人教新目标八年级下册英语unit 6词汇运用练习题 (word有答案).doc

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1、2020 人教新目标八年级下册英语人教新目标八年级下册英语 unit 6 (有答案)(有答案) 完成句子完成句子 1. 有时候,他能够让他的金箍棒变得很小,以至于可以放在耳朵里。 Sometimes he can make the stick_ small _ he can keep it in his ear. 2. 这些山太高了,他们要花好长时间才能翻越过去。 Becausethese mountains were so big that it _a long time _ _ to the other side. 3. 这个故事提醒我们如果你没有使其发生,你就永远不知道什么是可能的。 T

2、his story _ us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it _. 4多好的建议啊! _ great advice! 5天气不冷的时候,我们开着窗户睡觉。 We _ _ the windows open _ it is cold. 6你明天一醒来就必须起床。 7导游带领游客前往那幢美丽的建筑。 The guide _ the visitors _ the beautiful building. 8. 爸爸一到家就把我吵醒了。 _ _ _my father got home, he _me _ .

3、9. 对愚公一家来说搬动大山似乎不可能。 It doesnt _ _ for Yu Gongs family to move a mountain. 10. 这个故事让我想起了我的童年。 This story _ me _ my childhood. 11. 他们一直走,直到看见一间由食物造成的房子。 They walked _they saw a house_ _food. 2 12她一直在研究那个课题。 She is _ the project all the time. 13只要你努力,一切皆有可能。 _ is _ you work hard. 14. 你觉得愚公的故事怎么样? So w

4、hat do you _ _ the story of Yu Gong? 15我太紧张了,以至于无法入睡。 I was too nervous to _ _ . 16我打算制定一项计划来提高我的英语。 Im going to _ improve my English. 17. 汤姆乘早班车去上学而不是步行去。 Tom caught the early bus to school_ _walking. 18. 李文亮的故事如此感人,以至于很多人都哭了。 Li Wenliangs story was _ moving _ many people cried. 19. 把一座山给移掉好像不太可能。

5、I t doesnt _ very _ to move a mountain. 20. 这是因为他会根据他的形状和大小,做出 72 种变化,可以将自己变成不同 的动物或东西。 This is because he can _ 72 _to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects. 21你妈妈要多久才回来? How soon will your mother ? 22不要吵醒那个婴儿。 Dont _ _the baby. You must get up as soon as you _ tomo

6、rrow. 23这个小女孩迷路了,她找不到出去的路。 The little girl got lost and she couldnt _ 24天气如此干旱以至于没有农作物可以生长。 The weather is _ dry _ food can grow. 25. 孙悟空如词的聪明以至于他能把自己变成不同的动物。 Sun Wukong is so clever _he can turn himself _ different animals. 26. 为了使他父母高兴,下周他们要结婚. To_ their parents_, they will _ _next week. 27愚公应该修路而

7、不移山。 Yu Gong should build a road _ the mountain. 28熊猫有点儿害羞。 Pandas are _ bit shy. 参考答案 1. so that 2. took to walk 3. reminds happen 4.What 5.sleep with; unless6. wake up 7. so, that 8. make, happy ,get married 9.reminds,of 10. Anything possible if 11. think about/of 12.fall asleep 13. make a plan to 14.instead of 15.until,made of 16. so that 17. seem possible18. make changes e back 20.wake up 21. find her way out 22. so that no 23 led to 24. As soon as , woke, up 25.seem possible 26. working on 27. instead of moving 28. a little


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