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1、1 1 外研版新版初一英语下全册教案 第一模块: (5 课时) Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? I. 课时 1 课时 II. Type of lesson: Listening and speaking III. Teaching aims: i. Knowledge aim: 学习和掌握名词性物主代词 ii. Ability aim: 能听懂有关失物招领的对话并表演在失物招领处发生的事情 iii. Emotion aim: 学会与他人交流时言行举止大方得体, 对他人提供的帮助表示 感谢 IV. Teaching import

2、ant and difficult points i. Teaching important points: Make the students understand and use the dialogue ii. Teaching difficult points: Make sure the students can use the dialogue V. Teaching Aids: Multi-Media Tape , recorder VI. Teaching Procedure Step 1 Lead-in Use a pen that was lost last term an

3、d ask whose pen is this? Purpose: Make the students interested in the topic Step 2 Learning the dialogue i. Learn the new words Activity1 Match the words from the box with the pictures 同步练习: Step 3 Pronunciation Step 4 Sum up and exercise Step 5: Homework VII. Blackboard writing VIII. 反思反思 Unit 2 Ar

4、e they yours? I. 课时 2 课时 (课文讲解then read them through again and have the Ss repeat them. *Check the word stress in the multi-syllable words (revise,piano,lesson,party, picnic,homework, email). *Ask the Ss to cover the dialogue below, and,in pairs,to decide which verbs in Box 1 go with which nouns in

5、Box 2.They can check their answers with another pair. *With the dialogue still covered,play the recording through and ask them to just listen and focus on the words in the boxes. *Then play it again and ask them to check their suggested matching. *Collect answers as phrases. *List the phrases on the

6、 board as you are given them. Check my email, have a piano lesson, have a picnic, get up early, go to a party, revise for my test, stay in bed, do my homework, buy some clothes. 2.Write the phrases in Activity 1 under the pictures. *Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and write the correct phrases un

7、der them individually. *Then they can check with a partner. 8 8 *Collect the answers from the class. 3.Listen and read. *Ask the Ss to listen to the text while they follow it in their books. 4.Choose the correct answers. *Ask the Ss to do this activity individually,then check with a partner. *Collec

8、t the answers as a complete question and answer pair from two Ss. *Have the Ss practise asking and answering the questions in pairs. Pronunciation and speaking 5.Listen and repeat. *Play through the recording while the Ss follow. *Play the recording again, pausing for them to repeat.They should do t

9、his chorally as a whole class,in groups and individually. *Put them in pairs to practise. Encourage them to be critical and help each other get the pronunciation right. *Circulate and monitor their production. 6.Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of /l/. *Play through the recordin

10、g while the Ss follow. *Play the recording again, pausing for them to repeat.They should do this chorally as a whole class, in groups and individually. *Put them in pairs to practise. 7.Work in pairs. Ask and answer to complete the diary. *Read through the examples so that the Ss know what to do. *P

11、air them to ask and answer,taking it in turns. *Collect the answers from the pairs,having them ask and answer. *Complete the chart on the board if you feel it will help. 8.Homework. 1.Do exercises in Workbook, from 1 to 2. 2.Do exercises in Exercise Book Unit one. 3.Get ready for the test of Module

12、two. Unit 2 Were going to walk up the Great Wall Reading and vocabulary 1.Read the passages and match them with the photos. *Ask the Ss to look at the three photos first,and ask them what they can see. *Make sure they understand the meaning of the verb “to look forward to sth.” *Before they read, as

13、k the Ss to follow the Learning to learn box while you read it out. Ask them to apply this principle to their reading. *Ask them to read the three passages individually and decide which photo goes with which passage. *They can check with a partner. *Collect the answers from the class as full sentenc

14、es. 2.Say what Helen, Li and Lucy are looking forward to. *Ask the Ss to answer these with a short sentence. *They should do it individually, then check with a partner. *Check the answers in a whole-class setting. 3.Match the questions with the answers. *Ask the Ss to match the questions and answers

15、 individually, then check with a partner. 9 9 *Collect the answers from the class, with one student asking the question and another answering. 4.Answer the questions. Use the words in the box. *Ask the Ss to do this exercise individually, then check with a partner. *Collect the answers from the clas

16、s with one student asking and another answering. Writing 5.Write full answers. Use because. *Ask the Ss to do this exercise individually, then check with a partner. Collect the answers from the class with one student asking and another answering. 6.Work in pairs and answer the questions. *Ask the Ss

17、 to decide on an event in the future that will be enjoyable. *You might want them to make some notes in answer to the three questions. *Pair them to ask and answer the questions. 7.Write your partners answers to Activity 6. *The Ss write this individually. *They should then exchange writing with the

18、ir partner and peer correct for factual and language accuracy. 8.Homework. 1.Do exercises in Workbook, from 3 to 5. 2.Do exercises in Exercise Book Unit two. 3.Get ready for the next lesson. Unit 3 Language in use Language practice *Go through the grammar table with the Ss. *Make sure that they unde

19、rstand that we use “be going to” future to talk about plans for the future which are already definite(E.g. I already have the ticket, so I know that Im going to fly to London next Monday.) or which are what you want/except to do in a future situation. 1.Ask and answer questions about Saturday and Su

20、nday. *Read the example and ensure that the Ss know what to do. *Ask them to do the exercise in pairs. *Collect answers from the class. 2.Complete the sentences with the words in the box. *Read through the verbs in the box,and have the Ss say them after you. *Ensure that the two two-syllable verbs(e

21、njoy/revise) are stressed correctly,both with the stress on the second syllable. *Ask them to complete the sentences individually, then check with a partner. *Collect the answers from the class as complete sentences. Around the world: What are they going to do? *Ask the Ss to look at the picture and

22、 tell you what they can see. *Read the text and answer any questions the Ss have. Module task: Saying what youre going to do at the weekend. 3.Work in groups of three. Each chooses one of the roles below. Discuss what youd like to do at the weekend and make plans to do things together. *Read through

23、 the three pieces of role information with the class, and ensure they understand them. *Put the Ss into threes to take one role each,then ask and answer questions about 10 10 themselves in that role. *Circulate and monitor production for later remedail work, as necessary. 4.Complete your diary for n

24、ext weekend. *Ask the Ss to complete the diary with what they are really going to do next weekend. If they dont have any plans, they can add things that they would like to and realistically could do. They should only write notes ,not full sentences. *The Ss can work in pairs and ask and answer to fi

25、nd out what their partner is going to do. 5.Homework. 1.Do the exercises in Workbook, from 6 to 8. 2.Do the exercises in Exercises Book Unit three. 3.Get ready for the next lesson. 第四模块:第四模块: 5 课时课时 Module 4 Life In the Future 一一. 教材分析教材分析 1.本模块以未来的教室及学习为切入点, 谈论将来我们生活的各个方面,学生较 为有兴趣,便于展开活动。在这个过程中学习和掌

26、握一般将来时 WILL+动词原 形的表达方法及注意点。 2.新标准英语采用归纳式语法学习法:呈现-提问-发现-总结, 培养学生 自主学习的能力。 一般将来时作个本学期一个重要的时态在上一个单元中就已 涉及 Be going to +动词原形,学生已有一定的概念,这只需要老师很好地设计课 堂教学活动作一定的延伸就可以了。 二二 .学情分析学情分析 学生在前一模块中已学习了一般将来时的肯定、否定与一般疑问的表达方式, 也掌握了如何表达自己将要做什么,没做什么,也学会了如何问别人将来是否要 做某事。 本单元则是在前面的基础上引入到谈论将来生活这个话题上, 这是学 生很熟悉也是较感兴趣的话题。 在教师

27、预设的任务中, 引导学生在交际中动态 生成, 学生有话可说, 乐于合作分享。 这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识, 达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的. 三三. 教学目标教学目标 1.语言知识目标语言知识目标 语音 朗读单词中注意重读音节 词汇 基础核心词汇:life future chalk paper ruler no one farm holiday rain weather wind so cheap expensive short get warm spring autumn heavy rain strong comfortable machine job free technolog

28、y interesting difficult weak dream 掌握:cable calculator cell satellite fuel rough heat dull climate transport smooth uncomfortable 11 11 语法 一般将来时的肯定,否定及疑问句结构 和形容词的用法. 话题 以谈论将来的生活为中心,说一说将来生活的各个方面. 2.语言技能目标语言技能目标 听:能听懂用一般将来时表述的意义。 说:能运用一般将来时描述将来的生活。 读:能读懂阅读文章,理解语篇主题和细节。 写:能用一般将来时写将来生活等有关的短文。 3学习策略目标学习策

29、略目标 认知 联系,归纳,推测等技能。 调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述中或书写中的错误进 行修改。 交际 学习运用恰当词语与语法介绍和询问。 资源 通过其他学科或网络获取更多未来生活的信息。 自学策略 能借助词汇图掌握单词,形成话题联想的习惯。 情感策略 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成 学习任务。 4文化意识目标:文化意识目标: 了解将来生活会带给我们的变化,让学生有一种危机感.增加学生的背景知识, 增强学科间的交流,培养学生具有一定的探索未来的科学思想,培养高尚的情 操。 5情感态度目标情感态度目标: 1)通过课文教学引导学生关心国家大事,了解将来生活的巨大变化,因此

30、要刻 苦学习,长大为祖国繁荣富强做贡献。 2)能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。 四重点难点四重点难点 1. 教学重点教学重点 1以谈论将来生活为中心,介绍并询问有关将来生活的信息. 2能运用用一般将来时及形容词。 2. 教学难点教学难点 1 描述将来生活涉及的一些词汇及它们在句中的正确运用。 2 能运用一般将来时进行描述与提问。 五五.突破途径突破途径 1. 利用多媒体, 让学生在歌声中感受语言,在轻松愉快的 video 欣赏中 输入 语言。在合作学习、游戏、竞赛等活动中巩固语言。 2.整合教材, 对教材的内容进行适当的补充、删减、调序。以话题为核心,设计 多种任务活

31、动,把知识点化难为易。将知识不断滚动、内化和外延。 六六.课时安排课时安排 Period 1 Unit1 Listening and Vocabulary Period 2 Unit 2 Reading and Vocabulary Period 3 Unit 3 Listening 5 - Best) Questions 1 2 3 4 5 1. I know many words of places in a city. 2. I can say where places are. 3. I know how to ask others the way. 4. I can also tel

32、l people how to get to a place. 【课后反思】【课后反思】 Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right. 【教学目标】【教学目标】 Knowledge objective To master some words and expressions about places, positions and giving directions. Take,tour,square,famous,painting,from,metre,above,river,clear,bridge,railway,p ast,church,finish,h

33、igh Ability objective Enable students to read about some famous places in London and learn to give directions. Moral objective 1. To be glad to take part in the group work. 2. To know more about London and love to know more about the foreign culture. 【教学重点】【教学重点】 1. To tell the difference among the

34、words: near, opposite, along, on the left/right, across 2. To learn some expressions about asking ways and giving directions. 3. To learn the reading method. 【教学难点】【教学难点】 1. To get information from the article. 2. To write a composition about asking the way and giving directions. 【教学方法】【教学方法】 PWP me

35、thod, task-based method 【教学手段】【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 25 25 【教学过程】【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision and lead-in 1. Revise the dialogue about asking and giving directions. 2. Guess which city is it according to the pictures, and point out the place on the map. S

36、tep 2 Consolidate new words Look and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible. Step 3 Match the places with the pictures Look at the pictures and match the places. Step 4 Read the passage and follow the tour on the map. Read the passage car

37、efully and know about the tour of London. Step 5 Learning to learn Learn how to deal with the new words or phrases. Step 6 Label the places in Activity 1 on the map Let Ss fill in the blanks on the map according to Activity 1.And then check them in group. Step 7 Complete the sentences with the corre

38、ct form of the words from the box. First read the words in the box. Then fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words. At last, check in groups. Step 8 Grammar Point out the difficult points in the passage. If possible, let Ss say out by themselves. Step 9 Practice 1. Draw a map of your jou

39、rney from your school to your home. Draw the streets and buildings on each side of the street. Dont mark the position of your home. 2. Practice the sentences of asking the way and pointing out the way. 3. Let one student read the directions and the other mark the students home on the map. Step 10 Su

40、mmary Let Ss talk about what they have learnt in class. Step 11 Exercises Step 12 Homework Describe the tour that impressed you most. 【学习效果评价】【学习效果评价】 自我评价表自我评价表(1- Worst; 5 - Best) Questions 1 2 3 4 5 1.I know many words of places in a city. 2. I can say where places are. 3. I know how to ask other

41、s the way. 4. I can also tell people how to get to a place. 26 26 【课后反思】【课后反思】 Unit 3 Language in use 【教学目标】【教学目标】 Knowledge objective To practice the use of direction preps and sentences of giving directions. Ability objective Enable students to mark the places on the map and describe your hometown

42、 in your email. Moral objective 1. To be glad to take part in the group work. 2. To know about how to review the knowledge. 【教学重点】【教学重点】 1. To use the direction preps: near, opposite, along, on the left/right, across 2. To use the expressions about asking ways and giving directions. 【教学难点】【教学难点】 To

43、write a composition about your tour. 【教学方法】【教学方法】 PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision and lead-in Revise the sentences about asking and giving directions by filling the blanks. Step 2 New words 1.

44、Draw a map of your journey from your school to your home. Draw the streets and buildings on each side of the street. Dont mark the position of your home. 2. Practice the sentences of asking the way and pointing out the way. 3. Let one student read the directions and the other mark the students home

45、on the map. Step 3 Work in pairs and look at the map 1. Look at the map, Student A choose a starting place on the map, and give directions from here. Student B listen and follow the directions. 2. Choose another starting places on the map. Student B give directions. Step 4 Read and label the places

46、1. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 2. Read the dialogue and label the places on the map that the article has mentioned in the dialogue. 3. Retell the dialogue in pairs. Step 5 Look at the map and complete the passage First, look at the map and read the words in the box. Then read the pas

47、sage and fill in the blanks using the words from the box. 27 27 Step 6 Around the world Learn about a famous place: The Winter Palace Step 7 Write about your hometown Let Ss write a composition about your hometown. The following three points should be included in your writing. Step 8 Write an email

48、If you have a one-day tour of your hometown, write an email to a friend and say what to do. You may use the three points from Activity 4. Step 9 Draw a map Draw a map of your hometown and mark out the important places. Step 10 Exercises Step 11 Summary 方位介词。 问路、指路。 Step 12 Homework Write an email to

49、 your classmate and say how to get to your home from his home. 【学习效果评价】【学习效果评价】 自我评价表自我评价表(1- Worst; 5 - Best) Questions 1 2 3 4 5 1.I know many words of places in a city. 2. I can say where places are. 3. I know how to ask others the way. 4. I can also tell people how to get to a place. 【课后反思】【课后反思

50、】 第七模块: 5 课时 Module 7 My past life 一、教学背景:一、教学背景: 二、(布置)学生课前准备:二、(布置)学生课前准备: 1. 预习词汇:born, strict, primary, primacy school, town, friendly, US, hey, village, nice, good, difficult, bathroom, bedroom, garden, living room, coast, east, ago, store, movie theater / theatre, bored, president, lake, last


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