


1、Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? soap opera 肥皂剧 talent show 才艺秀 talk show 脱口秀 game show 游戏表演;竞赛节目 sports show 体育节目 find out 查明;弄清 go on 发生,进行;继续 around the world 全世界 have a discussion a。

2、第一单元回顾 国家中小学课程资源 五年级 科学 国家中小学课程资源 国家中小学课程资源 五年级 科学 烧水中的热传递烧水中的热传递 国家中小学课程资源 五年级 科学 我知道了我知道了 热可以由物体温度较高的部分向温度较低的部分传热可以由物体温度较高的部分向温度较低的部分传 递,也可以由温度较高的物体向温度较低的物体传递,递,也可以由温度较高的物体向温度较低的物体传递, 这种传递热。

3、单元复习单元复习 How do you usually get to school ? train take the subway take the bike ride a bus take the walk/on foot Studying Aims and Demands: 1. To review the key words and phrases . 2. To review the daily expressions in this unit. 3. To review the key sentences and the article. 4. To review the important grammar. 5. Emotional aims: Transportations are good for us and bring some convenience for our lives. TAXI take the plane take the taxi take the subway ride my bike walk A: How do you usu。

4、unit11 How was your school trip? 单元复习课件 短语归纳 1. go for a walk 去散步 2. milk a cow 挤牛奶 3. ride a horse 骑马 4. feed chickens 喂小鸡 5. talk with 与谈话 6. take photos 拍照 7. quite a lot 相当多 8. show around 带领参观 9. learn about 了解 10. from to 从到 11. grow strawberries 种植草莓 12. pick strawberries 采草莓 13. in the countryside 在乡下 14. go fishing 去钓鱼 15. at night 在夜晚 16. a lot of 许多;大量 17. come out 出来。

5、To learn to use simple past tense. To learn to use How questions. To learn to use Yes/No questions and short answers. To learn to use adjectives of description. Part I Words /t/ /d/ 之后念之后念/id/ go come get ride do is are have eat buy see 记住下列不规则动词的过去式:记住下列不规则动词的过去式: went came got rode did was were had ate bought saw 动词一般过去时,表示过去发生事;动词一般过去时,表示过去发生事; be用用waswas或用或用were, have, has变变had; 谓语动词过去式,过去时间做标志;谓语动。

6、初中英语新目标七年级下册初中英语新目标七年级下册 Review Unit 8 单元总复习课件单元总复习课件 本溪五中本溪五中 李英俏李英俏 词汇训练营 1 语法加油站 2 句型大闯关 3 内容大纲 词汇训练营 on the box under the box in the box -Wheres the soccer ball? -Its ____ the box. Review -Wheres the soccer ball? -Its _____ the box. near -Wheres the soccer ball? -Its ________ the box. next to -Wheres the soccer ball? -Its __________ the box. in front of -Wheres the soccer ball? -Its _________ the box. behind in front。

7、To learn to use would like. To learn to use What questions. To learn to use some/any. Part I Words but B. and; and C. or; but D. or; and C 2. Some chicken ____ in the bowl. And some eggs ____ on the table. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is 3. Andrew usually has fruit ____ dinner. A. of B. for C. at D. with C B 4. Julie would like ____ TV. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. to watch 5. Would you like some tea? ____ A. Yes, please. B. No, please. C.。

8、To learn to use How questions. To learn to use How long questions. To learn to use How far questions. Part I Words take his / her / my car ; take the subway。 2. in / on+ +限定词限定词+ +交通工具名称。如:交通工具名称。如:on a bus / bike / train / ropeway; in his car 。 3. by+ +交通工具名称。如:交通工具名称。如:by bike / bus / boat (sea, ship) / car / subway / train / taxi / plane (air)。 4. 动词动词+ +to+ +地点名词,常用的动词有地点名词,常用的动词有 walk, run, ride, drive, fly等。如:等。如。

9、人教版七年级下册人教版七年级下册 Unit12Unit12单元复习单元复习 重点单词重点单词 camp v. 扎营;扎帐篷 lake n. 湖,湖泊 beach n. 海滩,沙滩 badminton n. 羽毛球运动 sheep n. 羊,绵羊 as adv. 后面可以跟名词或代词; 跟名词时可以放 在wake up的后面或中间; 但是如果是跟代词的话应放于 wake up 的中间。如: 早上你常什么时候醒来? When do you usually wake up? 不要如此大声说话,你会将他们吵醒。 Dont speak so loud. Youll wake them up. 9. see/watch/feel/hear sb. doing sth. 看到/观察到/觉得/听到某人在做某事 我们能。

10、Unit 10 单元复习课件,1.做关于的调查 2.连续几次地 3.关键词, 密码 4.回首, 回忆 , 回顾 5.弄得一团糟 6.从毕业 7.沉住气 , 保持冷静 8.逝去 9.海平面,重点词组复习,1.do a survey about 2.in a row 3.key word 4.look back at 5.make a mess 6.graduate from 7.keep ones cool 8.go by 9.sea level,10. 记得做过 记得去做 11. 进两球 12. 演奏电子乐器 13. 教学方法 14. 对有耐心 15. 算出, 结果是 16. 指导某人做 17. 向某人解释 18. 鼓励某人做,10. remember doing remember to do 11. score two goals 12. play the keyboard 13。

11、Unit 8 复习课件,重点词组复习,1. 充满 2. 扔进 3. 在起作用 4. 扔掉 5. 减少 6. 起作用;有影响 7. 导致 8. 切除 9. 不但而且 10. 对有害,be full of throwinto play a part in throw away cut down make a difference lead to cut off not onlybut also be harmful to,11.在顶部或顶端 12.科学研究 13.参加 14.帮助解决难题 15.关掉 16.付费;付出代价 17.加起来 18.采取行动 19.好好利用 20.拆下, 摧毁,at the top of scientific study take part in help out turn off pay for add up take action put。

12、W o r d s,Unit Six,喜欢 香蕉 汉堡包 西红柿 花椰菜 炸薯条 橙子 冰 奶油 冰激凌 沙拉 草莓,梨 食物 鸡蛋 苹果 胡萝卜 鸡肉 早餐 午餐 晚餐 水果 蔬菜 奔跑者,吃 跑 星星 健康的 甜食 清单 家具 人 空白 谈话 另外的人 也,like banana hamburger tomato broccoli French fries orange ice cream ice cream salad strawberry,pear food egg apple carrot chicken breakfast lunch dinner fruit vegetable runner,eat run star healthy dessert list furniture people blank conve。

13、Unit 9,My favorite subject is science.,单元复习课,1)Subjects: English ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ ______ ___ ___ _____ 2) Description words: interesting ____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 3) Days of the week: Sunday ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______,Chinese math history science music P.E. geography art computer,fun boring difficult exciting easy relaxing,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,-Whats your/her/his/Marys favorite s。

14、Mainly Revision Unit 1 My names Gina 1.复习数词及形容词性物主代词的用法 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine my your her his 2.复习重点词组 3.复习重点句型 Whats your/his/her(first/last) name? My/his/her (first/last)name is . Nice to meet you. 6973 6 4 57 82 1 6973 6 4 57 82 1 nine zero six 906 three eight one 381 two four seven five 2475 八、用英语完成下列算式 1. six +one =_____ 2. _____-two=two 3. ____ -five= five 4. ____+two =ten 5. five-three=_____ 6. nine-six=____ 。

15、Unit 3 Is this your pencil? eraser pencildictionarybook rulerpen pencil sharpener pencil case / pencil-box backpack pencil sharpener backpackpencil casebox eraser pen ruler pencil book dictionary ruler pencil book pencil case pencil sharpener pen dictionary backpack g eraser Whats this/that in English? Its a/an. How do you spell it ? . Is this a pencil case? Yes,it is.It is my pencil case. Is that your book? No,it isnt. Its her book. Conversations: Is this your backpack? Is this his book。

16、I can because I think I can.,我行,因为我相信我行。,Revision,Task 1 记忆大比拼,1.我最喜欢的学科 2.他最喜欢的食物 3.她最喜欢的蔬菜 4.和。做游戏 5.在周一 6.在周五下午,my favorite subject,his favorite food,her favorite vegetable,play games with,on Monday,on Friday afternoon,7.我的英语老师 8.忙于某事 9.忙于做某事 10.在9点钟 11. 因为。而感谢 12.想要做某事,my English teacher,be busy with,be busy doing sth,at 9:00,Thank you for /Thanks for.,want to do sth,13. 你最喜欢的学科是什么?我最喜欢的学科是英语。

17、Unit 2 This is my sister.,sister mother father parent brother grandmother grandfather grandparent family,姐; 妹 妈妈; 母亲 爸爸; 父亲 父(母)亲 兄; 弟 祖母; 外祖母 祖父;外祖父 祖父(母); 外祖父(母) 家;家庭,those these who they have day well,pron. 那些 pron. 这些 pron. 谁;什么人 pron. 他们 v. 有 n. 一天;一日;白天 infer. 嗯;好吧,This is my friend Jane. Thats my grandfather. These are my brothers. Those are my parents. - Whos she? Shes my sister. - Whos he? Hes my brother. -Whore they? -Theyre 。

18、Review pencil book eraser pencil box schoolbag dictionary computer game ring notebook watchbaseball ID card libraryclassroom 我的 你的;你们的 他的 她的 它的 他/她/它们的 我的 你的;你们的 他的 她的 它的 他/她/它们的 my your his her its their mine yours his hers its theirs 劳驾;请原谅 因而感谢你(们) 别客气。 (询问消息或提出建议) 呢?怎么样?.好吗? 失物招领处 向某人索取某物;向某人要某物 根据给某人发送电子邮件 按照给某人打电话 一串钥匙 excuse me thank you for / thanks for Youre welcome. What ab。

19、Unit 4,Wheres my school bag?,Period 4,人教版英语2011版七年级上册,Lets chant,Room, room, in the room; Window, window, near the window; Door, door, near the door; Wall, wall, on the wall; Desk, desk, on the desk; Table, table, under the table; Box, box, in the box.,Learning aims: 1.通过小组对话,学会用英语准确描 述物品所在的位置; 2.采用竞赛游戏,学会用英语询问自己的或他人物品的具体位置; 3.通过讨论、调查和设计等一系列的课堂活动,能够合理地描述和设计房间。,前测 List more words,Furnitures (家具),S。

20、Unit 1 How tall are you?,PEP 六年级下册,Lets sing,词汇复习,longer,shorter,smaller,bigger,词汇复习,heavier,thinner,stronger,词汇复习,你能发现以下的规律吗?,young,younger,big,bigger,heavy,heavier,nice,nicer,你还能举出更多的例子吗?,词汇复习,形容词比较级构成法1: 1、大部分直接在后面加 er: tall taller 2、重读闭音节单词(一个元音加一个辅音结尾) 双写结尾辅音加er: big bigger ; thin thinner 3、以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i,再加 er heavy heavier 4、以e结尾的, 直接加r nice nicer,词汇复习,写出下列形容词的比较。

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