人教版七年级下册英语Unit3知识清单+习题 (含答案).docx

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1、1 Unit 3 How do you get to school? 一、必记单词一、必记单词 train n火车 subway n地铁 ride v 骑 n 旅程 eighty num.八十 ninety num.九十 hundred num一百 minute n 分钟 far advadj远:远的 kilometer n 千米;公里 new adj 新的;刚出现的 every adj 每一;每个 drive v.开车 live v.居住;生活 stop n.车站;停止 cross v.横过;越过 many adjpron许多 village n 村庄;村镇 between prep 介于之

2、间 bridge n.桥 afraid adj 害怕:惧怕 villager n 村民 leave v.离开;留下 dream n 梦想;睡梦 v.做梦 true adj 真的;符合事实的 二、常考短语二、常考短语 get to 到达 take the subway 乘地铁 ride a bike 骑自行车 every day 每天 by bike 骑自行车 think of 认为;想起 betweenand在.和.之间 come true 实现:成为现实 get to school 到达学校 how far 多远 from home to school 从家到学校 take the bus

3、乘公共汽车 bus stop 公共汽车站 one 11year old boy 一个 11 岁的男孩 play with 和玩 be afraid 害怕 be like 像 take togo toby乘去 How dodoes get to?怎样到达 How far is it fromto?从到有多远? It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花费某人多少时 间。 How long does it take?花费多长时间? It isadj to do sth做某事是的。 have to动词原形 不得不做某事 Thanks for doing sth因做某事而

4、感谢。 What dodoes主语 think of?认为怎么样? walk to +地点名词=go toon foot 步行去某地 三、经典句型三、经典句型 1. How do you get to school?你怎样到学校? -I ride my bike我骑自行车。 2.How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远? 3.How long does it take you to get to school?你到学校要用多长时间? 4.For many students, it is easy to get to school 对许多学

5、生来说,到达学校是容易的。 四、重点语法四、重点语法:how, how long 和和 how far 引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句 疑问词(组)疑问词(组) 用法用法 答语答语 how 提问交通方式,意为“如何” (1)主语take(s)ride(s)+限定词表示交通工具的名 词to地点 (2)主语go(es)get(s)+to+地点by表示交通工具 的单数名词或 on/in+限定词表示交通工具的名词 how long 提问时间长短, 意为 “多长时间” (1) It takes sb时间to do sth (2)Its about时间段 how far 提问距离,意为“多远” (1)I

6、ts路程 from A to B (2)Ais路程 fromB ( 3 )Itsminutes walk/ride (4)Its时间by表示交通工具的单数名词 1.-How do you go to school?你怎样去上学? -I take the bus to school. /I go to school by bus/I go to school on the bus我乘公共汽车去上学。 2.-How long does it take you to get to the library 你到达图书馆需要多长时间? -It takes about 20 minutes /About

7、20 minutes 花费大约 20 分钟大约 20 分钟。 2 3.-How far is it from your home to the train station? 你家离火车站多远? -Its 2 kilometers /Its 20 minutes walk./Its5 minutes by bus2 千米。步行 20 分钟。乘公共汽车 5 分钟。 拓展拓展 how long 还可以用来提问物体的长度,意为“多长” 一 How long is the river?这条河多长? -Its about 6,600 kilometers大约 6600 千米。 练习题:练习题:1.-_do

8、 you watch TV every week? -Less than two hours. I often have much homework to do A. How many B How much C. How long D. How often 2.一_is the nearest hospital from here? -Er. its about ten minutes walk A. How long B How far C How often 3.-_does your mother go to work every day? -By bike. A Why B Where

9、 C How D What 4.-_does it take you to do your homework every day? 一 About an hour A. How far B How much C. How many D. How long 5.-_is it from the hotel to the zoo? -its ten minutes ride.A. How B How long C How far D. How many 6 (2015湖北孝感)It s about2 kilometers from my home to school (就画线部分提问) _ _is

10、 it from your home to school? 7. Mr. Green takes the plane to Hainan (就画线部分提问) _ _Mr. Green go to Hainan? 五、要点全解五、要点全解 1. take the train 乘火车乘火车 A(13) take 此处用作及物动词,意为“乘(车、飞机、轮船等)。 take thea交通工具”表示乘坐某种交通工具。 take the bus/train/subway/car/boat/plane 乘坐公共汽车/火车地铁汽车船飞机 John usually takes the school bus to

11、 school 约翰通常乘坐校车去学校。 拓展拓展take 的其他含义 take 意为“拿走;带走” 。它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。 I want to take some books to school 我想拿些书到学校。 His father often takes him to the bookshop. 他爸爸经常带他去书店 take 意为“买下” 。 The sweater is very nice. Ill take it 这件毛衣很漂亮。我买了。 与 take 相关的短语 take exercise 运动;锻炼 take photos 照相;拍照 take a s

12、eat 坐下;坐坐 take a walk 散步 take a rest 休息 ake down 取下 take away 拿走 take out 拿出 2. How do you get to school?你怎样到学校?你怎样到学校?A(13) (1)how 疑问副词,意为“如何;怎样” ,此处用以询问交通方式。how 对交通方式提问时,它的答语常有以下几 种: takethea交通工具 by交通工具 onin冠词物主代词交通工具 -How does your father go to work? 你父亲怎样去上班? -He takes the bus to work=He goes to

13、 work by bus=He goes to work on the bus 他乘公共汽车去上班。 (2) get to 为固定短语,意为“到达” 。其中 get 用作不及物动词,常与介词 to 连用,表示“到达” ;当表示目 的地的词是副词 here, there,home 等时,则省略介词 to。 Theyll get to Beijing at nine tonight.他们将在今晚 9 点钟到达北京。 (接地点名词) When do you get home every day?你每天什么时候到家?(接地点副词) 3. one hundred and five百零五百零五 A(14)

14、 hundred 数词,意为“一百” ,当前面有具体数字时,其后不加s,也不和 of 连用。 There are about eight hundred students in our school 我们学校大约有 800 名学生。 拓展拓展 若表示一个不确定的数字, 前面没有具体数字时, 其后要加s, 且与 of 连用。 hundreds of 意为 “数百的; 成百上千的” 。 There are hundreds of people in the restaurant 这个餐馆里有数百人。 与 hundred 用法类似的单词还有 thousand“一千” , million“百万” ,

15、billion“十亿” 。 助记:助记:hundred, thousand, million 与与 billion 的用法的用法 模糊数字两有(有 s 有 of) , 具体数字两无(无 s 无 of) 4. How far is it from your home to school?从你家?从你家到学到学校有多远?校有多远?A(14) (1) how far 意为“多远” ,用来询问距离或路程, 常用句型: How far is it from A to B?或 How far is B from A?意为“从 A 到 B 有多远?” ,其答语是 3 Its meter(s)/mile(s)

16、/kilometer(s)(away),意为“有米英里千米(远) ” 。 -How far is it from the park to the school?从公园到学校有多远? -It s about3 miles大约 3 英里。 拓展拓展在回答 how far 的提问时,通常有两种情形: 有具体的数字时,应与 away from 连用,表示具体距离的计量,口语中 away 可省略。 没有具体数字时,应用 far 或 near 作答。 -How far is it from your home to your school?从你家到学校有多远? -Its twenty kilometers

17、 away from my home to my school /Its very far 从我家到学校有 20 千米远。很远。 (2)far 用作副词,意为远” 。 The children dont go far from home.孩子们不会离家很远。 She wants to move as far away from here as possible 她想尽量搬得离这儿远些。 拓展拓展far 用作形容词,意为“远的” 。 We can walk to my house from here. It isnt far 我们可以从这里走着去我家,不远。 5. Im not sure abo

18、ut 10 kilometers?我不确定?我不确定大约大约 10 千米?千米?A(14) Im not sure是一句表达自己对判断没有十足把握时的固定套语。其中的形容词 sure 意为“肯定的,确定的” ,它 的疑问形式和肯定形式在口语中也十分常用。 Im not sure if he is Mr. Zhang.我不确定他是不是张先生。 Are you sure?你确定吗? I m sure我确定。 拓展拓展sure 的用法: 1) be sure to do sth意为“一定要做某事;务必要做某事” 。 Be sure to finish your homework before sup

19、per.晚饭前一定要完成你的作业。 2 )be sure of 意为”有把握;确信” 。Im sure of winning the game.我确信能赢得这场比賽。 3) “be surethat 从句”意为“确信” ,当从句主语与主句主语一致时,可用 be sure to do sth 替换 Im sure that Im right.=Im sure to be right 我确信我是正确的。 6. bus stop 公共汽车站公共汽车站 B(16) stop 此处用作名词,意为“车站” 。 at the bus stop 在公共汽车站 The bus stop is not far f

20、rom my school 公共汽车站离我的学校不远。 辨析:辨析: bus stop 与与 bus station bus stop 与 bus station 都是指“公共汽车站” 。bus stop 指城镇内外的停车点,而 bus station 指能停、转车辆的汽车 站点。 拓展拓展stop 用作动词,意为“停止” ,常用结构: stop to do sth “停下来去做某事; stop doing sth“停止做某 事” 。 Lets stop to have a rest让我们停下来休息一下吧。 Stop talking, please!请停止说话! 7. For many stu

21、dents, it is easy to get to school.对许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。对许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。B(17) (1)for 介词,在此意为“对来说,对而言” For me, it is the best对我而言,它是最好的。 (2 )It is +adj. (+for/of sb. )+to do sth. 意为“ (对某人来说)做某事是的” 。其中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后 面的动词不定式短语。 It is easy(for me )to ride a bike(对我来说)骑自行车是容易的。 It is better to stay at ho

22、me待在家里更好。 拓展拓展此句型中的形容词若为描述事物特征的词,如 difficult,easy,bard, important 等,其后的介词用 for, 构成Itsadj for sbto do sth ”句式,意为“做某事对某人来说是的” Its important for us to eat a lot of vegetables every day每天吃大量的蔬莱对我们来说是重要的。 此句型中的形容词若为描述人物品质及性格特征的词,如 clever,kind,good,nice 等,其后的介词用 of,构成 Itsadjof sbto do sth ”句式。 Its very ni

23、ce of you to help me 你帮助我真是太好了。 8. But he is not afraid because he loves school.但他并不害怕,因为他爱学校。但他并不害怕,因为他爱学校。B(17) afraid 形容词,意为“害怕的;畏惧的” ,是一个表语形容词,其常见用法有 be afraid of sth意为“害怕某事某物” 。 Most of the girls are afraid of snakes 大多数女孩怕蛇。 be afraid to do sth意为“害怕做某事” 。Her elder sister is afraid to stay at h

24、ome alone 她姐姐害怕独自待在家里。 be afraid of doing sth意为“害怕做某事” ,指担心或担忧做某事会引起某种后果。 Don t be afraid of asking for help不要害怕求助。 4 be afraid(hat)从句”意为“恐怕 Im afraid(that) he can t come我怕他不能来了。 9. Many of the students and villagers never leave the village许多学生和村民从没有离开过这个村庄。许多学生和村民从没有离开过这个村庄。B(17) (1) many of意为“中的许多

25、” ,of 后接代词的宾格、可数名词复数。接名词时,这个名词前必须有形容词性 物主代词、名词所有格或定冠词修饰,它表示一种部分与整体的关系。 Many of us like the film 我们中的许多人喜欢这部电影。 Many of her friends are girls 她的朋友中有许多是女孩。 (2) leave 此处用作及物动词,意为“离开” 。 Mr. Smith leaves the room at eight oclock every day 史密斯先生每天 8 点钟离开房问。 When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的? 拓展:拓展:1

26、)leave for 地点 表示“动身去某地” 。Next week Alice is leaving for London 下周艾丽斯要去伦敦了。 2)leave地点for地点 表示“离开某地去某地” 。 Why are you leaving Beijing for Shanghai?你为什么要离开北京去上海? 10. They have to cross a very big river between their school and the village他们不得不穿越一条在他们学校和村庄他们不得不穿越一条在他们学校和村庄 之间的非常大的河。之间的非常大的河。B(17) have t

27、o 意为“必须;不得不” ,表示客观上的需要,有人称、数、时态的变化,其后接动词原形。 Because he had no money, he had to drop out of school因为没有钱,他不得不辍学了。 辨析:辨析: have to 与与 must have to 必须;不得不, 表示客观上的需要,有人称、数、时态的变化。 dont/doesnt have to 表示“不必” must 必须;一定 表示说话人主观上的看法 mustnt 表示“禁止” You dont have to tell him about it 你没必要把这件事告诉他。 You mustnt tell

28、 him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 六、单元习题六、单元习题 1. -Where were you born, Michael? -I was born in a small village with only three_people A hundred B hundreds C. hundreds of 2. -_is it from your home to school? -its about 10 kilometers A. How far B How long C How soon D. How often 3. -_will you stay in Engl

29、and? -More than a month A When B How soon C. How long 4.-How long does it_to get to the station by taxi? -About an hour A use B have C take D spend 5. Its necessary for us_to our parents when we have problems. A. to talk B. talking C. talk 6. The bank is_the bookstore and the post office. A. at the

30、front of B. among C between 7. 根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。Hold on to your_(梦想) One day they may come true 8. -How do you usually go to school?-My school is far away, I_take the bus to schoolA must B, might C, have to 9.Thanks for_me with my English A help B, to help C, helping 1. It takes me fifteen minute

31、s_from my home to the bus station A walk B walking C walks D to walk 2. There are sixty_in an hour A hours B days C minutes D. seconds 3. My home isnt far from here. Its only_walk A. ten minutes B. ten minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minute 4. He usually goes to visit his friends_Saturday afternoon A.

32、 at B. in C. on D. of 5. Tom sits_Mary and Jane. A.among B between C on D. next 6. -How do you_there? -I take the train. A get B get to C gets D. gets to 7. It is difficult_English well. A learn B to learn C learning D learns 8. Mary_her bike to school every day. A. takes B rides C drives D by 9. He

33、 is a_boy A. five year old B. five-year-old C five-years-old D. five years old 10. Thanks for_me to school A takes B to take C take D. taking 七、汉译英七、汉译英 1.从我家到学校有 20 千米远。很远。 2.她想尽量搬得离这儿远些。 3.你到学校要用多长时间? 4.通常骑自行车去学校花我半个小时的时间。 5 5.羊以草为食。 6.你知道今天的天气怎么样吗? 7.你认为动作片怎么样? 8.她很像她的妈妈。 9.谢谢你帮助我学英语 八、书面表达八、书面表达

34、 假设你叫陈明,你在美国的笔友迈克(Mike)来信向你询问平时上学的方式,请根据下表中的信息,给你的笔友写封 回信,向他介绍一下自己上学的方式。 How far it is from your home to school About 10 kilometers The time of getting up 7:00 The time of leaving for school 7:30 How long it takes to walk to the subway station About 10 minutes How long the subway ride takes About 15

35、 minutes 要求:(1)语言通顺、流畅,可适当发挥;(2)60 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike, Thank you for your last email. Now I am writing to tell you about how I go to school. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Chen Ming 参考答案 四、1-7CBCDC How far How does 六、1-5AACCA 6-9C dreams CC 1-5DCBCB 6-10 ABBBD 七、汉译英七、汉译英 1. -Its twenty kilometer

36、s away from my home to my school /Its very far 从我家到学校有 20 千米远。很远。 2. She wants to move as far away from here as possible 她想尽量搬得离这儿远些。 3. How long does it take you to get to school?你到学校要用多长时间? 4. It usually takes me half an hour to go to school by bike通常骑自行车去学校花我半个小时的时间。 5. Sheep live on grass羊以草为食。

37、6 6. Do you know what the weather is like today?你知道今天的天气怎么样吗? 7. What do you think of action movies?=How do you like action movies?你认为动作片怎么样? 8. She is very like her mother她很像她的妈妈。 9. Thanks for helping me with my English 谢谢你帮助我学英语 八、 Dear_Mike, Thank_you_for_your_last_e-mail._Now_I_am_writing_to_te

38、ll_you_about_how_I_go_to_school. My home is about ten kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 oclock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at about 7:30. First I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me about 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00 am. Yours, Chen_Ming


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