新人教版七年级下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas(Section A 1a-2c )教学设计.docx

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1、【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 共 1 课时 Section A 初中英语 人教 2011 课标版评论( 0) 1 教学目标 1. knowledge objective 2. 1).to enable students to use the following curriculum words correctly:panda,zoo,tiger,elephant,lion,giraffe,animal,cute,lazy,smart,beautiful panda,zoo,tiger,elephant,lion,giraffe,animal,cute,lazy,smart,beautiful 2

2、). to enable students to recognize and read the following words: koala, scary: koala, scary 3). Master and use the sentences: Let s see the lions first. Wh-questions and answers: A: Why do you like pandas? B: Because they re kind of interesting. A: Where are lions from? B: They re from South Africa.

3、 2. Ability objects a. to develop students ability of listening and speaking; b. to train the students ability of working in groups; 3. Strategies objects 1)memorize the words by classifying, according to the meaning, nature and feature 2)Learn to build mind map 3)Collect the information and materia

4、l in different ways. 4. Moral objects a. to foster students consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition; b. lead students to make friends with animals and protect animals.评论( 0) 2 重点难点 1. Key points a The vocabulary b Express preferences and give reasons 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 2. Difficult Point

5、s Use the language to express preferences and give reasonsThe pronunciation and spelling of some words, such as koala, giraffe 评论( 0) 3 教学方法 1. Aim at teaching aims and demands, according to cognitive rules, I ll use the following methods. 1).situational teaching method: I ll use whiteboard and pict

6、ures to create a situation, teach students in a mock context to raise students English pragmatic ability. 2).Task-based teaching method: design the tasks which are close to the reality of the students, organize students to take an active part in activities, make them learn and use English by finishi

7、ng tasks. That is “ Learning by doing, learning by using” . 3).Interesting teaching method: to use songs, games, competitions etc to inspire students learning interest, motivate their enthusiasm and active the classroom atmosphere. 4). Communicative teaching method: use English to communicate by pai

8、r work and group work. 5).To make good use of flash cards and pictures, teaching words by classifying part of speech. 2. Teaching Aids A tape recorder, the multimedia and whiteboard4 教学过程 4.1 第一学时教学活动评论( 0)活动 1【导入】 Step one: Warming up I will play a song “ Old Macdonald had a farm” , and lead the st

9、udents to dance to the song, and answer the questions. 1. What can you see in the video?评论( 0)活动 2【活动】 Step Two: presentation 1. Question:Where can we see more animals? get the students to answer “ zoo” . So tell students ,” We ll go to the zoo today. The purpose is to lead new knowledge through old

10、 knowledge, and create the language situation. 2. Play a video about going to the zoo. 3. Show some pictures on the white board, guide the students to say the names of the animals. Write the words on the blackboard, such as, tiger, koala, panda . The purpose is to help the students to build a mind m

11、ap.评论( 0)活动 3【练习】 Step Three: Practice 1. A guessing game. Play the sound of animals, and make students guess “ What is it?” Divide students into groups and have a competition. The purpose is to stimulate students senses by 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 sound and pictures and make them learn and consolidate new wor

12、ds in games. 2. Do 1a on the book, match the words with the animals. The purpose is to catch students attention to practice the new words . 3.listening practice ( 1) . Listen for the first time: 1).Guide the students to read the requirement of listening. 2).Give the task before listening. Question:

13、What animals do they talk about? 3).Listen and check the answer. ( 2) . Listen for the second time: listen and answer the questions. 1).What are the girl s favorite animals? Why? 2).Does the boy like giraffes? Why? 3).Why does the girl like koalas? 4. Listen and repeat to learn New sentences.评论( 0)活

14、动 4【活动】 Step four: Presentation. Talk about animals I like and I don t like , give reasons. To teach description words in this way.评论( 0)活动 5【练习】 Step Five: Practice by debating Talk about animals I like and I don t like , give reasons.评论( 0)活动 6【活动】 Step six: Show a map of the zoo. Make the student

15、s to work in groups to discuss the animals they want to visit. A: Let s the pandas. B: Why do you want to see them? A: Because they re interesting. The purpose is to use the language in the real language situation.评论( 0)活动 7【练习】 Step seven: conclusion Review the new words by mind map. 2. Review the

16、sentences: 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 A: Let s see the lions first. A: Why do you like pandas? B: Because they re kind of interesting. A: Where are lions from? B: They re from South Africa. 3.show moral learning.评论( 0)活动 8【作 业】 Step eight: Homework 1.Copy each new word three times and write from memory. 2.read the text after the tape for 10 minutes. 3.Write down the conversation you made in pairs. U 盘、电脑坏了?教学资料不见了? 以前的资料没保存?每一届重复劳动? 找不到精品课件、试题、教案反思? 各大文库价格昂贵? 来【 163 文库】吧,你可以: 上传分享资料赚取零用钱; 上传资料,永久保存,方便下届使用; 百万教学资源供你下载; 创建你的教学空间,分类收藏存储资料; 【平台地址: 】


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