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1、Book3Unit1 Knowing me, knowing you Revision 枣庄市第三中学枣庄市第三中学 2020年年2月月20日日 Learning Aims 1. Revise important language points in Unit1. 2.Summarize the uses of V-ed as adverbials. 3. Explain the difficult points in the exercises. 4. Learn to consolidate what has been learned in time. Revision of Gramma

2、r Translate the following sentences into English 1.对他的行为很失望,我把这一切说给了最好对他的行为很失望,我把这一切说给了最好 的朋友听。的朋友听。 2.既尴尬又羞愧,我不能集中精力在任何事上既尴尬又羞愧,我不能集中精力在任何事上 。 3.被这样对待,你一定会感到受伤的。被这样对待,你一定会感到受伤的。 4.用这种方式靠近,你们的友谊很快会修复。用这种方式靠近,你们的友谊很快会修复。 5.充满愤怒,你会想到什么说什么。充满愤怒,你会想到什么说什么。 5.Filled with anger, you tend to say whatever c

3、omes to your mind. 1.Disappointed by his behavior, I said all this to my best friend. 2.Embarrassed and ashamed, I cant concentrate on anything. 3.Treated this way, you are sure to feel hurt. 4.Approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired. Revision of Grammar Can you remember phrase

4、s including V-ed? be filled with be satisfied with be tired of be loaded with be bored with be moved by be dressed in be connected with be involved in be admitted to/into be interested in be addicted to be caught in be attached to Revision of grammar The young girl _ red today. 这个小女孩今天穿着红衣服。 _ in re

5、d today, the young girl looks very beautiful. I found the young girl _ in red today. How to use the phrases Dressed dressed is dressed in dressed in red today 做状语做状语 dressed in red today 做宾语补足语做宾语补足语 Revision of grammar The worker_ the rain yesterday.这个工人昨天被困在雨里。 _ in the rain yesterday, the worker

6、got a high fever. I saw the worker_ in the rain yesterday. How to use the phrases Caught caught was caught in Caught in the rain 做状语做状语 caught in the rain 做宾语补足语做宾语补足语 Revision of grammar The boy student_ learning English.这位男同学对学习英语感兴趣。 _ in learning English, the boy student practices speaking every

7、 day. I like the boy student _ in learning English. How to use the phrases Interested interested is interested in Interested in learning English 做状语做状语 interested in learning English 做后置定语做后置定语 Revision of grammar Summary 短语短语be +V-ed+ prep+ 作谓语,有作谓语,有be; 做非谓语(定语、状语、补语做非谓语(定语、状语、补语),没有,没有be Tip: Mem

8、orizing the phrases is important, but using them skillfully is more important. Revision of language points Complete the following sentences with phrases. 1.This machine wont _(让你失望). 2. He doesnt _(尽责) in the project. 3._(对我个人来说) ,you can do what you like. 4.Dont despair!Everything will _(圆满解决) 5.Co

9、lumbus discovered America_ (偶然). 6.Thank you_. 先行致谢。 let you down pull his weight As far as I am concerned, work out all right by accident in advance Revision of language points Please translate the phrases and sentences . 1.处于完全的混乱处于完全的混乱 2.对对痴迷痴迷/疯狂疯狂 3.使使失望失望 4.发泄怒火发泄怒火 5.集中精力于集中精力于 6.祸从口出。祸从口出。

10、7.向向道歉道歉 8.解决冲突解决冲突 9.充满愤怒充满愤怒 10.深呼吸深呼吸 11.尽职尽职/做好分内事做好分内事 12.解决解决/制定制定/进展进展 1.in a total mess 2.be crazy about 3.let down 4.let off steam 5.concentrate on 6.Loose lips sink ships. 7.apologise to 8.resolve conflicts 9.be filled with anger 10.take a deep breath 11.pull ones weight 12.work out Consol

11、idation exercises(Feb.19) I. 单词拼写:根据所给的汉语释义写出所缺单词的正确形式。 1.Were working on new strategies(策略)to improve our share of the market. 2. Chest pains can be a warning signal (信号)of heart problems. 3. She hasnt been seen for four days and there is concern (担心)for her safety. 4. I dont want you to visit me s

12、imply out of a sense of duty (责任). 5. Over 70,000 people are seriously injured every year in road accidents (事 故). 6. Please ensure (确保)that all lights are switched off. 7. Many doctors believe that boxing (拳击)is too dangerous and should be banned. 8. She answered all our questions frankly (坦率地). 9.

13、 As he listened to the music, his eyes filled with tears (泪水). 10. There were benefits to being a single independent (独立的)woman. Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) I. 单词拼写:根据所给的汉语释义写出所缺单词的正确形式。 3. She hasnt been seen for four days and there is concern (担心)for her safety. 【用法解析 】 concern 担心/忧虑;关心;关注 Un.

14、 At first, there was growing concern about/for/over the continuous spread of 2019-nCoV. 关心的/担心的事 Cn. Global warming has become a concern for people all over the world. Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) 【归类解析 】 兼具 Un和Cn的名词要特别注意 1.Practice makes perfect. _ It is a practice in our company to have a meeti

15、ng on Monday morning._ 2. Knowledge is power._ A knowledge of English is a must in international trade._ Un.实践、练习实践、练习 Cn.惯例惯例 Un.知识知识 Cn.某方面的知识某方面的知识 Can you think of more examples? Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) I. 单词拼写:根据所给的汉语释义写出所缺单词的正确形式。 4. a sense of duty 【归类总结 】 a sense of duty /responsibil

16、ity 责任感 a sense of belonging 归属感 a sense of frustration 挫败感 a sense of success/ failure 成功感/ 失败感 a sense of humour 幽默感 a sense of justice 正义感 a sense of guilt 犯罪感 a sense of direction 方向感 a sense of achievement 成就感 Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) II. 单句语法填空:用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Lost (lose) in thought

17、, he almost ran into the car in front of him. 2. If given (give) the same treatment again, hes sure to get well. 3. Founded (found)in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. 4. Compared (compare)with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at

18、 all. 5. Comparing (compare) different cultures, we mainly pay attention to the differences. 6.Impressed (impress)by the beautiful scenery, I forgot to go back home in time. 7.Seen (see) from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful to us. 8. Used(use)for a long time, the book looks old. 9. Fol

19、lowed(follow) by the old man, we went upstairs. 10. Following(follow) the old man, we went upstairs. Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) 4. Compared (compare) with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all. 5. Comparing (compare) different cultures, we mainly pay attention to

20、 the differences. 【用法分析 】 compare A with B 拿A和B作比较 compare vt. 有宾语,是主动,用V-ing 无宾语,是被动,用V-ed 【再试牛刀 】 When _ (compare) with other students, he is more hard-working. You had better have some salt _(add) to the dish. compared added Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) 7.Seen (see) from the top of the hill, t

21、he city looks beautiful to us. 【变式练习 】 _(see) from the top of the hill, we can see our beautiful campus. 与下面句子进行比较: When we _ from the top of the hill, we can see our beautiful campus. When the city _ from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful to us. Seeing see is seen Consolidation exercise

22、s 9. Followed(follow) by the old man, we went upstairs. 10. Following(follow) the old man, we went upstairs. 【用法解析 】 follow sb./sth follow vt. be followed by 【再试牛刀 】 The students came into the classroom, _ their math teacher. The students came into the classroom, _by their math teacher. following fo

23、llowed Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) III. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. I found her letter by accident (意外) as I was looking through my files. 2. We are able to take the lead (领先) of the championship if we win the race. 3. I felt a bit out of breath (喘不过气来) and had to sit down. 4. What upsets me most is the fa

24、ct that she told a lie (撒谎). 5. Its cheaper if you book the tickets in advance (提前). Tip: Memorize the set phrases and use them in everyday study. Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) IV. 将下列句子译成英语。(注意过去分词作状语的使用) 1从山上看,这个公园非常美丽。 2. 老师走进教室,后面跟着一群学生。 3. 一旦被养成,坏的习惯是很难去除的。 4. 多浇水,那些树就不会死了。 5. 这个男孩被老师的话打动了,所以

25、他哭了。 1. Seen from the mountain, this park is very beautiful. 2. The teacher came into the classroom, followed by many students. 3. Once formed, bad habits are hard to get rid of. 4. Watered more, those trees will not die. 5. Moved by teachers words, the boy cried. Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) 3.

26、Once formed, bad habits are hard to get rid of. 【用法解析 】 Once 引导的条件状语从句,当主从句主语一致时,从句的主语可 以省略,省略后剩下连词加非谓语形式。 完整的句子应该是怎样的? Once bad habits are formed, bad habits are hard to get rid of. 【再试牛刀 】 When _(take) according to the doctors directions, the drug will have no side effect. Youd better keep silent

27、unless _(speak) to. taken spoken Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) 【用法解析 】不仅是条件状语从句,还有时间、让步、方式、比 较状语从句,当主从句主语一致时,从句的主语可以省略,省略后 剩下连词加非谓语形式。 【迁移应用 】 We are told to keep silent while _(eat) . When _(complete), the museum will be open to the public next year. Video games can be a poor influence if _(leave

28、) in the wrong hands. Even if _(invite), I will not go to such a bad lecture. He moved his lips as if _(say) something. She has finished the work earlier than _(expect). eating completed left invited to say expected Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) V. 语篇填空: 1who 2than 3to gain 4helpful 5winning 6attr

29、action 7without 8their 9expected 10speaks 【用法解析 】 3. the easiest way (to gain respect) 动词不定式作后置定语动词不定式作后置定语 an opportunity (to study abroad) the ability (to speak English) 9. as expected 正如所期待的那样正如所期待的那样 as planned 正如计划的那样正如计划的那样 as wished 正如希望的那样正如希望的那样 Tip: Summarize the test points, and get prepa

30、red in daily study. Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) VI. 完形填空: 15BCCAD 610AABCD 1115BACBD 1620ACBAA 【用法解析 】 7. though “虽然,尽管 ” ,conj. 引导让步状语从句 “但是” ,adv. 表转折关系,同however He told us he would come to the party. However, he didnt turn up. He ,however, didnt turn up. He didnt turn up, though/however. Thou

31、gh/Although he is young, he knows a lot of knowledge. Young _ he is, he knows a lot of knowledge. though/ as Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) 【用法解析 】 12.My friends grateful smile and joyful surprise convinced me (that)I had done the right thing.我朋友的微笑和惊喜使我相信我做 了正确的事情。 convince sb. that 使某人相信 convince

32、 sb. of sth. He convinced me of his honesty.他使我确信 他的诚实。 【归类记忆 】 convince/rob/cure/inform/accuse/warn/remind/suspect sb. of sth. 【小试牛刀 】 We are supposed to keep informed _ the latest news. of Consolidation exercises(Feb.19) Making her day had made my own. 【归类记忆 】 make a difference; make efforts/ prog

33、ress/money ; make ones day (使人开心); make a conclusion; make a decision; make a noise/ noises make room for; make a plan for; make preparations for; make it; make a list of; make faces at; make sense; make sense of ; make the most of ; make the best of; make use of ; make ones way; make friends with;

34、make fun of; to make matters worse 让她快乐也使我快乐。让她快乐也使我快乐。 Every little effort matters. Keep trying and you will make a difference. 1. Revise the uses of V-ed as adverbial. 2.Memorize the important phrases and sentences and make a summary. 3.Preview Unit2 Understanding ideas. Homework Thank you for Thank you for listening!listening! Expecting your advice!Expecting your advice!

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