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1、2013)新版七年级英语上册【Module 1 :Lost and found 】 一:要求掌握的短语,句型部分 1. 欢迎来到:welcome to 2. 欢迎回到:welcome back to 3. 热烈欢迎某人:give sb a warm welcome 4. 首先:first of all 5. 失物招领箱:lost and found box 6. 许多,很多:a lot of= lots of 7. 小心:be careful with 8. 当心,小心做某事:be careful to do sth 9. 从现在起:from now on 10. 失物招领处:lost and

2、 found office 11. 和某人交谈:talk to sb = talk with sb 12. 谈论,讨论某事:talk about sth 13. 上车:get on the bus 14. 下车:get off the bus 15. 匆匆忙忙地:in a hurry 16. 匆忙做某事:hurry to do sth 17. 把东西遗留在地方:leave (sth) on / in 18. 出发去地方:leave for 19. 使东西保持状态: leave (sth) + adj(形容词) 20. 那就是的原因: Thats why 20. 在机场和车站:at airpor

3、ts and stations 21. 数以百计的:hundreds of 22. 寻找:look for 23. 此时此刻:at the moment 24. 一千克的:a kilo of 25. 几千克的:kilos of 26. 帮助某人做某事:help sb do sth / help sb to do sth / help sb with sth 27. 禁不住地做某事:cant help doing sth 28. 请随便,请随意:help oneself to do sth 29. 在某人的帮助下:with ones help 30. 想出,想起:think of 31. 考虑:

4、think about 32. 仔细考虑:think over 33. 从当中挑选:choosefrom 34. 决定,宁愿做某事:choose to do sth 35. 尽力去做某事:try to do sth 36. 尝试做某事:try doing sth 37. 尽某人最大努力做某事:try ones best to do sth 38. 试穿:try on 39. 让我试一试:Let me have a try. 40. 要求某人做某事:ask sb to do sth 41. 要求某人不要做某事:ask sb not to do sth 42. 寻求,询问:askfor. 43.

5、向某人寻求帮助:ask sb for help 44. 迷路:be lost = get lost 二:要求掌握的知识点 1. lost (形容词)丢失的/迷失的-(过去式)丢失-(原形) lose 丢失 found (过去式)发现,找到-(原形) find 发现,找到 2. everyone / every one / no one / none 的区分辨别: . everyone:每个人专指人,不指物并且不与 of 短语连用。 every one:每一个-即可之人,也可指物并且可以和 of 短语连用。 . no one:没有人专指人,不指物并且不与 of 短语连用,可以用来回答 who 提

6、问的问句。 none:没有一个即可之人,也可指物并且可以和 of 短语连用,可以用来回答 how many 提问的问句。 3. all 与 both / either / neither 的辨别: all :全都(指三者及以上) both :都(只表示两者都) either :或者(指两者中的任何一个) neither :都不(指两者中的任何一个都不) eitheror:或者或者 neithernor:既不也不 在句中使用时放在“be 动词,情态动词,助动词之后,行为动词之前” 4. There be 句型和 have (has)的区别: There be 句型只表示客观存在,不表示某人拥有,

7、并且以 There be 为句首。 have (has) 表示某人拥有某物,并且以“人称+have (has)为句首。 5. There be 句型的几点事项: . 含义:表示在某地有某人或某物。 . 结构:There be +某人/某物 + 地点短语。 . 形式:一般现在是:There is / There are 一般过去时:There was / were 一般将来时:There will be / There is going to be . 就近原则:be 的形式由距离 be 动词最近的名词的单数或复数决定。 . 单数提问原则:对 There be 句型中的人或物提问时,无论原句是单

8、数或复数,提问时一律 用单数 What is / Who is 6. a lot of 与 a lot 的区别: a lot of :表示“可数名词或不可数名词”的数量,有形容词的性质。 a lot :表示程度有“很,非常”的意思,是程度副词,相当于 very much 7. 视觉动词:look / see / watch / read 的辨别: look (at) :看(东西) ,强调的是看的动作。 see :看见,强调的是看的结果。 watch :观看,强调是作为观众的角色。 read :看/读,强调的是文字,资料内容。 8. 辨别:speak / say / tell / talk sp

9、eak:说,讲(指讲话的方式,讲某种语言) say:说,讲(指说出,讲出了什么内容) tell:告诉,讲述(通常用作短语:tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于的事) (tell sb to do sth 告诉某人去做某事 tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事) talk:谈论,交谈(通常用作短语:talk about谈论关于的事情) (talk with sb = talk to sb 和某人交谈) 9. 数量单位词:hundred / thousand / million / billion 的使用方法: 用法一:具体数字+数量单位词(不加数量单位词(不

10、加 s 和和 of)+复数名词 用法二:没有具体数字+数量单位词(必须加数量单位词(必须加 s 和和 of)+复数名词 10. look for 与 find 与 find out 辨别: look for :寻找,强调“找的动作过程” find :发现,找到,强调“找的结果” find out :找出,查明,强调“经过仔细调查,探访”而得出的结果,不具有偶然性。 11. 物主代词的辨别使用: .物主代词表示“人与物”之间的所属关系,表示“某人的” .形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特征,使用时要放在名词前面作定语。 .名词性物主代词具有名词的特征,可以单独使用,后面不用连接名词。 我们也可以把名

11、词性物主代词看作是“形容词性物主代词+名词”的缩写,是为了避免重复 使用名词,一般用在后半句里。即:形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词 第一人称 单数 第一人称 复数 第二人称 单复数 第三人称 单数 第三人称 单数 第三人称 单数 第三人称 复数 形容词性 my our your his her its their 名词性 mine ours yours his hers its theirs 2013 新版七年级英语下册 Module 1 : Lost and found 一:选择填空 ( ) 1. Do you often talk _ in class? A. a lot B. a

12、 lot of C. lots of D. many ( ) 2. I _ around, but _ nothing. A. look ; see B. see ; look C. look ; look D. see ; see ( ) 3. There _ a basketball and two books under the bed. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 4. Whose gloves are these? - They are _. A. I B. my C. me D. mine ( ) 5. He _ in the forest. A. l

13、ost B. is lost C. is losing D. losing ( ) 6. His parents _ English teachers. A. both are B. are both C. all are D. are all ( ) 7. _ of the students has a computer. A. Everyone B. Every one C. Nobody D. No one ( ) 8. We enjoy the party _. A. many B. some C. a lot of D. a lot ( ) 9. Would you like to

14、watch TV or listen to music?- _. Im busy with my work. Thank you. A. Both B. All C. Neither D. None ( ) 10. I have two children, and _ of them are working in the west of China. A. all B. both C. neither D. either ( ) 11. We have red and yellow T-shirts. Which color do you like? - Im afraid _. I thin

15、k blue will be OK. A. both B. either C. neither D. none ( ) 12. The teacher _ a story to the boy every day. A. tells B. says C. speaks D. talks ( ) 13. We _ the lost boy, but cant _ him. A. find ; look for B. look for ; look for C. look for ; find D. find ; find ( ) 14. Sandy likes talking _ the pho

16、ne _ her friends. A. with ; with B. with ; on C. on ; with D. in ; on ( ) 15. There are seven _ people on this village. A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundreds of ( ) 16. Look! Mr Li _ Tom. A. talks to B. is talking with C. talks with D. are talking ( ) 17. Our school is so famous that _ p

17、eople come and visit it every year. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of ( ) 18. Can you help me _ my English? A. to B. with C. at D. for ( ) 19. I ask Tom _ me when he gets home. A. will call B. to call C. calling D. called ( ) 20. What do you think of _ football? A. play B. play

18、ing C. plays D. to play ( ) 21. Find the answer _ the question. A. of B. with C. to D. for ( ) 22. They each _ a CD in their bags. A. have B. has C. buys D. has got ( ) 23. There _ a party this weekend. A. is going to have B. are going to have C. is going to be D. are going to be ( ) 24. Lisa often

19、_ her mother _ cakes. A. helps ; to make B. helps ; doing C. help ; to make D. helping ; doing ( ) 25. I find him _TV at home now. - Yes. He enjoys _ TV very much. A. watch ; watch B. watches ; watches C. watching ; watching D. watches ; watching 二:根据汉语补全句子 1. 很抱歉,我今天不能和你打篮球了,明天怎么样? Im very sorry I

20、cant _ _ _ you today. _ _ tomorrow? 2. 我的房间里有许多英语书, 我非常喜欢英语。 There _ _ _ English books in my room and I like English _ _. 3. 欢迎来到我们学校。 _ _ our school. 4. 你在找什么呢? What are you _ _? 5. 从现在起要仔细对待你的学习用品。 _ _ _ your school things _ _ _. 6. 我旅行的时候经常把东西忘在火车上。 I often _ things _ trains when Im travlling. 7.

21、 看, 那个男子正在上公共汽车。 Look! The man is _ _ _ _. 三:完形填空 Lofton is a little village not far from Manchester. Like many other villages near towns or cities, it is clean and quiet. Not many families _(1) there so the people all know _(2). Most of them are _(3) and helpful. Though their homes are in Lofton, m

22、any people have _(4) in Manchester. Some work in big factories. _(5) work in shops and offices. Most of these people go to work by train. It usually takes about _(6) to get to Manchester from Lofton. In the evening, a lot of people like _(7) TV. If they want to see a film or _(8) a concert(音乐会), the

23、y usually go to Manchester. There are more cinemas in Manchester than in Lofton. Life in Lofton may not be as exciting as in _(9) cities, but it can be just as _(10). That is why people in Lofton love their little village. ( ) 1. A. will live B. had lived C. live D. were living ( ) 2. A. them B. eac

24、h other C. themselves D. the other ( ) 3. A. hard B. poor C. friendly D. living ( ) 4. A. cars B. jobs C. homes D. houses ( ) 5. A. They B. Or C. A few D. Somebody ( ) 6. A. half an hour B. half a hour C. half hour D. an half hour ( ) 7. A. watch B. to see C. look D. to watch ( ) 8. A. take B. go to

25、 C. go for D. hear from ( ) 9. A. more larger B. small C. smaller D. large ( ) 10. A. interested B. interests C. interest D. interesting 四:阅读理解 Mr and Mrs Shute live in a small village near London. Their house is not big, but there are many trees around it. In front of it, there is a river. Mr Shute

26、 often fishes in the river. The family doesnt have much money. Mr Shute finds a job in London. His two children, Mary and Tony go to the school in village. London is not very far, but their parents never take them there. It is Tonys birthday. The boy wants his father to take him and his sister to Lo

27、ndon to have dinner. Mr Shut agrees. The family then have dinner in a restaurant for the first time. Of course the children are very happy. They eat a lot. When the dinner is over, Mr Shute finds some food is left(剩下). So he says to the waiter, “Please give me a plastic bag. Id like to take the food

28、 back to feed my sons dog.” When his son hears it, the boy is very happy. “Dad, when will you buy me a dog?” ( ) 1. Where do the Shutes live? A. In London. B. In a small village near London. C. In a big house near London. D. In a small village near London. ( ) 2. In front of Mr Shutes house there is

29、 _. A. a hill B. a big tree C. a river D. a pond ( ) 3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The children often go to London. B. The family is not very rich. C. The family always have dinner in the restaurant for the childrens birthdays. D. Mr Shute only takes Tony to London for his birthday. ( ) 4. T

30、he children are very happy because _ A. their father gives them some money B. they neednt go to school C. their father takes them to London to have dinner D. they can take food to their dog ( ) 5. From the passage we know _ A. the father likes the boys dog B. Tony doesnt have a dog C. the father will take the left food back to feed his sons dog D. the boy is very happy because his father will buy him a dog


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