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    • 人教版英语八年级下册unit9复习学案.docx--点击预览


一、必背词汇 yard ja:d n. 院子 sweet swi:t adj. has begunB got; has been on C got; had begunD got; has been on 例例 1.2.2 -Have you been to Suning Plaza in our city? -No, although it _________ for more than a week, Ill far too busy to go there. A has startedB has been on C has been openD has opened 随随练练 1.1 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 (1)Too much s________ food is bad for your teeth. (2)The cloth feels s________ while yours feels rough. (3)He thought about having a y________ sale. (4)The b________ games are for younger kids. (5)The teacher will c________ our homework tomorrow. 题模精选 随堂练习 (6)There is a ________(铁路) between the two cities. (7)He has had the ________(照相机) since 2009. (8)I havent been back to my ________ (家乡) for two years. (9)I have seen some ________(熊) in the zoo before. (10)I have ________(借用) the book for a week. 随随练练 1.2 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空有的需要变换形式 among, shame, yard, sweet, regard, honest, check out Hey friends! Do you like flowers and do you know how to plant flowers? (1)______all my family members, my grandma knew the most. She planted flowers in the (2)______.She planted them with love and (3)______ them as her children. So the yard was always filled with beautiful flowers. Grandma (4)______ her flowers several times a day. She would smile when she saw the sun shine down on them. Every Friday Grandma asked me to pick flowers, and then she would turn them into delicious wine(酒).To be (5)________, I liked doing that. Grandma not only planted flowers in the yard but also planted flowers in our hearts. Her delicious dinners made with love encouraged us. Her (6)________smiles always made us happy. Her hugs(拥抱)and kisses were the sunshine. Its a(n) (7)________that Grandma died last year. We miss her a lot. 随随练练 1.3 Rose finished her study in the university and went to _________ a good job. A take afterB look after C care forD search for 随随练练 1.4 Dont _________ others _________ fools! They know the truth of the matter. A remember; toB regard; with C take; forD regard; as 随随练练 1.5 -Where do you sit. Jane? -I sit _________ Linda. She is just on my left. A next toB in front of C behindD opposite 随随练练 1.6 These days, things _________ very quickly. A turnB becomeC getD change 随随练练 1.7 -I dont know where to go this summer vacation. - Why not _________ visiting huanggang? There are many places of interest there. A suggestB wonder C considerD regard 随随练练 1.8 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 请察看一下这些玩具是否完好。 Please _________ _________if those toys are all right. 2. 我不在想玩电脑游戏了。 I _________ _________ play computer games 3. 说实话。我非常喜欢美国乡村音乐。 _________ _________ _________, I like American country music very much. 4. 至于比赛结果,我并不在乎。 _________ _________ the result of the cpmpettition, I sont care. 5. 我在纽约助理一个星期了。 I have lived in New York for_________ _________ _________ weeks. 随随练练 1.9 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。其中有两项多余。 A:Wow! What a great model plane! Is it yours, Jack? B:Yes, its mine. A:(1)___________ B:For two days. A:(2)___________ B:At Green Store. A:(3)___________ B:Its six dollars. A:(4)__________ B:Ive given it to Peter. A:(5)_________ B:Because he likes it a lot. AHow much is it? BWhy did you give it to Peter? CHow long have you had it? DWhere did you buy it? EWhy are you selling it? FWheres your old model plane? GCan I have a look at your old model plane? 拓展拓展 1 Since Project Hope started, it _________ millions of children to come back to school. A has helpedB helped C is helpingD help 拓展拓展 2 -A new shop _________ for week nearby. Lets have a look there. -Good idea. But it doesnt _________ on Mondays. A opened; opened B has been opened; open C has opened; opened 能力拓展 D has been open; open 拓展拓展 3 There _________ great changes in such kind of PDAs(掌上电脑)in the last few years. A has beenB have beenC has had 拓展拓展 4 Everyone wants to win. But __________ me, the most importanted things is to leanrn something new and have fun. A as forB thanks to C instead ofD Such as 拓展拓展 5 -As we know its difficult to live in a foreign country. -_________ if you cant understand the language there. A ExactlyB Naturally C UsuallyD Especially 拓展拓展 6 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. I cant get really _________ (放松) until the long vacation comes. 2. He sat down _________ (对面) to me. 3. I first _________ (考虑) writing to him, but in the end decided to see him. 4. _________ (根据) to the report, the accident was caused by careless driving. 5. Zhang Lili _________ (认为) as the most beautiful teacher. 拓展拓展 7 句型转换 (1)Our school is opposite the bank. Our school is________ ________the bank. (2)In Georges opinion, shes a really good teacher. ________ ________George, shes a really good teacher. (3)They were looking for the lost boy. They were________ ________the lost boy. (4)They still remember that old saying these days. They still remember that old saying ________. (5)She has studied English very hard in the past two years. She has studied English very hard________ ________ ________two years. 拓展拓展 8 (1)据约翰说,你上星期在爱丁堡。 ________ ________John, you were in Edinburgh last week. (2)舍弃自己最喜爱的东西是不容易的。 Its not easy to________ ________ones favorite things. (3)这个村庄的人口接近 200。(close to) (4)那棵树成了我村的一个标志。 That tree became a(n) ________ ________my village. 拓展拓展 9 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处 的最佳答案。 Dear Jo, Well, I arrived home safely two weeks ago. The flight(航班)was fine,but a bit ___1___.You know, I watched two films and ate two breakfasts on the plane! Thank you for everything. I had a really good time with you in London. I hope you ___2___ it too. The weather here is different from that in London. It has always been fine. Im writing this letter under a big umbrella ___3___ it is very hot today. I know we had some sunny days in London but I ___4___ there was also some rain! It was difficult ___5___ me to start work after my wonderful holiday, but its OK now. Ive been in a new department (部门) since I came home and its interesting. Ive got a new manager(经理)now, and thats ___6___ good because the old one was too strict. Do you like rock music? My brother is a drummer in a new group. He is ___7___ in his bedroom now, and its quite loud! I have just sent you ___8___ of his CDs. I hope you like them. By the way, did you ___9___ a black photo album(相册)? I think I left it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me sometime? No hurry. Jill is sitting with me and she ___10___ her love to you. Please write soon, and thank you again for the wonderful time! Yours, Chris (1)AearlyBlateCshortDlong (2)AenjoyedBdreamedCthankedDcelebrated (3)AuntilBbecauseCifDalthough (4)AhopeBwonderCquestionDremember (5)AforBwithCfromDabout (6)AoftenBalmostCquiteDnever (7)AsleepingBpracticingCwaitingDwatching (8)AoneBfewCsomeDany (9)AseeBthrowCofferDborrow (10)AlendsBsendsCsellsDcompares 拓展拓展 10 The other day Roy Price went home to his sisters house. Its here home now, but its also the house he was born in. Pat, his sister, kissed him and said, “You havent changed much, Roy. Let me see, now. When did we meet last? Twenty-five years ago, he answered. I was here for a week, do you remember? He added, You havent changed much, either.” It was polite for Roy to say so, but it wasnt true. Pat seemed almost an old lady. The next morning, Roy walked through the village alone. The place looked very different. There were lots of traffic signs on the roads and beside the roads, there was a new car park, a new post office, a new bus stop. He remembered suddenly that the bus used to stop anywhere: you just put up your hand and it stopped. One surprise followed another. The railway station was gone! The school was gone. A lot of farm machinery stood in the playground! But Roys biggest surprise was the people. He didnt recognize (认出) anybody at all. Perhaps because everyone seemed old. He went into the post office and bought some stamps. Where are all the children and young people? he asked the postmaster. The old fellow looked up from his book of stamps. “Children?” he said, “Theyre in school, of course. There are three or four young families here. The children go to school by busto Horham. Horham was a town about twenty kilometers away. At lunch Pat said, The village looks nice, doesnt it? Its all different, Pat. It used to be an exciting place. But now its full of old people. I dont understand. There are a few newcomers, but the ones we knew are still here. Youre also not young, Roy, are you? 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 (1)Why did Roy say that Pat hadnt changed much, either? (2)Why didnt Roy recognize anybody at all? (3)把画线的句子译成汉语。 ________ ________ (4)The best tide (题目) of the passage is“________”. AChanges BA Surprise CIts Full of old People DPolite 拓展拓展 11 书面表达。 假如你校要开展“家乡的过去与现在”英语有奖征文活动。请你从以下几个方面入手写一 篇英语短文,描述你家乡的变化,参加此次征文活动。 提示:房屋交通人们的工作情况 要求:90 词左右,可适当发挥。 答案解析答案解析 题题模一:模一:How 引引导导的特殊疑的特殊疑问问句句 例例 1.1.1 【答案】C 【解析】 How often 问频率, “多久一次”,通常答语是 once a week, twice a month 等。故选 C。 例例 1.1.2 【答案】 How far is it from your home to school? 【解析】 How far 指两地间的距离。意思是“多远”。 题题模二:模二:现现在完成在完成时时的的应应用用 例例 1.2.1 【答案】B 【解析】 由句意:你没有看这部电影吗?我看了,但是当我到达电影院时,电影已经开 始好几分钟了。for several minutes 是现在完成时的时间状语。begin 对应的延续性动词是 has been on. 故选 B。 例例 1.2.2 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:你去过我们城市里的苏宁购物中心吗?没去过。尽管它已经开业一周了, 我太忙了没能去那儿。表示“开业多长时间”应该用 has been open。故选 C。 随随练练 1.1 【答案】 (1)sweet (2)soft (3)yard (4)board (5)check (6)railway (7)camera (8)hometown (9)bears (10)kept 【解析】 (1)题意是吃太多甜食对你的牙齿没有好处,甜食是 sweet food。 (2)该题考查的是 rough 的反义词 soft,题意是这块布感觉起来是柔软的,而你的却是粗糙的, while 意思是然而,表示对比。 (3)该题考查固定短语 yard sale 庭院旧货出售,句意是他考虑过举行庭院旧货出售。 UnitUnit 1010 IveIve hadhad thisthis bikebike forfor threethree years?years? 题模精选 随堂练习 (4)考查固定短语 board games 意思是棋类游戏,句意是棋类游戏适合更年轻的孩子玩。 (5)该题考查固定短语 check homework 意思是检查作业,will 是情态动词,后面用实义动词原 形,句意是明天老师将要检查我们的作业。 (6)该题考查的是单词拼写,铁路是 railway,因为冠词为 a,所以用单数的 railway,句意是在两个 城市间有一个铁路。 (7)该题考查的是单词拼写,照相机是 camera,句意是自从 2009 年他有了这个相机。 (8)该题考查的是单词的拼写,家乡是 hometown,句意是我 2 年没回家乡了。 (9)该题考查的是可数名词的单复数,熊是 bear,因为句中有 some, some 后加可数名词复数, bear 是可数名词,句意是我之前在动物园里看见过一些熊。 (10)该题考查的是现在完成时,即 have/has done, for a week 表示时间段,实义动词用延续性动 词,借用时 borrow 但不是延续性动词,而 keep 为延续性动词,又结合现在完成时,故用 keep 的 过去分词 kept。 随随练练 1.2 【答案】 (1)Among (2)yard (3)regarded (4)checked out (5)honest (6)sweet (7)shame 【解析】 选项词义:among 在之中,shame 羞愧 , yard 院子,sweet 甜甜的,regard 认为, honest 诚实的,check out 检查。 本短文主要讲述的是奶奶在活着的时候能做的事,主要考查短文所用的时态是一般过去时态, 注意谓语动词的过去式形式。根据词义和各空所在的句子可推知句意应分别为: (1)(Among) all my family members, my grandma knew the most. 在我所有的家庭成员中,我奶奶 最了解。 (2)She planted flowers in the (yard)她在院子里种了花。 (3)She planted them with love and (regarded) them as her children. 她用爱来播种,把它们当作自 己的孩子。动词短语 regard as 的意思是是“把当做”。 (4)Grandma( checked out) her flowers several times a day. 奶奶一天检查好几次她的花。 (5)To be (honest),I liked doing that.说实话,我喜欢那样做。to be honest 是不定式短语,一般都放 在句首,意思是说实话。 (6)Her (sweet) smiles always made us happy. 她甜甜的微笑总能使我们高兴。 (7)Its a( shame) that Grandma died last year. 真可惜奶奶去年去世了。句型 Its a shame that . .的 意思是“真可惜。 ” 随随练练 1.3 【答案】D 【解析】 search for 寻找,由上半句“罗丝结束了大学的学业”和后半句“一份好工作”可知此处 填写 search for。故选 D。 随随练练 1.4 【答案】D 【解析】 句意:不要把别人当成傻子。他们了解事情的真相。regardas 意为“把当作。 故选 D。 随随练练 1.5 【答案】A 【解析】 由答语“她恰好在我的左边”知 Jane 与 Linda 紧挨着。故选 A。 随随练练 1.6 【答案】D 【解析】 A、B、C 三项作“变”讲时都是连系动词,连系动词后接形容词作表语;change 是实义 动词,修饰实义动词用副词 quickly。故选 D。 随随练练 1.7 【答案】C 【解析】 suggest 建议、wonder 想知道、consider 考虑、regard 把视为。由句意“这个暑 假我不知道去哪里。为什么不考虑去黄冈呢?那有很多名胜。根据句意可知选 consider。 故选 C。 随随练练 1.8 【答案】 1. check out 2. no longer 3. To be honest 4. As for 5. a couple of 【解析】 考查短语的正确使用。 随随练练 1.9 【答案】 CDAFB 【解析】 备选项中文:AHow much is it? 它是多少钱? BWhy did you give it to Peter? 你为什么把它给彼得了? CHow long have you had it? 你已经买它多久了? DWhere did you buy it? 你在哪里买的? EWhy are you selling it? 你为什么要卖它? FWheres your old model plane? 你的旧模型飞机在哪里? GCan I have a look at your old model plane? 我可以看一下你的旧模型飞机吗? (1)根据下文的答语 For two days可知上句是询问“你已经买它多久了?” (2)根据下文的答语 At Green Store.可知上句是询问“你在哪里买的?” (3)根据下文的答语 Its six dollars可知上句是询问“它是多少钱?” (4)根据下文的答语 Ive given it to Peter.可知上句是询问“你的旧模型飞机在哪里?” (5)根据下文的答语 Because he likes it a lot可知上句是询问“你为什么把它给彼得了?” 拓展拓展 1 【答案】A 【解析】 由句意“自希望工程启动以来,它已经帮助数百万孩子重返学校。since 是现在完成 时的时间状语。故选 A。 拓展拓展 2 【答案】D 【解析】 句意:附近有一家新商店已开业一周了。我们去那里看一下吧。好主意。但它在 周一不营业。open 作动词是非延续性动词,若表示“开业一段时间”应用 be opened 来表达。 在第一句中有时间状语 for a week,故句子应用现在完成时;下一句中,由时间状语 on Mondays 可知应用一般现在时。故选 D。 拓展拓展 3 【答案】B 【解析】 考查 There be 句型的时态。句意:在过去的几年里,这种掌上电脑有巨大变化。根据 能力拓展 句意可知此处为 there be 句型,表示“有”的意思的意思。结合 great changes 可知用复数形式。 故选 B。 D. have had 拓展拓展 4 【答案】A 【解析】 句意:每个人都想赢。但就我而言,最重要的事情是学习新东西和获得乐趣。根据语 境和转折连词 but 可知,故选 A。 拓展拓展 5 【答案】D 【解析】 句意:众所周知,在国外生存很艰难。尤其是你不懂当地的语言。根据句意为 especially。故选 D。 拓展拓展 6 【答案】 1. relaxed 2. opposite 3. conidered 4. According 5. is regared 【解析】 考查单词的正确形式。 拓展拓展 7 【答案】 (1)across;from (2)According;to (3)searching;for (4)nowadays (5)for;the;last 【解析】 (1)opposite 意思是在.对面,还可以用 across from 表达,句意是我们的学校在银行对 面。 (2)in Georges opinion 意思是在乔治看来,还可以用 according to.进行表达,注意首字母大写, 句意是在乔治看来,她真是一个好老师。 (3)look for 意思是寻找,还可以用 search for 表达,注意句子时态是过去进行时,故动词用 searching,意思是他们正在寻找那个丢失的男孩。 (4)these days 意思是这些天,目前,还可用于 nowadays 表达,句意是目前他们仍然记得那个谚 语。 (5)in the past two years 意思是在过去 2 年,就等于 for the last two years,句意是在过去两年里 她非常努力学习英语。 拓展拓展 8 【答案】 (1)According; to (2)part; with (3)The population of the village is close to 200. (4)symbol; of 【解析】 (1)根据汉语意思可知此处缺少据说的英语,并且做主语,应用现在分词形式。 according to 据说。 (2)根据汉语与英语的对照,此处缺少舍弃的英语。有动词短语 part with 舍弃。 (3)这个村庄 the village,的 of,人口 the population, 接近 200 close to 200 。用英语表达某 处人口数量的常用句型是:The population of+某处+is+数量。 (4)词干所给单词词义:That tree 那棵树, became 成为了, a(n)一个,my village 我村。根据英文 句意可知所缺单词应为:symbol(标志),of(的)。 拓展拓展 9 【答案】 DABDA CBCAB 【解析】 本文是一封书信,是作者给她亲爱的一封信,我安全到家,谢谢你为我做的一切。我和 你们在伦敦有一个非常好的时间。我已经在一个新的部门工作。请尽快给我写信,并再次感 谢你的美好时光! (1)考查形容词的辨析。句意:飞行很好,但是有点长。你知道的,我看了两部电影,吃了飞机上 的两个早餐!根据后文 I watched two films and ate two breakfasts on the plane!可知飞机时间 很长。A. early 早的;B. late 迟的;C. short 短的;D. long 长的。 (2)考查动词的辨析。句意:谢谢你为我做的一切。我和你在伦敦有一个非常好的时间。我希 望你也很愉快。根据前文.I had a really good time with you in London.可知希望他也很愉快。A .enjoyed 愉快;B. dreamed 梦想;C。thanked 感谢;D. celebrated 庆祝。 (3)考查连词的辨析。句意:这里的天气和伦敦的不同。它一直很好。我正在一个大伞下写这 封信,因为今天很热。根据 Im writing this letter under a big umbrella 可知与后文为因果关系,应 用 because。A. until 才;B. because 因为;C. if 如果;D. although 尽管。 (4)考查动词的辨析。句意:我知道我们在伦敦也有一些阳光明媚的日子,但我记得也有雨! 根据前后文的联系此处应为记得,A .hope 希望;B. wonder 惊奇;C. question 询问;D. remember 记得。 (5)考查介词的应用。句意:在美妙的假期后开始工作对我来说是艰难的。此处有固定搭配 be difficult for是困难的。 (6)考查副词的辨析。句意:现在好了。自从我回到家,我就在一个新的部门,而且是很有趣的。 现在我已经有了一个新的经理,他相当好,因为以前的太严格。此处应为副词来修饰形容词 good,根据后文 because the old one was too strict.可知为 quite。A. often 经常;B. almost 几乎;C. quite 相当的;D.从来不。 (7)考查动词的辨析。句意:你喜欢摇滚乐吗?我的哥哥是一组新的鼓手。他正在他的卧室练 习,很大声!根据前后文的联系可知,且此处用正在进行时。A. sleeping 睡觉;B .practicing 练 习;C. waiting 等待;D. watching 观看。 (8)考查量词的应用。句意:我刚刚发你他的一些 CD。我希望你喜欢他们。因为后面的名词用 了名词复数,所以前面应用修饰可数名词的 some。 (9)考查动词的辨析。句意:顺便问一下,你看到我的黑色相册了吗?我想我把它忘在卧室了, 你能找个时间寄给我吗?根据后文 I think I left it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me sometime?可知她在问她亲爱的看到没?A. see 看见;B. throw 扔掉;C. offer 提供;D. borrow 借。 (10)考查动词的辨析。句意:姬尔和我在一起坐着,并让我传达他对你的爱。请尽快给我写信, 并再次感谢你的美好时光!A. lends 给予;B. sends 送;C. sells 卖;D. compares 比较。 拓展拓展 10 【答案】 (1)Because it was polite to say so. (2)Because everyone seemed old. (3)它过去曾是个令人振奋的地方 罗伊,你也不年轻了,对吗? (4)A 【解析】 (1)Why did Roy say that Pat hadnt changed much, e
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