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1、第八模块达标检测试卷第八模块达标检测试卷 (满分:100 分 时间:100 分钟) 一、单项选择。(10 分) ( B )1.There are many pens on the floor! Please _ . Apick it up Bpick them up Cpick up it Dpick up them ( A )2.I _ watch TV last night.I _ my grandma. Adidnt;visited Bwas;visited Cdid;visit Dam not;visited ( B )3.The girl stopped and _ ,but fou

2、nd nobody there. Alooked into Blooked around Clooked after Dlooked at ( A )4.I decided _ some flowers for my mother on her birthday. Ato buy Bbuy Cbuying Dbuys ( B )5. _ he _ to school? Yes,he did.But he was late. ADoes;hurry BDid;hurry CWas;hurried DWere;hurry ( D )6.The boy noticed a man _ the hou

3、se just now. Aentered Bto enter Centers Denter ( A )7.Reading is a good way to spend the time on the plane. Thats true.I never go travelling _ a book. Awithout Bfrom Con Dabout ( B )8.The guide _ the lake and told us a story. Apoints at Bpointed at Cpoints in Dpointed in ( B )9.He cant tell a story

4、in English.I cant, _ . Atoo Beither Calso Dwell ( C )10.The stories always _ “Once upon a time.” Abegin Bbegin to Cbegin with Dbegan with 二、完形填空。(10 分) Once upon a time,there was 1 old farmer.He loved money very much.He kept a lot of gold coins(金币) but 2 used them;he 3 not give them to others.He put

5、 them 4 a strong box and put it in the ground.He came to the 5 every day to look at it.This made him happy. 6 , when he came to the place, he could not find the 7 .He became very, very sad.He began to cry. 8 a man came to him and said,“Dont cry.Put a stone in the ground instead, and 9 it is a box of

6、 gold coins.A stone will be still the same, 10 when the coins were there,you never used them.” ( C )1.Aa Bthe Can D ( B )2.Aoften Bnever Cnearly Dalmost ( A )3.Adid Bcould Cwill Dshould ( D )4.Ato Bout Cunder Dinto ( C )5.Aearth Bground Cplace Dthere ( C )6.AAfter day BSometimes COne day DFrom then

7、on ( A )7.Abox Bdog Cplace Dhouse ( B )8.ASo BThen CBut DAnd ( C )9.Asay Blet Cthink Dknow ( A )10.Abecause Bso Cif Dbut 三、阅读理解。(20 分) (A) Mr Henry worked in a middle school.He read a lot and could answer all the questions that his students asked. One Sunday morning, when he was dressing his little

8、son, Jimmy, suddenly the little boy said, “May I ask you a question,Dad?” “Of course,you may,” answered Mr Henry. “Are you sure that you can answer it?” “Dont you believe me?Im sure I can.” “Well, ” said Jimmy, “are there any holes in your socks?Look at them carefully, or you ll be wrong.” It made M

9、r Henry pay some attention to Jimmy s question.He took off his socks and looked at them carefully.Then he said,“No,there are no holes in them.” “How can you put your feet into them,then?” Jimmy said with a smile. Immediately(立刻) Mr Henry didnt know how to answer it.After a while he couldnt help laug

10、hing.Finally he understood that his son played a joke on him. ( C )1.Mr Henry was _ . Aa worker Ban officer Ca teacher Da doctor ( A )2.Mr Henry could answer a lot of questions because _ . Ahe read a lot Bhe was a teacher Che worked at school Dhe had a son ( A )3.Mr Henry dressed Jimmy because _ . A

11、the boy was too young to do it Bthe boy hurried to go to school Che hurried to go to work Dthe boy was old enough ( D )4.Jimmy asked his father to look at the socks carefully because _ . Ahe wanted his father to buy something Bthere were really some holes in them Che didnt think he could answer the

12、question Dhe wanted him to think the question over ( A )5.Mr Henry took off his socks because _ . Ahe wanted to be sure Bthey were new Cthere were no holes Dhe didnt wear them for a long time (B) A crow wanted to drink,but he couldnt find water.He looked here and there.At last he said, “I can see a

13、jar(瓶子) and there is some water in it.” He tried to get the water,but he couldn t.“How can I get the water?” he said to himself.“I can put my beak(鸟嘴) quite close to it.” But still he couldnt drink.“What can I do?I want to drink.” He looked around, then he picked up a small stone(石头) with his beak a

14、nd carried it to the jar of water and dropped it into the jar.“Soon the water will be high in the jar,and I can drink it,” said the crow. So he began to do that until(直到) the water was high enough for him to drink. ( B )6.What was the crow looking for? AJar. BWater. CFood. DMeat. ( D )7.Why didnt he

15、 drink the water right now(马上)? ABecause he wasnt very thirsty. BBecause no water was in the jar. CBecause he didnt want to drink it. DBecause the water wasnt high. ( A )8.Whats the English meaning of the underlined phrase “dropped.into”? APut.into. BTake.to. CCarry.to. DPut.on. ( B )9.Why did he pi

16、ck up the stone? AHe was hungry. BHe wanted to put it into the jar. CHe wanted to make his beak strong. DHe was playing a game. ( A )10.Which title(题目) do you think is the best? AA Clever Crow BA Thirsty Crow CA Crow and a Jar of Water DA Crow and Stone 四、补全对话,有两项多余。(10 分) A:Hi,Wen Hong.What happene

17、d to you?You looked tired. B:I went to bed too late last night. A:1. F _ B:I read an interesting book. A:2. A _ B:Andersen(安徒生). A:3. B He was a famous writer in Denmark. B:Youre right.4. C _ A:Which one do you like best? B:The Ugly (丑小鸭).5. E _ A:The Red is my favourite. AWho wrote it? BOh,I see. C

18、He wrote a lot of fairy tales during his lifetime. DAnd he wrote the famous story Snow EWhat about you? FWhat did you do? GShe picked flowers in the forest. 五、 词汇运用。(10 分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。 1Once u pon a time,there was a beautiful girl called Snow White. 2I hope to see you s oon . 3He came out of h

19、er house and disappeared(消失) in the d ark . 4Did you go into the mountain a lone ? Yes.Nobody else. 5My cup was in p ieces .I cant drink water with it. (B)用所给词的适当形式填空。 6My brother cried (cry) because he couldnt find my mother. 7Its exciting to see (see) Chinese spacecrafts in space. 8The naughty stu

20、dents stopped talking (talk) when their teacher entered the room. 9I noticed (notice) your skirt just now.It is very nice. 10Jim doesnt like maths.He doesnt (do not) like English either. 六、任务型阅读。(10 分) A dog and a donkey went to the market with their master(主人).It was a very long walk along a mounta

21、inous path.At noon,the master ate a little food he brought,unloaded(卸下重担) the donkey,and sat down under a tree for a rest.The donkey began to eat the grass growing there,but there was nothing for the dog to eat. “There is some food among the things you are carrying, ” said the dog to the donkey.“Let

22、 s take one and share it between ourselves.” “Wait till the master gets up!” said the donkey.“He can give you the food then.” Just then a hungry wolf came here. “Help me,help me,dog!” cried the donkey. “Im so hungry that I dont have the strength(力量) to do anything,” replied the dog.“Wait till the ma

23、ster gets up.He may help you.” 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 1Where did they want to go? They wanted to go to the market._ 2Why did they stop at noon? Because they were tired and hungry._ 3What did the donkey eat at noon? The grass._ 4What did the dog eat at noon? The dog had nothing to eat._ 5Did the dog want to

24、help the donkey when a wolf came? No,it didnt._ 七、根据短文内容及首字母提示写出单词。(10 分) One day,a little girl called Goldilocks 1.p icked some flowers in the forest.Then she 2.n oticed a house nearby.She 3.k nocked on the door, but nobody was there.So she 4.e ntered the house.There 5.w ere three bowls of food,and

25、 three chairs.She 6.f inished all the food in the small bowl,and she tried the small chair.But she was so heavy that the chair was in 7.p ieces .Finally,she went into the bedroom. When the bears 8.r eturned home,Goldilocks was asleep.Later she woke up and 9.j umped out of the bed.She 10.h urried bac

26、k to her home. 八、书面表达。(20 分) 根据你的想象,写一则两只小猫钓鱼的故事。 要求:1.用 first、next、then、finally 来描述事情发生的先后顺序;2.条理清晰,书写规 范,语句通顺;3.不少于 60 词。 Once upon a time,there were two little cats in the house.They were good friends.One day, they went out for food together.First, they got near a river and were ready to fish.Next, they put the line into the water and waited.Then,one of them made a fire.Finally,they caught one fish and cooked it.They were so happy._


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