人教版八年级下册英语Unit 3完成句子专项练习(含答案).doc

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1、Unit 3 根据中文意思完成句子 1. 乔惊讶地问道:“你是说简要去美国吗?”。 “You mean Jane will go to the USA?” Joe asked _. 2. 他学习不用功。因此,他没通过考试。 He didnt work hard. _, he didnt pass the exam. 3. 你为什么老是跟我生气? Why do you get angry with me _? 4. 我一下班回家就给你打电话。 Ill call you _ I get home from work. 5. 你可以把你脚边的包递给我吗? Can you _ by your feet

2、? 6. 她为了获奖,每天练习唱歌。 She practiced singing every day _ _ _ _ a prize. 7. 玛丽一打开门,狗就跑了进来。 _ _ _ Mary opened the door, the dog ran in. 8. 我认为玩电脑游戏就是浪费时间。 I think playing computer games is _ _ _ _. 9. 我保证我会照顾你的。 I promise that I will _ _ _ you. 10. 当我走进教室时,他们吃惊地看着我。 They looked at me _ _ when I walked int

3、o the classroom. 11. 他每天带小狗去散步。 He takes his dog _ _ _ every day. 12.她正忙于做作业。 She is _ _ her homework. 13. 现在我和父母在北京度假。 My parents and I are _ _ in Beijing now. 14. 当我忘了打扫我的房间时妈妈真的很生气。 My mom gets really _ when I _ _ clean my room. 15. 别担心你的功课。你要好好照顾你的奶奶。 Dont worry _ your lessons. You must _ _ _ _

4、your grandmother. 16. Be careful! Dont _ (割破手指). 17. Please call me _ (一就) you arrive in London. 18. The Greens cant cook so they eat out _ (频繁). 19. Jill likes _ (遛狗) after work. 20. 别担心,我能照顾自己。 Dont worry. I can _ _ _ myself. 21. 为了得到那份工作,你必须接受为期一年的培训。 _ _ _ get that job, you have to receive a yea

5、rs training. 22. 通常小孩都是依赖父母给予衣食。 Usually children _ _ their parents for food and clothing. 23. 雪下得很大,因此许多学生上学迟到了。 It snowed hard. _ _ _, many students were late for school. 24. 你们应该尽快学会独立。 You should _ _ _ _ soon. 25. 让吉姆(Jim)做所有的工作是不公平的。 (unfair) _ 26. 你吃的垃圾食品越多,你就会变得越胖。 (much, fat) _ 27. 我不介意教你跳舞。

6、 (mind) _ 28. 你没必要再和他讨论这个计划。 (no need) _ 29. 仅仅取得好成绩是不够的。 (enough) _ 30.为了通过考试,他每天都努力学习。 _ _ _pass the exam, he studies hard every day. 31.如果你努力学习,你会取得好的成绩。 You can_ _ _if you study hard. 32.你不应该完全依赖你的父母。 You shouldnt_ _your parents completely. 33.他了解中国的历史越多,就越想住在这里。 _ _he learns history about China

7、,_ _he wants to live here. 34.我不想做家务,他也不想做。 I dont want to do chores,_ _ _. 35. 他每天打扫房间。 He_ _ _every day. 36. 我们扔掉的垃圾太多。 We throw away_ _ _/_. 37. 我在铺床时电话铃响了。 I was_ _ _when the telephone rang. 38. 你看起来一团糟。 You_ _ _. 39. 我们能搭一下便车吗? Can we_ _ _? 40. 科学家们仍致力于发明到达外层空间的新方法。 The scientists are still_ _i

8、nventing new methods of reaching outer space. 41. 上个月,当我放学回家时我们的狗欢迎我。 Last month, our dog welcomed me when I_ _ _school. 42. 能请你遛遛狗吗? Could you please_the dog_ _? 43. 雨一直下。 It is raining_ _ _. 44. 昨天他向我借了一本书。 He_a book_me yesterday. 45. 我讨厌做家务。 I hate to_ _/_. 46. 你可以把你的钢笔借给我吗? Can you_your pen_me?

9、47. 万物靠太阳生长。 All living things_ _the sun for their growth. 48. 对他们而言没必要现在就完成这个任务。 _ _ _for them to finish the task now. 49. 他越忙,就越觉得幸福。 _ _he is,_ _he will be. 50. 总统要求每位公民尽自己的本分以应对通货膨胀。 The president asked every citizen to_ _ _in fighting inflation. 51. 我不介意清扫地板。 I dont_ _the floor. 52. 昨天我们邀请了所有的亲

10、戚来参加婚礼。 We_all our relatives_the wedding yesterday. 答案: 1. in / with surprise 2. As a result 3. all the time 4. the minute / as soon as 5. pass me the bag 6. in order to win 7. As soon as 8. a waste of time 9. take care of 10. in / with surprise 11. for a walk 12.working on 13. on vacation 14. angry

11、, forget to 15. about, take good care of 16. cut your finger 17. as soon as 18. all the time 19. taking / to take the dog for a walk 20. take care of 21. In order to 22. depend on 23. As a result 24. learn to be independent 25. Its unfair to make Jim do all the work. 26. The more junk food you eat,

12、the fatter you will become. 27. I dont mind teaching you to dance. 28. Theres no need for you to discuss this plan with him. 29. Its not enough to get good grades. 30.In order to 31.get good grades 32.depend on 33.The more, the more 34.neither does he 35. sweeps the room 36. too much rubbish/trash 37. making the bed 38. look a mess 39. get a ride 40. working on 41. came home from 42. take, for a walk 43. all the time 44. borrowed, from 45. do chores/housework 46. lend, to 47. depend on 48. Theres no need 49. The busier, the happier 50. do his part 51. mind sweeping 52. invited, to


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