人教版七年级下册英语Unit6知识清单+习题 (含答案).docx

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1、Unit 6 Im watching TV. 一、必记单词一、必记单词 newspaper n报纸 use v.使用;运用 wash v.洗 just adv 只是;恰好 house n房子 drink v 喝 n 饮料 tomorrow adv 在明天 n 明天;未来 shop v 购物 n 商店 supermarket n超市 man n男人;人 race n 竞赛 study vn学习;研究 state n州 American adj美国的;美洲的 n 美 国人;美洲人 other adj另外的;其他的 pron另 外的人(或物) young adj幼小的;年轻的 child n 儿童(

2、 pl children) miss v.怀念;思念;错过 wish v 希望 delicious adj 可口的;美味的 still adv 还;仍然 二、常考短语二、常考短语 read a newspaper 看报纸 talk on the phone 通过电话交谈, make soup 做汤 go to the movies 去电影院 eat out 出去吃饭 drink tea 喝茶 make dinner 做晚饭 make zongzi 包粽子 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 host family 寄宿家庭 talk show 脱口秀 living room 客厅

3、 listen to 听 use the computer 使用电脑 wash the dishes 洗餐具 swim in a pool 在游泳池里游泳 live with sb. in 和某人一起住在 the night before 前一天夜里 watchon TV 在电视上看 read a story to sb读故事给某人听 a picture of张的照片 -Whatbe主语 doing?正在做什么? -主语be doing sth正在做某事。 Id lovelike to do sth我愿意做某事。 any other可数名词单数 其他任何一个 wish to do sth 希望

4、做某事 study for a/antest 为考试而学习 Herebe名词这是 三、经典句型三、经典句型 1.This is Jenny我是珍妮。 2.一 Do you want to join me for dinner?你想跟我一起吃晚饭吗? -Yeah Id love to是的,我很乐意。 3.Whats she doing?她正在做什么? -Shes washing her clothes她正在洗她的衣服。 4.-Are you doing your homework?你正在做你的家庭作业吗? -Yes, I am./No , Im not. Im cleaning my room.

5、 是的,我在做。不,我没做。我正在打扫我的房间。 5.Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi 朱辉思念他的家人并希望吃上他妈妈(做)的可口的粽子。 四、重点语法四、重点语法 现在进行时态(现在进行时态(一一) 1定义定义:主要用于表示现在正在进行的动作,有时也可表示现阶段正在进行的动作。 My sister is talking on the phone 我姐姐正在通过电话交谈。Mom is cleaning the floor now 妈妈现在正在打扫地板。 2构成构成:由“助动词 be(a

6、m isare)动词-ing 形式”构成,be 的形式应与主语的人称和数保持一致。 I am writing 我正在写字。 He is reading a storybook他正在看故事书。 They are working他们正在工作。 3现在分词的构成现在分词的构成 动词类别动词类别 构成方法构成方法 例词例词 一般动词 在词尾加ing help-helping play -playing 以不发音的字母 e 结尾的动词 先去掉字母 e,再加ing liveliving hope- hoping 以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个 辅音字母的动词 双写该辅音字母,再加 ing stopstop

7、ping beginbeginning 少数以 ie 结尾的动词 変 ie 为 y,再加ing lielying tietying die-dying 4.基本句型基本句型 肯定句 主语 amisare现在分词其他 否定句 主语 am not / isnt/ arent+现在分词其他 一般疑问句 Am/ Is/ Are主语现在分词其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+am/is/are 否定回答:No,主语 am not/ isnt/ arent 特殊疑问句 疑问词am isare主语现在分词其他? Listen! He is playing the piano 听!他正在弹钢琴。 Lucy isn

8、t watching TV露西没在看电视 -Are you watching TV?你正在看电视吗?-Yes, I am. / No, Im not 是的,我在看。/ 不,我没有。 What are you doing in the classroom? 你们正在教室里做什么? 5时态判定方法时态判定方法 (1)当句子中有时间副词 now 时,常表示动作正在进行,要用现在进行时。 She is doing her homework now 她现在正在做家庭作业。 (2)如果前面是“ Listen! ”Look!“Its9:00 in the morning”等一类的提示性语言,则暗示下一句的动

9、 作正在进行,要用现在进行时。 Look! They are playing chess 瞧!他们正在下国际象棋。 练习题:练习题:1. -What are you doing? -Im_TV A. watch B, watches C. to watch D watching 2. The_listening to a CD. They are exercising. A am not B isnt C. arent D be not 3._Tom_an English class now? A. Is; having B Is; have C. Are; having D Are; hav

10、e 4. -Are you playing basketball? - No, we_. A isnt B arent C, not D. dont 5Look! Simon_ in the playground A run B runs C is running D. running 6. Please dont make so much noiseThe baby_now.A sleeps B slept C. will sleep D is sleeping 7. May I speak to Mrs.Black? -Sorry, Mum cant come to the phone n

11、ow. She_a shower A. has B had C is having D. was having 五、要点全解五、要点全解 1. using the computer 使用电脑使用电脑 A(31) use 此处用作及物动词,意为“使用;运用” ,常用结构: use sth“使用某物” , use sth to do sth“用某物做某事” May I use your phone?我可以用一下你的电话吗? I use a knife to cut bread我用刀切面包。 辨析:辨析:use 与与 with use 动词,在句中作谓语,表示用途 I use a pen to wr

12、ite 我用钢笔写字。 with 介词,在句中作状语,表示方式 I write with a pen 我用钢笔写字。 拓展拓展 use 还可用作名词,意为“用途;用法” 。 The computer has many uses电脑有许多用途。 useful 形容词,意为“有用的” ,可作定语或表语。 English is useful for you英语对你来说是有用的。 That is a useful book那是一本有用的书。 2. This is Jenny我是珍妮。我是珍妮。A(32) 这是打电话的常用语,相当于“ This is Jenny speaking ” 。在英语习惯中,打

13、电话时一般用 this 表示“我” ,用 that 表示“对方” ,而不用I ”或you” 拓展拓展 “打电话”常用语小结: 1)向外拨打电话:May/ Could I speak to?我可以和.通话吗? Is that( speaking)?你是吗 2)接听电话:This is(speaking)我是 Whos that( speaking)?你是谁? Whos speaking?谁在讲话? This is the wrong number 你打错电话了 3)表示线路故障或听不清: The lines bad 线路不好。 Would you speak up, please?你能大点儿声吗

14、? 4)其他: Hold on, please 请等一会儿。 Hold on for a momentminute 请稍等。 MayShould I take a message?需要留言吗? 3. Id love to,我很乐意。,我很乐意。A(32) Td love to相当于 Id like to ,其中 Td 是 I would 的缩写形式。 d lovelike to经常用于有礼貌地接 受他人的邀请。 六、单元习题六、单元习题 1. (2015山东枣庄)汉译英 必须用上所提供的单词或短语。 Jim 的姐姐正在打电话。 ( talk phone)_ 2. (2015吉林)Look, s

15、ome boys_kites in the park. A. fly B are flying C. flew 3. (2015四川眉山)-Who is that speaking? -_Mike speaking. A Im B My name is C That is D. This is 4. (2015 四川攀枝花)-Would you like to go to the movie with me this weekend? -_. A. Thank you B. No I dont C. Sure. Id love to D. Thats all right 5. (2015贵州遵

16、义) Of the three reading rooms, one is near, but_two are far A. other B. the others C. the other 6. (2015山东菏泽) :While I was away from my home last year. I always_my family A. guessed B thought C missed I单项填空 1. Your clothes are very dirty. Please_them on weekends A save B leave C wear D wash 2. -Wher

17、e do you swim? -In the_. A library B supermarket C. pool D apartment 3. -What does your grandfather like doing? -_magazines. A Reading B. Seeing C. Looking D. Watching 4. -Where is your sister? -shes_in the kitchen. A. taking a shower B watching TV C using the computer D, washing the dishes 5. Do yo

18、u want_with me? A. go shopping B to go shopping C to go shop D go shop 6. Emma, come here. Here_some new pens for you. A. is B. are C has D. have 7. He likes sports, but he only watches them_TV A. at B. on C. in D. of 8. -Who is that speaking?-_. A I am Lin Tao B That is Lin Tao C. This is Lin Tao D

19、. He is Lin Tao 9. Lets go to the movies -_. A That sound great B Sound great C. That sounds great D, It sound great 10. On the wall there are two pictures. _is Toms and_is Marys A. One: one B. One: other C. One: the other D. One; others 根据汉语提示完成句子 26汤姆正在给他的表哥打电话。Tom_ _ _the phone to his cousin. 27你

20、想和我出去吃饭吗? Do you want to_ _with me? 28中国人喜欢喝茶。 Chinese like_ _ 29我们晚饭做汤吧。 Lets_ _for dinner 30两个孩子正在游冰池里游泳。 Two_ are_in the pool. 1. (2018 安徽合肥瑶海区期中)-Look! What is the boy doing? -He_the guitar. A play B, plays C .is playing D played 2. (2018 湖北武汉蔡甸区期末) Tom and Lily are talking_ the phone _ their sc

21、hool rules A on: about B in: with C. in: about D on: with 3. (2018 陕西西安新城区期末)根据汉语意思完成句子。 我姥姥正在厨房做汤。My grandma is_ _ in the kitchen 4. (2016 山东济南槐荫区八校期中联考)按要求完成句子。 (每空一词) Shes doing her homework.(改为一般疑问句) _ she_ her homework? 5. (2016 湖北孝感中考)Dont_ the chance when you can catch it, or you will regret

22、it A guess B. miss C. remember D. allow 6. (2018 吉林长春朝阳区期末)在空白处填入适当的单词,使句子意义完整,语法正确。 Judy, please blow out the candles on the birthday cake and make a_ 7. (2018 山东济南历城区期中)用所给词的正确形式填空。 Listen! Bill_ (talk )on the phone now 8. (2016 四川绵阳中考) He was born in Germany, but he has made China his_. A family

23、B address C house D home 9. (2018 河南开封期末) There isnt_ porridge in my bowl. Would you please get_ for me? A. some: some B, any: some C. some; any D .any, any 10. (2018 湖北武汉青山区期末)- I dont like this cell phone. Can you show me_ one? -Sure. Wait for a moment A other B the other C. another D. others 七、书面

24、表达七、书面表达 现在是晚上 7 点,根据下面 Kate 提供的信息,用现在进行时描述一下 Kate 一家人的活动情况。 father: read a book; mother: watch TV; grandfather:listen to the radio; grandmother: clean the room Kate: do her homework; Betty: play computer games _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考答案:参考答案: 四、1-7DCABCDC 六、1.Jims sister is talking on the phone 2-6 BDCCC 1-5

25、DCADB 6-10BBCCC 26-30 is talking on eat out drinking tea make soup children swimming 1-5CA making soup Is doing B 6-10wish is talking DBC 七、 Its seven oclock in the evening. Kates family are all at home. Kate is doing her homework. Her father is reading a book. Her mother is watching TV. Her grandfather is listening to the radio and her grandmother is cleaning the room. Her sister, Betty, is playing computer games. They are all having a good time.


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