冀教版一起三下-Unit 2 Animal Friends-Lesson 10 Is It a Chicken -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:31be9).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_三年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Animal Friends_Lesson 10 Is It a Chicken _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:31be9)
    • 素材
      • 上课用视频和声音素材
        • 动物叫声
          • 牛.mp3
          • 牛叫.mp3
          • 牛叫声.mp3
          • 狗.mp3
          • 猪叫.mp3
          • 猫叫.wav
          • 老鼠.mp3
          • 鸟叫声.wav
          • 鸭子.mp3
        • 背景音乐
          • 一首轻快活泼的钢琴曲.wav
          • 儿童走秀音乐.mp3
          • 脚步.wav
          • 脚步声.mp3
          • 脚步声.wma
          • 节奏.mp3
        • 课文声音
          • Is it a chicken.mp3
          • Let’s do it.mp3
          • Let’s play.mp3
          • U2L100101 - 副本.wav
          • U2L100101.mp3
          • U2L100102.mp3
          • U2L100103.mp3
          • U2L100201.mp3
          • U2L100202.mp3
          • U2Lesson 10.mp3
        • Brown Bear (with lyrics) - YouTube.mp4
        • Old MacDonald Had A Farm 标清(270P).qlv
      • 图片素材
        • cow.jpg--点击预览
        • Danny.png--点击预览
        • duck.png--点击预览
        • Jennyy.jpg--点击预览
        • Mike's farm图片.jpg--点击预览
        • pig.jpg--点击预览
        • PPT背景.jpg--点击预览
        • PPT背景1.jpg--点击预览
        • PPT背景2.jpg--点击预览
        • sheep.jpg--点击预览
        • 公鸡头套.jpg--点击预览
        • 农场动物.jpg--点击预览
        • 动物.jpg--点击预览
        • 动物1.jpg--点击预览
        • 动物狗和影子.jpg--点击预览
        • 去农场图.png--点击预览
        • 奶牛.jpg--点击预览
        • 奶牛头套.jpg--点击预览
        • 小鸡头套.jpg--点击预览
        • 猪.png--点击预览
        • 猪头套.jpg--点击预览
        • 羊_副本.png--点击预览
        • 羊头套.jpg--点击预览
        • 课文人物图片.png--点击预览
        • 课文农场图.jpg--点击预览
        • 课文对话图片.png--点击预览
        • 课文活动图片.png--点击预览
        • 马.jpg--点击预览
        • 马.png--点击预览
        • 马头套.jpg--点击预览
        • 鸟.png--点击预览
        • 鸡.jpg--点击预览
      • 课前欣赏视频
        • Farm animals 标清(270P).qlv
        • Old MacDonald had a farm 高清(360P).qlv
        • ReRhythm - The Animals on the Farm 高清(480P).qlv
        • the animals on the farm 高清(480P).qlv
      • 农场动物头套.docx--点击预览
      • 动物影子图画书.docx--点击预览
      • 单词 句子板书卡片.doc--点击预览
      • 板书设计.docx--点击预览
      • 练习.docx--点击预览
    • Lesson10 Is it a chicken素材.doc--点击预览
    • Lesson10 Is it a chicken课件.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案31be9.doc--点击预览


Play a guessing game(猜动物游戏): 规则: 一学生描述或者做动作 其他学生用Is it a ?进行猜测 chicken 冀教版小学英语(一起)三年级下册 Unit2 Lesson10 Is it a chicken? Learning aims: 1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词chicken, duck, sheep. 2. 能正确地听、说、读和运用句子Is it a ?及其回答 Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its a 3. 能正确理解、朗读并拓展、表演对话。 4. 复习句型I can see 5. 知道动物是人类的朋友,爱护动物。 Old MacDonald Had A farm Enjoy a song We go to the farm, too. Lets go together! 我们也去农场。一起去吧! You must finish Task1, then you can go! 你们们必须须完成任务务1才能去农场农场 ! Task1 Look and say Its a . fish horse pig cat sheep Task1 Look and say Its a . sheepsheep fish bee pig Go, go, lets go! You must finish Task2, then you can go! 你们们必须须完成任务务2才能去农场农场! Task2 Listen and guess Is it a ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. catdogcowbird duck Go, go, lets go! You must finish Task3, then you can go! 你们们必须须完成任务务3才能去农场农场 ! Task3 Ask and answer A:Whats this/that? B: Its a Go, go, lets go! , it . Its a . Whats that? Is it a ?chicken Noisnt duck Whats that? Is it a ? , it . Its a . Make a new dialogue Whats that? Is it a ? , it . Its a . Lets chant! What is that? What is that? Is it a chicken? Is it a chicken? No, it isnt. No, it isnt. Its a duck. Its a duck. Whats that? Is it a ? , it . Its a . Lets chant! What is that? What is that? Is it a chicken? Is it a chicken? No, it isnt. No, it isnt. Its a duck. Its a duck. My animals like playing games. Can you help me get them back? 你们们能帮我找回动动物吗吗 ? A:Whats this/that? B:Is it a ? Guessing game Memory game cowdogpigduck chicken sheephorsecat 1234 8765 A: Whats this/that? Is it a ? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its a Look, my animals are back. Thank you! 我的动动物回来了。谢谢谢谢 你们们! I can see a Look and write Look and write horse cow duck chicken sheeppig Homework: 1. Copy the new words four times. (抄写新单词四遍。) 2. Draw the animals you like, and then make up a dialogue with your classmate. (画一画你喜欢的动物,和你的同桌编一段对话。 Tips: 不会的单词可以向老师和同学请教,也可 以上网查一查哦!)Unit2 Lesson10 Is it a chicken? Teaching contents: 1. What is it? 2. Is it a chicken? 3. Lets do it! Teaching aims: 1. Be able to listen, say, read and write the words: chicken, duck, sheep. 2. Be able to listen, say, recognize and use the sentence structure: Is it a? and its answers: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its a 3. Be able to read and understand the dialogue: Danny: Whats that? Is it a chicken? Jenny: No, it isnt. Its a duck. 4. Be able to make up a new dialogue and act it out. 5. Review the sentence: I can see Ability objectives 1. To develop Ss abilities of listening, reading, speaking and writing. 2. To train the Ss ability of working in groups. Moral objectives 1. To help students know animals are humans friends, so we should love them. 2. To foster Ss consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition. The main points and difficult points about this lesson is: (1) To make sure that Ss can use these key phrases correctly and skillfully. (2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3) To develop Ss interest in English Focus Points & Difficult Points : 1. Be able to listen, say, read and write the words: chicken, duck, sheep. 2. Be able to listen, say, recognize and use the sentence structure: Is it a? and its answers: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its a 3. Be able to make up a new dialogue and act it out. Teaching preparations: PPT, pictures, animal cards, word cards, exercise paper and so on. Teaching procedures: Step1. Warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Play a guessing name: 用用 Is it a? 猜测动物,并新授单词猜测动物,并新授单词 chicken. 并引题:Lesson10 Is it a chicken? (根据学生的描述或动作猜动物,复习部分前面几课的动物单词,同时吸引学生 的注意力。 T: Boys and girls, we learned some farm animals last lesson, do you still remember? Lets check it by playing a guessing game, Ok? You can describe the animals or do some actions about them. And other students, please use “Is it a?” to guess what the animal is, OK? (Show the sentence structure Is it a?, ask the students to read after me, and then put it on the blackboard.) S1 describes one animal. Other students guess: Is it a? S2 describes one animal. Other students guess: Is it a? . Teacher describes the animal “chicken”, students guess: Is it a? T: Yes/ No, its a chicken. Teach the word “chicken”. Teacher shows the picture of a chicken, ask the students “Is it a chicken? ” And show the title “Lesson10 Is it a chicken?” 设计意图:低年级的学生比较喜欢游戏,也喜欢模仿,通过模仿动物的动作、设计意图:低年级的学生比较喜欢游戏,也喜欢模仿,通过模仿动物的动作、 声音等对动物进行描述,可以快速地将他们的注意力集中到课堂,在此游戏活声音等对动物进行描述,可以快速地将他们的注意力集中到课堂,在此游戏活 动过程中激发他们主动回忆前面学过的农场动物,也为接下来的教学做好了铺动过程中激发他们主动回忆前面学过的农场动物,也为接下来的教学做好了铺 垫。垫。 Step2. Presentation and practice 1. PPT show the learning aims. T:Ok, boys and girls, we are going to learn more farm animals, please pay attention to the learning aims: 1. We can listen, read, speak and write the new words: chicken, duck, sheep. 2. We can listen, read, speak and use the sentence “Is it a ?” and its answers “Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its a ” 3. We can read and understand the dialogue, and make a new dialogue. 4. Review the sentence structure “I can see ” 5. We must know animals are our friends, we should love them. 设计意图:通过展示学习目标使学生了解本节课所要学习的主要内容。设计意图:通过展示学习目标使学生了解本节课所要学习的主要内容。 2. Enjoy a song “ Old Macdonald Had A Farm”. (复习上节课补充学习的歌曲“ Old Macdonald Had A Farm”,将学生分成 cow, horse, pig, rooster 四大组,并带着卡通动物头饰分角色再次学习、演唱,调动 学生的情绪。) T:Boys and girls, animals are our friend, so do you like animals? Last lesson, we enjoyed a song called “Old MacDonald Had A farm”, do you want to listen it again? Now, I divide you into four groups according to your cartoon animals headgears. Please sing the song in roles, OK? 设计意图:学生往往对课本外的歌曲更有兴趣,这首歌曲是前一课文中歌曲的设计意图:学生往往对课本外的歌曲更有兴趣,这首歌曲是前一课文中歌曲的 拓展延伸,将这样的歌曲引入课堂既降低了难度,活跃了课堂气氛,又激发学拓展延伸,将这样的歌曲引入课堂既降低了难度,活跃了课堂气氛,又激发学 生的学习热情,还能开启心智,深受孩子们的喜爱。生的学习热情,还能开启心智,深受孩子们的喜爱。 3. PPT show Danny and Jenny, finish three tasks. (Danny 和 Jenny 要去农场,但路上有三块大石头挡住,完成三个任务才可 以前往农场,调动学生的积极性。) 接上,PPT 播放走路声 T:Oh, who is coming? Look at the picture. Who are they? S: They are Danny and Jenny. T: Yes , and they want to visit a farm, lets go together, OK? S: OK. PPT 播放去农场图片 T: Oh, there are three stones on the road, and the first one says we must finish Task1, then we can go. So, lets go to Task1, OK? Task1: Look and say Its a . 规则: 看到单词或动物图片, 用句子 Its a 说出来,看到笑脸拍两下手。 (复习 dog, cow, bird, fish, rabbit, cat, horse, pig 等单词,新授 sheep, 给出 fish,bee,pig 帮助学生找出发音规律,从而自行读出单词 sheep.) T: Ok, we have finished Task1, lets say “Go, go, lets go.”(第一块石头让路) T: Oh, the second stone says we must finish Task2, lets go to Task2, OK? Task2: Listen and guess Is it a ? 规则: 听完五种动物的声音后再依次用句型 Is it a ?猜测分别是什么动物。 (继续复习 cat, dog, cow, bird 等单词,新授 duck,采用自然拼读进行教读) T: Ok, we have finished Task2, lets say “Go, go, lets go.”(第二块石头让路) T: Oh, the third stone says we must finish Task3, lets go to Task3, are you ready? Task3: Ask and answer A: Whats this/ that? B: Its a 规则:根据手指的远近分别用 Whats this/ that?和 Its a 进行问答操练。 (继续复习 horse, pig, duck, sheep, cow, bird, chicken 等单词, ) T: Ok, we have finished Task3, please say it with me “Go, go, lets go.”(第三块石头 让路) 设计意图:创设情境设计意图:创设情境 Danny 和和 Jenny 要去农场受阻的情境,用三个任务帮助学要去农场受阻的情境,用三个任务帮助学 生复习句型生复习句型 Its a Is it a ? Whats this/that? Its a从单词到句子再到对话,由从单词到句子再到对话,由 浅入深,层层递进,并在这些任务中教学本课的新单词,极大的激发了学生的浅入深,层层递进,并在这些任务中教学本课的新单词,极大的激发了学生的 学习兴趣并使他们主动参与到课堂活动中来,成为课堂的主人,在这些活动中学习兴趣并使他们主动参与到课堂活动中来,成为课堂的主人,在这些活动中 训练和发展学生听、说、读的技能。训练和发展学生听、说、读的技能。 4. PPT show the picture of Page24. 1). Learn the dialogue. T: Look, Danny and Jenny are on the farm now. What does they say, lets listen. (播放课文录音) T: What animals do you hear? S1: Chicken and duck. T: Good, lets listen it again, then try to fill in the blanks. (二次播放课文录音) T: Can you fill in the blanks? T: Now, lets read the dialogue after the tape, please try to imitate it. (再次播放课文录音,学生模仿跟读。 ) 2). Make up a new dialogue. T: Look at the picture, can you ask a new question? S1: Whats that? Is it a ? T: Who can answer it? S2: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its a T: Great, can you use other animals on the picture to make up a new dialogue? Please work in pairs. A: Whats that? Is it a ? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its a 3). Chant the dialogue. T: Boys and girls, you know the dialogue very well. But, can you chant it. Now, please listen to me. T 示范: T:Now, its your turn. (学生说唱) 设计意图:通过听课文、二听课文、再听课文,分别设置了不同的任务,在完设计意图:通过听课文、二听课文、再听课文,分别设置了不同的任务,在完 成这些任务的过程中帮助学生理解课文对话、操练课文对话及熟练运用对话,成这些任务的过程中帮助学生理解课文对话、操练课文对话及熟练运用对话, 着重训练学生的语言运用能力。歌谣优美的旋律不仅调节了课堂气氛,集中了着重训练学生的语言运用能力。歌谣优美的旋律不仅调节了课堂气氛,集中了 学生的注意力,更是对学生是否掌握课文对话的检测。同时,小组校对答案的学生的注意力,更是对学生是否掌握课文对话的检测。同时,小组校对答案的 活动帮助低年级学生初步培养了合作学习的意识。活动帮助低年级学生初步培养了合作学习的意识。 5. PPT show Mikes farm T: Look at the picture, the man has a farm. My friend Mike has a farm, too. Lets go to Mikes farm, Ok? Look, this is Mike. T: Oh, what happened? The animals are missing. Lets help Mike find his animals, OK? His animals like playing games. So, lets play some games, maybe theyll be back. 1). Guessing game: A:Whats this/that? B:Is it a ? 根据影子猜测动物。 2). Memory game: A: Whats this/that? Is it a ? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its a 快速记忆图上动物及其位置,然后猜测动物。 6. Review the sentence: I can see a PPT show farm animals of Mikes T: Wow, Mikes animals are back. I can see a rooster. What about you? S1: I can see a S2: I can see a T: Look, what can you see? (示小鸟图片,并贴于黑板) S1: I can see a bird. T: What else can you see on the blackboard? S1: I can see a S2: I can see a S3: I can see a T; Great, boys and girls. I think, you know the animals well, can you write them? Please take out your exercise paper, finish it, and then check your answers in group of four. Check some students answers, then check the answers together. 设计意图:语言的操练离不开真实的情境,通过创设帮助设计意图:语言的操练离不开真实的情境,通过创设帮助 Mike 找回农场动物这找回农场动物这 一情境,再次吸引了学生的注意力,特别是看影子猜物环节,学生兴趣浓厚,一情境,再次吸引了学生的注意力,特别是看影子猜物环节,学生兴趣浓厚, 情绪高涨,都愿意来猜一猜。最主要的是在这些活动中,帮助学生拓展、运用情绪高涨,都愿意来猜一猜。最主要的是在这些活动中,帮助学生拓展、运用 了所学语言知识,是对学生听、说、读、写能力的综合操练和提升。了所学语言知识,是对学生听、说、读、写能力的综合操练和提升。 Step3. Homework T: Boys and girls, you really did a good job today. Todays homework: 1. Copy the new words four times.(抄写新单词四遍。) 2. Draw the animals you like, and then make up a dialogue with your classmate. (画一画你喜欢的动物,和你的同桌编一段对话。Tips: 不会的单词可以向老 师和同学请教,也可以上网查一查哦!) T: Boys and girls, I think you are a little tired, lets enjoy another song about animals to end our class and also have a rest. If you know the song, please sing with it. PPT 播放视屏歌曲 Brown bear. 设计意图:学是为了用,生活中的学习资源无穷无尽,让教材、课堂作为窗口,设计意图:学是为了用,生活中的学习资源无穷无尽,让教材、课堂作为窗口, 以作业的形式将课堂延伸到课外,使学生体会英语学习的乐趣。以作业的形式将课堂延伸到课外,使学生体会英语学习的乐趣。 板书设计:板书设计:板书设计:练习
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