2021人教版新目标八年级下册《英语》全册词汇运用练习题 (word有答案;缺unit9、10).zip

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2020 人教新目标八年级下册英语人教新目标八年级下册英语 unit 4 词汇运用词汇运用 50 题题 (有答案)(有答案) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Do you often help your mother do the _________(dish) after dinner? 2. Your classroom is in _________great mess! Could you please clean it now? 3. Who _________(throw) a stone at the window just now? 4. We are not allowed _________(take) drinks or snakes to school. 5. My friend with me_________(be) going to Hong Kong__________vacation. 6. I cant lend you my computer, because Im going to work _________it. 7. I hate _________(do) some chores, but I like _________(make) my bed. 8. _________Linda is doing chores, what are you doing? 9. _________(waste) time will make you sad when you old. 10. Thank you very much for _________(provide) me with so much wonderful food. 11. _________(depend) on parents too much is one of the problems among students. 12. Lily was so careless that she __________(drop)the plate on the floor again. 13. ________I came to middle school, I have learned a lot of knowledge from my father. 14. They often go_________(shop) on weekends. 15. Anny needs __________(buy) a scarf for her daughter today. 16. Would you like __________(go) to the movies with us this evning? 17. I dont feel like __________(drink) coffee or juice. 18. Would you mind __________(turn) off the vadio? 19. Shes going _________(invite) her friends________her birthday party tonight. 20. Thanks for _________(take) care of my cat. 21. Dont forget _________(turn) off the lights when you leave the classroom. 22. Our teacher often makes me___________(do) English exercises in the morning. 23. I find _________ important for children to learn how to do chores. 24. I hate _________(sweep) the floor so much. 25. They__________(be) friends ten years ago. 26. We are old enough _________(help) with housework. 27. We all think that the _________(fair) in the games is the most important. 28. You are late again! Can you come to school_________(early) tomorrow? 29. I have ________(many) after-school classes than any other my classmate. 30. My brother __________(pay) 10 dollars for the book yesterday. 31. I think you can get on _________(good)with your new classmates. 32. I dont like wearing the same clothes as others. I should get a __________(difference)one. 33. Her _________(old)sister is three years _________(old) than her. 34. Mary is very fat. Her parents dont allow her _________(eat)too much. 35. I found Mike _________(look) through my things yesterday. 36. Tom was punished by our teacher because he copied other _________(student) homework. 37. Our teacher dont allow us ________(take) mobile-phone to the classroom. 38. There were much_________(few) friends in this room than the other room. 39. Tom had an_________(argue) with his best friend. 40. We shouldnt argue________our parents at any time. 41. I got to the shop_________my sister yesterday. 42. They usually chat ________the phone with their friends. 43. ________he is not good at English, he has to learn it anyway. 44. I dont think the man is very nice _________the workers in the shop. 45. She will wait here _________you to come back. 46. She was so shy that she was afraid _________asking any questions. 47. You can improve your reading skills by looking ________the whole passage quickly first. 48. We need learn to deal _________ the problems by ourselves. 49. The boys complain about _________(do) so much homework after classes every day. 50. No one believes the basketball team of our school can compete ______the best team in other school. 参考答案 1.dishes; 2.a; 3.threw; 4.to take; 5.is;on; 6.on; 7.to do; 8.While; 9.Wasting; 10.providing; 11.depending; 12.dropped; 13.Since; 14.shopping; 15.to buy; 16.to go; 17.drinking; 18.turning; 19.to invite; to; 20.taking; 21.to turn; 22.doing; 23.it; 24.to sweep; 25.were; 26.to help; 27.fairness; 28.earlier; 29.more; 30.paid; 31.well; 32.different; 33.elder;older; 34.to eat; 35.looking; 36.students; 37.to take; 38.fewer; 39.argument; 40.with; 41.with; 42.on; 43.Although; 44.to; 45.for; 46.of; 47.though; 48.with; 49.doing; 50.with2020 人教新目标八年级下册英语人教新目标八年级下册英语 unit 6 (有答案)(有答案) 完成句子完成句子 1. 有时候,他能够让他的金箍棒变得很小,以至于可以放在耳朵里。 Sometimes he can make the stick_________ small ____________ he can keep it in his ear. 2. 这些山太高了,他们要花好长时间才能翻越过去。 Becausethese mountains were so big that it _________a long time ________ ________ to the other side. 3. 这个故事提醒我们如果你没有使其发生,你就永远不知道什么是可能的。 This story ___________ us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it __________. 4多好的建议啊! _____ great advice! 5天气不冷的时候,我们开着窗户睡觉。 We _____ _____ the windows open _____ it is cold. 6你明天一醒来就必须起床。 7导游带领游客前往那幢美丽的建筑。 The guide _____ the visitors ___ the beautiful building. 8. 爸爸一到家就把我吵醒了。 __________ __________ __________my father got home, he __________me __________ . 9. 对愚公一家来说搬动大山似乎不可能。 It doesnt __________ ___________ for Yu Gongs family to move a mountain. 10. 这个故事让我想起了我的童年。 This story __________ me __________ my childhood. 11. 他们一直走,直到看见一间由食物造成的房子。 They walked __________they saw a house__________ __________food. 2 12她一直在研究那个课题。 She is ________________ the project all the time. 13只要你努力,一切皆有可能。 _________ is ___________ you work hard. 14. 你觉得愚公的故事怎么样? So what do you ___________ __________ the story of Yu Gong? 15我太紧张了,以至于无法入睡。 I was too nervous to _____ _____ . 16我打算制定一项计划来提高我的英语。 Im going to ____________________ improve my English. 17. 汤姆乘早班车去上学而不是步行去。 Tom caught the early bus to school__________ _________walking. 18. 李文亮的故事如此感人,以至于很多人都哭了。 Li Wenliangs story was ___ moving _______ many people cried. 19. 把一座山给移掉好像不太可能。 I t doesnt ___________ very ________ to move a mountain. 20. 这是因为他会根据他的形状和大小,做出 72 种变化,可以将自己变成不同 的动物或东西。 This is because he can _______ 72 _______to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects. 21你妈妈要多久才回来? How soon will your mother ? 22不要吵醒那个婴儿。 Dont _____ _____the baby. You must get up as soon as you ___________ tomorrow. 23这个小女孩迷路了,她找不到出去的路。 The little girl got lost and she couldnt _____________________ 24天气如此干旱以至于没有农作物可以生长。 The weather is ___ dry _________ food can grow. 25. 孙悟空如词的聪明以至于他能把自己变成不同的动物。 Sun Wukong is so clever ___________he can turn himself ___________ different animals. 26. 为了使他父母高兴,下周他们要结婚. To__________ their parents__________, they will __________ __________next week. 27愚公应该修路而不移山。 Yu Gong should build a road ______________________ the mountain. 28熊猫有点儿害羞。 Pandas are __________ bit shy. 参考答案 1. so that 2. took to walk 3. reminds happen 4.What 5.sleep with; unless6. wake up 7. so, that 8. make, happy ,get married 9.reminds,of 10. Anything possible if 11. think about/of 12.fall asleep 13. make a plan to 14.instead of 15.until,made of 16. so that 17. seem possible18. make changes e back 20.wake up 21. find her way out 22. so that no 23 led to 24. As soon as , woke, up 25.seem possible 26. working on 27. instead of moving 28. a little2020 人教新目标八年级下册英语人教新目标八年级下册英语 unit 8(有答案)(有答案) 一、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空一、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空 1Poly turned off the computer after he finished (write) an email. 2They have breakfast (quick) and then goes to school. 3Have youe lready (decide) to go to Hong Kong on vacation? 4Haveyou (read) Robinson Crusoe before? 5Has he (see) the movie So Young yet? 6Mom,please put away these (knife). 7I still remember the day you (meet) him at the bus stop. 8I want to repair these (break) bikes and then give them to the poor children. 9I saw a thief (try) to steal the womans wallet yesterday. 10Tim is old enough so I (teach) him a few words already. 11. You must read the book ______________ (quick) and return it soon. 12. They took a trip to somewhere in ________________(south) China last summer. 13. Try your best and you will be _________________ (success)in the future. 14. Eavery student due ___________________ (start) school in September. 15. Who is learning _______________ in ____________. (France)? 16. Listening to music is a good way _______________ (relax) ourselves. 17. There are a lot of marks of animals ___________ (foot) on the snow. 18. Robinson used his gun _____________ (kill) animals. 19. When did you learn _____________ (play) the violin ? 20. I want to know which program _______________( choose) for the party . 二、完成句子二、完成句子 1.他们已经售出了 4 百多万张唱片。 They have ______ more than 4______ records. 2.这儿的人们相互友善和互相信任。 People here are kind to each other and trusted ______ ______. 3. Garth 是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。 Garth is______ ______ the most ______ ______ in American history. 4.我喜欢这些音乐,它们使我想起在香港的生活。 I like the music and they can ______ me______ the life in Hong Kong. 5.很多人直到失去健康才意识到健康的重要性。 Many people wont realize the ______ _____ their health ______ they have lost it. 6.这间屋里堆满了书. This room is _______ _______ books. 7.他们还没有读汤姆索亚历险记 。 They_________ _________ Tom Sawyer _______ 8.你认为这本书怎么样? _______ do you ________ _________ this book? 9.你在这学校还认识谁? _______ _______ do you know in the school? 10.下雨的时候,他们在等公共汽车。 They ______ _______ ______ a bus when it rained. 11.汪老师已经教我们八首英语歌了。 Mr.Wang _______ __________ ___________ us eight English songs. 12.李然然逐渐意识到了学习英语的重要性。 Li Ranran _________ ______ _____________the importance of learning English. 13.同学们都尽力互相帮助。 The students all try to help __________ ______________ 14.我姐姐喜欢乡村音乐,但她不喜欢流行音乐。 My sister likes ___________ __________,but she doesnt like pop music. 15他已卖掉了三千多万张唱片。 He _________ _________ more than 30 million records. 16汪峰是中国著名的摇滚乐歌手。 Wang Feng is a famous Chinese 17这把吉他是谁的? Whom does this guitar ? 18我过去经常和哥哥争吵。 I quarrel with my brother 19听这首歌曲是唤醒他们的好方法。 Listening to the song is a good way to them 20这首歌使我觉得激动。 This song made me 参考答案 一 1. writing 2. quickly 3. decided 4. read 5. seen 6. knives 7. met 8. broken 9. trying 10. have taught 11. quickly 1 2. Southern 1 3. successful 14. to start 15. French, France 6. to relax 17. feet 18. to kill 1 9. to play 20. to choose 二、1.sold, million 2. one another 3.one of, successful, musicians 4. remind of 5.importance of, until 5. full of 7. have not read yet 8.What think of 9. Who else 10. were waiting for 11. has already taught 12. came to realize 13. one another/each other 14. country music 15. has sold 16rock singer 17belong to 18used to 19wake;up 20feel excited2020 人教新目标八年级下册英语人教新目标八年级下册英语 unit 7(有答案)(有答案) 用词的适当形式填空。 1.They (marry) three years ago when they were teachers. 2.How (luck) we felt after doing so much homework! 3. The students of your school are (popular) than those of this school. 4.He is one of the best (sing) in Asia. 5.The poor women makes a (live) by selling clothes. 6. It was quite late at night. Tom (read) and Aann __________ (watch) the movie Now You See Me when they (hear) a knock at the door . 7.I (have) my breakfast at nine yesterday morning. 8.Melody (go) over her lessons from morning to noon. Joy and peter (do) the same thing. 9.What you (do) at that time? We (watch) TV. 10.All the students were in _____ (silent)when the teacher came in. 11.He didnt decid _____(tell ) me the _____ .(true) 12.I dont know when he ,but if he ,Ill tell you . (come ) 13.Knives are (use)to cut thingsin peoples daily life . 14. As we all know cars run ___________ (slow) than trains. 15.Which is _________ (big) ,the earth, the sun ,or moon? 16.Please listen to the doctor as _________(care) as you can . 17.He is one of_________ (strong) boy in his school. 18.The more exercise you take , ___________(health) you will become. 19.The cars are running _________ and _______ (fast) . 20Here are some rules on Chinese air (protect) 21Do you know if the Himalayas run along the (southwest) part of China? 22Id like to spend some time enjoying the (nature) world in the countryside. 23You should drive more carefully in (freeze) weather in this area. 24He is proud of his (achieve) 25Sarah is always the first (get) up every morning. 26Every year,thousands of (tour) come to visit the Great Wall. 27Which river is (wide),this one or that one? 28As (far) as I know,he is a guide. 29What is the (deep) lake in the world? 30She raisedher arms (protect) her child from being hurt. 参考答案: 1. married 2. lucky 3. more popular 4. singers 5. living 6. was reading, was watching, heard 7. was having 7. was going was doing 9. were doing were watching 10. were not making 11. silence 12. will come, comes13. used 14. slower 15. the biggest 16. carefully 17. the strongest 18. the healthier 19. faster faster 20. 21. southwestern 22. natural 23. freezing 24. achievements 25. to get 26. tourists 27. wider 28. far 29. deepest 30. to protect2020 人教新目标八年级下册英语人教新目标八年级下册英语 unit 5 (有答案)(有答案) 一、根据首字母及提示完成句子一、根据首字母及提示完成句子 1.I wrote a lot of l________ to her, but she didnt reply to me. 2. Its u________ that Mory gets less money for more work. 3. Although Tony is d_________, he listens to everything around with his heart. 4. We need more volunteers to help train the dogs for the b_______ people. 5. Could you help me c________ the bag? Its too heavy and I cant do it by myself. 6. Jenny wasnt careful enough in the PE class yesterday and hurt h___________. 7. I cant i__________ what the life will be like if we dont have mobile phones. 8. If you have d__________in finishing this work alone, you should ask for help. 9. That kind old mans d________ made the villagers very sad. 10. After reading the books for such a long time, my n_____ hurts, so I cant turn my head around. 11.These p are listening to the teacher on line because of the NCP. 12.The students were having a P. E. class on the p. 13.The boy didnt say anything and walked home in s. 14.Please read this p again and again, and then you can understand it well. 15. There is thick haze around many cities in China r (recent). 16 your cousin (draw) a picture when you came in? 17Could you tell me what (happen) outside the park just now? 18Jane (dance) while her sister (sing) at that time. 19 they still (read) that magazine at eight last night? 20What is his friend Tom doing? Oh,he (call) the Animal Helpline. 二、完成句子二、完成句子 1. 人们常常记得在他们听到历史上重大事件的消息时他们在做什么。 People often remember ______ they ______ ______ when they heard the news of important events in history. 2. 我父母听后没有说什么,我们在沉默中吃完了饭。 My parents ______ ______ after that, and we finished ______ our dinner _______ _______. 3. 9 月 1 日对每一位新生都有意义。 September 1st _______ _______ _______ each freshman. 4. 读每个段落的第一句也是个好主意。 It is also a good idea _______ _______ the first sentence of each paragraph. 5. 我们学校在足球赛上赢了他们学校并且得了第一名。 Our school _______ their school at the football game and _______ the first prize. 6. 尽管有很多车辆,我们仍朝动物园走去。 Athough there was lots of traffic, we still ______ our ______ ______ the zoo. 7. 我没有觉察到你那么不开心。 I didnt ______ that you _______ so unhappy. 8. Lucy 和 Lily 昨天下午 4 点钟在游泳。 Lucy and Lily ______________ ______________ at four oclock yesterday afternoon. 9. 闹钟 6 点时响了,吵醒了我的姐姐。 The alarm ______________ ______________ at six oclock and woke up my sister. 10. 今天早上我给汤姆打电话,但是没人接。 I called Tom this morning, but nobody ______________ ______________. 11. 这个周末将要有一场大雨。 There will be ______________ ______________ ______________ this weekend. 12. 风逐渐变弱,太阳出来了。 The wind was ______________ ______________ and the sun rose. 13. 下大雨时,你
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