(2019新教材)人教版英语高中一年级模块三 Unit 5 单元复习课件 29张PPT.ppt

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1、高 中 英 语 高 一 年 级 A Review of Unit 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY Learning Objectives: By the end of this class, you will be able to: Understand and use the key words and expressions in different contexts; Compare the key expressions with what you ve learned before to transfer relevant knowledge and form a syst

2、em; Describe your feelings and attitudes towards money; Reconsider the role of money in your lives and come to a healthier understanding of the value of money; 一、快速链接一、快速链接 1. to say that you are sorry for doing sth wrong or causing a problem apologize 2. to pay no attention to sth ignore 3. to dela

3、y an event or arrange it to take place at a later time than it was originally planned postpone 4. to be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous hesitate 5. the act of allowing sb. to do sth. permission Think of a word in Unit 5 that best fits each definition. /pspn/ 7. what you in

4、tend or plan to do; your aim intention 8. at the end of a period of time or a series of events eventually 9. how large, important, serious, etc. sth is extent 10. to make sth continue at the same level, standard, etc. maintain 6. a part of a film, play or book in which the action happens in one plac

5、e scene apologize / apologise vi. apologized apologized apologizing 二、重点回顾二、重点回顾 ? 因某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. n. apology apologize / apologise vi. apologized apologized apologizing 1. 对于我拜访期间所造成的任何不便, 我向您表示歉意。 I apologize to you for any inconvenience caused during my visit. 2.我们收到了一封

6、道歉信。 We received a letter of _. apology 主动提出道歉 致 歉 接 受 道 歉 offer an apology make an apology accept an apology 二、重点回顾二、重点回顾 Translate the sentences into English. _? an apology apologize / apologise vi. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of apologize. We should like to offer our _ for the delay

7、 to your flight today. Apple _, and fired some of the people involved, but the damage was done. apologies apologized judge vt. vi. n. 评价;评判;判断;评价;评判;判断; 法官;裁判法官;裁判 vt. n. judge vt. vi. n. Figure out the meaning of judge in each sentence. What gives you the right to judge other people? He was asked t

8、o judge a literary competition. Judging from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be humorous. The judge sentenced him to five years . The judge awarded the equal points. vt. 评价 vt. 评判 judge from/by 依据.判断 n. 法官 n. 裁判 in prison two players scene n. Figure out the meaning of scene in each

9、 sentence. opens with a scene in a New York apartment. n. (电影中的)场景 Doctors and nurses rushed to to carry out the rescue. n.(事故发生的)现场 Eventually, the China Womens Volleyball team won a victory, which produced all over the country. n.情景,场面(尤其强调某一 场面给人带来的印象) You can take a couple of breaths and think o

10、f something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. n. 风景 ?含有“风景、景象”的其它表达方法 scenery, view, sight The movie the scene of the accident scenes of joy view a.(从某个视角看到的从某个视角看到的)景色景色 b. 观点,看法观点,看法 scenery 指某地的自然风景及整体形象指某地的自然风景及整体形象 scene (电影)场景;现场;场面,景象;风景(电影)场景;现场;场面,景象

11、;风景 sight 看见;常用短语:看见;常用短语: at first sight乍看,初看; at sight of .一看见就. catch/lose sight of 看见/看不见 .come into sight 看见. postpone The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will be postponed _2021 due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Fill in the blanks. 2. 受新冠疫情影响,东京奥运会推迟到2021年。 1. The Chinese Ministry of Education says an an

12、nual national college entrance examination, or the gaokao, will be postponed _ one month. 中国教育部表示,一年一度的高考 将推迟一个月 。 ? for to/till be postponed for+时间段 be postponed till/to+ 时间点 3. 延迟兴建新医院的决定是不得人心的。 It was an unpopular decision to postpone _ the new hospital. building postpone+v-ing 易混辨析:易混辨析: in retu

13、rn; in turn Figure out the meaning of in return and in turn in each sentence. 3. The committee will discuss the details of each programme in turn. 依次;轮流 4. The climate change makes the earth warmer. In turn, the global warming changes the climate too. as a result of sth in a series of events 相应地, 转而

14、,反之 1. So in the time of declining resources, we should look what we were doing in return for the gifts from nature. 回报. 2. I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return. 作为回应 in case Translate the sentences. 1. 我家里常备有蜡烛,以防停电。 I always keep candles in the house in case there is a p

15、ower cut. in case后加句子,表示“以防.”;作连词用 2.尽管使用手机扫描支付非常方便,但你最好带点现金,以防 万一。 Although its very convenient for you to pay by scanning with your phone, youd better carry some cash just in case. (just) in case放在句末,表示“以防万一”,作副词用 三、检查与巩固三、检查与巩固 1. We shouldnt judge the value of something just based on its _ appea

16、rance. (外部的) 2. A survey of retired people has _that most of them are independent and enjoying life. (表明) 3. We could see the muscles of his shoulders _ his T- shirts.(在.下面) 4. We may reasonably conclude that the meeting has been _.(推迟,延迟) external indicated beneath postponed 内部的 n. 表明;迹象 (一) Comple

17、te the sentences according to the Chinese meaning. 近义词 internal indication put off delay 5. If I have hurt your feelings, it was quite without _. (意图) 6. Alice _ her acting career with great determination. (追 求) 7. Excellent students learn in a positive _. (方式) 8. _ your child will leave home to lea

18、d her own life as a fully independent adult. (最终) intention pursues manner 以一种.的方式 Eventually 近义词 vt. 打算做某事 intend to do sth. adj. 故意的 intentional in a . manner finally; at last; in the end; ultimately (二)Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words given. 1. Why are you so _ to your

19、students? You must learn to treat them _, because teaching is a job that requires skills and _. (patient) 2. Circumstances do not _ me to help you. So if you cant gain _, you cant go into the lab. (permit) 3. She made her _ and left early. (apologize) impatient patiently patience permit permission a

20、pologies 4. _ by the data available so far, economic recovery in 2020 will be equally remarkable.(judge) 5. However, if our office can be of further assistance, please do not _ to contact us.(hesitate) 6. The great majority of players would, of course, sign the contract without the slightest _. (hes

21、itate) Judging hesitation hesitate without the slightest hesitation 没有丝毫犹豫 (三) Translate the sentences into English. 1. 他看起来强壮健康,事实上,他患有严重的心脏病。 He appears to be strong and healthy, but, _, he suffers from a very weak heart. 2. 正如总统所说,这一策略的形成与其说是有意的,不如说 是偶然的。 As the president said, this strategy came

22、 into being more _than _. 3. 裁缝店的员工皱着眉头看向亨利。 The clerk in the tailors shop looked at Henry _. as a matter of fact by accident by design with a frown 4.在某种程度上,对此悲惨的局面我们都负有责任。 _ , we are all responsible for this tragic situation. To a certain extent 5. 裁缝脸上堆着笑,说道:“你需要很多西服来应付不同的场 合。” The tailor said _:

23、 “ You ll need many suits for many occasions.” with a broad smile 6. 我们应该学习一些生存技能,以防紧急情况。 (in case) We should learn some survival skills _ emergency. in case of 四、情态动词专练四、情态动词专练 can could ability; possibility; permission(ask for a permission); suggestion; may might possibility(but not certain); perm

24、ission(ask for a permission); making polite requests; should advice; used to show what is right, appropriate, etc., especially when criticizing sbs actions shall 与I, we连用,used to talk about future; ask for or offer advice will would used to talk about future; be willing to do sth.; used for asking s

25、b to do sth; used for stating what is generally true; talking about habits must necessity; used to say sth is likely; dare courage; 四、情态动词专练四、情态动词专练 Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs. Add not if necessary. Miss Fang 1._(not) read for very long with her eyes hurt. Her mother said: “You 2.

26、_ see a doctor as soon as possible. You 3. _ have poor eyesight.” When Miss Fang had free time, she went to hospital. The clerk said that the doctor 4. _ see her at 3:30. Miss Fang replied that she 5. _ (not) be able to be there at 3:30 because she had a class then. “The doctor 6. _see you at about

27、ten to four.” Miss Fang thought she 7. _ (not) waste any more time. And she replied, “I think I 8. _ make it at about ten to four. ” couldnt should may/might could may/might wouldnt shouldnt can Miss Fang went to the class. She asked her teacher, “9. _I leave at 3:45 today? My eyes hurt and I 10. _

28、have an eye examination.” To her delight, the teacher gave his permission. May/Can/Could must 五、五、 语篇回顾与反思语篇回顾与反思 One month ago, Henry was 1. _ and towards night he found himself 2._ sea by a strong wind. Eventually, he landed in Britain by 3. _. Wandering in the street,Henry was 4. _ by two gentlem

29、en who had decided to make a 5. _ on whether a man could live a month in london with a million-pound bank note. Henry told them although he had gone to American consulate to 6 _ help, he would not 7. _ to try again and he wanted them to offer him an 8._ job. sailing carried out to accident spotted b

30、et seek dare Complete the passage with words and expressions from Act 1, Scene 3 of The Million Pound Bank Note. honest The two brothers thought it was an 9. _ that Henry was the right person for the bet. Henry got upset with them. Then they gave him an envelop with money in it and told Henry to 10.

31、 _ opening it until 2 Oclock. Feeling odd, Henry left with the letter. advantage postpone According to the hints below, use what you have learnt to write a short passage. 事实上, 判断朋友的标准不是财富。真正的友谊建立在相互帮助 却不求回报的基础上。另外,我们也要真诚地对待朋友。比如, 做了对不起朋友的事要敢于道歉。只有这样,我们才能维持长久 的友谊。 六、综合运用与训练六、综合运用与训练 as a matter of fa

32、ct; judge; on the basis of; in return;be honest with;dare;apologize; maintain; Sample writing As a matter of fact, we shouldnt judge whether a person is a friend by his or her wealth. True friendship is established on the basis of mutual assistance without expecting anything in return. In addition, we should also be honest with our friends. For example, we dare to apologize to them if we do something wrong to our friends. Only by doing so can we maintain our friendship for a long time. Homework 1.Take a good review of this lesson and take notes; 2. Do the two exercises in the folder. See you.


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