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1、20192020学年第二学期三年级期末试卷 听力部分(听力部分(4040 分)分) 一、Listen and number. 听音,排序(10 分) 二、Listen and choose. 听音,选出你所听到的字母组合或单词(10 分) ()1. A. cbdB. ctd()2.4. A. pupilB. pear ()3.A. nineB. fine()4.A. smallB. tall ()5.A. where B. what 三、 Listen and choose the right answer. 听音, 选出正确的句子 (10 分) ()1. A. Where is my pen

2、cil? B. Where is my pencil box? ()2. A. He is from the USA. B. She is from the UK. ()3. A. The elephant has a long nose.B. The monkey has a long tail. ()4. A. Im John. This is my friend Mike. B. This is my friend Wu Yifan. ()5. A Look at the ostrich. 四、Listen and choose the right answer. 听录音,选出正确的答句

3、(10 分) ()1. A. Im OK.B. Im 14. B. Look!The ostrich is nice. ()2. A. Good night.B. Good morning. ()3. A. Hes my brother. ()4. A. Yes,I do. ()5. A. I have 16. B. Shes my sister. B. Yes,I am. B. Me, neither. 笔试部分(笔试部分(6060 分)分) 五、Write the right letters. 把下列字母相应的小写字母写在四线格上 (10 分) 1. V2. T3. Q4. F5. L 六

4、、Read and choose. 选出不同类单词(10 分) ()1. A. boyB. fatherC. grandma B. ShaoxingC. China C. tail ()2. A. Canada ()3. A. bearB. dog ()4. A. grapeB. fruitC. pear ()5. A. underB. onC. where 七、Read and match. 选择合适的答句(10 分) ()1. Where is my car?A. Yes, I do. B. Yes. Here you are. C. Its on the desk. D. Im from

5、 Canada. E. Im nine. ()2. Do you like oranges? ()3. Can I have a pear? ()4. How old are you? ()5. Where are you from? 八、Read and choose. 单项选择,选出正确的选项(10 分) ()1. Can I have _ green apple? Here you are. A. anB. aC. the ()2. Do you like bananas? _. A. No, I doB. Yes, please C. No, I dont ()3. Whos that

6、 woman? _ is my mother. A. He B. ItC. She ()4. Look at the elephant!_ so big. A. ThisB. ItC. Its ()5. I _ big eyes and a small nose. A. haveB. has C. is ()6. Is he your father? _ . A. Yes, she is B. No, she isntC. Yes, he is ()7. This_ my friend, Ann. She_ from America. A. is; amB. is; isC. am; am (

7、)8. 当对方不喜欢吃苹果,你也不喜欢时,你可以说: A. Me too.B. Me, neither. ()9. 当你想知道对方来自哪里,你应该说: A. Where are you from? B. Im from Ningbo. ()10. 当你想吃一个桃子,你可以说: A. Can I have a peach, please? B. Is this a pear? 九、Read and write. 阅读理解(10 分) A. eighteenB. fifteenC. twentyD. twelveE. elevenF. sixteen 十、阅读,选择正确答案(10 分) Read

8、and tick or cross. 判断对错,对的打“” ,错的打“” (10 分) ()1. The kite is on the desk. ()2. I see ten books. They are in the desk. ()3. The grapes are under the desk. ()4. The ball is under the desk. ()5. The watermelon is on the desk. 参考答案 期末试卷 听力材料 一、听音,排序 1. Im from Australia. 2. It has a big head and a long

9、tail. 3. Hes my grandfather. 4. Look at the giraffe. Its so tall. 5. I like watermelons. 二、听音,选出你所听到的字母组合或单词 1.cbd2. pupil3.fine4. she5.what 三、听音,选出正确的句子 1. Where is my pencil? 2. She is from the UK. 3. The elephant has a long nose. 4. This is my friend Wu Yifan. 5. Look!The ostrich is nice. 四、听录音,选

10、出正确的答句 1. How are you? 2. Good morning. 3. Whos that boy? 4. Do you like pears? 5. I dont like bananas. 笔试部分 五、1. v2. t3. q4. f5. l 六、15. ABDBC 七、15. CABED 八、1. B(解析:green apple 不是元音音素开头的,不用an,由句意推断想要一个绿苹果, 故选 B)2. C(解析:Do you 引导的一般疑问句,回答“Yes, I do.”或“No, I dont.” , 故选 C)3. C(解析:由问句中的woman 及答句中的 mot

11、her 推断人称用 she 她,故选 C) 4. C(解析:由句意推断它(大象)个头很大“Its so big.” ,故选 C)5. A(解析:由句 意推断,我有一双大眼睛和一个小小的鼻子, “我”是第一人称,动词“有”用原形have, 故选 A)6. C(解析:Is he 引导的一般疑问句,回答“Yes, he is.”或“No, he isnt.” ,故 选 C)7. B(解析:this 这个,she 她都是单数名词,be 动词用 is,故选B)8. B(解析: 表示“我也不”时说“Me, neither.” ,故选B)9. A(解析: “Where are you from?”意 为“你来自哪里?” ,故选 A)10. A(解析: “Can I have a peach, please? ”意为“我能吃 一个桃子吗?” ,故选 A) 九 CDABE 十


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