and brought out her exercise-book and copied (抄) her compositio

34、n. Two days later Mrs. Cook asked Henry, Can you tell me why your composition is the same as Jennys?”Yes, I can, madam, answered Henry. We have the same mother. ( )1. Why doesnt the childrens father talk with them about their study? A.Because he doesnt love them. B.Because he is too busy. C.Because

35、he is a taxi driver. D.Because he doesnt live with them. 6 ( )2. Henry isnt good at writing compositions because_. A. he doesnt like studying B.he is too young to do it C. he isnt clever D.he never reads anything ( )3. Henry copied Jennys composition because_. A. he played football after supper B. h

36、e forgot to write it before he went to bed C. he didnt know how to write it D. they have the same mother ( )4. What can we learn from the passage? A. The twins father loves Jenny better. B. Jenny is better than Henry at school. C. Henry is a good boy. D. Mrs. Cook doesnt know Jenny and Henry are fro

37、m the same family. ( )5. Which is the best title of this passage? A. The Twins B.Henry Copied the Composition C. Jenny is Good at Lessons D.We Have the Same Mother 四四、词汇演练词汇演练。 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Its important for you_ (have) a dictionary when you learn English. 2. The time is much enough for him_ (

38、finish) the work on time. 3. When he crossed the street ,he saw an old man _( lie ) on the side of the street. 4. Its foolish of you_ (believe) him again. 5. She sings_ (well) than any other student in her class. 五、五、完成句子完成句子。 1.I have a stomachache.(就画线部分提问) _ is_ _ _ you? 2. _(多亏了)Mr Wang ,the doc

39、tors saved the old man in time . 3. She should drink some water.(改为否定句) She_drink_ water. 4. _(吃惊的是) ,they all agreed to go with him . 5. I saw him yesterday. He was writing a letter.(合并为一句) I_him _ a letter yesterday. 7 六六、短文填空。、短文填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空,无提示的根据上下文填入适当的词,使短文内容连贯、完整。 In life, there is always

40、 something strange happening. (31) _ amazing thing happened to me one night. That night, a rainstorm came to our town and it was raining (32) _ (heavy). Because the weather was really bad, there (33) _ (be) no electricity in our neighborhood. So I went to sleep (34) _ (early) than usual. But (35) _I

41、 was about to sleep, I heard some strange noise outside the window. What was it? I decided to have a look. However, it was too dark (36) _ (see) anything. I found some matches. When I made light (37) _ one or two, I was shocked to see a big animal over the window. (38) _ eyes looked green and scary!

42、 I was so afraid that I kept (39) _ (cry) loudly. Luckily, my father heard me and ran to me. At that time, the rain (40) _ (die) down and we had electricity again. We couldnt help laughing when we knew the truth: the scary thing I saw was some fallen tree leaves. They looked really like a big animal

43、! 七、七、书面表达书面表达。 假设你是 Tom,最近很烦闷。请根据以下提示给心理医生 Mr Green 写一封 e-mail 进行咨询。要点如下: 1. 你即将面临下个月的一场重要考试,你担心考试成绩,压力很大; 2. 你晚上睡不着.上课注意力不集中,却不知道怎么控制自己; 3.和好朋友吵架了,不知道怎么办? 4.你希望 Mr Green 能给你一些好的建议; 要求:可适当自由发挥。字数不少于 60 词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:fall asleep 入睡 control v. 控制 advice n.建议 Dear Mr.Green, Im sorry to trouble you. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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