冀教版一起三下-Unit 2 Animal Friends-Lesson 12 Can I Help You -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:900e7).zip

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冀教版小学英语冀教版小学英语 (一起一起) 三年级下册三年级下册 Lesson 12 Unit 2 Warming Today Ill tell a story about a rabbit. Do you want to know what happened to the rabbit? OK, Lets begin. Presentation What is it? Its a rabbit. rabbit Presentation What is he doing? He is pulling something. pull Presentation What happened to the rabbit? He was stuck. be stuck Presentation out Presentation What is it? It is a goose. goose geese A game Do you know them be stuck pull out goose rabbit Presentation Yes, please. Can I help you? Presentation Can I help you? Yes, please. Presentation Yes, pleaseCan I help you? Work in Pairs Answer the questions according the story. 1. What happened to the rabbit? 2. Who helped the rabbit? 3. Was the rabbit out at last? Practice in groups Lets act the story together! Fill in the blanks Can I help you? __________. Fill in the blanks ___________?Yes, please. Summary 本课重点词汇:本课重点词汇: rabbit, goose, be stuck, pull等等 本课重点句型:本课重点句型: Can I help you? Yes, please. Homework After school, tell the story of the rabbit to your parents in English. The En dCanCan I I helphelp youyou? 一、 教材分析 本课故事讲述了一只兔子陷进了淤泥里,其他动物来帮忙,终于把兔子拉 出来的事情,教育学生在生活中要互相帮助。 本单元的主题是 Animals on the Farm,故事中出现的动物名称均是学生在本单元中接触到的新词汇 , 故 事中 重 复 使 用 的 What happened? Im stuck. The pulled the 等用语学生可以借助老师的表情、动作,课件的演示进行 猜测、理解。英语 课程标准一级目标要求学生能看图识字,能在指认物体的前提 下认读所学词 语, 能在图片的帮助下读懂英语小故事,因此我将本节课的教学重 点设为: 读懂故事,理解并能表演故事。 二、 学情分析 通过本单元的学习, 学生已能较熟练地认读一些常见农场动物,能介绍 它们的一 些特征。本课的动物话题是他们比较感兴趣的内容,学生会有较高 的学习热情。 三、教学目标 1.知识与技能目标 (1)通过对故事的学习,复习巩固本单元的动物词汇; (2)学生能理解故事内容,并在教师引导下讲述故事、表演故事; (3)学生能利用上下文、借助课件及肢体语言推测生词 yelled, heard, asked, said, ouch, out.的意思,培养学生初步的阅读能力。 2.情感目标 培养学生乐于助人的品德;培养学生的阅读兴趣。 3.学习策略目标 通过对故事的学习,渗透阅读策略培养,训练学生根据上下文 推测生词的能力。 四、教具和学具 1.故事材料; 2.多媒体课件及动物图片、头饰。 五、教学过程 (一)导入 1.师生互致问候,然后齐唱歌曲 Old MacDonald Had a Farm。 2.教师利用歌曲与学生进行如下对话: T: What animals did you hear in the song? (引导学生用 I S: I heard heard 回答) 3.出示谜语: It is white and small. It has four legs and a short It has two red eyes and two long ears. T: Guess. What is it? 4.继续引导学生进行如下对话: T: Its a lovely rabbit. you say something about the rabbit? S1: It is white. S2: It has fur. (二)呈现故事 1.播放卡通片,学生看故事。 学生看故事前,教师提出以下问题: How many characters are there in this story? What are they? 2. 学生看完故事后,完成 Exercise1 的练习,选出故事中出现的角色。 (三)阅读故事,完成 Exercise2。 学生开始阅读故事, 读完后分组讨论,将 Exercise2 中的八个句子按照 故事的内容重新排序。 The rabbit came out. The farmer pulled the rabbit. The horse pulled the cow. The mouse pulled the duck. tail. The cow pulled the farmer. The duck pulled the pig. The rabbit was stu
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