人教版(2019新教材)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures-Section D 课件.pptx

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1、1- Section D Reading for Writing 结束(争论);解决(纠纷) 3. n.建筑;建造;建造物;(句子、短语等的)结构 4. n.材料;布料;素材 adj.物质的;实际的 5. n.衣服;服装 6. vt.适合;满足需要;相配;合身 n.西服,套装 7. vt.包含;含有;容纳 8.mild adj. 9.herbal adj. 10.item n. 11.neat adj. climate settle construction material clothing suit contain 温和的;和善的;轻微的 药草的;香草的 项目;一件商品(或物品);一条(新

2、闻) 极好的;整洁的;整齐的 重点短语 1.to name but a few 2.(at) first hand 3.be located in 4.be divided up into 5.in size 6.be home to 7.have a population of 8.in good order 9.be based on 10.with care 仅举几例 第一手;亲自 位于 被分成 在大小上 是的家园 有人口 秩序良好 以为基础 小心;谨慎 重点句式 It has a long and famous history,with the author Robert Louis

3、Stevenson having spent much time writing there. .释义匹配 1.climate A.a solid substance such as wood,plastic,or metal 2.settle B.to have something inside or include something as a part 3.construction C.the process of building things such as houses, bridges,roads etc. 4.material D.to end an argument or s

4、olve a disagreement 5.contain E.the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place 答案:1.E 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B .选词填空 construction,settle,material,suit,contain 1.The food was analyzed and found to (包含) small amounts of poison. 2.Even an upright official finds it hard to (解决) a family quarr

5、el. 3.The whole village moved away to make room for the (建设). 4.We must prepare some useful reading (材料) for the children. 5.When and where will it (适合) your convenience for our next meeting? contain settle construction materials suit 重点词汇 1.Historically,Chinese immigrants settled in the area during

6、 the railroad construction and gold rush period. 历史上,中国移民在铁路建设和淘金热时期定居在该地区。 【词汇精讲】 settle在句中是动词,意为“定居”,settle还可表示“结束(争论);解决(纠 纷)”等。 They moved the local people and settled them in another place. 他们把当地人迁移到别处定居。 I hope you can see your way clear to settle the matter. 我希望你能设法解决这件事。 【词汇拓展】 settle in/int

7、o sth 适应(新家、工作、环境等) settle in .在居住 settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于 settle down to (doing) sth 着手认真做某事 settler.移民;殖民者 settlement.居留地,居民区,解决 It is said that the first settlers of this country are prisoners. 据说第一批到达这个国家的移民是囚犯。 We look forward to your settlement at an early date. 我们期待你们能尽早解决这一问题。 2.There is Chi

8、nese food to suit everyones taste,with traditional dishes from all over China. 有适合每个人口味的中餐,有来自中国各地的传统菜肴。 【词汇精讲】suit在句中是及物动词,意为“适合”,suit还可作名词, 意为“西服;套装”。 The room is neat and tidy,and it suits the students. 房间整洁干净,适合学生居住。 Ive found a job that suits me down to the ground. 我找到了一份非常适合我的工作。 You may hire

9、a suit for your wedding. 你可以去租一套礼服结婚时穿。 suit(套装) 【词汇拓展】 suit .to .使适合 be suited for/to sth(某人) 适合某物 suitable.适当的;相配的 be suitable for sb(某物)适合某人 be suitable to do sth 适合做某事 The film is suitable for children. 这部电影适合孩子。 Is it suitable to discuss my report now? 现在讨论我的报告合适吗? 【易混辨析】 suit 多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地

10、位、时间等。 match 多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。 fit 多指大小、形状合适,引申为“吻合,协调”。 The size of the shirt fits me well and its color matches my tie,so it suits me. 这件衬衫的尺寸很合适,颜色也和我的领带很相配,所以很适合我。 【微写作】 We had white protective suits with helmets,big boots and special gloves,which is suitable for you. 我们有白色的防护服,有头盔、大靴子和特制的手套,非常适

11、合你。 3.Does the city/town introduction contain all the important information? 城市的介绍包括所有重要的信息吗? 【词汇精讲】contain是及物动词,意为“包含;含有;容纳”。 Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin. 研究人员已经发现,“夜间挤的牛奶”中含有更多的褪黑激素。 This drink doesnt contain any alcohol. 这种饮料不含任何酒精。 【词汇拓展】 contain oneself

12、 控制自己 container.容器 He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. 他激动得几乎控制不住自己。 【易混辨析】 contain 包括,侧重“整体内有”,指在某一范围或容器内能容纳 某物,不用于进行时。 include 包括,侧重被包含者只是整体中的一部分。 Our six-city tour includes a visit to London. 我们的六城之旅包括参观伦敦。 This book contains all the information you need. 这本书包含了你需要的所有信息。 【微写作】

13、 Remove the skin that contains oil and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze. 将含有油脂的皮肤清出,放入塑料袋或容器中冷冻。 重点句式 It has a long and famous history,with the author Robert Louis Stevenson having spent much time writing there. 它有着悠久而著名的历史,作家罗伯特 路易斯 史蒂文森花了很多 时间在那里写作。 【句式剖析】句中的“with the author Rob

14、ert Louis Stevenson having spent much time writing there”是with引导的独立主格结构作伴随状 语。 With the guide leading the way,we soon got to the top of the mountain. 有向导领路,我们不久就爬到了山顶。 With a lot of people helping us,we will finish the work before long. 有那么多人帮助我们,我们不久就会完成工作。 【句式拓展】 “with+复合宾语”结构既可用作状语表示方式或伴随动作等,也可 用

15、作定语。 常见的“with+复合结构”主要有以下几种形式: (1)with+宾语+动名词形式 With the boy leading the way,we had no trouble in getting to the station. 由这个男孩带路,我们毫不费力地到达了火车站。 (2)with+宾语+过去分词 The child was crying with the glasses broken. 眼镜破了,那孩子哭了起来。 (3)with+宾语+不定式 With a lot of work to do,we had to be busy working day and night.

16、 有那么多的工作要做,我们只得日夜忙碌。 (4)with+宾语+介词短语 She saw a small river with green grass and red flowers on both sides. 她看到一条小河,两岸长满了红花绿草。 (5)with+宾语+形容词(副词) Dont sleep with the door and windows open. 不要开着门窗睡觉。 Tiananmen Square looks even more beautiful with all lights on. 所有的灯都亮着,天安门广场显得更加漂亮。 文化意识 文化多样性要做到:既要认同

17、本民族文化,又要尊重其他民族文化, 相互借鉴,求同存异,尊重世界文化多样性,共同促进人类文明繁荣 进步;尊重文化多样性,首先要尊重自己民族的文化,培育好、发展 好本民族文化;承认世界文化的多样性,尊重不同民族的文化,必须 遵循各民族文化一律平等的原则;在文化交流中,要尊重差异,理解 个性,和睦相处,共同促进世界文化的繁荣。 高分写作 假如你是昆明市某中学的学生李明,你收到美国笔友Steven的电子 邮件,内容如下: Dear Li Ming, Im visiting China next month.Isnt it exciting?Could you please tell me somet

18、hing about Kunming,your hometown? Looking forward to your reply. Steven 根据以下内容回复: 1.昆明位于我国西南部;面积约21 473平方千米;人口有685万。 2.特色:气候宜人;交通便利;旅游、文化资源丰富,游客既可欣赏美 景,又可品尝各种风味美食。 3.其他:乐意充当导游。 注意: 1.词数:80左右。 2.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。 3.开头为你写好,但不计入总词数。 Dear Steven, Im glad Li Ming 一、审题定调 1.确定体裁:本文是一封电子邮件,文章是介绍自己所居住的城市昆 明; 2

19、.确定人称:本文的主要人称为第三人称; 3.确定时态:以一般现在时为主。 二、谋篇布局 本文分为三个段落。 第一段:表达自己高兴的心情; 第二段:主体部分主要介绍昆明;地理位置、人口、面积、昆明的 特色等。 第三段:对对方的到来表示欢迎,愿意当导游。 三、短文模板 1.常用语块 give you a brief introduction 给你简单介绍一下 be located in the southwest of China 位于中国西南 cover an area of 占地面积 with a population of/have a population of 有人口 have a ri

20、ch culture 有丰富的文化 have a good transport network 有良好的交通网络 it is very convenient for. 对方便 places of interest 名胜 all kinds of delicious food 各种美食 2.遣词造句 普通表达 高级表达 You asked about Kunming in your message and I will introduce it briefly. Kunming is located in the southwest of China and covers an area of

21、about 21,473 square kilometers. It has a population of more than 6.85 million and it is a beautiful place and has pleasant weather and a rich culture. There are a lot of places of interest and visitors can enjoy the wonderful scenery and all kinds of delicious food there. You asked about Kunming in

22、your message and Im now giving you a brief introduction. Kunming,which is located in the southwest of China,covers an area of about 21,473 square kilometers. With a population of more than 6.85 million,Kunming is a beautiful place and has pleasant weather and a rich culture. There are a lot of place

23、s of interest where visitors can enjoy the wonderful scenery and all kinds of delicious food. 四、连句成文 参考范文 Dear Steven, Im glad you are coming to China soon.You asked about Kunming in your message and Im now giving you a brief introduction. Kunming,which is located in the southwest of China,covers an

24、 area of about 21,473 square kilometers.With a population of more than 6.85 million,Kunming is a beautiful place and has pleasant weather and a rich culture.Kunming has a good transport network,so it is very convenient for people to travel.There are a lot of places of interest where visitors can enj

25、oy the wonderful scenery and kinds of delicious food. Welcome to Kunming.And Ill be your guide when you come. Wish you a pleasant journey here. Li Ming .完成句子 1.青岛位于山东的东部,是一个美丽的城市。 the east of Shandong,Qingdao is a beautiful city. 答案:Located in 2.该城市面积1,200平方千米,人口超过九百万。 The city has an area of 1,200

26、square kilometers over 9 million. 答案:with a population of 3.那里的气候宜人,文化丰富。 It has a pleasant climate and . 答案:a rich culture 4.街道的两边耸立着高楼大厦。 There are tall buildings of the streets. 答案:standing on both sides 5.城市里有许多名胜古迹,每年吸引着数百万游客。 There are many places of interest in the city,which tourists every y

27、ear. 答案:attracts millions of .语篇填空 As the biggest and oldest in America,the Chinatown in San Francisco with mild climate is worth 1. (visit).First as a residential area for Chinese immigrants,it then turned 2. a centre for Chinese culture.Though 3. (destroy) in the 1906 earthquake,it 4. (rebuild) la

28、ter.When you go there,you cant miss the legendary Dragon Gate,the Tin How Temple,Bank of Canton and Portsmouth Square, 5. (name) but a few. Youd better hang out in the stores there to shop all kinds of traditional Chinese goods.However, 6. most impressive is the food, 7. suits everyones taste,with 8

29、. (tradition) dishes from all over China.Chinatowns are an important part of the diverse culture of the USA, 9. (especial) for those who never 10. (be) to China to experience traditional Chinese culture first hand. visiting into destroyed was rebuilt to name the which traditional especially have been


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