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1、七下英语期末复习(单词拼写七下英语期末复习(单词拼写 A) Class: _ Name: _ Test 1 1._(谁的)computer is this? Its _(我的). 2. My schoolbag is _(紫色的). 3.I want to play _. (网球). 4. I want to play the _(钢琴). 5 . _ ( 没有人 ) is in the classroom . 6. _(没有东西) is impossible for him. 7.My math teacher always _(携带) a _(尺子) and some _(粉笔) to c

2、lassroom. 8. There are four big _ ( 超市 ) in this town . 9. The scarf _ ( 看起来 ) very beautiful . 10.He borrowed some money from a _(银行). 11. I was _(出生) in a small cit. 12.The students are all from the same _ (初等的)school. 13.He said that he_(决定) to buy a present for his mom. 14. She _(敲) on the door

3、but nobody answered. 15. Li Bai wrote lots of great _(诗歌). Test 2 1.There are two pairs of _(手套). 2. Dont play sports on the _(街道). Its too dangerous. 3. Bill Gates is a _(成功的) businessman. He is very famous in the world. 4. Daming thinks the _(声音) in rock music are too _(吵闹的). 5. I want to join the

4、 music _(俱乐部). 6. What _ (其他)can you see there ? 7. I think _(每件事) will _(改变) in the _(未来). 8. The sweaters are on _ ( 降价出售 ) today . 9. - Can I use your pen ? - _ ( 当然 ) 10. The library is _(在对面) it, on the other side of the road. 11. There are three hotels in this_(城镇). 12. Jenny went to the _(浴室)

5、 and took a shower(洗澡). 13. He ate three _(碗) of rice yesterday because he was very hungry. 14. Janes glasses were in _(破碎). 15. English is a very useful _(语言). Test 3 1. _(你的) is there ,this is mine. 2.From now _(从某时刻开始),I will study hard. 3.Its the _(开端) of the new _(学期). 4. I have told you _(全部)

6、the things. 5.Dont be _(愚蠢的)! 6. Lingling and Daming are going to have a _(野餐) in the park. 7. _(也许) you should _(提问) your teacher this _(问题). 8. We can tell many _ ( 优点 ) of the Internet . 9. The Danube goes _(穿过) Vienna. 10. _ ( 任何人 ) cant take _( 任何东西 ) from me . 11. Its a _ (博物馆) with many famou

7、s _(绘画). 12. Mrs. Green said there was a big _(花园) with many flowers behind her house. 13. This_(商店) provides good service. 14. Maria _(返回) to America yesterday. 15. Fish cant live _(无;没有) water. Test 4 1. Whose _(蜡笔) are these? 2. I like _(骑) bikes. 3.Can you see those news on the _(布告栏)? 4.Her mot

8、her asked her to help with the _(家务) yesterday. 5. They lived a happy _(生活) in the end. 6. Computers will never be _(可以) to check the students _(水平). 7. We often _ ( 比较 ) a smile face to a red apple . 8. Many _ (游客)visit Beijing every day. 9. There are many islands on the Chinese _(海岸). 10. She _(采;

9、摘) some flowers and went back home. 11. She cried because she was _(迷路的) in the forest. 12. _(九月) comes after August. 13. There are lots of _ ( 游客 ) in Pairs . 14. I like eating _(日本的) sushi. 15.In _(印度), people put their hands _(一起) and _(点头) their heads. Test 5 Im looking for my _(照相机). 2. Finish

10、it _(然后) you can go shopping. 3.Can you _(承诺) to help me with my Chinese , Wang Lei ? 4. They_(为喝彩) for their football _(选手)on the field. 5.Will students _(需要) to go to school any more ? 6. One year _(之后),Xue Zhiqian became a famous singer. 7. Whats the _(价格) of these oranges ? 8. As we all know, Fr

11、ance is_(著名的) for its wine. 9. Miss Li is very _ (对严格) with us but she is very _ (友好的) to us so we like her. 10. Are you going to have a picnic in the _(森林)? 11.The room was _(黑暗的), I was scared . 12. When he was 37 years old, he has many famous _(作品) in the world. 13. Finally we went to the _ ( 顶部

12、) of the tower . 14. They were so excited that they _(拥抱) each other. 15. I cant _(相信) that he is a _(音乐家). Test 6 1. _(每个人) will have lots of _(空闲的) time. 2. We eat _(新鲜的)_(草莓)every day . 3. How _(高的) is the bridge? It is 828_(米) above the _(河流). 4. He has lived in the small _(村)for 20 years. 5.Jac

13、k is running _(往;向) the hospital. 6. Can you _(回答) these questions ? 7. They _ (建造) the bridge in 1997. 8. Why are you so_(兴奋的)? I won the first place in the match. 9. She _(触摸) her _ (鼻子) and _ (嘴巴) at once. 10. In the 18th _(世纪),it was one of ,; _(欧洲的) _(中心). 11. I never ride a _(马). 12. Two _(篮子)

14、 of flowers on the table. 13. She _(推) the door and _(进入) the shop. 14. Dont _(相信) it. Its not _(真实的). 15. Whats your _ (成绩) in the Chinese test? Its a secret . Test 7 1. It was a _(绝妙的) trip . 2. I was _ ( 兴奋的 ) to hear this _(令人兴奋的) news . 3. We are going to have some _(俄罗斯的) teachers at school to

15、morrow. 4. Lets welcome the _(游客). 5. I like _(流行的) music because its always _(活泼的;轻快的). 6. Shakespeare was a great _(作家). 7. They were so tired so they _(放松) at home . 8. In Russia, people usually _(亲吻) _ _(彼此) three times. 9. We _ (摇晃) hands and _(微笑) when we met the customers yesterday. 10. The _

16、(声音) of _(小提琴) and pianos in the _(西方的) music is so beautiful. 11. The old man was very _(富裕的) but he had no friends. 12 . Betty _ (买)a present for her grandma two days ago. 13 . We had dinner in a _( 法国的 ) restaurant . 14. The _(英国的)English is different from the American English. 15. This girl is f

17、rom _(德国) so she is _(德国的). 七下英语期末复习(单词拼写七下英语期末复习(单词拼写 B) Class: _ Name: _ Test 8 1. Betty likes _(两者) Beijing _(歌剧) and _(现代的) music. 2. When I heard the news, I _(感到) so _(兴奋的). 3. She usually _(完成) her homework before ten oclock every evening. 4. My mother always _(担心) about my study. 5. Tom does

18、nt like rock music. His mother doesnt like it _(也). 6. Miss Li _(教) us English. 7. Its going to be a _(极好) weekend ! 8. _ _(手机) are very useful for us now. 9. The young man in a black coat looks very _ (强健的) . 10. My aunt _(希望) you can go for the picnic with me . 11. The _(船) is _(慢的). 12.They usual

19、ly _(遗留)things on planes. 4. _(为什么) are you late today? 13. Is _(每个人) here now ? Sorry , Xiao Yang isnt here . 14. The famous have so many _(支持者; 迷). 15. The sea _(水平) will _(上升) as well. Test 9 1. The _(尺寸) of this shirt is too small . 2. My litter brother is very _ (难对付的) in class so all his class

20、mates dont like him. 3. Wed like three big _(碗) of noodles . 4. Maria can finish her homework _(立刻;不久). 5. My uncle usually go to work on _(脚). 6. It_(花费)me nine hours to get to Los Angeles. 7. She goes_(路过)the school, and finds the post office on her left. 8. The movie is so boring ,we all feel _(厌

21、烦的). 9. Would you get me something to eat ? Im _(饥饿的) . 10. It _(花费) me two hours to finish it last week. 11.People from _(外国的) countries have different_(身体的) language from us. 12.She often _(收到) letters from her pen friends . 13 . Monday is the _ ( 第二 ) day of a week . 14. They _(赢) the match last

22、week and they celebrated it in a restaurant. 15. It is not _(安全的) to play football in the street . Test 10 1. He is very _(奇怪的). 2. Zhao Qi is our _(班长) and he always help us . 3. Dont be _(迟到) . Please get to school _(早;提前) . 4. There will be _ _ (交通拥堵) in the _ (空中). 5. You should _(支付) 50 yuan fo

23、r this T-shirt . 6. The government will build a new_(桥)over the river. 7. Three years _(以前), I studied in Hongxing Primary School. 8 . He looked _(环绕着;周围)but didnt see anyone. 9. “Come and help me carry the big box”, he _(大声喊)to his brother. 10. After singing this song, he _ (变得;成为) very famous in t

24、he world. 11. Can you_(猜)whats in the box? 12. Please give me some _(个人的) space. 13. My _(年长的) brother plays the _(鼓) in a band. 14. He runs very _(快地) in our class. 15. He went to England, and didnt _(返回). Test 11 1. Do you like eating _(香肠)? 2. You are the _(最好的). 3. _(在期间) summer holiday, I went

25、to the _(乡下)with my family. 4. These bananas, apples and oranges are all our _(产品). 5. There are two_ (教堂) in our city, people often go and pray at the weekend. 6. Living in this city makes me feel _(舒服的), everything is so good. 7. She was so happy that she _(跳) and danced. 8. The womans father _(去世

26、;死亡) so she was very sad. 9. What are you going to do on_(假期)? 10. It isnt _(礼貌的) to _(挥手;摆手) goodbye in Greece. 11. This shirt is too big. Can you give me _(又一个) one? 12. Please keep your room _(整齐的) and clean. 13. There are about two _(百) students. 14. _(千) of people are here. 15. I dont know the

27、_(确切的) _(日期). Test 12 1. Are these _(船) yours? 2. He is a good boy because he always _(乐意的;准备) to help others. 3. I was born in _(五月). 4. Itll be _(便宜的) to travel _(每个地方) by plane, not only over the _(陆地), but also over the sea or even _(进入) space. 5. There are many new _(方式) of shopping 6. Go _(越过)

28、 Dong Changan Jie, go_(沿着) the street and _(转) left. 7. There are three _ (卧室)and a big living room, a kitchen in my house. 8. The little girl couldnt find her mother and began to _(哭). 9. His _(真实的) name is Samuel Clements. 10. Is Hollywood near the_(太平洋的)Ocean? 11. In _(事实上), its quite _(粗鲁的). 12.

29、 Why not join the school football _(队伍)? 13. Eating too many _(饼干) is bad for you. 14. Obama was the _(总统) of America few years ago. 15. After that, she _(注意到) a little house. Test 13 1. There are many _(鸭) and pigs . 2. Im going to _ (飞往) to USA tomorrow. 3. _(机器) and _(机器人) will do all the _(繁重的)

30、and difficult jobs. 4. Online shopping has many _(优点). 5. I _(乘坐) an _(地铁) to the _(铁路) station. 6.10. We went to the movie _(电影院) with our friends _(昨天). 7. My hobby is _(收集) the stamps. 8. He _(结婚) in 1582 and had three children. 9. He _(到达) in Beijing yesterday with his parents. 10. I want to go

31、_(某地) else. 11. The _(贫穷的) man feels _(伤心的). 12. There are so many _(飞机) at the_(机场). 13. Dont throw _(垃圾) on the _(海滩). 14. Last night, my friends _(握着)on to me so I couldnft _(移动) away. 15. Thebusinessman_(出售) all the products at last. Test 14 1. I _(丢失) my _(钱包) when I took a _(出租车). 2. The _(风筝)

32、 in the sky is _(美丽的). . 3. Dont be _(愚蠢的) ! 4. Well only do _(轻的;轻松的) and _(容易的) work. 5. _(任何人) can buy _( 几乎) _(任何东西) _(任何 地方). 6. The _(旅程) starts from the _(中部) of the _(广场). 7. There wasnt a small _(湖泊) in the park. 8. Goldilocks was a girl with _(头发) of _(金色). 9. There was a _(火灾) in the old

33、theatre. 10. We waited _(直到) all the _(灯) in the _(宫殿) were on. 11. Please _(带来)something delicious to me when you come to _(不列颠;英国). 12. _(没有人) is _(完美的). 13. I cant _(游泳) well. 14. Working _(小时) will be _(短的), so people will have _(长的) holidays. 15. Lets move on to the next _(部分). 16. When my father was _(年轻的), he didnt have much money.


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