人教版七年级下Unit 3 How do you get to school(SectionA 1a-1c )教学设计(市优).docx

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1、【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 共 1 课时 Unit 3 How do youget to ? 初中英语 人教 2011 课标版评论( 0) 1 教学目标 ( 1) 知识目标: language goal:How do you get to school? I take the bus. How does he get to school? He takes the train.学习单词 get to,take,ride,bus,subway,train,bike ( 2)能力目标:提高学生听、说、读、写的综合语言运用能力。 ( 3)情感目标:通过本课学习 ,使学生在活动中学会交换不同的看法,了

2、解他人的到达学校的方式,增进情谊 ,让学生养成遵守交通规则的好习惯。 ( 4)文化意识目标:使学生迫切希望了解我国各地及世界各地学生上学的交通方式,为学生学习本单元后面的知识作铺垫。评论( 0) 2 学情分析 七年级的学生有较高的求知欲和表现欲,对英语学习兴趣较浓,同时想赢得老师和同学们的认可,他们都愿意开口,且对他们所熟悉的话题学生的爱好更浓,因此对本课我采取情景法、交际法和任务型的课堂活动,让学生人人参与,增强他们学习的积极性和自信心。评论( 0)3 教学准备 多媒体,评论( 0) 4 重点难点 重点:学习谈论交通工具。 掌握词汇 : get to,take,ride ,subway,tr

3、ain,bike,bus 句型 :How 特殊疑问词引导的特殊疑问句。 难点:有关交通工具短语及句型的熟练运用。 5 教学过程 5.1 第一学时教学活动评论( 0)活动 1【导入】 Step 1、 Warming up 1、 Enjoy a short movies. 2、 Ask them“ How many kinds of transportations can you remember?What are they?”评论( 0)活动 2【讲授】 Step 2、 Guessing game: T: What kind of transportation is it? 1、 - It is

4、 very useful. You may ride it to school . - A bike. 2、 - Many people take it to work and home in the city. It s just like a big box. - A bus. 3、 -It s like a long snake(蛇 ), It s comfortable(舒适的) to take it.(打一交通工具) -train. 4、 - It is like a train but goes under the ground. - A subway. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】

5、 5、 -It is like a bird. And it flies in the sky. -A plane 6、 - It is a car, and you can take it to many places. But you should pay themoney. - A taxi. 7、 -It goes on the water. -A ship/boat.评论( 0)活动 3【讲授】 Step 3、 Presentation T:There are some transportation. How do you get to school? S1:I walk/ride

6、a bike to school. S2: I take the bus /plane/ boat / ship / car / taxi/subway to school. 2.Look at some pictures and learn some more words and expressions about some transportation such as“ take the train, take the bus, take the subway,ride a bike. 3.Look at some pictures again and work in pairs.then

7、 act out.评论( 0)活动 4【活动】 Step 4 Game 1.Show the pictures of film or sing stars and get to guess how they get to work. T: How does/do Yaoming / Liuxiang/ Chris Lee /Jay Chou get to work? S1: Yaoming takes the plane to work every day. S2: Liu Xiang rides a bike to work every day. S3: Chris Lee takes th

8、e subway to work. S4: Zhou Jielun takes a taxi to work. 2. Ask and answer in pairs by using the pictures below How does ? get to ? ? She/He gets to ? by?评论( 0)活动 5【导入】 Step 5 Practice 1.Listen and mark of1ain books, after that , get to ask and answer in pairs from the picture. 2.Listen and write the

9、 number of 1b in the book, check the answers. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 3.Look at the picture in 1a.How do the students get to school?Make conversations with your partner.then act out.评论( 0)活 动 6【活动】 Step 6 Make a survey. Ask the classmates : “ How do you get to school? How does your father get to work? ” Then

10、fill in the form. Name How do you get to school? How does your father get to work? 2. Make a report.评论( 0)活动 7【活动】 Step 7 Activity.Who is lucky Step 7 Activity.Who is lucky 评论( 0)活动 8【作业】 Step 8 Homework 1) Collect more pictures oftransportations. 2) Make a conversation using the words and the sente

11、nces we learned today 评论( 0)活动 9【讲授】 Step 9 Summary This class we talked about how to get to school and work.we learned many kinds of transportations.So we must obey the traffic rules.safety is first. for example: If the traffic light is red ,we must stop.If the traffic light is green, we can cross

12、the street.If the traffic light is yellow ,we must wait.评论( 0)活动 10【讲授】板书 Unit 3 How do you get to school? Bob take the train A: How do you get to school? Mary take the subway B: I ride a bike. John take the bus A: How does he get to school? Jim ride the bike B: He takes the train Poul and Yang Lan

13、walk 本节课的板书设计遵循七年级学生的认知规律 ,把这节课的重点句型 ,短语 ,单词形象、直观地呈现在学生面前 ,使学生从板书中就知道通过这堂课必须掌握什么知识 ,有利于学生复习巩固新知识。评论( 0)活动 11【讲授】七、教学效果预测: 本节课将充分体现了以学生为主体,倡导“任务性”教学模式,学生积极参与课堂教学之中,激发学生的兴趣。让学生在快乐之中获得新的语言知识。 90%同学可以掌握课上的重点语言知识点。课后,还可以扩展学生对交通方面的认识,满足 学生的求知欲。 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 U 盘、电脑坏了?教学资料不见了? 以前的资料没保存?每一届重复劳动? 找不到精品课件、试题、教案反思? 各大文库价格昂贵? 来【 163 文库】吧,你可以: 上传分享资料赚取零用钱; 上传资料,永久保存,方便下届使用; 百万教学资源供你下载; 创建你的教学空间,分类收藏存储资料; 【平台地址: 】


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