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1、外研版七年级下册 M5-6 知识点复习与同步训练 一、重点单词默写 M5 1.市场 2.超市 3.饼干 4.柠檬 5.草莓 6.母亲节 7尺码 8.穿(某尺寸 的衣服鞋子) 9.可以 10.尝试 11.试穿 12当然 13.别急 14.降价出售 15.价格 16.看起来 17.新鲜的 18.有利条件 19.任何人 20.任何东西 21.在任何地 方 22.比较 23.支付 24.邮寄 25.产品 26.收到 27.安全的 28.几个 29.在线的 30.购物 31.方式 32之一 33 几乎 34.某事物 35.迟的 36.后来 37.营业的 38.外出 39.外出(短 语) 40.通过 41

2、.总有一天 42.(同一群 人或物中) 一个 M6 1.银行 2.博物馆 3.沿着 4.越过 5.穿过 6.在对面 7.游客 8.原谅 9.劳驾 10.街道 11.换方向 12.第三 13.导游手 册 14.书店 15.好了 16.为什么 不呢? 17. 可以 18.地铁 19.搭乘 20.(短期的) 参观 21.广场 22.中部 23.著名的 24.油画 25.从出 发 26.米 27.在上方 28.河 29.(天气) 晴朗的 30.桥 31. 路 过 (某物或某 地) 32.教堂 33.结束 34.高的 35.邮政局 36.沿着 37.车站 38. 沿 着 而去 39.铁路 【练习 1】重

3、点词组默写 M5 1. 支付;付款 2. 之一 _ 3. 改变某人的生活 4. 省钱 _ 5. 减价 6. 稍等一会 _ 7. 外出;游玩 8. 试穿 _ 9. 多大尺寸 10. 给你 _ 11. 半公斤 12. 怎么样 _ 13. 给某人买某物 14. 多少钱 _ 15.做某事花费某人一段时间 _ M6 1.在前面_ 2.劳驾,对不起_ 3.去的路_ 4.穿过,跨过_ 5.沿着走_ 6.左转_ 7.在左边_ 8.在右边_ 9.地铁站_ 10.欢迎来到_ 11.短途旅行_ 12.的中间_ 13.邮政局_ 14.的最好方式_ 15.下(车、马等)_ 16.在广场上_ 17.在一个晴朗的日子_ 1

4、8.在的另一边_ 【练习 2】重点句型默写 M5 1 .您要买点什么? _? 2.她喜欢什么颜色? _? 3.她穿多大号的? _? 4.我能试试吗? _? 5.今天有降价销售活动。 _. 来源:Z#xx#k.Co M6 1.欢迎来到这个小花园。 _. 2. 我不知道要在哪里下车。 _. 3. 学英语的最好方式是读更多的书。 _. 4. 他因他的历史小说而出名。 _. 5. 你最好乘公共汽车。 _. Step2:language focuses 知识点一:知识点一:M5 要点诠释:要点诠释: 1. 表示花费: pay .for sth. 为某物付.钱,主语是人 Sb. spend some mo

5、ney on sth./(in) doing sth. 某人花多少钱买某物 Sth. cost sb. Some money 某物花了某人多少钱 Eg 1) -What a beautiful sweater! How much did you _ for it? -198 yuan. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend 2. Ways of doing sth. 干某事的方式/方法,还可以说:ways to do sth. Eg: 2) 学习英语的好方法_. 3. One of.表示.之一,后跟可数名词时,跟可数名词的复数。 Eg : 3) 男孩子中有一个跑的确实

6、很快。_. 4.First,首先,then, 然后,用来表示做一件事情的顺序。First, next, then, finally. Eg:首先,打开电脑。然后,打开一个新文件。 First, turn on the computer. Then, open a new document. . first 还可表示第一,为序数词,second, 第二,third 第三,用来表示顺序,也可以用于列举。 Eg : Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can shop at any time. Second, you can save

7、 a lot of money. 5. by post 意为_,介词 by 有“通过”之意,类似的短语还有 by email 通过电子邮件 6. be able to do sth.能够做某事,相当于 can+动词原形,但 be able to 不是情态动词,be 动词有人 称和数的变化。 7.Not.any more=no more 不再. E.g4) 他不再吸烟了 He _ smoked. 【同步练习 1】 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. -what s would you like? -Id like a small one. 2. I want to buy a T-shirt

8、. But can I t it on? 3. -Would you like to go to the movies? - C . Lets go. 4. -Whats the p of the T-shirt? - Its two hundred yuan. 5.We should eat more f vegetables. 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. It _ me about half an hour to do the job. A. pays B. takes C. costs D. spends ( ) 2. Dont take the bus. If you take a t

9、axi, you can _ a lot of time. A. save B. lose C. watch D. read ( ) 3. The baby feels _ while his mother holds him in her arm. A. save B. safe C. safely D. safety ( ) 4. There is _ in the bottle. Its empty. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ( ) 5. Is there _ in the room? -No, there is

10、nt _. A. someone; someone B. someone; anyone C. anyone; someone D. anyone; anyone ( ) 6.She sends me a present by_ post. A.a B.the C.an D./ ( ) 7.you can call me _ any time. A.for B.in C.with D.at ( ) 8.The shop is _ from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm every day. A.open B.opens C.opening D.to open ( ) 9.I look

11、for my dog _,but I cant find it _. A.anywhere,somewhere B.everywhere,anywhere C.somewhere,anywhere D.everywhere, somewhere ( ) 10.-Thank you very much. -_. A.It doesnt matter B. Youre welcome C. No thanks D. Dont say that 知识点知识点二二 M6 要点诠释:要点诠释: 1. Opposite is the National Gallery, a museum with lots

12、 of famous paintings. 对面就是国家美术馆,一个有很多名画的博物馆。 来源:学科网 ZXXK 【考点】 这是一个倒装句, 主语是 the National Gallery; a museum 是 the National Gallery 的同位 语;with lots of famous paintings 是介词短语,修饰 museum。 with prep. 具有,带有 Eg: a country with a long history 一个有着悠久历史的国家 2. When youre tired, the best way to see London is by b

13、oat. 当你劳累时,游览伦敦最好的方式是乘船。 【考点】1)此句包含一个时间状语从句, when 当时候; 2)动词不定式在句子中作后置定语,修饰前面的名词 way,也可以修饰代词。 Eg: Would you like something to drink? 来点喝的,好吗? 3. It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames. 它在泰晤士河上方 135 米处。 【考点】above/over/on 均可表示在之上,但各有不同的含义。 1) above 在之上, 可指在斜上方, 既不接触, 又不一定垂直, 只是位置高于; 2) over 在之上

14、,常常可以和 above 替换,它强调垂直在上,且不接触。 over 还可表示盖 在上面,铺在上面,用作此意时,不能和 above 替换。 Eg: The light is over/above the table.桌子上面吊着一盏灯。 There is a picture over the blackboard. 黑板上方有一幅画。来源:学科网 3)on 在之上,但它含有和表面相接触的意思。 Eg: The book is on the desk. 书在课桌上 4. on the left / right 在左边/右边. Eg : In Britain cars drive on the l

15、eft, but in China on the right. 5. next to 意为靠近,与紧挨着, 其近义词为 near, 意为不远的, 接近的, 指空间或时间 上。 Eg :Her home is next to her school.她家靠近她的学校。 6. opposite 在对面, 与相对 Eg :Can you see the shop opposite the railway station? 你能看到火车站对面的商店吗? 7. on the corner of 在 拐角处 Eg :The public phone is on the corner of the stree

16、t. 公用电话在这条街的拐角处。 8. between . and 在之间 Eg :There is a supermarket between the school and the hospital. 在学校和医院之间有一家超市。 【同步练习【同步练习 2】 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1 .You can keep your money in the b ,you can also get money from it when you need it. 2. Turn l into Bridge Street. 3. Lily is sitting b her parents. 4.

17、 Its getting dark. Please t on the lights. 5. Some boys are swimming in the p . 6. Walk a the street and turn left at the second corner. 二、完成句子 1. 学校挨着博物馆。 The school is _ _ the museum. 2. 银行在公园和动物园之间。 The bank is _ the park _ the zoo. 3.超市在饭店对面。 The supermarket is _ the restaurant. 4.我站在天安门广场前. I a

18、m standing _ _ _ Tiananmen Square. 5.别闯红灯。 Dont _ the street when the light is red. 知识点知识点三三: 重点句型和语法复习重点句型和语法复习 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 M5 1.疑问词 2.定义:以 what, who, when, where, how 等开头的疑问句。这些表示疑问的词叫做疑问词。当然提 问的内容的不同,使用的疑问词也不同。问物或做什么事用 what,问电话号码也用 what; 问人的用 who; 问谁的用whose;问哪里用where; 问何时用when; 问年龄用how old; 问身高用ho

19、w tall; 问颜色用 what colour 等。 Eg: 1) -What colour is your sweater ? Its blue. -你的毛衣是什么颜色的?蓝色。 2) -Where is your father ? -Hes in the kitchen. 你的爸爸在哪?他在厨房。 3. 语序 想知道对方是谁, 汉语中可问你是谁?译成英语时语序变了, 成了Who are you ?而不能是You are who?所以,在英语中,我们特殊疑问句一般用倒装的语序,即用特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的语 序构成。 小贴士 如果疑问词在句中作主语,则其后直接跟动词,语序不变。 Eg::W

20、ho is going to the park tomorrow? 明天谁要去公园? 4. 回答 回答一般疑问句用 yes 和 no 来回答。 但回答我们特殊疑问句时不可以用 yes 或 no 来回答, 而应根 据所提问的内容直接做出回答。 Eg:-How tall are you ? -Im1.7 meters tall. 你多高?我 1.7 米高。 -How is your brother ? -Hes fine. Thanks -你弟弟好吗?-他很好,谢谢。 小贴士 问句中的名词在答语中常用代词来代替, 如上句中的 your brother 由 he 来代替。 一般来说, this 和

21、that 指物常用 it 来代替; these 和 those 指物或人时可以用 they 代替。 Eg :Whats this ?Its a book. What are these? They are books. 5.语调 一般疑问句在朗读时应用升调,选择疑问句先升后降,而特殊疑问句在朗读时则用降调。 M6 问路相关句型 1) Could you tell me how to get to.? 2)Can you tell me the way to .? 3) Can you show me the way to .? 4) Is there a . near here? 5) How

22、 can I get /go to.?/get there? 6) How do I get to.?/get there? 7) Where is the . 【针对性练习】 对划线部分提问 1.They are cleaning their classroom now. _ _ they cleaning now? 2.He often has supper at home. _ _ he often _supper? 3. They will come back in a minute. _ _ will they come back ? 4. I got up at six this

23、morning. _ _ _ you _ up this morning ? 5.He finished the book last Sunday. _ _ he _ the book ? 6. I didnt go to school because I had a bad cold. _ _ you go to school ? 7. She likes blue . she like? 8. There are ten T-shirts in the store. are there in the store? 9. They go to school on foot. _ _ they

24、 go to school? 10. I have learned English for ten years. _ _ have you learned English? 课堂练习:课堂练习: 【练习 1】单项选择 ( ) 1 .Go the forest,and you can see a wooden house by the river. A. over B. across C .on D. through ( ) 2. The boy was taller than Tina. He was sitting Tina. So Tina couldnt see the blackboa

25、rd at all. A. behind B. in front of C. beside D next to ( ) 3 .I live far away from the school. I think the best way to go to school is by subway. A.a B an C. the D./ ( ) 4. We can know the some information about the ancient history in the . A. factory B. square C. museum D. pool ( ) 5. -Can you tel

26、l me how I can the nearest bookstore? - Sorry, I am also a stranger here. A arrive B. get C.reach at D. get to ( ) 6. The journey will me about two weeks. A. spend B. take C. pay D. cost ( ) 7. I got on the bus, but I didnt know where the London Zoo is. So I asked the driver where I should _the bus.

27、 A. get off B. get on C. get out D .get up ( ) 8.- is it from our school to the airport? -About half an hours walk. A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon ( ) 9.- ? -Its next to the bus shop. A. Is there a library near here B. How far is it? C. Where is the library? D. How can I get to the

28、library? ( ) 10. We went for a picnic a clear day. A. at B. for C. in D. on ( ) 11. - is the nearest market? - Its opposite my home. A. When B. What C. Where D. Why ( ) 12. Here some paintings of the famous painter. A. have B. has C. are D. is ( ) 13. - Excuse me, where can I buy flowers? -You can b

29、uy them in the . A. cinema B. bookshop C. flower store D. hospital ( ) 14. I want to take the boat, but my sister preferred to take the train. We dont know to get there. A. when B. where C. how D. what ( ) 15. Its time to go to bed. My parents asked me to the TV and go to my bedroom. A. turn right B

30、. turn left C. turn on D. turn off ( )16. Italy _ its pizza in the world. A. is famous as B. is famous for C. is good for D. is good as ( )17. The teacher explain to them on how _. A. play piano B. to play the piano C. to play piano D. play the piano ( )18. -Can you finish _ the book in two weeks? -

31、Yes, I can. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ( )19-Can I help you,Madam? -_ .I want to buy a T-shin or my mother. A. Yes, please B. Thats all right. C. Im sorry. D. Dont worry. ( )20. There are_ things here. Lets choose one. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 【练习 2】根据首字母填空 There are many ne

32、w ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them. You can buy a_1_everything on the Internet, and its very e_2_. First, you choose something - clothes, tickets, a mobile phone, even a new computer and pay for it. Then you receive it a few days later by post. Online shopping has several advanta

33、ges. First, you can shop w_3_ you want. The shops are always o_4_. Second, shopping usually t_5_ a lot of time. But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse! You can also compare the p_6_ of the same product and spend a lot. or save money. But many people like going out and shopp

34、ing with friends. They dont like shopping on the Internet because they cant s_7_ the product or try the clothes on. Also paying over the Internet isnt always s_8_. Online shopping is c_9_our way of life. One day no one will go to the shops any more, because youll be able to buy anything on the Inter

35、net, and you will be able to receive it a_10_ in the world at any time! 【练习 3】用所给词的正确形式填空 1. Im at the station, I want _ (go) the market. 2. Could you tell me how_ (get) to the zoo? 3. Miss Liu is my _ (three) English teacher. 4. Why not _ (have) a walk with me? 5. Walk down the street and you _ (se

36、e) a restaurant on your left. 6. There are three _ (church) in the city. 7. The best way_ (visit) Beijing is by bus. 8. Look! There are some _ (policeman) in the street. 9. There are many famous _ (paint) in the museum. 10. You cant play computer games before you finish_ (sweep) the floor. 【练习 4】短文填

37、空 You may put your money in a piggy bank in your home to _1_ safe. _2_ you may want to put your money in a bank. The bank not only keeps your money safe _3_ it also lends it. The bank will give people money for special reasons. This is _4_ a loan. If a family _5_ to buy a new car, but they do not ha

38、ve enough money, they will ask the bank _6_ a loan. The bank will give the family _7_ money to buy a car. Later they pay it _8_ to the bank. The bank might also _9_ money to someone to buy a new house. They may loan money to a company to build a big new ship or even loan money to build a new hospita

39、l. So your money _10_ be sent to work all over the world. But it will always be there when you want it back. 课后练习:课后练习: 【练习 1】培优题和陷阱题单选 ( )1. -Excuse me,where is the Peoples Hospital? -Go _ the road,and then turn left _ Mark Street A. cross;on B. cross;from C. along;into D. along;across ( )2. -Could

40、 you tell me _ to get to Bright Bank? -Take the second turning on the rightIts near there A. what B. when C. how D. why ( )3. Look!There are some boats _ the river A. on B. over C. above D. in ( )4. Why not _ a taxi to the zoo?It can save us a lot of time A. taking B. to take C. takes D. take ( )5.

41、You can _ the bus at Xinhua StopYour destination(目的地)is not far from it A. get on B. get to C. get off D. get up ( )6.This science book _ me a great amount of money. A. took B. cost C. used D. spent ( )7.-I want to find who can help me. Can you help me? - Sure. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D.nobod

42、y ( )8. We will send it to you _post. A. for B. with C. in D. by ( )9.She sent me a present, but I didnt_it. A send B. receive C. sent D. received ( )10.Lisa _two hundred yuan for the red dress. A. took B. spent C. paid D. cost 【练习 2】完型 This year, I go to a new school. Now let me tell you 1 my first

43、 week at this school. I have a 2 week. I am very tired. I get up at 6:30, then I wash my face quickly. After that, I have 3 . My mother cooks breakfast for 4 every day. She gets up early. She is a 5 at my school. She teaches English. I often go to school with my 6 . When we get to school, it is ofte

44、n 7:35. We have 7 classes each day, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have 8 subjects at school. I like all of them, but math is a little 9 for me. So I have to work hard at it. After school, I have much homework. This week, I have no time to 10 TV. I hope things can be better next

45、week. ( ) 1. A. about B. in C. in D. for ( ) 2. A. happy B. funny C. busy D. friendly ( ) 3. A. dinner B. breakfast C. lunch D. supper ( ) 4. A. him B. she C. I D. me ( ) 5. A. student B. doctor C. worker D. teacher ( ) 6. A. sister B. mother C. brother D. father ( ) 7. A. three B. four C. seven D. eight ( ) 8. A. much B. many C. no D. not ( ) 9. A. hard B. easy C. boring D. exciting ( ) 10. A. look B. see C. read D. watch 【练习 3】阅读理解 A I live in a small town near Xingan in Guilin. You cant see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is fresh. There are not many


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